
Note: Page numbers with “f” denote figures; “t” tables; and “b” boxes.


Abbreviations, 518–521
Abnormal loads, 309
Acceptance certificate, 47
Acceptance criteria, 91
Accidents (types), 347
Accuracy of estimates, 61
Acronyms, 518–521
Activity, 106, 117
Activity list, 453, 464t
Activity on arrow (AoA), 145f, 106, 144, 164f, 169f, 192f, 195–197
Activity on node (AoN), 117, 118f, 122f, 144, 150, 191, 281f, 473
Actual cost of work performed (ACWP), 291f, 293
Actual hours, 256, 260–261
Adjudication, 396–397
Adjudication nominating body (ANB), 396
Advance payments bond, 319
Alta Bates Summit Medical Campus (ABSMC), 510
See also Building information Modelling (BIM)
actual drywall framing around, 510f
architects rendering of, 513f
drywall assembly ‘spool sheet’, 512f
drywall framing model around, 511f
Dynamic Detailing implementation, 511–513
PCP tower, 512f
rebar using multiple custom components, 513–514
seismic design requirements, 510–511
system rendering through tower, 513f
Tekla BIMsight, 509–510
Analysis & Design (A&D), 508
Analytical estimating, 61
Annual order discount, 335
APM, 8, 293, 385, 400
Approvals of changes, 99f
Approved tender list
See Tender list
Arbitration, 397
Arithmetical analysis, 141–154
Asking experts, 74
@ Risk, 80
Authority of project manager, 8–9
Availability, 237, 240–241
Average rate of return (ARR), 455t–456t
Avoidance, 79t


Backward pass, 142f, 174
Banding, 138–139
Bank bonds (on demand bonds), 317
Bank guarantee draft, 318f
Bar charts, 115, 125–127, 167, 250f
Bargaining, 389
Barriers to communication, 366, 368
Baselines, 488–489
Basic principles (networks), 209
Battle tank, 476f
Belbin types, 374–376
Best-of-breed systems, 521
Beta distribution, 159
Bid (enquiry) documents, 304
Bid bond, 317–318
Bid summary, 306f
Bidder selection, 302–304
Bills of quantities, 61, 312, 331
Bitumen refinery, 132–133
Boiler network (AoA), 140f
Boiler network (AoN), 169f, 281f
Bonded areas, 319
Bonds (performance, advance payment, retention), 316–321
Bottom up estimates, 53, 59
BSI, 48, 293
Budget, 256, 257t
Budget at completion (BAC), 291f
Budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP), 291f, 293
Budgeted cost of work scheduled (BCWS), 291f, 293
Buffer, 154, 183
Building information Modelling (BIM), 503, 505
applied in practice, 507–509
CAD tools, 504
CIS/2 format, 520–521
DGN, 520
DWF, 519
DWG, 519
DXF, 519
enabling multidimensional models, 506
5D information, 504
GUID and UUID, 505
IFC Format, 521
IGES, 520
Information Modelling, 505
information part, 504
interoperability, 519
Leeds Arena in UK, 515
linking systems through open. NET interfaces, 509
National Museum of Qatar, 514–518
principle industry transfer standards, 519
references, 506
savings with, 510
SDNF format, 520
STEP, 520
structural steelwork industry, 505
Tekla BIMsight, 509–510
3D modelling technology, 505
2D drawing systems, 504
UK Government Recommendations, 506–507
Building Research Station, 61
buildingSMART organization, 521
Bulk purchase discount, 335
Bungalow, 417, 418f, 420f
Business case, 12, 21–22, 402, 454t, 475–476


Cash flow, 264, 26–28, 254
Cash flow curve, 239, 263, 426, 429, 431f, 452
Cash flow forecasting, 246–254
Cash flow table, 251f
Cast machine part, 232–235
Cast-in-Place Concrete (CIP Concrete), 510
Cause and effect diagram, 232, 228f
CCTA, 69
CDM regulations, 68–69, 352
Centrifugal pump manufacture, 226–227
Change control, See Change management
Change issue log, 101
Change management, 97
Change management advice form, 99f
Change register, See Change issue log
Change requests, 101
Check list, 305
CIMsteel Integration Standards (CIS), 520–521
CIMsteel Integration Standards (cis/2), 506
Claims, 214–219
Clean up of site, 406
Client operatives, 405
Client’s changes, 97–98
Close-out, 405–406, 409–410
Close-out party, 406
Close-out report, 409–410
Close-out review, 410
Co-ordinates, 112–115
Co-ordinator, 375
Cold commissioning, 310
Colliery surface reconstruction, 304
Commercial conditions of contract, 327
Commercial programs, 177
Commissioning, 310
Commissioning close out report, 311
Communication, 42, 365
Communication barriers, 366
Company objectives, 13
Comparative estimating, 60
Completer/finisher, 376
Completion (overall), 285–293
Compromising, See Concessions
Computer analysis, 174
Computer numerically controlled machines (CNC machines), 505
Computer programs, 111–112, 114–115, 162, 167
Computer role, 158
Concessions, 389
Conciliation, 395
Concurrent engineering, 393
Configuration audit, 103
Configuration change management, 103
Configuration control, 362
Configuration identification, 103
Configuration management, 103
Configuration planning, 103
Configuration status accounting, 103
Conflict management, 393
Confronting, 394
Construction Design and Management (CDM) regulations, 351
Construction network, 247f
See Project context
Contingency, 79t
Contract documentation, 308
Contracting organization, 13
Contracts, 311–323
Control curves, 445f, 270f, 428f
Control graphs, See Control curves
Control of configured items, 103
Cook, Robert, 513–514
Corporate strategy, 12, 401
Cost bound project, 4
Cost breakdown structure (CBS), 53, 54f, 478f
Cost control, 202, 255, 261
Cost performance index (CPI), 258, 291
Cost reports, 46, 285
Cost variance, 291
Cost vs. benefit, 31–32
Cost/benefit analysis, 31–32
Counter trade, 336
Critical path, 154, 168, 170, 215–216
Critical path analysis, See Critical path methods
Critical path methods (CPM), 105
CSCS, 290–291
Cultural differences, 366–367


Dangle, 108
Delphi technique, 73t–74t
Dependencies, 124f, 127
Description of works, 106
Design, build and operate contract, 315–316
Design and build, 47t
Design Web Format (DWF), 519
DGN, 520
Direct costs, 309
Discount factors, 27f
Discounted cashflow (DCF), 28, 452
Discounts, 304, 334
Discounts (quantity, early payment), 335
Dispute resolution, 393, 396–398
Distribution schedule, 362–363
Document control, 100
Document distribution, 360, 362–363
Documentation, 88
.NET, 508
Drawing eXchange Format (DXF), 519
Drywall framing model, 510f–511f
Dummy activity, 107, 109–110, 117
Durations, 110–111, 118
Duty payment, 340
DWG, 519


Earliest finish, 118, 144
Earliest start, 118–120, 144
Earned value, 265, 455
Earned value analysis (EVA), 255, 255–256, 290, 455, 474, 489
Earned value analysis, 489
Earned value curves, See Control curves
Earned value management, See Earned value analysis
Earned value table, 249f, 259, 482f
EC directives, 20t, 345
Efficiency, 257t, 258, 438
Emissions, 20
Enterprise-level database, 486
Environmental pressure groups, 34
Equipment, 135, 135f, 139, 193–194, 214, 224, 367
Erection, 309
Escalation, 60
Estimate sheet, 434
Estimated cost at completion (EAC), 291f
Estimated project time (EPT), 291f
Estimating, 59
Estimating books, 61–62
Ethics, 385–386, 403
Expediting, 308–309
Extended life cycle, 48–50


Failure mode and effect analysis, 91–94
Feasibility, 47t
Feedback, 200–205
Final forecast hours, 279
Fishbone diagram, See Ishikawa diagram
5D information, 504
Float, 143–149, 152
Force majeure claims, 217–219
Forcing, 393–394
Formal handover of contract documents, 406
Forming, storming, norming, performing, mourning, 373–374
Forms of contract ECC/NEC, ICI, FIDIC, I ChemE, 328–330
Forward pass, 141f
Free float, 120, 126, 144, 148–150
Free standing contract, 315
Function point analysis, 62
Functional organization, 41, 43
Funding, 47–48


Gantt charts, See Bar charts
General Computer-Aided Design tools (CAD tools), 504
General conditions of contract, 330
Geographical location, 129
Geographical proximity, 136, 137f
Geographical separation, 367
Globally Unique Identifier (GUID), 505
Governance, 399
disclosure, 402–403
evidence, 403–404
sponsorship, 401–402
Graphical analysis, 127, 167–174, 248f
Grids, 520
Guarantees, 319, 335–336
Guide to Project Management, BS 6079, 290f, 345


Hammocks, 115–117
Hand-over, 296, 310–311
Hand-over documents, 296
Hard skills, 7–8
Hazard signs, 354f
Hazardous substances, 348
Health and safety, 345
Health and Safety at Work Act, 345
Health and safety file, 353
Health and safety legislation, 352
Health and safety plan, 352–353
Herzberg motivational theory, 378–379
Hidden agenda, 367–368
High level reporting document, 49
Histogram, 77f, 126f, 239f, 241f, 243, 423f, 455, 481f
Honesty, 381t–382t, 403
Hornet computer program, 279
Hot commissioning, 310
Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1966, 396


Identification, 72–74, 103
Impact, 74
Impact/probability matrix, 74, 75f
Implementer, 376
Incoterms, 336–340, 337f
Independent float, 153–154
Industry Foundation Class (IFC), 521
Industry Foundation Class files (IFC files), 506
Inflation, 61–62
Inflow, 254
Information distribution, 361
Information from networks, 208–209
Information management, 359
Information Modelling, 505
Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES), 520
Inspection, 120, 298
Installation, 309
Insurance, 79t, 333–334
Insurance company bonds, 316
Integrated computer system, 293–294
Integrated Project Delivery (IPD), 510
Integrated systems, 212–214
Integration of material costs, 264
Integrity, 381t–382t
Interfering float, 152
Internal rate of return (IRR), 29–31, 30f, 30t, 452, 456t–457t
International Standardisation Organisation (ISO), 520
Investment appraisal, 25, 30, 451, 473
Investment breakdown, 297f
Ishikawa (fish bone) diagram, 94
Issue management, 100–101
IT, 176


Jargon, 191
Joint ventures, 316


Key Performance Indicators (KPI), 38–39
Kipling poem, 68


Ladder, 116–117
Lag, 125
Language, 366–367
Latest finish, 144
Latest start, 118, 144
Lead, 125
Leadership, 381
Leak tests, 90
Leeds Arena in UK, 515–516
BIM strategy for efficiency, 517
bowl terraced seating model, 518f
general arrangement drawing, 517f
project, 516f
section through, 516f
steel-framed structure, 516
Steelwork arrangement detail, 518f
technical detail, 518
Legal requirements, 363
Lester diagram, 117, 163, 165f, 166, 453, 480f
Letter of intent, 323
Life cycle, 13, 47–50, 50f
Life Cycles
BS 6079, 290
Life cycle diagram, 51, 342
Line of balance, 181–184, 183f–184f
Lines of code, 62
Linked bar chart, 126–127, 128f
Linking systems through open. NET interfaces, 509
Liquidated damages, 331–333
Litigation, 397–398
Long messages, 368–369
Loops, 112
Lubrication schedules, 406
Lump sum contract, 311


Mail order campaign, 228–230
Maintenance bond, See Retention bond
Maintenance instructions, 228–230, 229f
Major risks, 476
Make good roads and fences, 406
Man hour report, 278f
Man hour/time curve, 276f
Management information systems (MIS), 509
Management of change, 98
Mandatory signs, 354, 356f
Manual analysis, 157
Manufacturing bar chart activities, 203f
Manufacturing bar chart format, 195–197
Manufacturing unit, 133–134
Marketing a new product, 221–224
Maslow hierarchy of needs, 377–378, 378f
Master record index, 104, 104f
Materials, 264–265
Matrix organization, 41–42
Maturity, 382, 384
Max. and min number of bidders, 302
Mechanical, electrical, and piping (MEP), 503–504
actual drywall framing around, 510f
drywall framing model around, 511f
Mediation, 297–299
Meetings, 101, 175–176
Method statement, 211
Methods and procedures, 68–69
Methods of measurement, 287t
Milestone slip chart, 179, 180f–181f
Milestones, 179–180
Misunderstandings, 367–368
Mitigation, 73t
MoD, 48–49
Monitor/evaluator, 376
Monitoring, 79–80, 308–309
Monte Carlo simulation, 76
Motivation, 376–377
Motor car, 451, 452f
Mourning, 374
Moving a factory, 224–226
Multi-project system, 490
Multi-storey office block, 131–132


National Museum of Qatar, 514, 514f
challenges for design, 515
structural modelling, 515
structural solution, 514
NEDO report, 161–162
Negative stakeholders, 34
Negotiated discounts, 334–335
Negotiation, 387
Negotiation agreement, 389
Negotiation bargaining, 389
Negotiation finalizing, 389–390
Negotiation introductions, 388
Negotiation outcomes, 390f
Negotiation planning, 388
Negotiation preparation, 387–388
Negotiation proposals, 388–389
Net present value (NPV), 26–30, 29t
Network, 106–110, 240f, 242f, 420f, 435f
Network analysis
See also Critical path methods
Network blocks, 129
Network preparation, 158–160
Network principles, 105
Network rules, 107–110
New housing estate, 130
Non construction networks, 221
Norming, 373–374
Numbering, 111–115


OCPCA man hour norms, 433–434
Office of Statewide Healthcare Planning and Development (OSHPD), 510–511
Oil terminal, 131
Openmindedness, 381
Operating instructions, 406
Operational systems, 136–138
Options, 475
Oracle Primavera P6, 487
analysis views, 487–488
baselines, 488–489
earned value analysis, 489
multi-project system, 490
progress tracking, 489
through project life cycle, 491
project planning, 487
reference plans, 488
reporting, 491
resource usage, 488
risk management, 489–490
role-based access, 490–491
work breakdown structure, 487
Organization breakdown structure, 54, 452, 478f
Organization matrix, See Responsibility matrix
Organization roles, 45
Organization structures, 41
Outflow, 254
Outputs, 158
Overall project completion, 157–158
Overheads, 264, 61–62


P/I matrix, 74
P6, See Primavera P6
Package boiler, 230–231
Parametric estimaing, 60
Parent company guarantees, 305
Pareto analysis (80/20 rule), 94–96
Pareto chart, 95, 95f
Payback, 29
Payment schedule, 266
Perceived benefits, 22
% complete, 202, 256, 258, 260, 263, 265, 284f, 286, 288, 455
% complete curve, 271, 276, 426
Performance bond, 319–320, 322f
Performance bound project, 4
Performance criteria, 84, 90
Performance of team, 410
Performance tests, 405
Performing, 374
Personal Computer (PC), 175
PERT, 159
Pharmaceutical factory, 130
Phases, 49
Pilot runs, 310
Planning, 7
Planning blocks, 129
Plant, 375, 405
Political environment, 16–17, 73t
Political restraint, 237
Portfolio management, 13–14
Portland cement factory, 131
Positive stakeholders, 34
Pre-qualification questionnaire, 299
Pre-tender survey, 299–302
Precedence diagram, See Activity on node
Predict, 80
Present value table, 27f
Pressure groups, 26
Pressure tests, 90
Price, 62, 98
Primary stakeholders, 33
Primavera P6, 485–502, 487–491
PRINCE, 8, 69
Private Finance Initiative (PFI), 315
Probability, 35, 489–490
Procurement, 69, 296
Procurement strategy, 297–299
Product breakdown structure (PBS), 52, 52f, 54, 477f
Product life cycle, 50f, 473
Professionalism, 385–386
Profit, 30t, 61, 254
Programme life cycle, 49
Programme management, 11–13, 66
Programming, 176–177
Progress reporting, 199
Progress tracking, 489
Prohibition signs, 354, 355f
Project management
ISO 21500, 8, 520
OGC, 8
Project management software evolution
early project management software packages, 485
enterprise-level database, 486
production of reports, 486
scalable integrated system, 487
simple IT limitations, 485
systems integration, 486
Project manager
BS 6079, 8
Project manager’s authority, 8
Project manager’s responsibility, 8
board, 45
charter, 9
close-out, See Close-out
close-out report, See Close-out report
completion, 38–39
context, 15
definition, 1–3
diamond, 3f
See Project context
governance, 399–404
investment breakdown, 297f
life cycle, See Life cycle
management, 7
management and planning, 207
management plan (PMP), 65
manager, 45, 491
manager’s charter
See Project charter
objectives, 7
See Project support office
organization, 42–43
sponsor, 21–22
success criteria, 37
support office, 46
team, See Team building
triangle, 3, 3f
viability, 25–32
Prompt list, 72–73, 73t–74t
Prompt payment discount, 335
Pronunciation, 366–367
Protective equipment, 345
Protective materials, 309
PTPT, 291f
Public Private Partnership (PPP), 315
Public sector levies, 315
Pumping installation, 433
Purchase order, 307–308
Purchaser, 303


Qualification tests, 90
Qualitative analysis, 72
Quality, 85
Quality/performance criteria, 11
assurance, 55, 84, 86–88
assurance form, 92f
audit, 86, 91
control, 86, 88–90
criteria, 13
management, 84–85, 87
manual, 86, 90
plan, 86, 90–91
policy, 85, 87
programme, 86, 90
review, 86, 91
standard ISO 9000 series, 88t
systems, 86, 88
See Quality control
Quantitative analysis, 71, 75
Quantity surveyors, 61


Radio-frequency identification (RFID), 506
Random numbering, 111
Recommendation for future, 410
Reference plans, 488
Referral, 396
Referring party, 396
Reimbursable contract, 313–314
Remeasured contract, 312–313
Reporting, 491
Request for quotation (RfQ), 304
Requirement management, 22–23
aggregation, 237
allocation, 237
investigator, 242, 375
See Resource smoothing
loading, 237
See Resource loading
smoothing, 238, 243, 424f
Responding party, 396
Response, 396
Responsibility, 393–394
Responsibility matrix, 56, 57f, 452, 479f
Retention bond, 320–321, 324f
Retention bond discount, 335–336
Retention money, 254
Return on Investment (RoI), 25–26, 510
Reviews, 86, 319, 343
Risk management, 489–490
analysis, 75, 452
assessment, 74–75
awareness, 72
breakdown structure (RBS), 56
check list, See Check list
evaluation, 75–77
exposure table, 76f
identification, 72–74
See Risk register
management, 72, 77–79
management plan, 72
monitoring, 79
Mulberry Harbour, 80
number, 75
opportunity, 81
owner, 75, 79
positive Risk, 81
reduction, 78, 79t
register, 79
software, 80
summary chart, 75f
types, 56
Role of project manager, 8–9
Role-based access, 490–491
Rolling wave, 62
Route surveys, 309
Rudyard Kipling poem, 68


S-curve, 239
Safety, 3f, 4–6, 352–353
Safety bound project, 4–6
Safety plan, 352–353
Safety signs, 353–354
Scalable integrated system, 487
Scaled networks, 126–127
Schedule of rates, 61
Schedule performance index (SPI), 291, 293, 489
Schedule variance, 291
Secondary stakeholders, 33
Sequential numbering, 112
Shaper, 375
Shipping, 309
Shipping restrictions/problems, 17, 308
Similar equipment, 135f
Simple examples, 185–189
Site preparation contract, 209–210
Situational leadership, 383
Slack, 142
Slip chart, See Milestone slip chart
SMAC, 255–257
Small pipeline project, 196f
SMART, 179
See Resource smoothing
Soft skills, 7
Spares lists, 310
Specialist, 376
Sponsor requirements, 22–23
Sponsor role, 22
Stage inspection, 308
Stages, 52
Stages and Sequences, 411, 413f
Stages of completion, 138
Stakeholder analysis, 33
Stakeholder identification, See Stakeholder analysis
Stakeholder management, 33
Stakeholders (direct), 33
Stakeholders (indirect), 33–35
Standard conditions of contract, 329f
Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data (STEP), 520
Standards, 363
Steel Detailing Neutral File format (SDNF format), 520
Storage, 309
Storming, 373
Strikes, 393
Structural steelwork industry, 505
Subcontract documents, 327–333
Subcontracts, 326–327
Subdivision of blocks, 134–139
Subjective estimating, 59–60
Success/Failure criteria, 316
Surplus material disposal, 474
SWOT, 374–375
System integration, 67, 212–214
Systems integration, 486


Table of PMP topics in BS 6079, 8
Target contract, 314–315
Task, See Activity
Task force, 43
Team building, 371
Team development, 372–374
Team performance, 12–13
Team worker, 376
Technical specification, 331
Tekla BIMsight, 509–510
conveying differences, 514
showing model to site comparisons, 511f
Tekla structures, 508–509
Drywall assembly ‘spool sheet’, 512f
Dynamic Detailing implementation, 511–513
Tender evaluation, 305–307
Terms of payment, 305
Three point estimating, 159, 490
3 point estimating, See Three point estimating
3D modelling technology, 505
Time, cost, performance/quality criteria, 3f
Time bound project, 4
Time scaled network, 127f
Time sheet, 264t, 256, 265
Time value of money, See Net present value
Top down estimating, 59
Topological numbering, 111–112
Tornado diagram, 77
Total float, 126, 149, 151, 418, 439t, 487
Total quality management (TQM), 87
Trade unions, 34
Transfer of ownership certificate, 320f
Translation, 366–367
Transmission failures, 367
Trend analysis, 96
Trend chart, See Milestone slip chart
Tuckman team development, 311–323
2D drawing systems, 504
Types of contract, firm, fixed, target, cost plus, reimbursable, 313
Types of risk
See Risk types
Typical subcontracts, 327


UK Government Recommendations, 506, 507
aims and objectives, 507
project BIM maturity levels, 507
Universally Unique Identifier (UUID), 505
Updating, 200–201, 256, 285


Validity date, 306f
Value analysis, 8
Value engineering, 69
Value hours, 257t, 258
Value management, 69, 343


Warning signs, 353–354
Warranties, 304
Weighting system, 257t
Why and What, 21, 65
Withdrawing, 317, 319
Work breakdown structure (WBS), 52, 59, 361, 414t–415t, 477f
Worked examples
battle tank, 476f
bungalow, 417–418, 418f, 421f
motor car, 452f
pumping installation, 433–450


Zero float, 414t–415t
Zero time, 107
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