Appendix A

Constants, Physical Quantities, and Conversion Factors

Tom Markvart, Augustin McEvoy and Luis Castañer

Name Symbol Value
Astronomical unit (mean distance between the Sun and Earth) RSE 1.496×1011 m
Avogadro’s number NAv 6.023×1023 molecules/mol
Boltzmann constant kB 1.381×10−25 J/K
Electron charge q 1.602×10−19 C
Electronvolt eV 1.602×10−19 J
Energy of 1 μm photon 1.240 eV
Free electron mass m0 9.109×10−31 kg
Permitivity of free space ε0 = 107/4πc2 8.854×10−12 F/m
Permeability of free space μ0 = 4π 107 1.257×10−6 H/m
Plank’s constant h 6.625×10−34 J.s
ħ = h/2π 1.055×10−31 J.s
Radius of the Sun Rs 6.96×108 m
Thermal voltage at 300 K VT = kBT/q 25.9 mV
Solid angle subtended by the Sun ωs 6.85×10−5 sterad
fω = ωs/π 2.18×10−5
Solar constant (mean irradiance outside Earth’s atmosphere) Iσ 1367 W/m2
Speed of light in vacuum c 2.998×1010 m/s
Stefan-Boltzmann constant σ 5.670×10−8 W/m2 K4
Wavelength of 1 eV photon 1240 nm
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