• N format specifier 131

  • Name property of class DirectoryInfo 638

  • Name property of class FileInfo 638

  • named constant 306

  • named parameter 273

  • nameof operator (C# 6) 405

  • namespace declaration 549

  • Namespaces

    • System.Collections.Concurrent 843

    • System.Collections.Specialized 843

    • System.Data.Linq 251

    • System.Diagnostics 615

    • System.Drawing 568

    • System.Net.Http 961

    • System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary 720

    • System.Runtime.Serialization.Json 720

    • System.Text.RegularExpressions 668

    • System.Threading.Tasks 949

    • System.Windows.Controls 251

    • System.Windows.Input 251

    • System.Windows.Media 251

    • System.Windows.Shapes 251

    • System.Xml.Serialization 720

  • naming convention

    • methods that return boolean 211

  • NaN constant of structure Double 511, 533

  • natural logarithm 242

  • NegativeInfinity constant of structure Double 511

  • NegativeNumberException represents exceptions caused by illegal operations performed on negative numbers 532

  • nested array initializer 330

  • nested building block 226

  • nested foreach statement 333

  • nested if selection statement 153, 155

  • nested parentheses 87

  • nesting rule 223

  • new operator 775

  • new() (constructor constraint) 824

  • newline character 79

  • newline escape sequence, 80, 83, 368

  • NewValue property of class ItemCheckEventArgs 621

  • Next method of class Random 253, 256

  • Next property of class LinkedListNode 856

  • NextNode property of class TreeNode 628

  • nodes in a linked list 775

  • Nodes property of class TreeNode 628

  • Nodes property of class TreeView 628, 628

  • non-static class member 414

  • None value of enumeration SelectionMode 616

  • nonfatal logic error 152

  • nonlinear data structures 776

  • not selected state 569

  • note (in the UML) 146

  • Notepad 613

    • GUI exercise 60

  • Now property of DateTime 878

  • Now property of structure DateTime 658

  • NuGet package manager 908

  • null coalescing operator (??) 536, 537

  • nullable type 536, 860

    • GetValueOrDefault method 536

    • HasValue property 536

    • Value property 536

  • null-conditional operator (?[]) 860

  • NullReferenceException class 517

  • numbers with decimal points 126

  • numeric literal

    • whole number 201

    • with a decimal point 201

  • NumericUpDown control 546, 578

    • DecimalPlaces property 579

    • Increment property 579

    • Maximum property 579

    • Minimum property 579

    • ReadOnly property 580

    • UpDownAlign property 579

    • Value property 579

    • ValueChanged event 579

  • NumericUpDown properties and events 579

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