Planning Check Steps

One of the ways of ensuring success is to develop check steps. Check steps emphasize the things we need to think about before, during and after the performance of each program step. They emphasize the resources we need to be successful and the ways to monitor and assess our effectiveness in performing the steps.



The “before check steps” emphasize the things we need to do before we perform each step. They ask and answer the question: “What resources will I need to perform the step successfully?” These resources include physical, emotional and intellectual resources. For example, in planning to run a mile, physically we need a measured distance and stopwatch as well as some appropriate kind of running shoes and clothes. Emotionally we need motivation for achieving our goal, and intellectually we need a step-by-step program.

In implementing the interpersonal attending steps of the relating program, our helpee needs an appropriate physical setting and an occasion to interact with people, such as that provided by mealtime in his home. In addition, he needs an emotional commitment and an intellectual program to achieve his goal. Without the resources, we are unable to perform the steps effectively. The “before check steps” give us an opportunity to check out our resources before performing the steps.



“During check steps” emphasize the things we need to do during the performance of each step. These check steps ask and answer the question “Am I performing the step correctly?” Again, this involves physical, emotional and intellectual dimensions. Physically, in running, we may check our times and distances. Emotionally, we may check out our level of motivation. Intellectually, we may check whether we are running with proper form or appropriate breathing.

In implementing the interpersonal relating program, our helpee may check physically whether he is squared with others, sitting forward at a 200 angle and making eye con tact. Emotionally, he may check whether he is being fully attentive to others. Intellectually, he may check whether he is focused on the content and feeling of the others’ expressions. The “during check steps” give us an opportunity to check ourselves out during the performance of the steps.



“After check steps” emphasize the things we need to do after the performance of each step. We ask and answer the question: “Did I achieve the results and benefits I wanted?” These are physical, emotional and intellectual results and benefits. For example, in implementing the running program we might check to see if we ran the intended distance within the targeted time and gained the physical and emotional benefits. Intellectually, we may check any earnings gained from the achievement of the program step.

In implementing the interpersonal attending program, our helpee may check out whether he did or did not attend effectively. He may also check whether his attentiveness facilitated his parents’ involvement in a conversation with him. He may check whether the conversation led to the desired benefits of improved relations.



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