• IBM Corporation 2, 18

  • ICollection<T> interface 844

  • IComparable interface 501, 803

  • IComparable<T> interface 822, 880

    • CompareTo method 822

  • IComparer<T> interface 880

  • IDE (Integrated Development Environment) 23, 34

  • identity column in a database table 897

  • IDictionary<K,V> interface 844

  • IDisposable interface 502, 526

    • Dispose method 502

  • IEnumerable interface

    • method GetEnumerator 849

  • IEnumerator interface 502, 849

  • ignoring array element zero 315

  • IGrouping interface 891

  • IList<T> interface 844

  • Image property of class PictureBox 53, 574

  • image resource 576

  • ImageIndex property of class ListViewItem 634

  • ImageIndex property of class TreeNode 628

  • Images property 634

  • ImageList property of class TabControl 640

  • ImageList property of class TreeView 628

  • Images Collection Editor 634

  • Images property of class ImageList 634

  • imaginary part of a complex number 421

  • immutability 869

  • imperative programming 373

  • implementation-dependent code 399

  • implementing a Dispose method (link to MSDN article) 502

  • Implementing a queue by inheriting from class List 793

  • Implementing a stack by inheriting from class List 789

  • implicit conversion 167

  • implicit conversions between simple types 249

  • implicitly typed local variable 311, 375, 381

  • improve performance of bubble sort 770

  • in parallel 943

  • In property of class Console 701

  • increment 200

    • a control variable 194

    • of a for statement 198

  • increment and decrement operators 174

  • increment operator, ++ 173

  • Increment property of class

  • NumericUpDown 579

  • indefinite repetition 161

  • indent size 71

  • independent software vendor (ISV) 460

  • index initializer (C# 6) 861, 861

  • Index property of class ItemCheckEventArgs 621

  • indexer 671

    • [] operator 844

    • of a SortedDictionary<K,V> 855

  • IndexOf method

    • of class Array 850

    • of class List<T> 382

  • IndexOfAny method of class string 676

  • infer a local variable’s type 311

  • infinite recursion 277

  • infinite series 234

    • ex exercise 191

    • Mathematical Contant e exercise 190

  • infinity symbol 900

  • inherit from class Control 657

  • inherit from Windows Form control 657

  • inheritance 13, 436, 441, 460

    • hierarchy for class Shape 438

    • hierarchy for university CommunityMembers 438

    • with exceptions 518

  • initial state in the UML 146, 222

  • initial value of control variable 194

  • InitialDelay property of class ToolTip 577

  • initialization phase 162

  • initializer list 304

  • Initializing jagged and rectangular arrays 332

  • Initializing the elements of an array with an array initializer 305

  • initializing two-dimensional arrays in declarations 331

  • inlining method calls 492

  • InnerException property of Exception 527, 531

  • innermost set of brackets 314

  • inorder traversal of a binary tree 796

  • input data from the keyboard 94

  • input device 6

  • input/output operation 363

  • input unit 6

  • input validation 514

  • Insert method of class List<T> 385

  • Insert Separator option 601

  • Insert Snippet window 262

  • inserting separators in a menu 601

  • insertion sort algorithm 756, 760

  • instance 12

  • instant message 4

  • instruction execution cycle 366

  • int operands promoted to double 167

  • int simple type 82, 173, 978

    • Parse method 83

    • TryParse method 514

  • Int16 struct 773

  • Int64 struct 773

  • integer array 305

  • Integer Division exercise 184

  • integer division without exception handling 509

  • integer promotion 167

  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE) 23, 34

  • Intel 2

  • interest rate 200

  • interface constraint 824

  • Internet 14

  • Internet of Things 15

  • Internet Protocol (IP) 14

  • Internet TV 4

  • interpolation

    • $ before a string literal 81

  • interpolation expression 81, 85, 92

    • calculation in 85

    • specify a format 130

  • interpreter 10

  • intersection of two sets 433

  • Interval property of class Timer 658

  • InvalidOperationException class 850, 859

  • Invoice class implements IPayable 496

  • invoke a method 240

  • Invoke method of class Control 956

  • InvokeRequired property of class Control 956

  • IP address 15

  • IPayable interface declaration 496

  • IPayable interface hierarchy UML class diagram 495

  • IQueryable<T> interface 901

  • is operator 490

  • IsDigit method of struct Char 691

  • ISerializable interface 720

  • IsLetter method of struct Char 691

  • IsLetterOrDigit method of struct Char 692

  • IsLower method of struct Char 692

  • IsMdiChild property of class Form 645

  • IsMdiContainer property of class Form 644, 645

  • IsPunctuation method of struct Char 692

  • IsSymbol method of struct Char 692

  • IsUpper method of struct Char 692

  • IsWhiteSpace method of struct Char 692

  • ItemActivate event of class ListView 633

  • ItemCheck event of class CheckedListBox 620, 621

  • ItemCheckEventArgs class 621

    • CurrentValue property 621

    • Index property 621

    • NewValue property 621

  • Items property of class ComboBox 624

  • Items property of class ListBox 616, 617

  • Items property of class ListView 633

  • ItemSize property of class TabControl 640

  • iteration (looping) of a for loop 314

  • iteration terminates 156

  • iteration variable 308

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