• Babbage, Charles 18

  • BackColor property of a form 50

  • BackColor property of class Control 557

  • BackgroundImage property of class Control 557

  • backslash, () 79

  • backward reference 787

  • bandwidth 14

  • base

    • for constructor initializers 452

    • for invoking overridden methods 459

  • base class 436

    • constructor 443

    • default constructor 443

    • method overridden in a derived class 459

  • BASIC programming language 18

  • behavior

    • of a class 11

  • big data 9

  • BigInteger struct 277

  • binary digit (bit) 7, 30

  • binary integer 189

  • binary search algorithm 748

  • binary tree sort 802

  • Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal exercise 296

  • BinaryFormatter class 720

    • Deserialize method 720

    • Serialize method 724

  • BinarySearch method of class Array 849

  • BindingNavigator class 902, 911

  • BindingSource class 911

    • DataSource property 914

    • EndEdit method 915

    • MoveFirst method 918

    • Position property 918

  • bit (binary digit) 7, 30

  • BitArray class 846

  • bitwise operators 568

  • bitwise Xor operator 608

  • Bjarne Stroustrup 18

  • BlackBerry OS 21

  • BMP (Windows bitmap) 54

  • body

    • of a class declaration 70

    • of a method 71

    • of an if statement 89

  • body mass index (BMI) 31

    • calculator 31

  • body of a loop 156

  • Books database 896

    • table relationships 899

  • boolean logical AND, & 215, 217

  • boolean logical exclusive OR, ^ 215, 218

    • truth table 218

  • boolean logical inclusive OR, | 217

  • Boolean struct 773

  • BorderStyle property of class Panel 563

  • boundary of control 657

  • bounds checking 313

  • boxing conversion 774

  • braces ({}) 93

  • braces not required 209

  • braces, { } 304

  • brittle software 456

  • bubble sort 769, 770

    • improving performance 770

  • bucket sort 770

  • BufferedStream class 701

  • Build menu 39

  • building block appearance 223

  • building blocks 143

  • Building Your Own Computer 363

  • built-in array capabilities 845

  • Button properties and events 561

  • Button property of class

    • MouseEventArgs 581

  • ButtonBase class 561

  • byte 6

  • byte simple type 978

  • Byte struct 773

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