Appendix C

Abbreviations and Acronyms

Tom Markvart, Augustin McEvoy and Luis Castañer

ACAlternating current
A/DAnalogue to digital
AFMAtomic force microscopy
AGMAbsorbent glass mat
ARCAntireflection coating
a-SI or α-Si(Hydrogenated) amorphous silicon
AMAir mass
AOIAngle of incidence
APCVDAtmospheric pressure chemical vapour deposition
ASTMAmerican Society for Testing and Materials
ATOXAtomic oxygen
BCSCBuried contact solar cell
BIPVBuilding-integrated photovoltaics
BMFTGerman Ministry of Education and Research
BOLBeginning of life
BOSBalance of system
BRBragg reflector
BSFBack-surface field
BSFRBack surface field and reflector
BSRBack surface reflector
BSTBritish standard time
CASTChinese Academy of Space Technology
CBDChemical bath deposition
CDVCommittee draft for voting
CEIComitato Elettrotecnico Italiano (Italy)
CGACompressed Gas Association (USA)
CHPCombined heat and power, co-generation
CIBSEChartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (UK)
CISCopper indium di-selenide
CIGSCopper indium gallium di-selenide
CNESCentre National d’Etudes Spatiales (France)
CVDChemical vapour deposition
DCDirect current
DEVDeutsches Einheitsverfahren (Germany)
DINDeutsches Institut für Normung (Germany)
DjDouble junction
DODDepth of discharge
DOEDepartment of Energy (USA)
DOSDensity of states
DRDirectional solidification
DTADifferential thermal analysis
DTIDepartment of Trade and Industry (UK)
DSC or DSSCDye sensitised solar cell
EBElectron beam
EBICElectron-beam induced current
EFGEdge-defined film fed growth
EHLEnvironmental Health Laboratories (USA)
EHSEnvironmental, health and safety
EMCElectromagnetic continuous casting
ENSEinrichtung zur Netzüberwachung mit zugerordnetem allpoligem Schaltorgan/Grid monitoring system with circuit breaker
EOLEnd of life
EOTEquation of time
EPElectrical performance
EPAEnvironmental Protection Agency (USA)
EPBTEnergy pay-back time
EPIAEuropean Photovoltaic Industry Association
EQEExternal quantum efficiency
ESAEuropean Space Agency
ESDElectrostatic discharge
ESRAEuropean Solar Radiation Atlas
ESTIEidgenössische Starkstrominspektorat Federal Electric Power Authority (Switzerland)
ETSUEnergy Technology Support Unit for the DTI (UK)
EURECAEuropean Retrievable Carrier
EVAEthylene vinyl acetate
FFFill factor
FSFFront surface field
FZFloating zone
GAPGlobal Approval Programme (see also PV GAP) (European Union)
GEOGeostationary orbit
GDPGross domestic product
GMTGreenwich mean time
HITHeterojunction with intrinsic thin layer (cell)
HTMHole transporting material
HOMOHighest occupied molecular orbital
HVHigh voltage
IBCInterdigitated back contact
IEAInternational Energy Agency
IECInternational Electrotechnical Commission
IEEInstitution of Electrical Engineers (UK)
IEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (USA)
INTAInstituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial (Spain)
IPPIndependent power producers (Portugal)
IQEInternal quantum efficiency
ISOInternational Standards Organisation
ISSInternational Space Station
ITOIndium-tin oxide
JISJapan Industry Standard
JPLJetPropulsion Laboratory (USA)
JQAJapan Quality Assurance Agency
LASSLow angle silicon sheet
LATLocal apparent time
LBICLight-beam induced current
LBSFLocal back-surface Field
LCALife cycle assessment
LCRLoad coverage rate
LEDLight emitting diode
LEOLow earth orbit
LPPLoss-of-load probability
LMTLocal mean time
LPPLoss-of-power probability
LPCVDLow pressure chemical vapour deposition
LPELiquid phase epitaxy
LPSPLoss of power supply probability
LUMOLowest unoccupied molecular orbital
LVLow voltage
MATEMars array technology experiment
MBEMolecular beam epitaxy
MDMO-PPVPoly(2-methoxy-5-(3,7-dimethyloctyloxy) 1,4-phenylene vinylene
MEH-PPVPoly (2-methoxy-5–2-ethyl-hexyloxy) 1,4-phenylene vinylene)
MEOMedium-earth orbit
MGMetallurgical grade
MINPMetal-insulator np junction (cell)
MITIMinistry of Trade and Industry (Japan)
MOCVDMetalorganic chemical vapour deposition
MOVPEMetalorganic vapour phase epitaxy
MPPMaximum power point
MPPTMaximum power point tracker
MSDMains monitoring units with allocated all-pole switching devices connected in series (also known as ENS)
MVMedium voltage
NASANational Aeronautics and Space Administration (USA)
NASDANational Space Development Agency (Japan)
NEDONew Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organisation (Japan)
NFPANational Fire Protection Association (USA)
NIRNear infrared
NRELNational Renewable Energy Laboratory (USA)
NRLNaval Research Laboratory (USA)
NSRDBNational Solar Radiation Data Base (USA)
O&MOperation and maintenance
ODCOrdered defect compound
OECDOrganisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
OECOObliquely evaporated contact
OLEDOrganic light-emitting diode
OCVDOpen-circuit voltage decay
ÖVEÖstereichische Verband für Elektrotechnik (Austria)
OVPDOrganic vapour phase deposition
PCPoint contact
PCDPhotoconductive decay
PECVDPlasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition
PEDOT:PSSPoly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiopene):poly(styrene sulfonate)
PERLPassivated emitter, rear locally diffused (cell)
PESCPassivated emitter solar cell
PETPoly(ethylene terephalate)
PPVPoly-phenylene vinylene
PRPerformance ratio
PRTPlatinum resistance thermometer
PSHPeak solar hours
PTCPerformance test conditions
PVPhotovoltaic, photovoltaics
PVDPhysical vapour deposition
PVGAPPV Global Approval Programme
PVPSPhotovoltaic Power Systems (Programme)
PVUSAPhotovoltaics for Utility Scale Applications
QEQuantum efficiency
QSSPCQuasi-steady-state photoconductance (method)
QSSVocQuasi-steady state open circuit voltage (method)
R&DResearch and development
RESRenewable energy sources
RFRadio frequency
RGSRibbon growth on substrate
RHRelative humidity
ROCOFRate of change of frequency
ROWRest of the world
RTCVDRapid thermal chemical vapour deposition
RTDResearch and technology development
RTPRapid thermal process
SASolar array
SCASolar cell assembly
SCCESolar cell calibration experiment
SDLSurface defect layer
SELFSolar Electric Light Fund
SEMScanning electron microscopy
SGSpecific gravity
SHSSolar home system(s)
SIPOSSemi-insulating polysilicon
SjSingle junction
SLIStarting, lighting, and ignition
SMUDSacramento Municipal Utility District
SOCState of charge
SRString ribbon
SRSpectral response
SRCStandard reporting conditions
SSPSpace solar power
STCStandard test conditions
STARSurface texture and enhanced absorption with back reflector
SRVSurface recombination velocity
SWEStaebler-Wronski effect
SWSSecondary working standard
S-WebSupporting web
TJTandem junction
TJTriple junction
TCTechnical committee
TCOTransparent conducting oxide
TECThermal expansion coefficient
TEMTransmission electron microscopy
TTVTotal thickness variation
UCPTEUnion for the Coordination of Production and Transmission of Electricity (USA)
ULUnderwriters Laboratory (USA)
VDEVerband der Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik (Germany)
VdEWVerband der Elektrizitätswirtschaft (Germany)
VHFVery high frequency
VSEVerband Schweizerische Elektrizitätswerke (Switzerland)
WCPWiring collecting panels
WETWest European time
WMOWorld Meteorological Organisation
XRDX-ray diffraction
x-SiCrystalline silicon
XTEX-ray timing explorer
YAGYttrium aluminium garnet
ZMRZone-melt recrystalization
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