Hotkeys to keep in mind

We all like to take shortcuts from time to time, and working with Unity, hotkeys can help make performing simple tasks a whole lot more efficient. Here is a list of useful hotkeys for actions that you'll perform on a regular basis throughout this book. Feel free to make a copy of this page or print it to reference later (the list has been taken from the official documentation of Unity at the following link: Here are the most used ones:

Keystroke Command
Q Pan
W Move
E Rotate
R Scale
T Rect Tool
Z Pivot Mode toggle
X Pivot Rotation Toggle
V Vertex Snap
Ctrl/command + LMB Snap
Ctrl/command + Shift + N New empty game object
Alt + Shift + N New empty child to selected game object
Ctrl/command + Alt + F Move to view
Ctrl/command + Shift + F Align with view
Shift + F or double-F Locks the scene view camera to the selected GameObject
Ctrl/command + 1 Scene
Ctrl/command + 2 Game
Ctrl/command + 3 Inspector
Ctrl/command + 4 Hierarchy
Ctrl/command + 5 Project
Ctrl/command + 6 Animation
Ctrl/command + 7 Profiler
Ctrl/command + 9 Asset store
Ctrl/command + 0 Version control
Ctrl/command + Shift + C Console
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