Accountability, 136

Acting, 21, 34, 181221, 235, 239, 240, 252, 263, 283

Action, 11, 12, 20

Additive communication, 137, 139, 141, 142, 158, 274

Adler, 275, 291

Affect, (see feelings)

Age of Information, 29, 37, 289

Ages of Information and Ideation, 252

Aggression, 58

Agrarian Age, 251

Agrarian roles, 6

Alexik, 274, 291, 295

Allen, 266, 303

Alternatives, (see choices)

Althoff, 261

Anthony, 261, 264, 265, 273, 281, 291, 295

Appearance, 40, 7173, 75, 77, 78

Archimedes, 134

Aspy, 271, 283, 284, 291

Assets, 156160

Assumptions, 44, 139, 142, 144, 275

Attending, 22, 3842, 5593, 235, 236, 240, 252, 265268, 273, 283

Attending personally, 22, 59, 6470, 88, 236

Attending Scale, 68, 69

Attitude, 81, 134, 167171

Augelli, 264, 292

Authenticity, 20

Authier, 264, 265, 292, 300

Aversive reactions, 201

Avila, 264, 296

Axelrod, 298

Bandler, 292

Banks, 279, 295

Barker, 265, 267, 292

Becker, 295

Behavior, 39, 40, 58, 7178, 82, 105, 148, 157, 187, 189, 204

Behavioral courses, 58

Behavioristic Orientation, 11, 272

Behaviorists, 10

Beliefs, 142

Berenson, D.H., 292

Berenson, B.G., 49, 56, 262, 263, 270, 271, 272, 274, 275, 278, 280, 284, 285, 292, 295, 299, 301

Berenson, S.R., 292

Bergin, 261, 262, 293

Bierman, 279, 286, 296

Binswanger, 275, 293

Birdwhistell, 265, 293

Body build, 72, 73

Body movements, 74, 75

Boss, 275, 293

Brainstorming, 33

Brammer, 264, 293

Brill, 275, 293

Brown, 287, 301

Brumbaugh, 264, 292

Bucker, 277, 293

Buell, 261

Business and industry, 285

Calhoun, 264, 302

Cannon, 270, 293

Carkhuff Helping Model, i, 1922, 261290

Research Background, 261290

Carkhuff Model, (see Carkhuff Helping Model)

Carkhuff, C., 298

Carkhuff, R.R., i, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 267, 269, 270, 271, 272, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 289, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 297, 299, 301, 303

Carothers, 264, 296

Case Studies

Attending, Skilled #1, 9092

Responding, Skilled #2, 127129

Personalizing, Skilled #3, 176178

Initiating, Skilled #4, 214220

Helping, Skilled #5, 227234

Helping, Skilled #6, 241247

Categories of feelings, 114

Cause and effect, 118

Changing Human Approaches in Helping, 1012

Changing Human Condition, 79

Check steps, 46, 185, 207210, 239

Choices, 166, 171, 172

Client-Centered School, v, 11

Cohen, 261, 291

Collingwood, 280, 283, 287, 296

Combs, 264, 296

Common Sense Approach, 264

Communication research, 268

Competition, 55, 95

Competitive ethic, 95

Concreteness, 19, 20

Conditional reinforcement, 202

Conditional responding, 251

Conditioning, 11, 55, 95, 116, 270

Confrontation, 20, 273

Congruence, v, 78, 276

Conn, 275, 297

Consensus-building, 98, 251

Consequences, 141, 199

Content, 42, 83, 84

Core helping skills, 21

Cornier, 299

Cost avoidance, 285

Counter-conditioning, 11

Courses of action, 166, 169171

Credentialed professionals, 265, 284

Criminal justice settings, 287

Cultural conditioning, 55, 95

Danish, 264, 296

Dasgow, 278

Data Age, 251

Decision Making, 166172

Dedicated Processors, 57

Deficits, 145149

Dependence, 49, 97

Dependent variables, 183

Direction, 156

Discipline, 175

Discriminative learning, 251

Distractions, 82, 267

Douds, 280, 296

Drasgow, 286, 302

Educational research, 271

Egan, 264, 296

Ekman, 265, 296

Electronics Era, 251

Ellsworth, 265, 296

Emotional dimension, 283

Emotional feeling state, 71, 73, 74

Emotional insights, (see insight) Emotional outcomes, 283

Empathy, v, 19, 79, 104, 133, 134, 175, 199, 266, 269

Empathy Question, 104106, 149, 160

Employability, 287

Empower, 49, 184, 252

Energy level, 72, 73, 267

Epilogue, 251253

Erez, 277, 297

Ethical attitude, 134

Existential School, v, 11, 275

Expert information, 146

Expert people, 146

Exploring, 21, 32, 95130, 181, 235, 237, 240, 252, 262, 283

External behaviors, 82

Externalizing experiences, 136

External significance, 145

Evaluating courses of action, 171

Evolution of Helping Models, 627

Eye contact, 40, 67, 88

Eysenck, 261, 276, 281, 297

Facial expressions, 72, 74, 75, 105

Facing, 40

Factors of helping effectiveness, 19, 20

Feedback, 23, 35, 38, 47, 48, 53, 181, 182, 277

Feeling categories, 105

Feeling state, 267

Feeling word list, 257258

Feeling word vocabulary, 112

Feelings, 42, 71, 73, 74, 80, 84, 99, 104124, 143, 149, 175

Fight, 58, 130

Fischer, 272, 297

Flight, 58, 130

Flowers, 277, 297

Forehand, 279, 302

Formats for responding to meaning, 122

Frankel, 264, 292

Freud, 10, 269, 275, 297

Freund, 275, 297

Friedman, 275, 297

Friesen, 265, 296

Fromm, v, 275, 297

Fromm-Reichmann, 293

Functional professionals, 285

Future of Helping, 288

Garfield, 266, 293, 298

Gazda, 264, 298

Gendlen, 261, 269, 298, 302

General feelings, 115

Generative processing skills, 252

Genther, 264, 266

Genuineness, 20, 269

Gershaw, 298

Ginzberg, E., 298

Ginzberg, S.W., 298

Goals, 36, 46, 156161, 166, 168173, 185189, 204, 239 (also see personalizing goals)

Goldenberg, 277, 299

Goldman, 277, 297

Goldstein, 298

Goodman, 264, 298

Gordon, 298

Gottesfeld, 297

Grayston, 272, 297

Griffin, 280, 292, 298

Grinder, 292

Grooming, 73, 74

Guerney, 264, 292, 298

Gurman, 291

Gustafson, 292

Hackney, 299

Hall, 265, 266, 299, 303

Handis, 264, 292

Hauer, 264, 296

Hefele, 284, 299

Heidegger, 275, 299

Helpee’s Contribution to the Helping Process, 2936

Helper Principle, 221, 287

Helper’s Contribution to the Helping Process, 3749

Helping Outcomes, 261, 262, 271, 283288

Helping Process, 25221, 240, 283

Helping Skills, 51221

Herma, 298

Holder, 270, 299

Holroyd, 277, 299

Horney, v, 275, 299

Hubbard, 272, 297

Human Capital Development, 288

Human health and development, 146

Human learning, 53

Human Processing, 225

Human Processors, 251, 252

Human Resource Development, i, 12

Humanistic Orientation, 272

Hypotheses, 76

Ideal selves, 133

Illig, 264, 292

Immaturity, 172

Immediacy, 32, 273

Implications, 44, 86, 112, 130, 139, 141, 144, 202

Incongruencies, 77, 267

Independence, 49, 95, 97

Independent variables, 183

Indigenous personnel, 286, 287

Individual thinking, 289

Industrial Age, 6, 8, 251

Inferences, 7275, 77, 267

Information Age, 9

Information inputs, 29

Information processing skills, 289

Informational learning, 289

Initiating, 38, 4546, 181221, 235, 239, 240, 252, 276287

Initiating Factor, 20

Inner experiences, 79

Insight, 1120, 263, 271, 272, 275

Inslee, 264, 297

Integration, 98, 144

Intellectual dimension, 283

Intellectual readiness for helping, 71, 75

Intensity, 85, 105, 113, 114, 140

Intentions, 32

Interchangeable Base, 137, 238 (also see responding to meaning)

Interchangeable Response (see responding to meaning)

Interchangeable Response to Content (see responding to content)

Interchangeable Response to Feeling (see responding to feeling)

Interchangeable Response to Meaning (see responding to meaning)

Interdependence, 37, 49, 9698

Interdependent processing, 289

Internal experiences, 82

Internal significance, 145

Internalizing, 43, 44, 131, 136, 147, 149

Internalizing Question, 158

Interpersonal functioning, 283

Interpersonal Processing, 30, 3749, 225, 240, 252

Interpersonal-skills training studies and results, 281, 282

Interpretive skills, (see personalizing)

Interrogative, 83, 100103

Intervening variables, 183

Intimacy, 86

Intrapersonal Processing, 3036, 37, 225, 240, 252

Involvement, 22, 31, 5593, 235, 236, 240, 252, 265

Ivey, 264, 265, 299

Johnson, D., 299

Jones, 275, 299

Judgments, 76, 79, 81

Jung, 275, 300

Kagan, 264, 300

Kasdorf, 292

Kickertz, 272, 297

Kiesler, 261, 269, 302

Krasner, 300

Kratochvil, 296

Latham, 277, 300

Lay Personnel, 285, 286

Leaning, 40, 66, 88, 266

Levels of Helping, 212, 240

personal attending while sitting, 68

personal attending while standing, 69

listening, 87

attending, 88

responding, 124, 125

personalizing, 173, 174

initiating, 211, 212

Levitt, 261, 281, 300

Lewis, 261, 281, 300

Linder, 298

Listening, 22, 39, 40, 59, 7986, 88, 124, 236, 266, 268, 273

Logan-El, 298

Loran, 275

Lorrand, 300

May, 275, 300

Maturity, 172

McClurek, 266, 300

McKinney, 266, 303

McLaughlin, 275, 300

Meaning, (see responding to meaning and personalizing meaning)

Mehrabian, 265, 267, 300

Mickelson, 270, 301

Miller, 277, 303

Missing information, 83, 84

Missing ingredient, 146

Mitchell, 274, 292

Montgomery, 287, 301

Moreno, 293

Mosher, 303

Motivation, 39, 146, 276

Moughan, 266, 298

Mullahy, 275, 301

Murphy, 270, 301

Negative feedback, 181

Negative reinforcement, 199, 201

Neo-Analytic, 11, 274, 275

Neo-Behavioristic Approach, 11

Neo-Freudians, v

Non-credentialed helpers, 265

Non-verbal behavior, 7173, 78, 265, 267, 268

Objectives, 34

Observing, 22, 39, 40, 59, 7178, 88, 105, 236, 266268

Okun, 301

Older, 275, 301

One-to-group relationships, 287

One-to-one relationships, 287

Operational goal, 189, 213, 276

Organization choices, 169171

Ownership, 44

Pagell, 300

Paradigm of helping as learning, 264

Paraphrase, 100, 102

Parsons, 301

Patterson, 264, 301

Pavenza, 272, 297

People courses, 169171

Personal growth and development paradigm, 12

Personalizing, 21, 38, 4344, 130, 131179, 235, 238, 240, 252, 271276, 283

Personalizing Decision-Making, 166172

Personalizing Feelings, 135, 149, 160, 238

Personalizing Goals, 44, 135, 136, 156161, 175, 238

Personalizing Meaning, 44, 135, 136, 139144, 175, 238

Personalizing Problems, 44, 135, 136, 145150, 175, 238

Phases of counseling and psychotherapy, 262

Phases of Helping, 2123

Phases of Intrapersonal Processing, 3036

Phases of learning, 53, 262, 263

Physical Attending, 40

Physical dimension, 283

Physical energy level, 71, 73, 146

Piaget, 270, 301

Pierce, 270, 278, 286, 293, 297, 302

Positioning, 266268

Positive reinforcement, 199, 200

Posture, 65, 66, 70, 7275, 105, 267

Preparing for attending, 59, 6063, 88, 236

Preparing the context, 59, 60, 62

Preparing the helpees, 5961

Preparing the helpers, 59, 60, 63

Prevention, 280

Principle of Cause and Effect, 118

Principle of Reciprocity, 56, 64, 93, 221

Problems, 44, 135, 136, 145150, 166173

Problem solving, 20

Processing, 27, 2949, 134, 146, 225, 248, 289

Processing, Interpersonal, 30, 3749, 225, 240, 252

Processing, Intrapersonal, 3036, 37, 225, 240, 252

Program choices, 169171

Program development, 20

Programs, 46, 185, 190194, 204, 239

Prolog, vvii

Psychoanalysts, 10, 275

Psychoanalytic Approach, 11, 274, 275

Psychodynamic Orientation, 272

Psychological Education, 184

Punishment, 201

Purkey, 264, 296

Purpose of helping, 23

Qualitative dimension, 179

Quantitative dimension, 179

Questions, 103

Rank, 275, 302

Ransom, 280, 292

Razin, 291


to enter the exploratory phase, 89

to move to understanding, 123, 138

to begin understanding problems, 144

to begin understanding goals, 150

to move to action, 161

Real selves, 133

Reason for listening, 79, 80

Recurrence, 140

Recycling the helping process, 227248

Reed, 279, 302

Regard, v Rehabilitation, 280

Rehearsing steps, 185, 203, 205, 206

Reinforcements, 46, 185, 199202, 239, 270

Renya, 303

Repetition, 85

Repertoire of responses, 53

Requirements, 33

Research data on helping effectiveness, 19, 261288

Respect, 19, 269

Responding, vi, 38, 4142, 95130, 235, 237, 240, 252, 269271, 273, 283

Responding factor, 19

Responding to content, 42, 99103, 237

Responding to feeling, 42, 99, 104116, 237

Responding to meaning, 4143, 117123, 237

Response repertoires, 251

Response sharing, 98, 251

Responsibility, 43, 44, 145, 156

Responsive communication, 99

Reviewing steps, 185, 203, 204

Revising steps, 185, 203, 206

Rewards, 200

Rinne, 277, 300

Roberts, 279, 302

Roebuck, 271, 283, 284, 291

Rogers, v, 261, 269, 283, 302

Rosenbaum, 264, 302

Rowe, 270, 301

Saccuzzo, 298

Salter, 303

Schedules, 46, 185, 195198, 204, 239

Schefflen, 265, 302

Schulman, 264, 302

Schultz, 264, 302

Security, 89

Self-diagnostic process, 262

Self-disclosure, 20

Self-exploration, 123, 126, 138, 269, 270, 273, 274

Sensitivity, 19

Sharratt, 261

Shearer, 264, 292

Smith, 277, 302

Smith-Hanen, 266, 302

Social Learning Theory, 12

Solutions, 81, 156

Specificity, 19, 20, 32

Sprafkin, 298

Sprinthall, 303

Squaring, 65, 88

Standards, 186, 188, 189

Steps, 46, 185, 190194, 203206, 239

Stevic, 270, 301

Substantive learning, 289

Sue, 266, 303

Sullivan, v, 275, 303

Super, 303

Support groups, 199

Support persons, 199

Talking Cure, 269

Teaching as treatment, 278280 (also see training as treatment)

Teaching skills, 278

Thayter, 293

Themes, 79, 85, 139, 140, 175

Therapeutic outcome, 269, 277

Therapeutic relationship, 278

Therapeutic research, 269

Thinking, 146

Thinking Better, 252

Thinking skills, 252, 289

Timetables, 46

Tone of voice, 80, 105

Training as treatment, 184, 279 (also see teaching as treatment)

Trait-and-Factor School, v, 11

Truax, 261, 265, 269, 270, 271, 283, 284, 302, 303

Turner, 264, 292

Ullman, 300

Understanding, 21, 33, 131179, 181, 235, 238, 240, 252, 264, 272, 283

Values, 3133, 81, 168, 170172

Verbal expressions, 39, 79, 104, 268

Verbatim, 84, 124

Vitalo, 261, 270, 278, 291, 303

Volunteers, 265

Walker, 277, 303

Warmth, 19, 266

Watson, 10, 303

Webster’s Dictionary, 235

Willer, 277, 303

Williams, 280, 296

Wilson, 280, 296

Wolkon, 266, 303

Wolpe, 303

Work Harder, 251

Worker productivity, 285

Working Smarter, 252

Youth development, 288

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