Open architecture equipment is not perfect.

Drawbacks of Open Architecture Equipment

Open architecture equipment is definitely here to stay, but this type of equipment does have some drawbacks. Because you have one piece of equipment doing many jobs, you have to plan out what you want to do carefully in advance. Open architecture equipment is slower to operate than dedicated equipment. For example, to change cameras on a video switcher you simply have to press a button. With open architecture equipment, you have to enter the instructions through the computer keyboard or with a computer mouse. As a result, dedicated equipment operates more quickly, and the operator can change his or her mind and be more spontaneous with the equipment. The final problem with open architecture equipment is that it operates on computers. And computers, as we all know, can crash at any time for unknown reasons. In post-production, you have the time to deal with a crashed computer, but if you're doing the Super Bowl live and a team is driving for the winning touchdown with only seconds left, you can't afford to have the whole system crash. Open architecture has pretty well taken over in the post-production world, but dedicated equipment will have to be used for the foreseeable future for the production of live broadcasts, such as sports and news.

As for the prospect of desktop video, it is a reality. With the introduction of low-cost consumer digital cameras and nonlinear editing programs for under $1000, a person could set up a system for under $5000, and $10,000 will get you a very good-quality system. Many see this as a wonderful development that will allow almost anyone to produce their own shows and have their voices heard. There are some flaws in this theory, however. Just because you have the technology to put together a program doesn't mean you have the skills and experience to tell your story effectively. People have watched thousands of hours of well-produced TV. They have certain expectations in storytelling and production values. If you can't reach a certain level of expertise in telling your story with a professional look and sound, people may not watch. If you put a show together and no one watches, what's the point?



1.  Open architecture equipment can crash when you need it most.

2.  Open architecture equipment is slower to operate than dedicated equipment making it seem like you need more hands to get the job done.

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