4.6 Account Class with a Property Rather Than Set and Get Methods

Our first Account class contained a private instance variable name and public methods SetName and GetName that enabled a client to assign to and retrieve from an Account’s name, respectively. C# provides a more elegant solution—called properties—to accomplish the same tasks. A property encapsulates a set accessor for storing a value into a variable and a get accessor for getting the value of a variable.3 In this section, we’ll revisit the AccountTest class to demonstrate how to interact with an Account object containing a public Name property, then we’ll present the updated Account class and take a detailed look at properties.

4.6.1 Class AccountTest Using Account’s Name Property

Figure 4.5 shows the updated AccountTest class that uses class Account’s Name property (declared in Fig. 4.6) to get and set an Account’s name instance variable. This app produces the same output as the one in Fig. 4.1, assuming the user once again enters Jane Green when prompted to enter a name.

Fig. 4.5 Creating and manipulating an Account object with properties.

Alternate View

  1   // Fig. 4.5: AccountTest.cs
  2   // Creating and manipulating an Account object with properties.
  3   using System;
  5   class AccountTest
  6   {
  7      static void Main()
  8      {
  9         // create an Account object and assign it to myAccount
 10         Account myAccount = new Account();
 12         // display myAccount's initial name
 13         Console.WriteLine($"Initial name is: {myAccount.Name}");
 15         // prompt for and read the name, then put the name in the object
 16         Console.Write("Please enter the name: "); // prompt
 17         string theName = Console.ReadLine(); // read a line of text
 18         myAccount.Name = theName; // put theName in myAccount's Name
 20         // display the name stored in object myAccount
 21         Console.WriteLine($"myAccount's name is: {myAccount.Name}");
 22      }
 23    }

Initial name is:
Please enter the name: Jane Green
myAccount's name is: Jane Green

Invoking Class Account’s Name Property to Get the Name

The get accessor of the Account class’s Name property gets the account name stored in a particular Account object. Line 13

Console.WriteLine($"Initial name is: {myAccount.Name}");

displays myAccount’s initial name by accessing the object’s Name property with the expression myAccount.Name. To access a property, you specify the object’s name (myAccount), followed by the member-access operator (.) and the property’s name (Name). When used to get the account’s name, this notation implicitly executes the property’s get accessor, which returns the account’s name.

When Main accesses the Name property in line 13:

  1. The app transfers program execution from the expression myAccount.Name (line 13 in Main) to the property Name’s get accessor).

  2. Next, the Name property’s get accessor performs its task—that is, it returns (i.e., gives back) the value of myAccount’s name instance variable to line 13 where the property was accessed.

  3. Console.WriteLine displays the string returned by the Name property’s get accessor—which was inserted into the interpolated string in place of the expression myAccount.Name—then the program continues executing at line 16 in Main.

As in Fig. 4.1, line 13 does not display a name, because we have not yet stored a name in the myAccount object.

Invoking Class Account’s Name Property to Set the Name

Next, lines 16–17 prompt for and input a name. The set accessor Account class’s Name property sets an account name in a particular Account object. Line 18

myAccount.Name = theName; // put theName in myAccount's Name

assigns to myAccounts’s Name property the string entered by the user in line 17. When property Name is invoked by the expression myAccount.Name on the left of an assignment:

  1. The app transfers program execution from line 18 in Main to Name’s set accessor.

  2. Property Name’s set accessor performs its task—that is, it stores in the myAccount object’s name instance variable the string value that was assigned to property Name in Main (line 18).

  3. When Name’s set accessor completes execution, program execution returns to where the Name property was accessed (line 18 in Main), then execution continues at line 21.

To demonstrate that myAccount now contains the name the user entered, line 21

Console.WriteLine($"myAccount"s name is: {myAccount.Name}");

accesses myAccounts’s Name property again, which uses the property’s get accessor to obtain the name instance variable’s new value. As you can see, the last line of the program’s output displays the name input from the user in line 17.

4.6.2 Account Class with an Instance Variable and a Property

The updated Account class replaces the GetName and SetName methods from Fig. 4.2 with the property Name (lines 10–20 of Fig. 4.6). The property’s get and set accessors handle the details of getting and setting data, respectively. Unlike method names, the accessor names get and set each begin with a lowercase letter.

Fig. 4.6 Account class that replaces public methods SetName and GetName with a publicName property.

Alternate View

  1   // Fig. 4.6: Account.cs
  2   // Account class that replaces public methods SetName
  3   // and GetName with a public Name property.
  5   class Account
  6   {
  7      private string name; // instance variable
  9      // property to get and set the name instance variable               
 10      public string Name                                                  
 11      {                                                                   
 12         get // returns the corresponding instance variable's value       
 13         {                                                                
 14            return name; // returns the value of name to the client code  
 15         }                                                                
 16         set // assigns a new value to the corresponding instance variable
 17         {                                                                
 18            name = value; // value is implicitly declared and initialized 
 19         }                                                                
 20      }
 21   }

Property Name’s Declaration

Line 10

public string Name

begins the Name property declaration, which specifies that

  • the property is public so it can be used by the class’s clients,

  • the property’s type is string and

  • the property’s name is Name.

By convention, a property’s identifier is the capitalized identifier of the instance variable that it manipulates—Name is the property that represents instance variable name. C# is case sensitive, so Name and name are distinct identifiers. The property’s body is enclosed in the braces at lines 11 and 20.

Property Name’s get Accessor

The get accessor (lines 12–15) performs the same task as method GetName in Fig. 4.2. A get accessor begins with the keyword get, and its body is delimited by braces (lines 13 and 15). Like method GetName, the get accessor’s body contains a return statement (line 14) that returns the value of an Account’s name instance variable. So, in line 13 of Fig. 4.5

Console.WriteLine($"Initial name is: {myAccount.Name}");

the expression myAccount.Name gets the value of myAccount’s instance variable name. The property notation allows the client to think of the property as the underlying data, but the client still cannot directly manipulate the private instance variable name. Keyword get is a contextual keyword, because it’s a keyword only in a property’s context (that is, its body)—in other contexts, get can be used as an identifier.

Property Name’s set Accessor

The set accessor (lines 16–19, Fig. 4.6) begins with the identifier set followed by its body, which is delimited by braces (lines 17 and 19). Method SetName (Fig. 4.2) declared a parameter accountName to receive the new name to store in an Account object—a set accessor uses the keyword value (line 18, Fig. 4.6) for the same purpose. value is implicitly declared and initialized for you with the value that the client code assigns to the property. So, in line 18 of Fig. 4.5

myAccount.Name = theName; // put theName in myAccount's Name

value is initialized with theName (the string entered by the user). Property Name’s set accessor simply assigns value to the instance variable name—we’ll show a set accessor that performs validation in Fig. 4.11. Like get, the keywords set and value are contextual keywordsset is a keyword only in a property’s context and value is a keyword only in a set accessor’s context.

Error-Prevention Tip 4.2

Although contextual keywords, like value in a set accessor, can be used as identifiers in some contexts, we prefer not to do so.

The statements inside the property in lines 14 and 18 (Fig. 4.6) each access name even though it was declared outside the property declaration. We can use instance variable name in class Account’s property (and other properties and methods, if there are any), because name is an instance variable in the same class.

4.6.3 Account UML Class Diagram with a Property

Figure 4.7 presents a UML class diagram for class Account of Fig. 4.6. We model C# properties in the UML as attributes. The property Name is listed as a public attribute—as indicated by the plus (+) sign—followed by the word “property” in guillemets (« and »). Using descriptive words in guillemets (called stereotypes in the UML) helps distinguish properties from other attributes and operations. The UML indicates the type of the property by placing a colon and a type after the property name.

Fig. 4.7 UML class diagram for class Account of Fig. 4.6.

A class diagram helps you design a class, so it’s not required to show every implementation detail. Since an instance variable that’s manipulated by a property is really an implementation detail of that property, our class diagram does not show the name instance variable. A programmer implementing the Account class based on this class diagram would create the instance variable name as part of the implementation process (as we did in Fig. 4.6). Similarly, a property’s get and set accessors are implementation details, so they’re not listed in the UML diagram.

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