Electrons create the flow of electricity

The Atom and Electricity

In order to understand the technical aspects of television systems and equipment, it is important to know some basic theories, terms, and abbreviations in the field of electricity and electronics.

The Parts of the Atom

The first thing to do is get a basic understanding of how electricity works. If you think back to your high school science classes, you'll recall that an atom is made up of three parts. The neutron is in the center or nucleus of the atom and has no electrical charge. Protons, also in the nucleus of the atom, have a positive charge ( + ). Like the planets circling the sun in the solar system, electrons circle the nucleus and have a negative charge (–). Since, for most elements, there are the same number of protons and electrons, the atom as a whole has no electrical charge.

The Flow of Electrons through Metals

In some elements, usually the elements that we call metals, electrons can be very easily dislodged from their orbits. When they are knocked out of their orbits, they are attracted to other atoms and knock these atoms’ electrons from their orbits. This flow of electrons is electricity. Of course, the atoms that have lost electrons now have an overall positive charge and tend to attract the loose electrons.



1.  The parts of the atom.

2.  The flow of electrons.

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