• handle an event 553

  • handle an exception 512

  • hash function 852

  • Hashtable class 846

  • HasValue property of a nullable type 536

  • Height property of structure Size 559

  • helper method 801

  • HelpLink property of Exception 528

  • Hewlett Packard 2

  • hexadecimal (base 16) number system 296, 368

  • “hidden” fields 263

  • hide implementation details 240, 399

  • Hide method of class Control 557

  • Hide method of class Form 548

  • hierarchical boss method/worker method relationship 240

  • high-level language 10

  • HoloLens 22

  • Hopper, Grace 18

  • horizontal tab 80

  • HourlyEmployee class that extends Employee 482

  • HTML (HyperText Markup Language) 14

  • HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) 14

  • HttpClient class 961

    • CancelPendingRequests method 961

    • GetByteArrayAsync method 964

    • GetStringAsync method 961, 962

  • HugeInteger Class 433

  • Human Genome Project 3

  • HyperText Markup Language (HTML) 14

  • HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 14

  • Hypotenuse of a Right Triangle exercise 293

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