
ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology), 557

Absorption through skin, 58

Accelerating Rate Calorimeter (ARC), 348350

Acceptance of risk, 2731

Access security, 516


accident pyramid, 15

definition, 3, 5

statistics, 1727

suggested reading, 50

Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET), 557

Accumulated charges in electrostatic ignition sources, 304


electrostatic charge, 289, 300

relief sizing, 413415

reliefs, 382

ACGIH (American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists)

dispersion toxic effect criteria, 199

threshold limit values, 207

toxicology threshold limit values, 75

Actions required in hazards identification/evaluation and risk analysis, 483

Active IPLs in LOPA method, 519521

Active methods for reactive hazard controls, 373

Active strategy for inherently safer design, 45

Active systems for fire and explosion prevention, 333

Acute exposure guideline levels (AEGLs) in dispersion toxic effect criteria, 198, 204206

Acute toxicity

dose curves, 68

Safety Data Sheets, 86

toxicology studies, 62

Adiabatic compression for fires, 245247

Adiabatic flow in gases and vapors through pipes, 145152

Adiabatic mode in APTAC devices, 350

Advanced Reactive System Screening Tool (ARSST), 348350

Advection equation in neutrally buoyant dispersion models, 183

AEGLs (acute exposure guideline levels) in dispersion toxic effect criteria, 198, 204206

Aerosol droplets in flashing liquids, 167

Agitators in process diagram symbol, 600

AICHE. See American Institute for Chemical Engineers (AICHE)

AIHA (American Industrial Hygiene Association), 198202

Air blower coolers process diagram symbol, 600

Airflow velocity in local ventilation, 113

AIT (autoignition temperature)

definition, 222

selected hydrocarbon data, 578582

vapors, 244245

Alcoa (Aluminum Company of America), 12

Alveoli as toxicant route into bodies, 5859

Ambient temperature issue in worst-case releases, 170

American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH)

dispersion toxic effect criteria, 199

threshold limit values, 207

toxicology threshold limit values, 75

American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), 198202

American Institute for Chemical Engineers (AICHE)

Bhopal, India response, 48

Chemical Reactivity Worksheet from, 345

engineering ethics, 67

fire and explosion prevention, 332

process safety definitions, 25

toxicology definitions, 56

American Petroleum Institute (API)

fire and explosion prevention standards, 332

relaxation guidelines, 317

relief pressure requirements, 383385

standards, 32

two-phase relief sizing, 428

vents for fires external to processes, 442

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards, 32

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 32, 416, 418

Ammonia in refrigeration systems, 46

Ammonium nitrate explosion from emergency management failure, 566567

AND logic functions

fault trees, 506, 508, 512

process failures, 489490

Anti-static additives for static electricity, 321

Anticipating hazardous workplace exposures, 8083

Antifreeze sprinkler systems, 330

API. See American Petroleum Institute (API)

APTAC (Automatic Pressure Tracking Adiabatic Calorimeter), 348353

ARC (Accelerating Rate Calorimeter), 348350

Area classifications in explosion-proof equipment and instruments, 324325

Arrhenius equation for calorimeters, 358, 364

ARSST (Advanced Reactive System Screening Tool), 348350

ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers), 32, 416, 418

Asset integrity and reliability

case history and lessons learned, 560561

RBPS approach, 38, 41

ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) standards, 32

Atmospheric stability

dispersion, 180181, 212

Pasquill–Gifford model, 185

Auditability for independent protection layers, 516


case history and lessons learned, 570

RBPS approach, 39, 42

Auto-oxidation for fires, 245

Autoignition temperature (AIT)

definition, 222

selected hydrocarbon data, 578582

vapors, 244245

Automatic Pressure Tracking Adiabatic Calorimeter (APTAC), 348353

Availability in revealed and unrevealed failures, 497498

Average discharge velocity in flow of liquid through holes, 124

Awareness of reactive chemical hazards, 340346

Backflow preventers for pilot-operated reliefs, 397


relief sizing for liquid service, 417418, 420

relief sizing for vapor and gas service, 422, 424

reliefs, 382383

spring-operated reliefs, 393394

Baker–Strehlow–Tang method, 269270

Balanced bellows relief devices, 394

Barrier analysis, 513

Basic events in fault trees, 506507

Basic process control system (BPCS)

high pressure prevention, 36

IPLs, 522

Benzene flow through holes in tanks, 128130

Best-in-class safety programs, 11

Bhopal, India chemical plant tragedy

conduct of operations, 565566

containment system, 544

overview, 4649

suggested reading, 50

Binary interactions in reactive chemical hazards, 344345

Black powder, 281

Blasius approximation for flow of liquid through pipes, 134

Blast sources in TNO multi-energy method, 266267

Blast strength in TNO multi-energy method, 267

Blast waves in explosions

damage from overpressure, 261265

damage to people, 274276

description, 259

Blast winds in explosions, 262


LOTO permit problem, 555

process safety competency failure, 554555

safety review failure fatality, 564565

BLEVEs (boiling-liquid expanding-vapor explosions)

definition, 222223

overview, 277278

training and performance assurance failure, 562563

Blood counts, toxicant effect on, 61

Bloodstream, toxicants in, 5658


definition, 383

description, 385

spring-operated reliefs, 392, 403405

Blowout panels for deflagration venting, 434

BLS (Bureau of Labor Statistics) accident statistics, 1718, 23

Boiling-liquid expanding-vapor explosions (BLEVEs)

definition, 222223

overview, 277278

training and performance assurance failure, 562563

Boiling liquids, 168169

Boiling point temperature in flashing liquids, 162

Bonding for static electricity, 317320

Bourne, Doug, 1

Bow-tie analysis and diagrams

hazard identification/evaluation and risk analysis, 456

probability theory, 513514

Box-type enclosed hoods for local ventilation, 113

BP Deepwater oil spill, 1213

BPCS (basic process control system)

high pressure prevention, 36

IPLs, 522

Britter and McQuaid model, 198

Brittle metal fatigue, fire due to, 557558

Brode’s method in energy of mechanical explosions, 272, 274

Bronchial disease from toxicant effects, 60

Bronchial tubes as toxicant route into bodies, 58

Brush discharges

electrostatic discharges, 301302

preventing, 316317

Buckling pin reliefs

advantages and disadvantages, 401

overview, 395396

sizing, 425


dispersion, 181, 183184

Pasquill–Gifford model, 193194

Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) accident statistics, 1718, 23

Burning parameters for gases, 437438

Burns from thermal radiation, 9697

Bypass hoods for local ventilation, 112


application of data from, 371372

estimation of parameters from data, 364369

exothermic reactions, 346347

heat capacity data, 369370

heat of reaction data, 370

introduction, 347353

overview, 346347

pressure data, 370371

theoretical analysis of data, 353364

Canopies for local ventilation, 114


of bodies, 312315

electrostatic ignition sources, 304

Capacitors, energy of, 308312

Capacity correction factors

relief sizing for liquid service, 417418, 420

relief sizing for vapor and gas service, 423

Carbon dioxide for inerting, 284

Carbon tetrachloride, 46

Case histories and lessons learned

asset integrity and reliability, 560561

auditing, 570

compliance with standards, 553554

conduct of operations, 565566

contractor management, 561562

emergency management, 566567

hazard identification and risk analysis, 557558

incident investigation, 567568

management of change, 563564

management review and continuous improvement, 570571

measurement and metrics, 569570

operating procedures, 558559

operational readiness, 564565

overview, 551

problems, 572

process knowledge management, 556557

process safety competency, 554555

process safety culture, 552553

safe work practices, 559560

stakeholder outreach, 556

suggested reading, 571572

training and performance assurance, 562563

workplace involvement, 555

Cause–consequence analysis (CCA), 456

Causes in HAZOP studies, 472

CCPS. See Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS)

CEI (Chemical Exposure Index) in relative ranking method, 469

Ceiling concentrations in dispersion toxic effect criteria, 199

Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS)

20 elements of risk-based process safety, 3642, 50

Bhopal, India response, 48

Chemical Reactivity Worksheet from, 345

fire and explosion prevention, 332

process safety definitions, 25

safety culture features, 1112

toxicology definitions, 56

CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) in refrigeration systems, 46

Change management

case history and lessons learned, 563564

independent protection layers, 516

level 3 safety program, 9

RBPS approach, 39, 41

Characteristic plume in dispersion, 178

Charge accumulation in static electricity, 300

Charged capacitors, energy of, 308312

Chatter in spring-operated reliefs, 393

Check valves, process diagram symbol, 599

Checklist analysis in hazard identification/evaluation and risk analysis, 455456, 462467

Chemical explosions, energy of, 270271

Chemical Exposure Index (CEI) in relative ranking method, 469

Chemical plant losses from fires and explosions, 219

Chemical plant tragedy in Bhopal, India

conduct of operations, 565566

containment system, 544

overview, 4649

suggested reading, 50

Chemical reactivity. See Reactivity

Chemical Reactivity Worksheet (CRW), 344345

Chemical releases. See Releases

Chemical Safety Board (CSB)

contractor management failure, 561562

emergency management failure, 567

pharmaceutical plant explosion, 553

reactive hazards report, 338339

runaway reaction explosion, 556557

Texas City Refinery explosion, 552

Chemical Thermodynamics and Energy Release Evaluation (CHETAH) program, 345

Chemical vapors, respirators for, 108109


compatibility matrix, 344

hazard identification/evaluation and risk analysis, 457

industrial hygiene data, 81

odor thresholds, 8182

threshold quantities, 30

CHETAH (Chemical Thermodynamics and Energy Release Evaluation) program, 345

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in refrigeration systems, 46

Choked flow

flashing liquids, 166

flow of gases and vapors through holes, 142143

flow of gases and vapors through pipes, 148150, 154155, 157

two-phase relief sizing, 429

Choked pressure

flashing liquids, 164

flow of gases and vapors through holes, 142

flow of gases and vapors through pipes, 161

Choking deaths, 25

Chronic effects in magnitude of exposures and responses, 89

Chronic toxicity

dose curves, 68

toxicology studies, 62

Clausius–Clapeyron equation for flashing liquids, 166167

Close calls incident investigations, 535

Closed calorimeters, 348349

Closed-cup method for flash point temperature, 224225

Cloud boundaries for Pasquill–Gifford model, 192

Clouds in dense gas dispersion, 198


definition, 31

ethics, 67

international, 33

NEC, 115, 323

reliefs, 383386, 413, 416

selected, 32

Coincidence in probability, 499500

Columbia space shuttle fatalities, 568

Combustion, definition, 221

Commitment in reactive chemical hazards, 340346

Common-cause failures in probability theory, 501

Communication in safety culture features, 12

Community outreach, case history and lessons learned, 556

Compatibility matrix, 344


case history and lessons learned, 553554

RBPS approach, 38, 40

Compressibility factor in relief sizing, 422

Compression, adiabatic, 245247


calorimeters, 355

dispersion, 183

flammability diagram, 295

flammability limit estimating, 230231

inerting, 284

isopleths, 192

puff dispersion, 189191

vacuum purging, 285286

vaporization rate of liquids, 101

volatile vapors, 9899

worst-case dispersion conditions, 194

Conceptual design in hazard identification/evaluation and risk analysis, 459

Condensers for reliefs, 406

Conditional modifiers

definition, 3

description, 34

Conditions in hazard identification/evaluation and risk analysis, 458

Conduct of operations

case history and lessons learned, 565566

RBPS approach, 39, 41

Confined explosions

characteristics, 261

definition, 222

Confined-space entry in safe work practices, 540541

Conical pile discharges

electrostatic discharges, 301

preventing, 316

Consequence plots vs. frequency plots, 526


definition, 3

estimation in LOPA method, 518

HAZOP studies, 472

modeling, 119120, 172

Conservative analysis, source models in, 169, 171

Construction and startup in hazard identification/evaluation and risk analysis, 460

Construction industry fatalities, 2022

Construction materials

HAZOP study, 472

process safety, 545546

Contact charging in static electricity, 300

Containers, GHS labels for, 89

Containment systems, 544545

Contours, risk, 526527

Contractor management

case history and lessons learned, 561562

RBPS approach, 39, 41

Control techniques to prevent exposures

overview, 106108

respirators, 108109

ventilation, 109111

ventilation, dilution, 114115

ventilation, local, 111114

Control velocity in local ventilation, 113


double block and bleed systems, 541542

emergency isolation valves, 541

explosion suppression, 543544

process diagram symbol, 599

safeguards and redundancy, 542543

Convective heat transfer in boiling, 169

Conversion constants, 573575

Corona discharges, 302303

Corrosion failures, 545546

Costs. See also Losses

myths, 7

ventilation, 110

Countermeasures in dispersion release prevention and mitigation, 211

Critical flow of gases and vapors through holes, 142

Crude petroleum and natural gas extraction injury statistics, 24

CRW (Chemical Reactivity Worksheet), 344345

CSB. See Chemical Safety Board (CSB)

Cubic law in experimental characterization of gases and vapors, 251252


case history and lessons learned, 552553

metrics, 16

RBPS approach, 38, 40

safety, 1013

Dalton’s law in vacuum purging, 286

Damage from overpressure in explosions, 261265

Darby and Molavi equation in relief sizing, 417

Darcy formula for flow of gases and vapors through pipes, 149

Days away from work (DAW)

definition, 20

statistics, 19

Days away from work, job restriction, or job transfer (DART)

definition, 20

statistics, 19

dB (decibels), 9496

DDT (deflagration to detonation transition) in explosions, 260261

DeBlois, L., 10

Debris from explosions, 274

Decibels (dB), 9496

Decommissioning in hazard identification/evaluation and risk analysis, 460

Deepwater oil spill, 1213

Deflagration index for gases or dusts, 439

Deflagration to detonation transition (DDT) in explosions, 260261

Deflagration venting

dust and vapor explosions, 434440

suggested reading, 448


definition, 222

dusts, 247248

explosions, 259261

gases and vapors, 253254

process vessels, 546

Delaware City, Delaware explosion, 560

Deluge sprinkler systems, 329330

Dense gas dispersion, 197198


flow of gases and vapors through holes, 140

flow of liquid through holes, 123

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) regulations, 32

Dermal absorption as toxicant route into bodies, 56, 58

Design basis for reliefs, 383

Design intent in HAZOP studies, 472473

Designs for process safety

containment, 544545

controls, 541544

dusts, 548549

flame arrestors, 544545

inherently safer design, 541

materials of construction, 545546

miscellaneous, 547

problems, 550

process vessels, 546547

runaway reactions, 547548

suggested reading, 549

Detailed engineering in hazard identification/evaluation and risk analysis, 459

Detected onset temperatures in calorimeters, 364366


definition, 222

explosions, 259261

process vessels, 546547

Detoxification, 59

Deviations in HAZOP studies, 472473

DHS (Department of Homeland Security) regulations, 32

Diamonds in NFPA, 115116

Differential Scanning Calorimeters (DSCs), 348351

Diffusivity in neutrally buoyant dispersion models, 184

Dig pipes for static electricity, 320

Dilution ventilation

exposure prevention, 106

fire and explosion prevention, 326

overview, 114115

Dimensionless approach for calorimeters, 356359

Discharge coefficient

2-K method, 136

flow of gases and vapors through holes, 141

flow of liquid through holes, 124125

flow of liquid through holes in tanks, 127

relief sizing for liquid service, 420

relief sizing for vapor and gas service, 423

two-phase relief sizing, 429

Discharge mass flow in relief sizing, 422

Discharge rates in releases, 171


dense gas dispersion, 197198

neutrally buoyant models, 183184

overview, 177178

parameters affecting, 178183

Pasquill–Gifford model. See Pasquill–Gifford model

problems, 212217

release prevention and mitigation, 210211

suggested reading, 212

toxic effect criteria, 198210

Dispersion coefficients in Pasquill–Gifford model, 184188

Dispersion conditions in Pasquill–Gifford model, 194195

Dispersion models, 119

quantitative risk analysis, 515

releases, 171

TNO multi-energy method, 266

Displacement during vessel filling operations, 103104

Dissipating energy in explosions, 259

Distillation columns process diagram symbol, 600

Divisions in explosion-proof equipment and instruments, 325


checklist analysis, 467

FMEA, 480

hazards identification/evaluation and risk analysis, 483

inherent safety reviews, 468

preliminary hazard analysis, 468

safety culture features, 11

safety reviews, 467

what-if analysis, 482

Domino effect in explosions, 274

Dose range in toxicology studies, 61

Dose vs. response

probit equation, 6874

toxicology, 6268

Double block and bleed systems, 541542

Double-layer charging in static electricity, 300

Dow Chemical

calorimeters, 347

CHETAH program, 345

Dry pipe sprinkler systems, 330

DSCs (Differential Scanning Calorimeters), 348351

Ducts for ventilation, 110, 112113

Dust explosions

definition, 223

deflagration venting, 434440

experimental characterization of, 255258

inadequate training, 553554

prevention features, 549


designs and practices, 548549

exposures to, 9394

flammability characteristics, 247248

respirators, 108109

upper respiratory toxicants, 59

vents for, 439440

Early vapor detection and warning in dispersion release prevention and mitigation, 211

ED (effective dose) curves

dose vs. response, 68

relative toxicity, 74

Eddy diffusivity in neutrally buoyant dispersion models, 184

EEGLs (emergency exposure guidance levels), 198, 202204, 207

Effective dose (ED) curves

dose vs. response, 68

relative toxicity, 74

Effects in toxicology studies, 61

Effluent handling in reliefs, 403406

Electricity, static. See Static electricity

Electrons in static charge, 299

Electrostatic discharges

energy, 303

overview, 300303

Electrostatic ignitions

preventing, 316317

sources, 304

Electrostatic voltage drops, 307308

Elephant trunks for local ventilation, 114

Emergency exposure guidance levels (EEGLs), 198, 202204, 207

Emergency isolation valves, 541

Emergency management

case history and lessons learned, 566567

RBPS approach, 39, 41

Emergency material transfer, 176

Emergency Response Division, Chemical Reactivity Worksheet from, 345

Emergency response in dispersion release prevention and mitigation, 211

Emergency Response Planning Guidelines (ERPGs)

dispersion toxic effect criteria, 198202, 208209

relative ranking method, 469

Empowering individuals as safety culture features, 12

Enabling conditions

definition, 3

and safeguards, 33

Enclosed hoods for local ventilation, 111112

Enclosures for exposure prevention, 106

End-of-line flame arrestors, 544545


charged capacitors, 308312

chemical explosions, 270271

electrostatic discharges, 303

electrostatic ignition sources, 304

flow of gases and vapors through holes, 140

ignition, 248249

isolating, 539540

mechanical explosions, 272274

two-phase relief sizing, 429

unit conversion constants, 574

Energy balance

flow of gases and vapors through holes, 140

flow of gases and vapors through pipes, 146, 153154

flow of liquid through holes, 123

flow of liquid through holes in tanks, 127

thermal expansion of process fluids, 446

vents for fires external to processes, 441

Energy isolation in safe work practices, 539540

Energy of equivalent fuel–air charges in TNO multi-energy method, 267, 269

Energy release

explosions, 259

fires vs. explosions, 221

Engineering design for dispersion release prevention and mitigation, 211

Engineering ethics, 67

Environmental controls for exposure prevention, 107

Environmental factor

inherently safer design, 46

vents for fires external to processes, 442

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Chemical Reactivity Worksheet from, 345

dispersion toxic effect criteria, 198, 207

regulations, 32

Equilibrium rate model (ERM) in two-phase relief sizing, 429


explosion-proof, 323325

fault trees, 507

hazard identification/evaluation and risk analysis, 457

HAZOP study, 472

industrial hygiene data, 81

Equivalent mass in TNT, 265266

Ergonomics in process safety, 534

ERM (equilibrium rate model) in two-phase relief sizing, 429

ERPGs (Emergency Response Planning Guidelines)

dispersion toxic effect criteria, 198202, 208209

relative ranking method, 469

ET (event tree analysis), 456

Ethane heat transfer, 169

Ethics, engineering, 67


flammability diagrams, 241242

heat transfer, 169

Ethylene oxide odor thresholds, 83


liquids, 168169

vaporization rate of liquids, 100103

during vessel filling operations, 103104

Event tree analysis (ET), 456

Event trees, 501506

Events, 509

bow-tie diagrams, 513

event trees, 502

fault trees, 506507, 513

in incident sequence, 33

LOPA method, 517518

quantitative risk analysis, 515

Excess energy in flashing liquids, 162

Excess head loss

flow of gases and vapors through pipes, 150

flow of liquid through pipes, 131, 137

Excretion, toxicant elimination from bodies through, 59

Existing events in fault trees, 507

Exothermic reactions in heat loss, 346347

Expansion factor in flow of gases and vapors through pipes, 155156

Expertise as safety culture feature, 12

Explosion-proof equipment and instruments

area and material classifications, 324325

housings, 323324

Explosions. See also Fires

blast damage from overpressure, 261265

blast damage to people, 274276

boiling-liquid expanding-vapor explosions, 277278

conduct of operations, 565566

confined, 261

definitions, 221224

deflagration venting, 434440

designs for safety, 547

detonation and deflagration, 259261

dusts, 255258, 549, 554555

emergency management failure, 566567

energy of chemical explosions, 270271

energy of mechanical explosions, 272274

experimental characterization of dusts, 255258

experimental characterization of gases and vapors, 251254

vs. fires, 221

flammability characteristics of dusts, 247248

hot-work-permit system, 560

ignition energy, 248249

ignition sources, 250

incident investigation failures, 568

management of change failure, 563564

management review and continuous improvement, 569571

measurement and metrics, 569570

missile damage, 274

oil refinery, 552553

overview, 219

parameters affecting, 258259

pipe rupture, 561

probit correlations, 71

problems, 278281

protection strategy, 332334

runaway reactions, 556557, 559

static electricity. See Static electricity

suggested reading, 278

suppression controls, 543544

T2 Laboratories, 338

TNO multi-energy method, 266270

TNT equivalency, 265266

vapor cloud explosions, 276277

ventilation for, 325329


to dusts, 9394

magnitude of. See Magnitude of exposures and responses

noise, 9496

prevention. See Control techniques to prevent exposures

thermal radiation, 9697

toxic vapors, 97100

during vessel filling operations, 103105

volatile toxicants, 9093

Exterior hoods for local ventilation, 111

EYS pipe fitting, 323324

F-N plots for societal risk, 527529

F-stability in worst-case dispersion conditions, 194195

F&EI (Fire and Explosion Index) in relative ranking method, 469

Factory Mutual Engineering Corporation ignition sources study, 250

Fail safe concept, 484

Failure density function in component failure, 488

Failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA), 455456, 479481


component rates of, 488492

probability theory. See Probability theory

revealed and unrevealed, 496499

Fanning friction factor

flow of gases and vapors through pipes, 147, 149, 154155

flow of liquid through pipes, 131133

Fans for ventilation, 110


chemistry industry, 24

definition, 20

by industry, 21

by nature of occupation, 2223

non-occupational, 26

rate calculations, 1819

statistics, 1920

by worker activity, 23

Fault tree analysis (FTA), 456

Fault trees

advantages and disadvantages, 512513

minimal cut sets, 509511

overview, 506509

quantitative calculations, 512

Fauske method in two-phase relief sizing, 428

FEV (forced expired volume) in respiratory problems diagnosis, 6061

Field inspections in TNO multi-energy method, 266

Filling operations exposure estimates, 103105

Final temperatures in calorimeters, 364366

Fire and Explosion Index (F&EI) in relative ranking method, 469

Fire hydrants, 330331

Fire points, definition, 222

Fire prevention

documentation, 334

explosion-proof equipment and instruments, 323325

industry strategy, 332334

inerting. See Inerting

overview, 283

problems, 334335

reliefs for, 391

set pressure and accumulation limits, 413

sprinkler systems, 329331

static electricity. See Static electricity

suggested reading, 334

ventilation, 325329

Fires. See also Explosions

adiabatic compression, 245247

auditing failures, 570

auto-oxidation, 245

autoignition, 244

brittle metal fatigue, 557558

contractor management failure, 561562

definitions, 221224

designs for safety, 547

vs. explosions, 221

external to processes, vents for, 440444

fire triangle, 220221

flammability characteristics of dusts, 247248

flammability characteristics of gas and vapor mixtures, 227229

flammability characteristics of liquids, 224227

flammability diagrams, 236244

flammability limit dependence on pressure, 229230

flammability limit dependence on temperature, 229

flammability limit estimating, 230233

ignition energy, 248249

ignition sources, 250

limiting oxygen concentration and inerting, 234236

overview, 219

probit correlations, 71

problems, 278281

sprays and mists, 248

suggested reading, 278

First aid instructions on GHS labels, 88

First-degree burns, 97

Fishing, hunting, and trapping industry, hours-based fatal injury rate, 2022

Fittings loss coefficients, 135

Five Why technique in root cause analysis, 536537

Flame arrestors, 544545

Flammability characteristics

dusts, 247248

gases and vapors mixtures, 227229

liquids, 224227

Flammability data

industrial hygiene study, 81

selected hydrocarbons, 578582

Flammability diagrams

inerting, 293298

overview, 236244

Flammability limits

definition, 222223

dependence on pressure, 229230

dependence on temperature, 229

estimating, 230233

selected hydrocarbon data, 578582

Flammability rating

hazardous chemicals, 592597

NFPA diamond, 116

Flammable atmospheres, avoiding, 293298

Flammable liquids, SDS information for, 86

Flares for reliefs, 405

Flash point temperature

definition, 222

liquids, 224226

selected hydrocarbon data, 578582

Flashing liquids

overview, 162167

suggested reading, 172

Flixborough, England explosion

management of change failure explosion, 563564

VCEs in, 276


gases and vapors through holes, 140145

gases and vapors through pipes, 145162

liquids through holes, 123126, 172

liquids through holes in tanks, 126130

liquids through pipes, 130139, 172

streaming current, 306

vapor through holes, 172

vapor through pipes, 172

Flow sheets in HAZOP studies, 473

Flowcharts for reactive chemical hazards, 341342

Flowmeter process diagram symbol, 600

Fluid height change in flow of liquid through holes in tanks, 127128

FMEA (failure modes and effects analysis), 455456, 479481

Forced expired volume (FEV) in respiratory problems diagnosis, 6061

Forced vital capacity (FVC) in respiratory problems diagnosis, 60

Fraction of liquid vaporized in flashing liquids, 162163

Free expansion releases in flow of gases and vapors through holes, 140

Free-field overpressure, explosions from, 262

Free-hanging canopies for local ventilation, 114

Frequency estimation in LOPA method, 518525

Frequency plots vs. consequence plots, 526

Frictional charging in static electricity, 300

Frictional losses

flow of gases and vapors through pipes, 146147

flow of liquid through holes, 124

flow of liquid through pipes, 131133

Froth in pressure–time plots, 381

FTA (fault tree analysis), 456


fire triangle, 220221

flammability diagram, 295

Functionality in independent protection layers, 516

Furnaces, process diagram symbol, 600

FVC (forced vital capacity) in respiratory problems diagnosis, 60

Gas and vapor mixtures flammability characteristics, 227229

Gas dispersion, 197198

Gas expansion factor in flow of gases and vapors through pipes, 150151

Gas mass transfer coefficients, 101

Gas-phase diffusion coefficients, 102

Gas plant chemical release

auditing failures, 570

brittle metal failure, 557558

Gas station injury statistics, 24


burning parameters, 437438

calorimeters pressure data, 371

experimental characterization of explosions, 251254, 258

flow through holes, 140145

flow through pipes, 145162

relief sizing, 422427

toxic endpoints, 207208

vents for, 436438

Gastrointestinal tract as toxicant route into bodies, 57

Gaussian dispersion, 195, 198

Gaussian distribution in response to exposure to a toxicant, 6266

Gibbs energy of formation in explosions, 270

Globally Harmonized System (GHS)

labeling, 8788

overview, 83

Safety Data Sheets, 8387

Good housekeeping for exposure prevention, 107

Gravitational unit conversion constants, 575

Ground conditions in dispersion, 181182

Ground-level concentration in puff dispersion, 189191

Grounding for static electricity, 317320

Groups for explosion-proof equipment and instruments, 325

Guidelines for Risk Based Process Safety, 36

Guidewords in HAZOP studies, 472475

Hazard and operability (HAZOP) studies, 455456, 471478

Hazard classes in Globally Harmonized System, 8485

Hazard evaluation/analysis, definition, 3, 6

Hazard identification, definition, 3

Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis (HIRA)

case history and lessons learned, 557558

checklist analysis, 462467

documentation and actions required, 483

FMEA, 479481

HAZOP study, 471478

inherent safety reviews, 467468

introduction, 455462

non-scenario-based methods, 462467

overview, 453455

preliminary hazard analysis, 468

problems, 483486

RBPS approach, 38, 40

relative ranking, 469471

safety reviews, 466467

scenario-based methods, 471482

suggested reading, 483

what-if analysis, 482

what-if/checklist analysis, 483484

Hazardous chemicals, data for, 592597

Hazardous exposures, anticipating and identifying, 8083

Hazardous material dispersion. See Dispersion


definition, 3, 5

GHS labels, 88

HAZOP (hazard and operability) studies, 455456, 471478

HCFCs (hydrochlorofluorocarbons) in refrigeration systems, 46

Heads in sprinkler systems, 329

Health rating in NFPA diamond, 116

Heat capacity data for calorimeters, 369370

Heat capacity ratios

flow of gases and vapors through holes, 142144

unit conversion constants, 574

Heat exchangers

process diagram symbol, 600

relief design, 388

Heat flux in vents for fires external to processes, 442

Heat losses in two-phase relief sizing, 429

Heat of combustion

in explosions, 270

fuel in flammability limit estimating, 231

Heat of reaction data for calorimeters, 370

Heat release rate in two-phase relief sizing, 433

Heat transfer in evaporating pools, 168169

Height of release issue in worst-case releases, 170

HEM (homogeneous equilibrium model) for two-phase relief sizing, 429

Herbert, Ralph, 1

Hierarchy in process safety, 89, 533

High standards as safety culture feature, 11

HIRA. See Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis (HIRA)

Histograms for response to exposure to a toxicant, 65


gases and vapors flow through, 140145

liquid flow through, 123126

liquid flow through in tanks, 126130

Holland formula for smokestack releases, 193

Homogeneous equilibrium model (HEM) for two-phase relief sizing, 429

Hoods for local ventilation, 111113

Horizontal knockout drums in reliefs, 403, 405

Hoses in release guidelines, 170

Hot work system

explosion case history and lessons learned, 560

safe work practices for, 539

Hours-based fatal injury rate

calculations, 19

by industry, 21

statistics, 1920

Housings, explosion-proof, 323324

Huddle chambers in spring-operated reliefs, 392

Human factors in process safety, 533534

Human health impacts risk matrix, 2829

Humidity issue in worst-case releases, 170

Hybrid mixtures, vents for, 439440

Hybrid/nontempered reactions in calorimeters pressure data, 371

Hybrid/tempered reactions in calorimeters pressure data, 371

Hydrocarbon combustion explosions, 270

Hydrocarbon plant losses from fires and explosions, 219

Hydrocarbons flammability data, 578582

Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) in refrigeration systems, 46

Hydrogen halides

lower respiratory toxicants, 59

upper respiratory toxicants, 59

Hydrogen in flammability diagrams, 243

Hydroxides as upper respiratory toxicants, 59

Hygiene, industrial. See Industrial hygiene

Ideal gas constant, 575

Ideal gas law in flow of gases and vapors through holes, 141


hazardous workplace exposures, 8083

HIRA. See Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis (HIRA)

reactive chemical hazards, 340346

IDLH (immediately dangerous to life and health) levels

dispersion toxic effect criteria, 198199, 202, 207

toxicology threshold limit values, 76

IEC (International Electrochemical Commission) standards, 32

Ignition, definition, 221

Ignition energy in fires and explosions, 248249

Ignition sources

electrostatic, 304

fire triangle, 220221

fires and explosions, 250

Illness, definition, 20

Immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH) levels

dispersion toxic effect criteria, 198199, 202, 207

toxicology threshold limit values, 76

Impacts, definition, 3

Imperial Sugar Company refinery explosion

dusts, 247

incident investigation failures, 568

Impure nitrogen, inerting with, 291292

In-service oxygen concentrations (ISOCs) in flammability diagram, 296298

Incidence rates

calculations, 19

by industry, 21

Incident investigations

case history and lessons learned, 567568

hazard identification/evaluation and risk analysis, 461

RBPS approach, 39, 41

safety strategies, 535

Incident outcome cases, definition, 4

Incident outcomes, definition, 3


definition, 3

quantitative risk analysis, 515

risk matrix, 2829

Incompatible materials

chemical hazards, 343

runaway reactions, 547

Independence in independent protection layers, 516

Independent protection layers (IPLs)

hazard identification/evaluation and risk analysis, 456

LOPA method, 516524

Individual risks

definition, 4

description, 13

risk assessment, 526527

Induction charging in static electricity, 300

Industrial hygiene

anticipating and identifying hazardous workplace exposures, 8083

exposure prevention, 106115

Globally Harmonized System, 8389

introduction, 7879

magnitude of exposures and responses, 89106

NFPA diamond, 115116

online resources, 116

problems, 117118

suggested reading, 117


injury rates by, 21

property damage by, 25

Industry strategy for fire and explosion prevention, 332334


flammability diagrams, 240, 293298

with impure nitrogen, 291292

limiting oxygen concentration, 234236

overview, 284

pressure purging, 288289

pressure-vacuum purging, 289290

siphon purging, 293

static electricity, 316

sweep-through purging, 292293

vacuum purging, 285287

Information analysis in what-if analysis, 482

Infrastructure in fire and explosion prevention, 333334

Ingestion as toxicant route into bodies, 5657


Safety Data Sheets, 86

as toxicant route into bodies, 5657

Inherent methods in reactive hazard controls, 372

Inherent safety area in dispersion release prevention and mitigation, 211

Inherent safety reviews, 455456, 467468

Inherent strategy in inherently safer design, 45

Inherently safer design

overview, 4246

simple design, 541

suggested reading, 50

Initiating events

event trees, 502

in incident sequence, 33

LOPA method, 517518

quantitative risk analysis, 515


calorimeters, 352

toxicant route into bodies, 5657

Injuries, definition, 20

Injury Facts accident statistics, 18

Inline flame arrestors, 544

Inspection intervals for unrevealed failures, 497

Instability rating

hazardous chemical, 592597

NFPA diamond, 116

Installation practices for reliefs, 400403

Instruments, explosion-proof, 323325

Integrity for independent protection layers, 516

Intentional chemical operations, reaction hazards in, 339

Interactions between process units, 489496

Interlocks, 485

Intermediate events in fault trees, 506507, 509

International Electrochemical Commission (IEC) standards, 32

Inversions in dispersion, 181

Involuntary risk, 14

IPLs (independent protection layers)

hazard identification/evaluation and risk analysis, 456

LOPA method, 516524

Isentropic expansion method in energy of mechanical explosions, 272, 274

ISOCs (in-service oxygen concentrations) in flammability diagram, 296298

Isolation, energy, 539540

Isolation valves, emergency, 541


Pasquill–Gifford model, 192

worst-case dispersion conditions, 194

Isothermal expansion method in energy of mechanical explosions, 272

Isothermal flow in gases and vapors through pipes, 145, 152162

Job safety assessment (JSA), 9


toxicant effect on, 61

toxicant elimination from bodies, 5960

Labeling in Globally Harmonized System, 8788

Laboratory hoods for local ventilation, 111112

Laboratory safety vs. process safety, 8

Lagging metrics in accident pyramid, 1517

Laminar flow of liquid through pipes, 132

Layer of protection analysis (LOPA) method

consequence estimation, 518

frequency estimation, 518525

hazard identification/evaluation and risk analysis, 456, 458

overview, 515518

TMEF for, 28

LC (lethal concentration) in dose vs. response, 68

LD (lethal dose) curves

dose vs. response, 6768

relative toxicity, 74

Le Châtelier’s equation in flammability characteristics of gas and vapor mixtures, 228

Lead, damage from, 5657

Leadership as safety culture feature, 11

Leading metrics in accident pyramid, 1517

LELs (lower explosion limits), 222

Lethal concentration (LC) in dose vs. response, 68

Lethal dose (LD) curves

dose vs. response, 6768

relative toxicity, 74

Lethality in dose vs. response, 6768

Lettering notation

event trees, 502

piping and instrumentation diagrams, 601

Leung method in two-phase relief sizing, 428429, 441, 443

Level of concern (LOC) in dispersion toxic effect criteria, 207


accident pyramid, 15

process safety, 89

resolution in fault trees, 507

LFLs. See Lower flammable limits (LFLs)

Lightning-like discharges

electrostatic discharges, 302

preventing, 317

Likelihood, definition, 4

Limited-aperture releases

flow of liquid through holes, 124

source models, 121

Limiting oxygen concentrations (LOCs)

flammability diagrams, 237239, 241242, 296

inerting, 234236, 284

Linear measure unit conversion constants, 574

Liquefied natural gas (LNG) heat transfer, 169

Liquid ammonia in flashing liquids, 165


flammability characteristics, 224227

flashing, 162167

flow through holes, 123126

flow through holes in tanks, 126130

flow through pipes, 130139

pool evaporation and boiling, 168169, 172

relief sizing, 415421

thermal expansion coefficients, 445446

toxic endpoints, 208209

vaporization rate, 100103

Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) leak, training and performance assurance failure from, 562563


toxicant effect on, 61

toxicant elimination from bodies, 5960

LNG (liquefied natural gas) heat transfer, 169

LOC (level of concern) in dispersion toxic effect criteria, 207

Local ventilation

fire and explosion prevention, 106, 326

overview, 111114

Lock-Out/Tag-Out (LOTO), 9

ribbon blender fatality, 555

safe work practices, 539540

LOCs (limiting oxygen concentrations)

flammability diagrams, 237239, 241242, 296

inerting, 234236, 284

Logic functions

common-cause failures, 501

fault trees, 506, 508, 512

process failures, 489490

Longford gas plant chemical release and fire

auditing failures, 570

brittle metal fatigue, 557558

LOPA method. See Layer of protection analysis (LOPA) method

Loss coefficients in flow of liquid through pipes, 135

Loss of Primary Containment (LOPC) in IPLs, 523

Loss prevention, definition, 5


gas plant chemical release and fire, 557558

statistics, 1727

Texas City Refinery explosion, 552, 569570

weld corrosion, 546

Lost time injury (LTI), definition, 20

LOTO (Lock-Out/Tag-Out), 9

ribbon blender fatality, 555

safe work practices, 539540

Lower explosion limits (LELs), 222

Lower flammable limits (LFLs)

description, 222223

flammability diagrams, 241242, 294298

flammability limit dependence on pressure, 229230

flammability limit dependence on temperature, 229

flammability limit estimation, 230233

gases and vapors mixtures, 227228

mists, 248

Lower oxygen limits (LOLs) in flammability limit estimation, 232233

Lower respiratory system as toxicant route into bodies, 5859

LPG (liquified petroleum gas) leak, training and performance assurance failure from, 562563

LTI (lost time injury), definition, 20

Lungs for toxicant elimination from bodies, 5960

MAC (maximum allowable concentration) in toxicology, 75

Mach (Ma) number for flow of gases and vapors through pipes, 145, 147150, 154

Magnitude of exposures and responses

exposure prevention. See Control techniques to prevent exposures

exposure to thermal radiation, 9697

exposure to toxic vapors, 97100

exposures to dusts, 9394

exposures to noise, 9496

exposures to volatile toxicants, 9093

overview, 8990

vaporization rate of liquids, 100103

during vessel filling operations, 103105


metrics, 16

process safety, 534


dispersion release prevention and mitigation, 211

safety strategies, 534535

Management of change (MOC)

case history and lessons learned, 563564

independent protection layers, 516

level 3 safety program, 9

RBPS approach, 39, 41

Management review and continuous improvement

case history and lessons learned, 570571

RBPS approach, 39, 42

Manual valves, process diagram symbol, 599

Manufacturer information on GHS labels, 88

Mars Climate Orbiter flight failure, 569570

Martin, Charles, 1

Martinez, California, refinery explosion, 565566

Mass balance for volatile vapors, 98

Mass discharge rate for releases, 171

Mass flow rate

flashing liquids, 164, 167

flow of gases and vapors through holes, 141, 144

flow of gases and vapors through pipes, 152, 157

flow of liquid through holes, 125

flow of liquid through holes in tanks, 127

flow of liquid through pipes, 137

sweep-through purging, 292

Mass flux

flow of gases and vapors through pipes, 147149, 153154

two-phase relief sizing, 429, 433

Mass transfer coefficients for vaporization rate of liquids, 101102

Mass unit conversion constants, 573

Mass velocity in flashing liquids, 165166

Material balance in sweep-through purging, 292


explosion-proof equipment and instruments, 324325

HAZOP study, 472

in process safety design, 545546

thermal radiation effects on, 9697

Maurer discharge, 300

MAWP (maximum allowable working pressure)

relief sizing, 413415

reliefs, 382386

sprinkler systems, 329

MAWT (maximum allowable working temperature), 382

Maximum allowable concentration (MAC) in toxicology, 75

Maximum allowable relief pressure, 383

Maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP)

relief sizing, 413415

reliefs, 382386

sprinkler systems, 329

Maximum allowable working temperature (MAWT), 382

Maximum pressure

experimental characterization of dusts, 255

experimental characterization of gases and vapors, 251254

explosions, 259

vents for dusts and hybrid mixtures, 439

Maximum safe oxygen concentration (MSOC) in fires, 234

MDMT (minimum design metal temperature) in reliefs, 382

Mean response to exposure to a toxicant, 6267

Mean time between coincidences (MTBC), 500

Mean time between failures (MTBF)

description, 488

revealed and unrevealed failures, 496498

Measurements and metrics

case history and lessons learned, 569570

RBPS approach, 39, 42

safety overview, 1517

unit conversion constants, 573575

Mechanical energy balance

flow of gases and vapors through holes, 140

flow of gases and vapors through pipes, 146, 153154

flow of liquid through holes, 123

flow of liquid through holes in tanks, 127

Mechanical explosions

definition, 222

energy of, 272274

Metal fatigue case history and lessons learned, 557558

Methane in flammability diagrams, 241

Methyl ethyl ketone odor thresholds, 82

Methyl isocyanate (MIC) vapor in Bhopal, India chemical plant tragedy, 4647

Metrics. See Measurements and metrics

MIE (minimum ignition energy)

electrostatic ignition sources, 304

ignition energy, 248249

static charge, 299

Minimal cut sets in fault trees, 509511

Minimize strategy in inherently safer design, 4344

Minimum design metal temperature (MDMT) in reliefs, 382

Minimum ignition energy (MIE)

electrostatic ignition sources, 304

ignition energy, 248249

static charge, 299

Minimum oxygen concentration (MOC) in fires, 234

Missile damage in explosions, 274


fires and explosions, 248

vents for, 436438

Mitigation for dispersion, 210211

Mitigative safeguards, 3436

Mixing factors

dilution ventilation, 114

dispersion, 181

reaction hazards, 339

runaway reactions, 559


flammability diagrams, 238240

vents for, 439440

MOC (management of change). See Management of change (MOC)

MOC (minimum oxygen concentration) in fires, 234

Moderate strategy in inherently safer design, 4344

Mole balance in calorimeters, 354355

Mole weight in hazardous chemicals, 592597

Molecular weight factor in dispersion, 182183


dispersion, 181182

Pasquill–Gifford model, 193194


exposures to volatile toxicants, 9093

safety culture features, 12

Monitors in sprinkler systems, 330331

Monomers as upper respiratory toxicants, 59

Motivation factor in hazard identification/evaluation and risk analysis, 461

Motor starters, explosion-proof, 323324

Motor vehicle deaths, 25

MSOC (maximum safe oxygen concentration) in fires, 234

MTBC (mean time between coincidences), 500

MTBF (mean time between failures)

description, 488

revealed and unrevealed failures, 496498

Mutual trust as safety culture feature, 12

Myths in process safety, 710

National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council (NRC) dispersion toxic effect criteria, 198, 202204

National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, 416

National Electrical Code (NEC)

electrical installations safety practices, 323

NFPA relationship, 115

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)

fire codes, 32, 332

hazardous chemical ratings, 592597

hazards diamond, 115116

inerting recommendations, 284

pharmaceutical plant explosion, 554

sprinkler systems, 329

standards, 32

vent design, 436437

vents for dusts and hybrid mixtures, 439

National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

dispersion toxic effect criteria, 198, 202

respirators, 109

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Chemical Reactivity Worksheet from, 345

National Safety Council (NSC) accident statistics, 18

Near misses

accident pyramid, 15

incident investigations, 535

NEC (National Electrical Code)

electrical installations safety practices, 323

NFPA relationship, 115

Negative-pressure ventilation systems, 110

Nervous system disorders diagnosis, 61

Net frequency in event trees, 504

Neutral atmospheric conditions in dispersion, 181

Neutrally buoyant dispersion models, 183184

NFPA. See National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)

NIOSH (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health)

dispersion toxic effect criteria, 198, 202

respirators, 109


flammability diagrams, 241243, 294, 297298

inerting with, 284, 291292

NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), Chemical Reactivity Worksheet from, 345

Nodes in HAZOP studies, 472

Noise, exposures to, 9496

Non-reclosing relief devices, 392

Non-scenario-based methods in hazard identification/evaluation and risk analysis, 455456, 462472

Non-XP process areas, 323

Nonfire scenarios, set pressure and accumulation limits in, 413

Nontempered reactions in calorimeters pressure data, 371

Normal distribution for response to exposure to a toxicant, 6266

Nozzle discharge rate, 330

NRC (National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council) dispersion toxic effect criteria, 198, 202204

NSC (National Safety Council) accident statistics, 18

Objectives in safety reviews, 484

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

14 elements of risk-based process safety, 37

accident statistics, 19

dispersion toxic effect criteria, 199, 207

Globally Harmonized System, 83

injury definitions, 20

regulations, 32

reports to, 17

respirators, 109

toxicology threshold limit values, 76

vents for fires external to processes, 441

Occupations, fatality rates by, 2223

Odor thresholds for chemicals, 8182

Office of Emergency Management, Chemical Reactivity Worksheet from, 345

Oil refinery corrosion failure incident, 546

Oil refinery explosions

conduct of operations, 565566

measurement and metrics, 569570

pipe rupture, 561

process safety culture, 552553

100 Largest Losses in the Hydrocarbon Industry

accident statistics, 18

property value losses, 2425

O’Neill, Paul, 2

Open-air plants, fires and explosions prevention in, 325326

Open calorimeters, 348

Open-cup method for flash point temperature, 224225

Operability process safety, 534

Operating pressure in reliefs, 382

Operating procedures

case history and lessons learned, 558559

metrics, 16

RBPS approach, 38, 40

Operational readiness

case history and lessons learned, 564565

RBPS approach, 39, 41

Operator errors in process safety, 534535

OR logic functions

common-cause failures, 501

fault trees, 508, 512

process failures, 490


flow of gases and vapors through pipes, 161

relief sizing, 416

OSFC (out-of-service fuel concentration) in flammability diagram, 295296

OSHA. See Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

Other recordable cases, definition, 20

Out-of-service fuel concentration (OSFC) in flammability diagram, 295296


case history and lessons learned, 556

RBPS approach, 38, 40

Overdesign in source models, 171


blast damage from, 261265

definition, 223

relief sizing, 412, 420

reliefs, 382

TNO multi-energy method, 269270


characteristics, 342

fire triangle, 220221

table of, 589590


auto-oxidation, 245

flammability diagrams, 241243, 294298

flammability limits in, 232233

inerting, 284, 291292

limiting concentration of, 234236

pressure purging, 288289

pressure-vacuum purging, 289290

sweep-through purging, 292293

vacuum purging, 285287

P&IDs. See Piping and Instrument Diagrams (P&IDs)

Packed columns, process diagram symbol, 600

Paracelsus, 55

Parallel structures in process failures, 489491

Parameters in HAZOP studies, 472475

Pasquill–Gifford model

dispersion coefficients, 184188

isopleths, 192

limitations, 195197

puff dispersion cases, 189192

release momentum and buoyancy, 193194

worst-case dispersion conditions, 194195

Passive flame arrestors, 545

Passive IPLs in LOPA method, 519520

Passive methods and systems

fire and explosion prevention, 333

inherently safer design, 45

reactive hazard controls, 372373

Peak overpressure in explosions, 259

PELs (permissible exposure limits)

dispersion toxic effect criteria, 199, 207

hazardous chemicals, 592597

toxicology threshold limit values, 76

People, blast damage to, 274276

Perception in risk, 27, 461

Perchloroethylene (PERC), 46

Periods in toxicology studies, 6162

Permissible exposure limits (PELs)

dispersion toxic effect criteria, 199, 207

hazardous chemicals, 592597

toxicology threshold limit values, 76

Permissible noise exposure levels, 95

Peroxide formation

chemical hazards, 342

susceptibility to, 586

Personal protection for exposure prevention, 107108

Personal safety vs. process safety, 8

Pesticide plant explosion, 567

Petroleum and coal products manufacturing injury statistics, 24

PFDs (process flow diagrams)

active IPLs, 519521

HAZOP studies, 471472

passive IPLs, 519520

PHA (process hazards analysis), 454, 458, 462

Pharmaceutical plant explosion, 553554

Phenol, Safety Data Sheets for, 87

Phenol–formaldehyde polymerization reactor runaway reactions, 558559

Phi factor in ARCs, 350

Physical conditions in industrial hygiene data, 81

Pictograms in GHS labels, 88

Pilot-operated reliefs

overview, 396401

sizing, 425

Pilot plants hazard identification/evaluation and risk analysis, 459


2-K method, 134139

deflagrations, 546

detonations, 546547

flow of gases and vapors through, 145162

flow of liquids through, 130139

reaction incidents in, 339

relief design, 388

runaway reactions, 547

rupture due to asset integrity program, 561

Piping and Instrument Diagrams (P&IDs)

FMEA, 479

HAZOP studies, 471472

overview, 599602

relief design, 386

Plants inside buildings, fire and explosion prevention in, 326329

Plastics manufacturing injury statistics, 24

Plenums for local ventilation, 114

Plume dispersion

characteristic, 179

neutrally buoyant model, 183

Pasquill–Gifford model, 186187

Pasquill–Gifford model limitations, 195197

worst-case conditions, 194195

Poisoning deaths, 2425

Poisons. See Toxicology

Poisson distribution for component failure, 488

Polymerizing compounds, 590

Pool evaporation, 168169, 172

Populations, risk, 13

Positive displacement pumps in relief design, 388

Positive-phase duration in TNO multi-energy method, 269

Positive-pressure ventilation systems, 110

Power unit conversion constants, 574

PRDs (Pressure Relief Devices)

description, 380

IPLs, 523

release guidelines, 170

Pre-start safety review failure fatality case history and lessons learned, 564565

Precautionary statements in GHS labels, 88

Preignition knock, 246

Preliminary hazard analysis, 455456, 468


APTAC devices, 350351

common sources, 388389

energy of chemical explosions, 270271

energy of mechanical explosions, 272

experimental characterization of dusts, 255

experimental characterization of gases and vapors, 251254

explosions, 259261

flammability limit dependence on, 229230

flashing liquids, 164

flow of gases and vapors through holes, 140142

flow of gases and vapors through pipes, 148156, 161

overpressure, 261265

process vessels, 546

relief sizing for liquid service, 415

reliefs. See Reliefs

saturation vapor pressure data, 583

unit conversion constants, 574

vacuum purging, 285286

vaporization rate of liquids, 100

Pressure cycling for rupture discs, 395

Pressure data for calorimeters, 370371

Pressure gauges for rupture discs, 395

Pressure gradient in flow of gases and vapors through pipes, 146

Pressure purging

with impure nitrogen, 291292

inerting, 288289

Pressure ratio in flow of gases and vapors through holes, 142

Pressure Relief Devices (PRDs)

description, 380

IPLs, 523

release guidelines, 170

Pressure-time plots for reliefs, 380381

Pressure-vacuum purging, 289290

Pressure waves in explosions, 259

Prevention to exposure. See Control techniques to prevent exposures

Preventive maintenance, 35

Preventive safeguards, 34

Primary containers, GHS labels for, 89

Probability theory

coincidence, 499500

common-cause failures, 501

interactions between process units, 489496

overview, 487489

redundancy, 500501

revealed and unrevealed failures, 496499

Probit equation

blast damage to people, 274276

dose and response, 6874

toxic effects, 198

Procedural methods

inherently safer design, 45

reactive hazard controls, 373


hazard identification/evaluation and risk analysis, 458

process safety, 534

Process diagrams overview, 599602

Process flow diagrams (PFDs)

active IPLs, 519521

HAZOP studies, 471472

passive IPLs, 519520

Process fluids in thermal expansion, 444447

Process hazards analysis (PHA), 454, 458, 462

Process knowledge management

case history and lessons learned, 556557

RBPS approach, 38, 40

Process modification and plant expansion, hazard identification/evaluation and risk analysis, 460

Process pipes release guidelines, 170

Process safety

definition, 4

designs for. See Designs for process safety

myths, 710

Process safety competency

case history and lessons learned, 554555

RBPS approach, 38, 40

Process safety culture

case history and lessons learned, 552553

RBPS approach, 38, 40

Process units, interactions between, 489496

Process vessels

deflagrations, 546

designs for process safety, 546547

process diagram symbol, 600

release guidelines, 170

runaway reactions, 548

Product names in GHS labels, 88

Professional ethics, 67

Profit myths, 7

Propagating brush discharges

electrostatic discharges, 301302

preventing, 316

Propane tank leak failure, 562563

Property damage by industry, 25

Property losses from VCE explosions, 276277

Protection infrastructure for fire and explosion prevention, 333334

Protection layers

description, 34

LOPA method, 516

Puff dispersion

cases, 189192

dense, 198

description, 178, 180

neutrally buoyant dispersion, 183

Pasquill–Gifford model, 186188

Pasquill–Gifford model limitations, 197

worst-case conditions, 194195


process diagram symbol, 600

relief design, 388

Purging methods

impure nitrogen, 291292

inerting, 284

pressure, 288289

pressure-vacuum, 289290

siphon purging, 293

sweep-through purging, 292293

vacuum, 285287

Purple Book, 84

Push–pull hoods for local ventilation, 111

Pyrophoric and spontaneously combustible categories, 585

Pyrophoric chemical hazards, 342

Quantitative calculations for fault trees, 512

Quantitative risk analysis (QRA)

bow-tie diagrams, 513

hazard identification/evaluation and risk analysis, 456457

probability theory, 514515

Quantity issue in worst-case releases, 170

Questioning/learning environment as safety culture feature, 12

Radiation exposures, 9697

RAGAGEP (Recognized and Generally Acceptable Good Engineering Practices)

codes, 33

fire and explosion prevention, 283, 332

pharmaceutical plant explosion, 554

Ranking in hazard identification/evaluation and risk analysis, 469471

Rate of change of mass in flow of liquid through holes in tanks, 127

RBPS approach. See Risk-based process safety (RBPS) approach

RCA (root cause analysis), 536537

Reaction fronts in explosions, 259261


industrial hygiene data, 81

runaway. See Runaway reactions

Reactive chemicals, special types, 585590


background understanding, 338340

calorimeters for. See Calorimeters

evaluation steps, 339340

hazard controls, 372374

hazard management, 340346

overview, 337338

problems, 374378

suggested reading, 374

Realistic and worst-case releases, 169170

Receiving hoods for local ventilation, 111

Reclosing relief devices, 392

Recognized and Generally Acceptable Good Engineering Practices (RAGAGEP)

codes, 33

fire and explosion prevention, 283, 332

pharmaceutical plant explosion, 554

Recommendations in HAZOP studies, 472

Recommended Practice for the Sizing, Selection, and Installation of Pressure-Relieving Systems in Refineries, 418, 420

Recommended Practice (RP) 521 for relief pressure requirements, 383, 385

Recordable injuries, definition, 20


controls for runaway reactions, 547

probability, 500501

and safeguards, 542543

Refinery explosions

conduct of operations, 565566

dusts, 247

incident investigation failures, 568

measurement and metrics, 569570

pipe rupture, 561

process safety culture, 552553

Reflected pressure in explosions, 262

Refrigeration systems in inherently safer design, 46


definition, 31

international, 33

selected, 32

Relative ranking in hazard identification/evaluation and risk analysis, 455456, 469471

Relative toxicity, 7475

Relaxation in static electricity, 317

Release height factor in dispersion, 181182


auditing failures, 570

brittle metal fatigue, 557558

conduct of operations failure, 565566

discharge rates, 171

energy in explosions, 259

energy in fires vs. explosions, 221

flow of gases and vapors through holes, 140

flow of liquid through holes, 124

momentum and buoyancy, 193194

prevention and mitigation in dispersion, 210211

probit correlations, 71

realistic and worst-case, 169170

smokestack, 193

source models, 121123

suggested reading, 212


case history and lessons learned, 560561

component failure, 488489

independent protection layers, 516

parallel structures, 490492

Relief sizing

deflagration venting, 434440

introduction, 411413

liquid service, 415421

problems, 449452

set pressure and accumulation limits, 413415

suggested reading, 448449

thermal expansion of process fluids, 444447

two-phase flow, 428434

vapor and gas service, 422427

vent area, 411412, 415417, 422423

vents for fires external to processes, 440444

Relief valves, process diagram symbol, 599


buckling pin, 395396

code requirements, 383386

codes and standards, 448

concepts, 380381

condensers, 406

containment systems, 544545

definitions, 381383

effluent handling, 403406

fire protection, 391

flares, 405

horizontal knockout drums, 405

installation practices, 400403

overview, 379380

pilot-operated, 396400

problems, 406409

rupture discs, 394395

scrubbers, 406

Reliefs (continued )

source models, 121

spring-operated, 392394

suggested reading, 406

system design, 386391

types and characteristics, 391400

Relieving pressure in reliefs, 383

Research and development in hazard identification/evaluation and risk analysis, 459

Residual volume (RV) in respiratory problems diagnosis, 6061

Resistance in electrostatic voltage drops, 307

Resource availability factor in hazard identification/evaluation and risk analysis, 461

Respirators, 108109

Respiratory system

problem diagnosis, 60

toxicant route into bodies, 5859


magnitude of. See Magnitude of exposures and responses

safety culture features, 12

toxicology studies, 61

Results needed factor in hazard identification/evaluation and risk analysis, 461

Revealed failures, 496499


FMEA, 479

what-if analysis, 482

Reynolds numbers

flow of gases and vapors through holes, 143

flow of gases and vapors through pipes, 147148, 154155

flow of liquid through holes, 125

flow of liquid through pipes, 132134, 136

relief sizing for liquid service, 417, 419

Ribbon blender

LOTO permit problem, 555

safety review failure fatality, 564565

Richmond, California, refinery explosion, 561


definition, 4, 6

dispersion release prevention and mitigation, 211

individual, societal, and populations, 13

perception, 27

tolerance, 2731

voluntary and involuntary, 14

Risk analysis and assessment

bow-tie diagrams, 513514

consequence vs. frequency plots, 526

definition, 4, 6

event trees, 501506

example, 31

fault trees, 506513

HIRA. See Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis (HIRA)

individual risk, 526527

LOPA method, 515525

overview, 487, 525

probability theory. See Probability theory

problems, 530532

quantitative risk analysis, 514515

risk assessment overview, 526529

societal risk, 527529

suggested reading, 530

Risk-based process safety (RBPS) approach

case histories and lessons learned. See Case histories and lessons learned

CCPS 20 elements, 3637

incident investigations, 535

overview, 551

Risk contours, 526527

Risk Management Plans (RMPs), 199, 207210

Risk matrix, 2731

Risk tolerance, definition, 4

RMPs (Risk Management Plans), 199, 207210

Root cause analysis (RCA), 536537

Roughness factor in flow of liquid through pipes, 132

Routine operation in hazard identification/evaluation and risk analysis, 460

Rubber product manufacturing injury statistics, 24

Runaway reactions

description, 338

designs for, 547548

operating procedure training, 558559

process knowledge management, 556557

two-phase flow, 428434

Runes equation in vent design, 436

Rupture discs

process diagram symbol, 600

reliefs, 394395, 401

sizing, 424425

Rupture pin reliefs, 395396

Sachs-scaled distance in TNO multi-energy method, 267269

SADT (self-accelerating decomposition temperature) in runaway reactions, 547

Safe operating procedures

overview, 537538

problems, 550

suggested reading, 549

Safe work practices

case history and lessons learned, 559560

confined-space entry, 540541

energy isolation, 539540

hot work, 539

overview, 538539

RBPS approach, 38, 41


definition, 4

HAZOP studies, 472

inherently safer design, 44

overview, 3336

and redundancy, 542543

Safety culture, 5, 1013

Safety data sheets (SDSs)

Globally Harmonized System, 8387

HAZOP studies, 472

Safety functions in event trees, 502504

Safety Instrumented System (SIS), 523

Safety overview

accident and loss statistics, 1727

Bhopal, India, chemical plant tragedy, 4649

CCPS 20 elements, 3642

codes, standards, and regulations, 3133

culture, 1013

engineering ethics, 67

failure fatality, case history and lessons learned, 564565

inherently safer design, 4246

introduction, 16

metrics, 1517

myths, 710

problems, 5054

risk, 1314

risk perception, 27

risk tolerance and acceptance, 2731

safeguards, 3336

suggested reading, 4950

summary, 49

Safety reviews

hazard identification/evaluation and risk analysis, 455456, 466467

objectives, 484

Safety Severity Level in risk matrix, 2829

Safety strategies

hierarchy, 533

human factors, 533534

incident investigations, 535

management, 534535

problems, 550

root cause analysis, 536537

suggested reading, 549

Saturation vapor pressure data, 583

SCBA (self-contained breathing apparatus), 109

Scenario-based methods in hazard identification/evaluation and risk analysis, 455456, 471482

Scenarios, definition, 5

Scrubbers in reliefs, 406

SDSs (safety data sheets)

Globally Harmonized System, 8387

HAZOP studies, 472

Second-degree burns, 97

Secondary containers, GHS labels for, 89

Secondary explosions from dusts, 247, 548

Security in independent protection layers, 516

Self-accelerating decomposition temperature (SADT) in runaway reactions, 547

Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), 109

Self-heat in calorimeters, 348, 359361, 367

Self-reacting chemicals, 339, 343

Sense of vulnerability as safety culture feature, 11

Series structures in process failures, 490491

Set pressure

relief sizing, 413415

reliefs, 381, 385

Severity levels in accident pyramid, 15

Shock waves

definition, 223

explosions, 259262

Short-term exposure limits (TLV-STELs) in dispersion toxic effect criteria, 199, 209

Short-term public emergency guidance levels (SPEGLs) in dispersion toxic effect criteria, 198, 202, 207

Side-on overpressure in explosions, 262

Signal words in GHS labels, 88

Simplification in process safety, 534

Simplify strategy in inherently safer design, 4344

Siphon purging, 293

Siphoning dig pipes, 320

SIS (Safety Instrumented System), 523

SIT (spontaneous ignition temperature) for vapors, 244

Skin as toxicant route into bodies, 58

Smokestack release in momentum and buoyancy, 193

Societal risk

definition, 5

description, 13

F-N plots, 527529

Sodium chloride, Safety Data Sheets for, 87

Sodium hydroxide (NaOH)

Safety Data Sheets for, 87

scrubber system in Bhopal, India chemical plant tragedy, 47

Solar heat fluxes, boiling, 169

Solenoid valves, process diagram symbol, 599

Solids handling in static electricity, 321322

Sonic flow of gases and vapors through holes, 142

Sonic pressure ratio in flow of gases and vapors through pipes, 150, 155156

Sonic velocity

explosions, 259

flow of gases and vapors through pipes, 145146, 148

Sound intensity levels, 9495

Source models

conservative analysis, 169, 171

flashing liquids, 162167

flow of gases and vapors through holes, 140145

flow of gases and vapors through pipes, 145162

flow of liquid through holes, 123126

flow of liquid through holes in tanks, 126130

flow of liquid through pipes, 130139

introduction, 121123

liquid pool evaporation and boiling, 168169

overview, 119121

problems, 173176

quantitative risk analysis, 515

realistic and worst-case releases, 169170

suggested reading, 172

Space shuttle fatalities incident investigation failures, 568

Spark discharge in electrostatic discharges, 301


preventing, 316

static electricity, 315

Special cases in flashing liquids, 164

Special hazards in NFPA diamond, 116

Specific volume in flashing liquids, 166

SPEGLs (short-term public emergency guidance levels) in dispersion toxic effect criteria, 198, 202, 207

Spirometers for respiratory problems diagnosis, 60

Splash filling operations exposure estimates, 104105

Spontaneous ignition temperature (SIT) for vapors, 244

Sprays in fires and explosions, 248

Spring-operated reliefs, 392394, 401

Sprinkler systems, 329331

St-classes in experimental characterization of dusts, 255257

Stability classes in Pasquill–Gifford model, 185

Stable atmospheric conditions for dispersion, 181

Stagnation pressure in explosions, 262

Stakeholder outreach

case history and lessons learned, 556

RBPS approach, 38, 40

Standard deviation in response to toxicant exposure, 6267


definition, 31

international, 33

pharmaceutical plant explosion, 553554

selected, 32

Static charge, 299300

Static electricity

anti-static additives, 321

bonding and grounding, 317320

capacitance of bodies, 312315

charge accumulation, 300

charged capacitor energy, 308312

controlling, 315322

dig pipes, 320

electrostatic discharge energy, 303

electrostatic discharge overview, 300303

electrostatic ignition sources, 304

electrostatic voltage drops, 307308

overview, 299

relaxation, 317

solids handling, 321322

static charge, 299300

streaming current, 304306

Statistics for accident and loss, 1727

Steam flow relief sizing, 424

Stoichiometric concentration in flammability limit estimating, 230231

Stoichiometric equation for chemical explosions, 270

Stoichiometric line in flammability diagrams, 236, 239, 241245


reaction hazards, 339

toxicant, 5960

Streaming current in static electricity, 304306

Subcritical vapor/gas flow in relief sizing for vapor and gas service, 424

Substitute strategy in inherently safer design, 4344

Sugar refinery explosion incident investigation failures, 568

Surface area for vents for fires external to processes, 442

Sweep-through purging, 292293

Swiss cheese safeguards, 3435

T2 Laboratories explosion, 338

Tags in piping and instrumentation diagrams, 601602

Tanks, flow of liquid through holes in, 126130

Target mitigated event frequency (TMEF), 2829, 526

Targets in toxicology studies, 61

TD (toxic dose) curves

dose vs. response, 68

relative toxicity, 74

Teams in FMEA, 479481


adiabatic compression, 246

APTAC devices, 350351

autoignition, 222, 244245, 578582

calorimeters. See Calorimeters

dispersion, 180, 182

experimental characterization of gases and vapors, 251

flammability limit dependence on, 229

flash point, 222, 224226, 578582

flashing liquids, 162

flow of gases and vapors through holes, 140141

flow of gases and vapors through pipes, 146, 148149, 152, 157

Pasquill–Gifford model, 185

reliefs, 380381

sprinkler systems, 329

thermal expansion of process fluids, 444447

worst-case releases, 170

Tempered reactors in two-phase relief sizing, 428

Test organisms for toxicology studies, 61

Texas City Refinery explosion

emergency management failure, 566567

measurement and metrics, 569570

process safety culture, 552553

Thermal expansion

liquids, 445446

relief sizing, 444447

Thermal inertia in ARCs, 350

Thermal radiation, exposures to, 9697, 180

Thermal scan mode in calorimeters, 348

Thermocouples in calorimeters, 356

Thermodynamic availability in energy of mechanical explosions, 273274

Third-degree burns, 97

Threshold limit values (TLVs)

dispersion toxic effect criteria, 199, 207

exposures to volatile toxicants, 9091

hazardous chemicals, 592597

odors, 8283

toxicology, 7576

Threshold quantities (TQ) in risk matrix, 2830

Throttling releases in flow of gases and vapors through holes, 140

Tillerson, Rex, 1213

Time dependence in puff dispersion, 189

Time-weighted average (TWA) concentration in exposures to volatile toxicants, 9092

TLVs. See Threshold limit values (TLVs)

TMEF (target mitigated event frequency), 2829, 526

TNO multi-energy method, 266270


equivalency, 265266

equivalent energy of, 262, 264265

Tolerance, risk, 2731, 526

Top events

bow-tie diagrams, 513

fault trees, 506507, 513

Topography issue in worst-case releases, 170

Total energy balance in flow of gases and vapors through pipes, 147, 153

Total heat input in vents for fires external to processes, 441442

Total integrated dose in puff dispersion, 189191

Total mass flow rate in evaporating pools, 168

Toxic dose (TD) curves

dose vs. response, 68

relative toxicity, 74

Toxic effect criteria in dispersion, 198210

Toxic endpoints, 207210

Toxic hazard, definition, 55

Toxic release

conduct of operations, 565566

probit correlations, 71

Toxic vapors, exposures to, 97100

Toxicity, definition, 55


definition, 5556

dose and response using probit equation, 6874

dose vs. response, 6268

online resources, 77

problems, 7778

relative toxicity, 7475

studies, 6162

suggested reading, 77

threshold limit values, 7576

toxicant effect on bodies, 6061

toxicant elimination from bodies, 5960

toxicant routes into bodies, 5659

TQ (threshold quantities) in risk matrix, 2830


metrics, 16

pharmaceutical plant explosion, 553554

runaway reactions, 547, 558559

Training and performance assurance

case history and lessons learned, 562563

RBPS approach, 39, 41

Transport charging in static electricity, 300


event, 501506

fault, 506513

Trust as safety culture feature, 12

Tunnel fire from contractor management failure, 561562

Turbulence in neutrally buoyant dispersion models, 183184

Turbulent augmentation factor in deflagration venting, 436

Turbulent flow of liquid through pipes, 132

TWA (time-weighted average) concentration in exposures to volatile toxicants, 9092

2-K method for flow of liquid through pipes, 134139

Two-phase flow

fire relief, 441

flashing liquids, 164

pressure–time plots, 381

runaway reactions, 428434

suggested reading, 448449

UELs (upper explosion limits), description, 222

UFLs. See Upper flammable limits (UFLs)

Unallowed events in fault trees, 507

Uncertainties in source models, 169, 171

Unconfined explosions, definition, 222

Underlying causes in root cause analysis, 536537

Underpressure in explosions, 262

Union Carbide, Bhopal India chemical plant tragedy, 4649

Unit conversion constants, 573575

Unrevealed failures, 496499

Unstable atmospheric conditions in dispersion, 181

UOLs (upper oxygen limits) in flammability limit estimating, 232233

Upper explosion limits (UELs), description, 222

Upper flammable limits (UFLs)

description, 222

flammability diagrams, 241, 294

flammability limit dependence on pressure, 229230

flammability limit dependence on temperature, 229

flammability limit estimating, 230233

gases and vapors mixtures, 227228

Upper oxygen limits (UOLs) in flammability limit estimating, 232233

Upper respiratory system as toxicant route into bodies, 5859

Vacuum purging

with impure nitrogen, 291292

inerting, 285287

pressure-vacuum, 289290


common sources, 388389

process vessel requirements, 546


emergency isolation, 541

loss coefficients, 135

pilot-operated reliefs, 397

process diagram symbol, 599

spring-operated reliefs, 392394

Vapor cloud explosions (VCEs)

overview, 276277

TNT equivalency, 266

Vaporization rate of liquids, 100103


autoignition temperature, 244245

deflagration venting for, 434440

experimental characterization of explosions, 251254, 258

exposures to, 97100

flow through holes, 140145

flow through pipes, 145162

mass flow two-phase relief sizing, 433

relief sizing, 422427

vents for, 436438

VCEs (vapor cloud explosions)

overview, 276277

TNT equivalency, 266


explosions, 259

flow of gases and vapors through holes, 141142

flow of gases and vapors through pipes, 145, 152, 154, 157

flow of liquid through holes, 125

flow of liquid through holes in tanks, 127

flow of liquid through pipes, 131

neutrally buoyant dispersion models, 183184

smokestack releases, 193

Vent area

relief sizing for vapor and gas service, 422423

two-phase relief sizing, 433

vents for dusts and hybrid mixtures, 439

Vent Sizing Package (VSP), 431

Vent Sizing Package (VSP2), 348351

Ventilation and venting

dilution, 114115

dust and vapor explosions, 434440

exposure prevention, 106

fire and explosion prevention, 325329

fires external to processes, 440444

local, 111114

overview, 109111

suggested reading, 117, 448

Vessel entry in safe work practices, 540541


deflagrations, 546

designs for process safety, 546547

filling operations, exposures during, 103105

process diagram symbol, 600

release guidelines, 170

runaway reactions, 548

Victoria, Australia, gas plant chemical release and fire, 557558

Viscosities in relief sizing for liquid service, 416417, 419420

Volatile/tempered reactions in calorimeters pressure data, 371

Volatile toxicants, exposures to, 9093

Volatile vapors, exposures to, 97100

Voltage drops, electrostatic, 307308

Volume unit conversion constants, 573

Volumetric expansion rate in thermal expansion of process fluids, 445447

Volumetric flow

relief sizing for liquid service, 415

sweep-through purging, 292

Voluntary risk, 14

VSP (Vent Sizing Package), 431

VSP2 (Vent Sizing Package), 348351

Water contamination in Bhopal, India chemical plant tragedy, 47

Water for sprinkler systems, 329

Water-reactive chemicals, 342, 588589

Water reactivity, susceptibility to, 587

Weld corrosion losses, 546

Wet methods in exposure prevention, 106

Wet pipe sprinkler systems, 330

What-if analysis, 456, 482

What-if/checklist analysis, 483484

Wide-aperture releases in source models, 121


dispersion, 178, 181182

explosions, 261262

neutrally buoyant dispersion models, 183

Pasquill–Gifford model, 185

worst-case releases, 170

Work unit conversion constants, 574

Worker-based fatal injury rate calculations, 1819

Workforce involvement

case history and lessons learned, 555

RBPS approach, 38, 40

Worst-case dispersion conditions in Pasquill–Gifford model, 194195

Worst-case releases, 169170

XP process areas, 323325

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