Assessing the quality of your page/collection

So by now, you should have had plenty of practice at setting up pages and collections. We would like to encourage you to think about the quality of your page. The quality of your page is very important. If your page is to be available for others to see, you want them to be enthused to read, watch, or listen to what you have to say. If the page is just for personal reflection, you still want to be able to return to the page at a later date and understand it, especially if you are going to use it in some kind of revision program.

We have devised a list of guidelines for you to assess your pages against. This list is grouped into two key sections that we believe are important in page quality — Content (what you are adding, how relevant it is, and so on) and Aesthetics (layout, graphics, and so on).

You may not agree with all of the guidelines, but hopefully it provides a good basis from which you can assess the quality of your page. This checklist will be available to download from the logged-in links and resources menu from this book's demonstration Mahara site at To the right of the criteria points, we have provided simple tick boxes for you to fill in if you wish to.

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