• C format specifier 131

  • C format specifier (for currency) 130

  • C programming language 18

  • C# 6 273

    • Add extension method support in collection initializers 861

    • exception filter 537

    • expression-bodied method 273

    • expression-bodied property 274

    • getter-only auto-implemented properties 316

    • getter-only auto-implemented property 411, 418

    • index initializer 861

    • nameof operator 405

    • null-conditional operator (?[]) 860

    • string interpolation 80, 81

    • using static 848

  • C# Coding Conventions 311

  • .cs file name extension 70

  • C# keywords 70

  • C# programming language 15

  • Calculating Sales exercise 234

  • Calculating the Value of π exercise 234

  • Calculating values to be placed into the elements of an array 305

  • Calculator GUI exercise 62

  • Calendar and Appointments GUI exercise 61

  • CalendarForeColor property of class DateTimePicker 609

  • CalendarMonthBackground property of class DateTimePicker 609

  • callback method 945

  • calling method (caller) 112, 240

  • CancelButton property of class Form 548

  • CancelPendingRequests method of class HttpClient 961

  • Capacity property of class List<T> 382

  • Capacity property of class StringBuilder 683

  • carbon footprint calculator 31

  • Card class represents a playing card 317

  • card shuffling

    • Fisher-Yates 319

  • Card shuffling and dealing

    • application 320

  • carriage return 80

  • Cascade value of enumeration MdiLayout 646

  • cascaded method calls 427

  • cascaded window 646

  • case sensitive 69

  • cast expression 104

  • catch all exception types 515

  • catch an exception 512

  • catch block 315. 514

    • general catch clause 515

    • when clause (C# 6) 537

    • with no exception type 515

    • with no identifier 514

  • catch-related errors 518

  • Categorized icon 45

  • Ceiling method of Math 241

  • Celsius

    • equivalent of a Fahrenheit temperature 294

  • central processing unit (CPU) 7

  • Char struct 668

    • CompareTo method 692

    • IsDigit method 691

    • IsLetter method 691

    • IsLetterOrDigit method 692

    • IsLower method 692

    • IsPunctuation method 692

    • IsSymbol method 692

    • IsUpper method 692

    • IsWhiteSpace method 692

    • static character-testing methods and case-conversion methods 690

    • ToLower method 692

    • ToUpper method 692

  • Character struct 773

  • CheckBox class 63, 546, 566

    • Appearance property 566

    • Checked property 566

    • CheckedChanged event 566

    • CheckState property 566

    • properties and events 566

    • Text property 566

    • ThreeState property 566

  • CheckBoxes property

    • of class ListView 633

    • of class TreeView 628

  • Checked property

    • of class CheckBox 566

    • of class RadioButton 569

    • of class ToolStripMenuItem 602, 607

    • of class TreeNode 628

  • CheckedChanged event

    • of class CheckBox 566

    • of class RadioButton 570

  • CheckedIndices property of class CheckedListBox 621

  • CheckedItems property of class CheckedListBox 621

  • CheckedListBox class 598, 616, 620

    • CheckedIndices property 621

    • CheckedItems property 621

    • GetItemChecked method 621

    • properties and events 621

    • SelectionMode property 621

  • CheckOnClick property of class ToolStripMenuItem 602

  • CheckState property of class CheckBox 566

  • child window 643

  • Choose Items… option in Visual Studio 659

  • Choosing Iteration Statements exercise 184

  • Chromecast 4

  • chromeless window 22

  • Circle Area exercise 294

  • circular, doubly linked list 787

  • circular, singly linked list 787

  • circumference 103

  • Cisco 2

  • class average 157

  • class cannot extend a sealed class 492

  • class constraint 824

  • class variable 242

  • Class View (Visual Studio .NET) 418

  • “class-wide” information 414

  • Clear method of class Array 850

  • Clear method of class Dictionary 735

  • Clear method of class Graphics 626

  • Clear method of class List<T> 382

  • Clear method of class ObjectCollection 620

  • ClearSelected method of class ListBox 617

  • Click event of class Button 561

  • Click event of class PictureBox 575

  • Click event of class ToolStripMenuItem 601, 602

  • Clicks property of class MouseEventArgs 581

  • client code 471

  • client of a class 114

  • ClipRectangle property of class PaintEventArgs 656, 657

  • cloning objects

    • shallow copy 462

  • close a project 39

  • close a window 549

  • close box 56

  • Close method of class Form 548

  • closed tour (Knight’s Tour) 361

  • cloud computing 3

  • CLR (Common Language Runtime) 20, 519, 533

  • COBOL (COmmon Business Oriented Language) 18

  • code maintenance 132

  • code snippets 262

  • Coding Conventions (C#) 311

  • coding requirements 311

  • coin tossing 253

  • Coin Tossing exercise 295

  • collapse a tree 43

  • Collapse method of class TreeNode 629

  • collapse node 628

  • collection class 842

  • collection initializer 861

    • Add extension method (C# 6) 861

  • collection initializers 388

  • Color structure 583

  • column in a database table 895, 896

  • column index 334

  • columns of a two-dimensional array 329

  • Combining Control Statements exercise 184

  • ComboBox class 546, 598, 623

    • DropDownStyle property 623, 624

    • Items property 624

    • MaxDropDownItems property 623

    • SelectedIndex property 624

    • SelectedIndexChanged event 624

    • SelectedIndexChanged event handler 918

    • SelectedItem property 624

    • Sorted property 624

  • ComboBox demonstration 623

  • ComboBox properties and an event 624

  • ComboBox used to draw a selected shape 624

  • ComboBoxStyle enumeration 623

    • DropDown value 623

    • DropDownList value 623

    • Simple value 623

  • comma-separated list 200

    • of parameters 245

    • of arguments 113

  • comment 67

  • CommissionEmployee class 441, 456

    • extends Employee 484

  • Common Language Runtime (CLR) 20, 519, 533

  • Common Programming Errors overview xxxii

  • CompareTo method of interface IComparable 501, 692, 803, 822

  • comparison operator 90, 501

  • compartment in a UML class diagram 115

  • compilation error 67

  • compile 72

  • compile into a class library 702

  • compile-time error 67

  • compiler error 67

  • compile-time type safety 816

  • ComplexNumber class 421

  • composite key 895

  • composite primary key 898

  • Compound Interest Program exercise 233, 234

  • compound-interest calculating with for 200

  • computer-assisted instruction (CAI) exercise 298

    • Reducing Student Fatigue 298

  • computer program 5, 27

  • computer programmer 5

  • computer simulator 365

  • computer simulator exercise 365

  • Computerization of Health Records 141

  • computers in education 298

  • Concat method of class string 680

  • concatenate strings 415

  • concrete class 475

  • concrete derived class 480

  • concurrent operations 943

  • conditional AND (&&) operator 216, 217, 380

    • truth table 216

  • conditional expression 152

  • conditional operator, ?: 152, 176

  • confusing the equality operator == with the assignment operator = 90

  • connect to a database 901, 903

  • Console class 701

  • Console.WriteLine method 72, 78

  • constant integral expression 205, 210

  • constant run time 746

  • constant string expression 205

  • Constants

    • Nan of structure Double 511, 533

    • NegativeInfinity of structure Double 511

    • PositiveInfinity of structure Double 511

  • constituent controls 656

  • constrained version of a linked list 788

  • constructor 123

    • multiple parameters 126

  • constructor constraint (new()) 824

  • constructor header 124

  • constructor initializer 405, 452

    • with keyword base 452

  • constructors cannot specify a return type 124

  • container control in a GUI 557

  • Contains method of class List<T> 382, 385

  • ContainsKey method of class Dictionary 735

  • ContainsKey method of SortedDictionary<K,V> 855

  • context-sensitive help 46

  • contextual keyword 121

  • contextual keywords 69, 70

  • continue keyword 213

  • continue statement 213, 214, 235

    • terminating an iteration of a for statement 215

  • contravariance 880

  • control boundary 657

  • Control class 556, 656

    • Anchor property 559

    • BackColor property 557

    • BackgroundImage property 557

    • Dock property 559

    • Enabled property 557

    • Focused property 557

    • Font property 557

    • ForeColor property 557

    • Hide method 557

    • Location property 559

    • MaximumSize property 559

    • MinimumSize property 559

    • MouseDown event 581

    • MouseEnter event 581

    • MouseHover event 581

    • MouseLeave event 581

    • MouseMove event 581

    • MouseUp event 581

    • MouseWheel event 581

    • OnPaint method 656

    • Padding property 559

    • Select method 557

    • Show method 557

    • Size property 559

    • TabIndex property 557

    • TabStop property 557

    • Text property 557

    • Visible property 557

  • control layout and properties 556

  • Control property of class KeyEventArgs 584, 586

  • Controls property of class GroupBox 563, 564

  • Controls property of class Panel 563

  • converge on a base case 274

  • convert an integral value to a floating-point value 250

  • Converting Grade Averages to a Four-Point Scale exercise 295

  • Cooking with Healthier Ingredients exercise 697

  • Copy method of class Array 849

  • Copy method of class File 727

  • copying objects

    • shallow copy 462

  • CopyTo method of class string 671

  • Cos method of Math 241

  • Count extension method of interface IEnumerable<T> 380

  • Count method (LINQ) 735

  • Count property

    • of SortedDictionary<K,V> 855

  • Count property of class List<T> 382

  • counter-controlled iteration 157, 165, 168, 169, 193, 195, 365

    • with the for iteration statement 195

    • with the while iteration statement 194

  • counting loop 194

  • covariant

  • CPU (central processing unit) 7

  • create a reusable class 652

  • create an object (instance) of a class 108, 109

  • Create method of class File 727

  • CreateDirectory method of class Directory 728

  • CreateText method of class File 727

  • creating a child Form to be added to an MDI Form 644

  • creating a generic method 832

  • creating and initializing an array 303

  • credit inquiry 715

  • Credit Limit Calculator exercise 186

  • credit limit on a charge account 186

  • .cs file name extension 43, 111

  • .csproj file extension 54

  • Current property of IEnumerator 849

  • current time 658

  • CurrentValue property of class ItemCheckEventArgs 621

  • Custom palette 50

  • Custom tab 50

  • Custom value of enumeration DateTimePickerFormat 609

  • CustomFormat property of class DateTimePicker 609

  • customize a Form 44

  • customize Visual Studio IDE 39

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