• Abs method of Math 241

  • absolute value 241

  • abstraction 110

  • accelerometer 6

  • AcceptButton property of class Form 548

  • AcceptsReturn property of class TextBox 561

  • access modifier in the UML

    • - (private) 115

  • access private class member 115

  • access shortcut 598

  • accessibility heuristic 360

  • Account class

    • inheritance hierarchy exercise 466

  • Accounts Payable System Modification exercise 506

  • action expression in the UML 146

  • action state in the UML 146, 223

  • action state symbol 146

  • action to execute 144

  • Activation property of class ListView 633

  • activation record 265

  • active control 557

  • active tab 39

  • active window 547

  • ActiveLinkColor property of class LinkLabel 612

  • ActiveMdiChild property of class Form 644, 645

  • activity diagram 146, 149, 223

    • do...while statement 205

    • for statement 198

    • if statement 148

    • if...else statement 149

    • sequence statement 146

    • switch statement 210

    • while statement 157

  • activity in the UML 146

  • Ada Lovelace 18

  • Ada programming language 18

  • add a database to a project 903

  • add a reference to a class library 702, 908

  • Add method of class List<T> 385

  • Add method of class ObjectCollection 618

  • Add method of class SortedDictionary<K,V> 855

  • Add Tab menu item 639

  • Add User Control… option in Visual Studio .NET 658

  • Add Windows Form… option in Visual Studio 644

  • AddDay method of structure DateTime 612

  • AddLast method of class LinkedList 858

  • AddRange method of class List<T> 382

  • AddYears method of structure DateTime 612

  • “administrative” section of the computer 7

  • ADO.NET Entity Data Model 900

    • data source for data binding 909

  • ADO.NET Entity Framework 895

    • DbContext class 913

    • DbExtensions class 914

    • Entity Data Model 900

  • AfterSelected event of class TreeView 628

  • Aggregate LINQ extension method 872

  • Airline Reservation System exercise 357

  • Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) 15

  • Alarm Clock GUI exercise 62

  • algebraic notation 87

  • Alphabetic icon 45

  • alphabetizing 672

  • Alt key shortcut 598

  • Alt property of class KeyEventArgs 584, 586

  • ALU (arithmetic and logic unit) 6

  • Amazon 2

  • AMBER Alert 3

  • Analytical Engine 18

  • Analyze menu 39

  • anchor a control 558

  • Anchor property of class Control 559

  • anchoring a control 557

  • Anchoring demonstration 558

  • Android

    • operating system 21

  • Android TV 4

  • angle bracket (<>) for XML elements 962

  • anonymous type 381, 923

    • Equals method 923

    • ToString method 923

  • Any extension method of interface IEnumerable<T> 380

  • app bar 22

  • App Developer Agreement 23

  • Appearance property of class CheckBox 566

  • Append method of class StringBuilder 685

  • AppendFormat method of class StringBuilder 686, 687

  • AppendText method of class File 727

  • Apple 2

  • Apple TV 4

  • application 34

  • Application class 607

  • Application.Exit method 620

  • Applicaton class

    • Exit method 607

  • arbitrary number of arguments 340

  • area of a circle 294

  • args parameter of Main method 342

  • argument promotion 248

  • argument to a method 72

  • ArgumentException class 855

  • arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) 6

  • arithmetic calculation 86

  • arithmetic compound assignment operators 173

  • arithmetic mean 88

  • arithmetic operators 86

  • ARPANET 14

  • ArrangeIcons value of enumeration MdiLayout 646

  • array 300

    • bounds checking 313

    • ignoring element zero 315

    • Length property 302

    • pass an array element to a method 321

    • pass an array to a method 321

  • array-access expression 301

  • Array class static methods for common array manipulations 846

  • array-creation expression 302, 303

  • array initializer 304

    • for jagged array 330

    • for rectangular array 330

  • Array Manipulations exercise 356

  • array-access expression

    • for jagged arrays 330

    • for rectangular arrays 329

  • ArrayList class 845

  • arrays as references 344

  • as operator (downcasting) 490, 536

  • ascending modifier of a LINQ orderby clause 375

  • ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) 8, 586

  • AsParallel method of class ParallelEnumerable 878

  • assembler 10

  • assembly (compiled code) 76, 908

  • assembly language 10

  • assign a value to a variable 84

  • assignment operator

  • assignment statement 84

  • asynchronous programming 17, 944

  • attribute

    • of a class 11

    • of an object 13

  • Attribute method of class XElement 963

  • attributes (XML) 962

  • augmented reality 22

  • AuthorISBN table of Books database 896, 898

  • Authors table of Books database 896, 897

  • auto-hide 42

  • autoincremented database column 897

  • automatic garbage collection 519

  • automatic memory management 413

  • AutoPopDelay property of class ToolTip 577

  • AutoScroll property of class Form 548

  • AutoScroll property of class Panel 563

  • AutoSize property of class TextBox 51

  • average 88

  • Average IEnumerable<T> extension method 872, 878

  • Average ParallelQuery<T> extenson method 878

  • await multiple Tasks 955

  • awaitable entity 945

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