Page quality checklist

The page quality checklist is divided into two sections — Content and Aesthetics.


This section contains the following list:

  • C1: The content isn't simply a repetition of fact. The page contains personal responses to the content. Arguments/opinions are included.
  • C2: The thoughts are well structured and original.
  • C3: The page has a clear purpose/objective.
  • C4: Linked to point C3, an introductory sentence or paragraph could be included to communicate the key objective of the page.
  • C5: Paragraphs are used appropriately.
  • C6: The content is free of grammatical/punctuation errors.
  • C7: Colloquialism/slang is used only when appropriate to the subject of the page or to your style of reflection.
  • C8: Video included should be short, succinct, and add value to the page content. As a guide, videos longer than two minutes should be considered before inclusion (this is a rough guide, teaching videos or music tracks may be longer, for example).
  • C9: Audio should also add value to the content and be of a high quality. Audio hasn't just been included for the sake of it.
  • C10: Content is interesting. Even if what you are writing about isn't to the readers' normal interest, they should be hooked by a well presented, convincing, and structured page.
  • C11: Any arguments you make are polite and respectful. You show sensitivity to different audiences and do not offend them by your content.
  • C12: None of your content is repetitive in a single page. You haven't duplicated images or ideas.
  • C13: Where relevant, you have summarized your content with an indication of what has been learned.
  • C14: Your content shows research into the subject being discussed. A certain amount of work required prior to page creation is evident.
  • C15: In the case of collections, there is a logical order to the pages. Each tells a separate section of the whole story.
  • C16: All links in your content are live. None of them link to dead pages or pages that have altered from the originally intended content.
  • C17: Linked-to content is of a high quality. Content in external web sites is relevant to the original subject.
  • C18: Links are well-labeled. They give a clear indication of what content you should expect to see when you click on them.


This section contains the following list:

  • A1: Main body font is consistent throughout the page, apart from where changes are absolutely necessary (for example, to highlight a different point or to make a comment).
  • A2: Main body font is relevant to the content. Use of Serif/Sans-serif fonts are appropriate.
  • A3: Main body font isn't garish, it should be simple. Commonly used web fonts are Serif — Georgia, Times New Roman, Book Antiqua and Sans-serif — Helvetica, Verdana, Arial.
  • A4: Images in your page are of a sensible size. They don't dominate other content by being too big.
  • A5: Images are cut/cropped to the correct size before you upload them to your page. You don't have unnecessary detail in your images.
  • A6: Images are of a good coloring. Your images don't look washed out or too bright.
  • A7: Images are of good quality resolution. Your images don't look pixelated or low quality. Remember though — you have a limited file quota, so don't upload huge images to your portfolio otherwise you will soon run out.
  • A8: The page is visually attractive. It includes a graphic of some kind. People looking at your page should want to read it.
  • A9: There is an element of user initiative/creativity in the aesthetics of the page. This may include the creation of your own image for example.
  • A10: Bullet pointed/numbered lists are used to break up long sections of text.
  • A11: If you have developed a collection, the layout/design of each page should be consistent. Each page doesn't use vastly different font/image styles.
  • A12 :The page doesn't appear too cluttered. There shouldn't be lots of text/images packed into one section of the page.
  • A13: Don't adjust the link color unless you really need to. The CSS styling of the web page will help to keep these consistent.


Page inspiration

Remember, you can visit and filter by the mahara_portfolio_example tag to see plenty of good quality pages.

Have a go hero — make a top quality page

You have learned a lot about creating your own page in Mahara and seen two case studies — a page on the Tudors by Punam and a collection by Christophe. Use this information, and the page quality guide that you have just seen, to create a page in the demonstration site or your own Mahara site. Your page could be on anything you want — sport, politics, hobbies, art, music, film, and so on.

It doesn't matter what topic you choose as we just want to see you coming up with ideas for making your pages interesting, innovative, and of a good quality.

Let's finish the chapter by looking at how you can export your portfolio.

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