21.2 Collections Overview

All collection classes in the .NET Framework implement some combination of the collection interfaces that declare the operations to be performed on various types of collections. Figure 21.1 lists some of the collection interfaces in namespace System.Collections.Generic, which also have legacy object-based analogs in System.Collections. Many collection classes implement these interfaces. You may also provide implementations specific to your own requirements.

Fig. 21.1 Some common generic collection interfaces.

Interface Description
IEnumerable<T> An object that can be enumerated—for example, a foreach loop can iterate over such an object’s elements. This interface contains one method, GetEnumerator, which returns an IEnumerator<T> object, which (as you’ll see in Section 21.3) can be used manually to iterate through a collection. In fact, foreach uses a collection’s IEnumerator<T> object behind the scenes. ICollection<T> extends IEnumerable<T> so all collection classes implement IEnumerable directly or indirectly.
ICollection<T> The interface from which interfaces IList<T> and IDictionary<K,V> inherit. Contains a Count property to determine the size of a collection and a CopyTo method for copying a collection’s contents to a traditional array, and an IsReadOnly property.
IList<T> An ordered collection that can be manipulated like an array. Provides a [] operator (known as an indexer) for accessing elements with an int index. Also has methods for searching and modifying a collection, including Add, Remove, Contains and IndexOf.
IDictionary<K,V> A collection of values, indexed by an arbitrary “key” object of type K. Provides an indexer ([]) for accessing elements by key and methods for modifying the collection (e.g., Add, Remove). IDictionary<K,V> property Keys contains all the keys, and property Values contains all the stored values.

Namespace System.Collections.Generic

With the collections of the System.Collections.Generic namespace, you can specify the exact type that will be stored in a collection. This provides two key benefits over the object-based legacy collections:

  • Compile-time type checking ensures that you’re using appropriate types with your collection and, if not, the compiler issues error messages.

  • Any item you retrieve from a generic collection will have the correct type. With object-based collections, any item you retrieve is returned as an object. Then, you must explicitly cast the object to the type that your program manipulates. This could lead to InvalidCastExceptions at execution time if the referenced object does not have the appropriate type.

Generic collections are especially useful for storing value types, since they eliminate the overhead of boxing and unboxing required with object-based legacy collections.

In this chapter, we continue our discussion of data structures and collections with additional built-in array capabilities, as well as the generic SortedDictionary and LinkedList classes. Namespace System.Collections.Generic provides many other data structures, including Stack<T>, Queue<T> and SortedList<K,V> (a collection of key–value pairs that are sorted by key and can be accessed either by key or by index). Figure 21.2 summarizes many of the collection classes—for a complete list, visit


The collection classes have many common capabilities specified by the interfaces the classes implement. Once you know how to use a few collections (like List, Dictionary, LinkedList and SortedDictionary), you can figure out how to use the others via their online documentation, which includes sample code.

Fig. 21.2 Some .NET Framework collection classes.

Class Implements interface Description
System namespace
Array IList The base class of all conventional arrays. See Section 21.3.
System.Collections.Generic namespace
Dictionary<K, V> IDictionary<K, V> A generic, unordered collection of key–value pairs that can be accessed rapidly by key. See Section 17.9.2.
LinkedList<T> ICollection<T> A generic doubly linked list. See Section 21.5.
List<T> IList<T> A generic array-based list. See Section 9.4.
Queue<T> ICollection<T> A generic first-in, first-out (FIFO) collection. See Section 19.6 for information on queues.
SortedDictionary<K, V> IDictionary<K, V> A Dictionary that sorts the data by the keys in a binary tree. See Section 21.4.
SortedList<K, V> IDictionary<K, V> Similar to a SortedDictionary, but uses arrays internally. If the data already exists and is sorted before insertion in a collection, then inserting in a SortedList is faster than a SortedDictionary. If the data is not sorted, insertion in a SortedDictionary is faster.
Stack<T> ICollection<T> A generic last-in, first-out (LIFO) collection. See Section 19.5 for information on stacks.
Legacy collections of the System.Collections namespace
ArrayList IList Mimics conventional arrays, but will grow or shrink as needed to accommodate the number of elements.
BitArray ICollection A memory-efficient array of bits in which each bit’s 0 or 1 value represents the bool value false or true. Exercise 21.14 asks you to use a BitArray to implement the Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm for finding prime numbers.
Hashtable IDictionary An unordered collection of key–value pairs that can be accessed rapidly by key.
Queue ICollection A first-in, first-out (FIFO) collection. See Section 19.6 for information on queues.
SortedList IDictionary A collection of key–value pairs that are sorted by key and can be accessed either by key or by index.
Stack ICollection A last-in, first-out (LIFO) collection. See Section 19.5 for information on stacks.

We also discuss the IEnumerator<T> interface. Each collection class’s enumerator allows you to iterate through the collection. Although these enumerators have different implementations, they all implement the IEnumerator<T> interface so that an app can iterate through a collection’s elements (e.g., with a foreach statement). In the next section, we begin our discussion by examining enumerators and the capabilities for array manipulation. Collection classes directly or indirectly implement ICollection<T> and IEnumerable<T> (or their object-based equivalents ICollection and IEnumerable for legacy collections).

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