
The contents of this book have been accumulated over a period of years. Much of this technical information was generously supplied by patient engineers who were willing to take the time to share their field with one who was less knowledgeable.

Among them were the engineering staff at the TV studio of California State University, Chico, who, in my student days, were always willing to answer the technical questions that weren't covered in class. The man who designed and supervised the building and upgrade of our studio at Cuesta College, Darrell Wenhardt, of CBT Systems in San Diego, always found the time to discuss and explain emerging technologies, even years after his contractual obligations to the school had ended. Finally, I've been fortunate with regard to the maintenance engineers I've known at Cuesta College. Ken James, Jan Schaafsma, and currently Bill Bordeaux spent many hours of discussion helping me to expand my knowledge of this field.

I owe a special thanks to two people in particular. Professor Donald R. Mott of Butler University carefully read the first edition manuscript, and his detailed comments contributed greatly, making that edition a better book. I hope that this edition follows in the footsteps he helped direct. Darrell Wenhardt of CBT Systems has come through with many appreciated comments and suggestions for every edition of this book. Darrell keeps me on my toes, and his friendly prodding pushes me to stay current.

Five others have made strong contributions to this edition. Ian Bolt, University of Leeds; Brendan Casey, SUNY, Plattsburgh; Milton Chen, Stanford University; Michael Ogden, Central Washington University; and Christine White, Loughborough University, have reviewed various stages of the manuscript and have made many useful suggestions.

A special thanks goes to the people at Focal Press. When I started the first edition of this book, I had no idea how much edit1ors, production people, and others added to the finished product; I thought it was the author who made the book. I know better now. The questioning, prodding, suggesting, refining, editing, and support by Christine Tridente and Elinor Actipis have made this a much better work than the one I originally created.

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