
µ (micro), 12

Ω (ohms), 6

5.1 standard, 162

720 p format, 156

1080 i standard, 156


A (amps), 6

abbreviations, 1213

AC (alternating current), 4, 8

additive colors, 30

algorithms, 136

alternating current (AC), 4

amperes, 6

amplifiers, digital distribution, 148

amps (A), 6


components, 166

digital information changing back to, 100101

switch to digital, 2829, 14849

analog mixers, 168

analog sync, 1023

flow diagrams, 5859

generators, 4849

generator signals, 5053

analog-to-digital converter, 28

analog transducer, 168

analog video recording, 8687

analog videotape

editing, 11213

recording technology, 8485

assemble edits, 118

A to D conversion, 28

atoms and electricity, 23

ATSC high-definition broadcast

standard, 15657


editing on computers, 17273

professional and consumer, 16465

surround sound, 16263

for video, 86, 16061, 17071

audio components, 16667

audio compression, 170

audio-follows-video switchers, 66

audio systems, 164, 16869


back porch, 20

balanced audio systems, 164

bandwidth, 16

requirements for recording audio and video, 8687

RGB use of, 7879

basic circuits, 45

binary numbering system, 26

bits, 26

black and white, 30, 36

black balance, 34

black burst, 58

black reference, 50

blanking, 1819

blanking pulses, 50

blue minus luminance (B-Y), 78

board, see mixers

broadcast HDTV standards, 154

broadcasting, 154

broadcasting-quality tapes, 12425

broadcast-quality requirements, 22

buses, 68

B-Y (blue minus luminance), 78

bytes, 26


camera control unit (CCU), 60


CCDs in, 2223

flow diagrams, 6063

seeing light differently, 3233

capstan lock, 88

capstan servo, 90

cathode ray tube (CRT), 1415

color, 4243

converting video signal into visual images, 1617

CCDs (charge-coupled devices), 2223

CCU (camera control unit), 60

CGI (computer-generated imagery), 146

CGs (character generators), 14445

channels, allowing more, 15859

character generators (CGs), 14445

charge-coupled devices (CCDs), 2223

chroma (color) signal, 40

chroma keys, 7475

chroma key tracking, 80

circuits, basic, 45

clocks, horizontal sync as, 98

CODECs, 3839

CODe/DECode, 3839

color bar display, 54

color black reference, 50

color burst, 50

color CRTs, 4243

color difference component video, 7879


additive, 30

vs. black and white, 30

black and white changing to, 36

complementary, 30

in home video cameras, 40

subtractive, 30

systems, 32

in video cameras, 40

color signals, monitoring, 5455

color sync, 50

common electrode, 44

complementary colors, 30

component switcher, 64

component video, 7677

composite encoding, 4041

composite signal, 4041

composite video, 52, 7677

compression, 80, 13435

MPEG compression standard, 14041

spatial, 13637

temporal, 13839

computer-generated imagery (CGI), 146

computer graphics, 14243


computer-generated imagery (CGI), 146

dealing with one of two values, 2627

editing by, 12829, 17273

editing with, 12831

function of, 24

graphics, 14243

technology for better pictures, 2425

console, 168

consumer audio, 16465

consumer equipment, 166

consumer video, 164

control track counter editing system, 12223

control tracks, 88

convergence, 42

CRT (cathode ray tube), 1415

color, 4243

converting video signal into visual images, 1617

cueing up the tape, 114

current, measuring, 6

cuts, 70

cutting, 112


data electrode, 44

DAT (digital audiotape) recorder, 170

DAW (digital audio workstation), 17273

dB (decibel) scale, 10

DC (direct current), 4

decibel (dB) scale, 10

dedicated equipment, 15051

desktop video, 15051

device, 44

digital, 2429

digital audio system

and analog components, 166

sound recorders for, 170

digital audiotape (DAT) recorder, 170

digital audio workstation (DAW), 17273

digital distribution amplifiers, 148

digital encoding ratios, 3637

digital equipment, talking to each other, 3839

digital information, changing back to analog, 100101

digital interpolation, 8283

digital microphones, 168

digital mixers, 168

digital responses, 36

digital special effects, 8081

digital studio, 14849

digital switcher, 64

digital technology

solving video problems, 2829

special effects with, 8081

digital-to-analog, 28

digital to analog converter, 100

digital video, 24, 170

digital video effects (DVE), 80, 146

digital video servers, 1089

digital videotape recorders, 1067

direct current (DC), 4

disc-based recorders, 108

dissolve, 70

distribution amplifier, 58

drive pulses, 50

drop frame mode, 128

D to A conversion, 28, 100

dubbing, 112

DVE (digital video effects), 80, 146

DV video, 106

dynamic tracking head, 104


edit decision list (EDL), 116, 124


analog videotape, 11213

by computer, 12829

control track counter editing system, 12223

drop frame and non-drop frame, 128

manual method, 12021

off-line and on-line editing, 12627

problems with traditional, 13031

process, 11417

SMPTE time code editing, 12425

sound on computers, 17273

types of, 11819

edit points, 114

EDL (edit decision list), 116, 124


creating, 14243, 14647

digital effects on analog, 14849

digital special effects, 8081

effects keys, 7275

electrical circuits, disruptions in, 1011

electrical paths, 5859


and atoms, 23

measuring, 67

electron beam, 1819


flow of through metals, 2

scanning movement of, 2021

encoding, 4041

entropy encoding, 136

entropy reduction, 136


dedicated vs. open architecture, 15053

digital equipment talking to each other, 3839

high-impedance and low-impedance, 164

professional and consumer, 16667

eyes, how sees light, 3235


fade-in and fade-out, 70

field conditions, 9495

fields (induction) and noise, 1011

filters, 3435

flat screens, 44, 4647

flips, 80

flow diagrams

camera flow diagrams, 6063

production switcher, 6869

sync flow diagrams, 5859, 6263

formulas, mathematical, 67

frame lock, 90

frames, compression between, 13839

frame synchronizers, 102, 1045

freeze frames, 1045

frequency, measuring, 8

front porch, 20


giga (G), 12

graphics, 14243

gyroscopic time base error, 94


HDTV (high-definition TV), 15455

helical video recording, 86

hertz (Hz), 8

high-definition TV (HDTV), 15455

high-impedance equipment, 164

high-level signal, 166

home video cameras, 40

horizontal blanking, 18

horizontal lock, 90

horizontal sync, 20, 98

Hz (hertz), 8


imagery, creating, 14647

images, visual, 1617

impedance, 8, 164

induction (fields) and noise, 1011

information, squeezing into smaller space, 13435

insert edits, 118

interface, between people and machines, 142

interlace scanning, 14, 1617

interpolation, 8283

IRE units, 20


keys, 7273

key signal, 72

key source, 72

kilo (K), 12

K (kilo), 12


LCD screens, 4647

letters, creating by computer, 14445

light, 3235

linear editing, 130

linear key, 72

line-level signal, 166

liquid crystal display, 46

lockup, 8891

loudspeakers, 16869

low-impedance equipment, 164

luminance, 20, 40

luminance keys, 7273


manipulation, 82

manual editing, 12021

master program bus (PGM), 68

mathematical symbols and formulas, 67

matte key, 72

measurement, units of, 12

metals, flow of electrons through, 2

micro (µ), 12

microphones, 166, 12

mixers, 12

m (milli), 12

monaural, 160

mono sound, 160

MPEG (Moving Pictures Experts Group) compression standard, 14041


nano (n), 12

National Television System Committee (NTSC), 16

n (nano), 12

noise, 10

noncomposite video, 52

non-drop frame mode, 128

nonlinear editing, 13233

nonlinear key, 72

nonsynchronous sources, 102

NTSC (National Television System Committee), 16

numbering system, binary, 26

numbers, creating by computer, 14445


off-line editing, 12627

ohms (Ω), 6

on-air switcher, 66

on-line editing, 12627

open architecture equipment

vs. dedicated equipment, 15051

drawbacks of, 15253

out-of-phase cameras, 62


PAL (Phase Alternate Lines), 5657

pedestal, 20

PGM (master program bus), 68

Phase Alternate Lines (PAL), 5657

phosphors, 42

photosensitive elements, 22

picture elements (pixels), 22


adding sound to, 16061

combining with sync, 5253

encoding information to produce better, 3637

needing information, 5051

pixels (picture elements), 22

plasma display screen, 4445

playback, field conditions making difficult, 9495

power, measuring, 6

prerolling the VTRs, 114

preset (PST) bus, 68

preview (PVW) output, 68

proc amp, 100

production, 154

production switcher flow diagram, 6869

professional audio, 166

program (PGM) output, 68

progressive scanning, 14, 16

PST (preset) bus, 68

pushes, 80

PVW (preview) output, 68


quantizing, 28



digital videotape recorders, 1067

disc-based recorders, 108

replacement of tape-based, 11011

sound for video, 17071

storage of video images, 8485

recording head, 84

red minus luminance (R-Y), 78

redundancy, 136

reference signal, 58

resistance, measuring, 6

retrace, 20

RGB, use of bandwidth, 7879

rotating cubes, 80

routing switcher, 66

R-Y (red minus luminance), 78


sampling, 28

scan electrode, 44

SDTV (standard definition digital television), 156, 15859

self-fill key, 72

signals, combining, 6263

signal-to-noise ratio, 10

slow motion, 1045

SMPTE time code

editing, 12425, 12829

problems with, 13031

sound recorders, 17071

sound tracks, 88

source camera, 74

sources, problems with, 1023

spatial compression, 13637

special effects

digital, 8081

switchers, 64

spheres, 80

splicing, 112

split screens, 70

S system, 76

standard definition digital television (SDTV), 156, 15859

stereophonic, 160

stereo systems, 160

strong signal, 166

subtractive colors, 30

subwoofer, 162

surround sound, 16263

switcher buses, 68

switcher outputs, 68

switchers, 64

applications, 6667

flow diagrams for, 66

production, 66, 6869

transitions and special effects, 7071

symbols, mathematical, 67

sync, 20

combining with pictures, 5253

combining with video, 52

generators, 4849

problems with sources when out of, 1023

pulses, 20, 50

sync flow diagrams, 6263


tape-based recorders, replacement of, 11011

tape editing, 12627

tape transport system, 92

TBCs (time base correctors), 9899, 100101, 1045

television, high-definition, 15455

television picture tube, 1415

temporal compression, 13839

time base correctors (TBCs), 9899, 100101, 1045

time base error, 9293

correction, 9697

external causes of, 9495

fixing, 9697

tracks, 8891

transitions, switcher, 7071

transparent key, 72


unbalanced audio, 164

units of measurement, 4, 67


VDA (video distribution amplifier), 60

vector display, 54

vectorscope, 5455

vertical blanking, 18

vertical interval, 18

vertical interval switcher, 64

vertical lock, 90


audio for, 16061

combining with sync, 52

compression, 13435

computer graphics for, 14243

consumer video, 164

CRTs converting color signals to video images, 4243

displays, 4445

drawing and painting on, 14647

frames, 13637

giving structure to edit, 12021

holes, 7475

images, 8485

making stable, 9899

production, 104

recording, 8687

servers, 108

signals, 1617

solving problems of, 2829

sound recorders for, 17071

switchers allowing to choose video sources, 6465

video cameras, color in, 40

video distribution amplifier (VDA), 60

video proc amp, 100

video signal paths, 6061


editing analog, 11213

recording analog technology, 8485

recording more than pictures, 8889

videotape machines, replacement of, 1089

videotape recorders, 108

visual images, converting video signals into, 1617

voltage, 6

volts (V), 6

VTRs, 104

lockup, 88, 9091

playing back, 9293

V (volts), 6


watts (W), 6

waveform display, 2021

white balance, 34

white peak, 20

wide-screen format, 154

window of correction, 100

wipes, 70


Y channel, 78

Y/C system, 76

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