• O(log n) time 752

  • O(n log n) time 766

  • Object Browser (Visual Studio .NET) 418

  • object class 436, 441, 461

    • Equals method 461

    • Finalize method 461

    • GetHashCode method 462

    • MemberwiseClone method 462

    • ReferenceEquals method 462

  • object-creation expression 109, 124

  • Object data source 909

  • object initializer 420

  • object initializer list 420

  • object methods that are inherited directly or indirectly by all classes 461

  • object of a class 13

  • object of a derived class 472

  • object of a derived class is instantiated 460

  • object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD) 13

  • object-oriented language 13

  • object-oriented programming (OOP) 5, 13, 436

  • object serialization 720

  • ObjectCollection collection

    • Clear method 620

    • RemoveAt method 618

  • object-oriented programming 843

  • ObservableCollection<T> class 914, 919

  • octa-core processor 7

  • octal number system (base 8) 296

  • off-by-one error 195

  • one-to-many relationship 899, 900

  • One value of enumeration SelectionMode 616

  • OnPaint method of class Control 656

  • OOAD (object-oriented analysis and design) 13

  • OOP (object-oriented programming) 13, 436

  • Open method of class File 727

  • opening a project 39

  • OpenRead method of class File 727

  • OpenText method of class File 727

  • OpenWrite method of class File 727

  • operands of a binary operator 84

  • operating system 21

  • operation code 363

  • operation in the UML 115

  • operation parameter in the UML 116

  • operator 86

  • operator keyword 422

  • operator overloading 420

  • operator precedence 87

    • operator precedence chart 167

  • Operators 866, 914

    • ^, boolean logical exclusive OR 215, 218

    • --, prefix decrement/postfix decrement 174

    • -, subtraction 86, 87

    • !=, not equals 90

    • ?:, ternary conditional operator 152, 176

    • *, multiplication 86, 87

    • *=, multiplication compound assignment 173

    • =, division compound assignment 173

    • &, boolean logical AND 215, 217

    • %=, remainder compound assignment 173

    • ++, prefix increment/postfix increment 174

    • +=, addition assignment operator 173

    • +=, addition compound assignment 173

    • <, less than 90

    • <=, less than or equal 90

    • =, assignment operator 84

    • -=, subtraction compound assignment 173

    • ==, is equal to 90

    • >, greater than 90

    • >=, greater than or equal to 90

    • |, boolean logical inclusive OR 215, 217

    • arithmetic 86

    • boolean logical AND, & 215, 217

    • boolean logical exclusive OR, ^ 215, 218

    • boolean logical inclusive OR, | 217

    • conditional operator, ?: 152, 176

    • decrement operator, -- 173, 174

    • increment and decrement 174

    • increment operator, ++ 173

    • logical negation, ! 218

    • logical XOR, ^ 218

    • postfix decrement 173

    • postfix increment 173

    • precedence chart 976

    • prefix decrement 173

    • prefix increment 173

    • remainder operator 189

    • remainder, % 86

  • optimizing compiler 202

  • optional parameter 271, 272

    • default value 271

  • Oracle Corporation 894

  • order in which actions should execute 144

  • orderby clause of a LINQ query 375

    • ascending modifier 375

    • descending modifier 375

  • OrderBy extension method 874

  • OrderBy extension method of class Queryable 913, 919

  • orientation information 6

  • out keyword 279

  • out-of-range array index 517

  • Out property of class Console 701

  • outer set of brackets 314

  • OutOfMemoryException class 517, 775

  • output device 6

  • output parameter 279

  • output unit 6

  • overflow error 368

  • overloaded constructors 402

  • overloaded generic methods 825

  • overloaded operators for complex numbers 423

  • overloading constructors 125

  • override a base class method 439, 443

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