• D format specifier for integer values 131, 191, 310

  • data binding 901

  • data hierarchy 7

  • Data Source Configuration Wizard 909

  • database 9, 28, 894

    • add to a project 903

    • saving changes in LINQ to Entities 914

  • database connection 903

  • database management system (DBMS) 894

  • database table 895

  • DataContext class SaveChanges method 901

  • DataContractJsonSerializer class 720

  • DataSource property BindingSource class 914

  • Date property of a DateTime 609

  • DateChanged event of class MonthCalendar 608, 609

  • DateTime structure 658, 950

    • AddDay method 612

    • AddYears method 612

    • DayOfWeek property 612

    • Subtract method 878

    • ToLongDateString method 612

    • ToLongTimeString method 658

  • DateTimePicker class 609

    • CalendarForeColor property 609

    • CalendarMonthBackground property 609

    • CustomFormat property 609

    • Format property 609

    • ShowCheckBox property 609

    • ShowUpDown property 610

    • ValueChanged event 609

  • DateTimePickerFormat enumeration 609

    • Custom value 609

    • Short value 609

  • DayOfWeek

    • enumeration 612

    • property of DateTime 612

  • DbExtensions class 914

    • Load extension method 914, 918

  • DBMS (database management system) 894

  • dealing a card 316

  • Debug menu 39

  • Debugging 39

  • decimal digit 7

  • decimal literal 128

  • decimal type

    • Parse method 132

  • DecimalPlaces property of class NumericUpDown 579

  • decision symbol 148

  • declarative programming 373

  • declare a constant 306

  • decrement operator, -- 173, 174

  • deeply nested statement 223

  • default

    • case in a switch 208

  • default case 256

  • default event of a control 554

  • default settings 25

  • default type constraint (object) of a type parameter 827

  • default value for optional parameter 271, 271

  • definite repetition 157

  • Delegate class 554

  • Delete method of class Directory 728

  • Delete method of class File 727, 735

  • delimited comments 67

  • Dell 2

  • Department of Defense (DOD) 18

  • dependent condition 217

  • dequeue operation of queue 792

  • derived class 436

  • Descendants method of class XDocument 963

  • descending modifier of a LINQ orderby clause 375

  • deselected state 569

  • Deserialize method of class BinaryFormatter 720

  • deserialized object 720

  • design mode 56

  • design process 13, 28

  • DialogResult enumeration 574, 708

  • diamon

  • dice rolling exercise 356

  • Dictionary class 845

  • Dictionary<K,V> class 735, 845, 851

    • Clear method 735

    • ContainsKey method 735

    • Keys property 735

    • Remove method 735

  • digits reversed 295

  • Directory class 727, 731

    • CreateDirectory method 728

    • GetFiles method 735

    • methods (partial list) 728

  • DirectoryInfo class 638, 727

    • Exists method 638

    • FullName property 638

    • GetDirectories method 638

    • GetFiles method 638

    • Name property 638

    • Parent property 638

  • disk 5

  • display output 94

  • displaying line numbers in the IDE xxxix

  • Dispose method of interface IDisposable 502, 526

  • distance between two points exercise 295

  • distance between values (random numbers) 257

  • Distinct extension method of interface IEnumerable<T> 380

  • divide and conquer 274

  • dock a control 558

  • Dock property of class Control 559, 911

  • docking demonstration 559 .NET 21

    • Framework documentation 68

    • initiative 20

  • .NET 4.6 21

  • dotted line in the UML 146

  • (double) cast 167

  • double data type 164

  • double equals, == 90

  • double selection 225

  • double-selection statement 147, 169

  • Double struct 773

  • Double.NegativeInfinity 511

  • Double.PositiveInfinity 511

  • doubly linked list 787

  • down-arrow button 50

  • drag the mouse 45

  • Draw event of class ToolTip 577

  • draw on control 657

  • DrawEllipse method of class Graphics 627

  • DrawPie method of class Graphics 627

  • DrawRectangle method of class Graphics 627

  • driver class 108

  • DropDown value of enumeration ComboBoxStyle 623

  • DropDownList value of enumeration ComboBoxStyle 623

  • DropDownStyle property of class ComboBox 623, 624

  • dual-core processor 7, 27

  • dummy value 161

  • duplicate elimination 802

  • Duplicate Elimination exercise 356

  • Duplicate Word Removal exercise 393

  • dynamic binding 489

  • dynamic data structures 773

  • dynamic memory allocation 775, 776

  • dynamic resizing 371

  • dynamic resizing of a List collection 382

  • dynamically linked library 76, 653

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