• m-by-n array 329

  • m to indicate a decimal literal 128

  • Mac OS X 21

  • machine code 10

  • machine language 10

  • machine language programming exercise 363

  • magic numbers 306

  • maintainability 773

  • make your point (game of craps) 257

  • making decisions 94

  • managed code 20

  • “manufacturing” section of the computer 6

  • many-to-many relationship 900, 907

  • map (functional programming) 869, 875

  • map elements to new values 875

  • mask the user input 560

  • master/detail view 925

  • Math.PI constant 103

  • mathematical computations 18

  • Matsumoto, Yukihiro 19

  • Max IEnumerable<T> extenson method 878

  • Max LINQ extension method 872

  • Max method of Math 242

  • Max ParallelQuery<T> extenson method 878

  • MaxDate property of class DateTimePicker 609, 612

  • MaxDate property of class MonthCalendar 608

  • MaxDropDownItems property of class ComboBox 623

  • Maximum property of class NumericUpDown 579

  • MaximumSize property of class Control 559

  • MaximumSize property of class Form 559

  • MaxSelectionCount property of class MonthCalendar 608

  • .mdf file extension 896

  • MDI (Multiple Document Interface) 643

    • parent and child properties, method and event 645

    • parent window class 647

  • MdiChildActivate event of class Form 645

  • MdiChildren property of class Form 644, 645

  • MdiLayout enumeration 646

    • ArrangeIcons value 646

    • Cascade value 646

    • TileHorizontal value 646

    • TileVertical value 646

  • MdiParent property of class Form 644

  • MdiWindowListItem property of class MenuStrip 646

  • medical imaging 3

  • member access operator (.) 109

  • MemberwiseClone method of class object 462

  • memory 5, 6

  • memory consumption 842

  • memory dump 367

  • memory location 85

  • memory unit 6

  • MemoryStream class 701

  • menu bar 39, 545

    • in Visual Studio IDE 39

  • MenuItem property MdiWindowListItem example 646

  • MenuStrip class 61, 599

    • MdiWindowListItem property 646

    • RightToLeft property 602

  • MenuStrip properties and events 602

  • merge symbol in the UML 156

  • merge two arrays 760

  • message 72

  • method declaration 245

  • method header 112

  • method overloading 269

  • method parameter list 340

  • MethodInvoker delegate 956

  • methods implicitly sealed 492

  • methods of class List<T> 382

  • Microsoft 2

    • Imagine Cup 32

  • Microsoft Azure 3

  • Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) 36

  • Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) 20, 76

  • Microsoft Visual Studio Community edition xxxvii

  • mileage obtained by automobiles 186

  • Min IEnumerable<T> extenson method 878

  • Min LINQ extension method 872

  • Min method of Math 242

  • Min ParallelQuery<T> extenson method 878

  • MinDate property of class DateTimePicker 609, 612

  • MinDate property of class MonthCalendar 608

  • minimized and maximized child window 645

  • Minimum property of class NumericUpDown 579

  • MinimumSize property of class Control 559

  • MinimumSize property of class Form 559

  • mobile application 2

  • modal dialog 708

  • model designer 906

  • Modified Compound Interest Program exercise 233, 234

  • Modified Diamond Program exercise 235

  • Modified Triangle Program exercise 234

  • modifier key 583

  • Modifiers property of class KeyEventArgs 584

  • Modifying the Internal Data Representation of a Class (exercise) 432

  • modularizing a program with methods 240

  • modulus operator (%) 86

  • monetary amount 126

  • monetary calculations 203

  • monetizing your apps 23

  • MonthCalendar class 61, 608

    • DateChanged event 608

    • FirstDayOfWeek property 608

    • MaxDate property 608

    • MaxSelectionCount property 608

    • MinDate property 608

    • MonthlyBoldedDates property 608

    • SelectionEnd property 608

    • SelectionRange property 608

    • SelectionStart property 608

  • MonthlyBoldedDates property of class MonthCalendar 608

  • Moore’s Law 5

  • More Windows... option in Visual Studio .NET 646

  • motion information 6

  • Motorola 2

  • mouse click 581

  • mouse event 581

  • MouseDown event of class Control 581

  • MouseEnter event of class Control 581

  • MouseEventArgs class 581

    • Button property 581

    • Clicks property 581

  • MouseEventArgs properties 581

  • MouseEventHandler delegate 581

  • MouseHover event of class Control 581

  • MouseLeave event of class Control 581

  • MouseMove event of class Control 581

  • MouseUp event of class Control 581

  • MouseWheel event of class Control 581

  • Move method of class Directory 728

  • Move method of class File 727

  • MoveFirst method of class BindingSource 918

  • MoveNext method of IEnumerator 849

  • MSDN (Microsoft Developers Network) 36

  • MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language) 20

  • multicast delegate 554

  • multicast event 554

  • MulticastDelegate class 554

  • MultiColumn property of class ListBox 616

  • multicore processor 7

  • multidimensional array 329

  • MultiExtended value of enumeration SelectionMode 616

  • Multiline property of class TabControl 640

  • Multiline property of class TextBox 561

  • multiple document interface (MDI) 546, 643

  • multiple-selection statement 147

  • Multiples exercise 293

  • Multiples of 2 exercise 190

  • multiplication, * 86

  • MultiSelect property of class ListView 633

  • MultiSimple value of enumeration SelectionMode 616

  • multithreading 944

  • mutual exclusion 569

  • mutually exclusive options 569

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