• Lady Ada Lovelace 18

  • lambda operator 866

  • language independence 21

  • Language Integrated Query (LINQ) 371

  • language interoperability 21

  • LargeImageList property of class ListView 634

  • last-in first-out (LIFO) order 832

  • Last property of class LinkedList 860

  • last-in, first-out (LIFO) 265

  • last-in, first-out (LIFO)”data structure 788

  • LastIndexOf method of class Array 850

  • LastIndexOf method of class string 676, 678

  • LastIndexOfAny method of class string 676

  • LastNode property of class TreeNode 628

  • late binding 489

  • layout, control 556

  • LayoutMdi method of class Form 645, 646

  • leaf node in a binary search tree 796, 801

  • left align output 203

  • left-to-right evaluation 88, 89

  • legacy code 843

  • Length property of an array 302

  • Length property of class string 671, 672

  • Length property of class StringBuilder 683

  • let clause of a LINQ query 388

  • letter 7

  • level of indentation 149

  • level-order binary tree traversal 803

  • LIFO (last-in, first-out) 265, 832

  • linear collection 775

  • linear data structure 795

  • linear run time 747

  • linear search algorithm 744, 752

  • link for a self-referential class 774

  • LinkArea property of class LinkLabel 612

  • LinkBehavior property of class LinkLabel 613

  • LinkClicked event of class LinkLabel 612, 613

  • LinkColor property of class LinkLabel 613

  • linked list data structure 773

  • linked list in sorted order 776

  • LinkedList generic class 845

    • AddFirst method 859

    • AddLast method 858

    • method Find 860

    • method Remove 860

    • property First 859

    • property Last 860

  • LinkedList<T> class 845

  • LinkedList<T> generic class 856

  • LinkedListNode class

    • property Next 856

    • property Previous 856

    • property Value 856

  • LinkedListNode<T> generic class 856

  • LinkLabel class 598, 612

    • ActiveLinkColor property 612

    • LinkArea property 612

    • LinkBehavior property 613

    • LinkColor property 613

    • LinkVisited property 613

    • Text property 613

    • UseMnemonic property 613

    • VisitedLinkColor property 613

  • LinkLabel properties and an event 612

  • LinkVisited property of class LinkLabel 613

  • LINQ (Language Integrated Query) 371, 731, 868

    • anonymous type 381

    • ascending modifier 375

    • Count method 735

    • deferred execution 388

    • descending modifier 375

    • extension method 869

    • extension method Aggregate 872

    • extension method Max 872

    • extension method Min 872

    • extension method Select 875

    • extension method Sum 872

    • extension method Where 874

    • extension methods for arithmetic 872

    • from clause 374

    • LINQ to XML 372

    • orderby clause 375

    • query expression 371

    • range variable 374

    • Resource Center 935

    • select clause 375

    • usage throughout the book 372

    • where clause 375

  • LINQ to Entities 372, 895, 896, 913

    • data binding 901

    • extension methods 913

    • Object data source 909

    • primary keys 895

    • saving changes back to a database 914

  • LINQPad (www.linqpad.net) 935

  • list, editable 624

  • List<T> generic class 381, 845

    • AddRange method 382

    • Capacity property 382

    • Clear method 382

    • Count property 382

    • IndexOf method 382

    • Insert method 385

    • RemoveRange method 382

    • Sort method 382

    • TrimExcess method 382

  • ListBox control 546, 598, 615

    • ClearSelected method 617

    • GetSelected method 617

    • Items property 617

    • MultiColumn property 616

    • properties, method and event 616

    • SelectedIndex property 617

    • SelectedIndexChanged event 616

    • SelectedIndices property 617

    • SelectedItem property 617

    • SelectedItems property 617

    • SelectionMode property 616

    • Sorted property 617

  • ListBox.ObjectCollection class 617

  • ListNode, List and EmptyListException class declarations 777

  • ListView control 633

    • Activation property 633

    • CheckBoxes property 633

    • ItemActivate event 633

    • Items property 633

    • LargeImageList property 634

    • MultiSelect property 633

    • SelectedItems property 633

    • SmallImageList property 634

    • View property 633

  • ListView displaying files and folders 634

  • ListView properties and events 633

  • ListViewItem class 634

    • ImageIndex property 634

  • literal 72

  • live-code approach xxxi

  • Load event of class Form 548

  • Load extension method of class DbExtensions 914, 918

  • load factor 852

  • load/store operations 364

  • local variable “goes out of scope” 700

  • location in computer’s memory 85

  • Location property of class Control 559

  • Log method of Math 242

  • logarithmic run time 752

  • logical decision 5

  • logical negation, ! 218

    • operator truth table 219

  • logical output operation 701

  • logical unit 6

  • logical XOR, ^ 218

  • Logo language 358

  • long simple type 978

  • long-term retention of data 700

  • Long value of enumeration DateTimePickerFormat 609

  • Lord Byron 18

  • Lovelace, Ada 18

  • lowercase letter 8, 69

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