Chapter 13. Safety Strategies, Procedures, and Designs

The learning objectives for this chapter are to:

  • Discuss process safety strategies, including the hierarchy of safety.

  • Describe safe operating procedures and safe work practices.

  • Explain designs for process safety.

This chapter also shows how to build management systems to improve safety performance. These important systems include: best practices, human factors, incident investigations including root cause analysis, permit systems for non-routine operations that are potentially hazardous, key design features for preventing safety problems, designs for preventing runaway reactions, and designs for preventing dust explosions.

13-1 Process Safety Strategies

Process Safety Hierarchy

When new chemical plants are designed or existing plants are modified, a safety hierarchy must be applied. A detailed hierarchy is shown in Table 1-21. The hierarchy—in order of preference—is to use (1) inherent safety (see Section 1-13), (2) passive, (3) active, and (4) procedural strategies.

The process safety strategies discussed in this chapter include (1) human factors, (2) managing safety using the CCPS 20 elements of risk-based process safety (RBPS), (3) incident investigations, and (4) root cause analysis.

Human Factors

Operators sometimes make mistakes, and the consequences of those errors may be serious. A critical task analysis is one method to identify problems and develop appropriate safeguards to minimize the risks.1 When designing a system, human factors should also be considered.2 A few issues related to human factors include the following:

  • Ergonomics: Can the operator reach what needs to be reached to work safely?

  • Operability: Is the workflow designed to minimize taking shortcuts?

  • Procedures: Are the procedures clear and easy to follow, and do they clearly explain the consequences of deviations?

  • Maintenance: Is there access and capability to maintain equipment?

  • Simplify: Are the equipment designs, computer operating screens, operating procedures, safety instructions, safety requirements, and so forth, designed to facilitate comprehension and understanding to minimize hazards and risks?

1Center for Chemical Process Safety. Guidelines for Engineering Design for Process Safety. (New York, NY: American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2012), p. 104.

2SACHE Faculty Workshop, Dow Presentation, “Human Errors and Human Factors,” 2017.

Operators make fewer errors when they are appropriately trained, not under stress, not fatigued, and not overloaded with work; when they have enough time for the task; and when they receive active feedback. With active feedback, operators know when they are doing well, and when mistakes are made. Table 13-1 shows the frequency of operator errors as a function of the work environment. Clearly, without active feedback the mistake rate increases by a factor of 10.

Table 13-1 How Often Do Operators Make Mistakes?

Operator environment

Errors when operating a system

  1. Trained

  2. Not under stress

  3. Not fatigued

  4. Not overloaded with work

  5. Adequate time for the task

  6. Active feedback

1 error in every 1000 times the operation is done.

All of the above EXCEPT active feedback

1 error in every 100 times the operation is done.

Only trained and not under stress

1 error in every 10 times the operation is done.

  1. Not trained

  2. Under stress

  3. Overloaded with work

  4. Inadequate time for the task

An error occurs 50% of the time the operation is done.

Source: “Incident Investigation: Overview,”

Managing Safety

The 20 elements of RBPS discussed in Section 1-12 provides a comprehensive management system for process safety.3 The 20 elements provide guidance on how to (1) design a process safety management system, (2) correct a deficient system, and (3) improve process safety management practices. This management system must include an understanding of the following factors:4

  • The hazards and risk of the facilities and their operations

  • The demand for, and resources used in, process safety activities

  • How process safety activities are influenced by the process safety culture within the organization

3AICHE Center for Chemical Process Safety. Guidelines for Risk Based Process Safety (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Interscience, 2007).

4AICHE Center for Chemical Process Safety. Guidelines for Risk Based Process Safety (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Interscience, 2007).

The management system must also include effectiveness measures, such as methods to measure performance and efficiency, so that resources can be applied in a prioritized manner to a large number of process safety needs.

Incident Investigations

Incident investigation is one of the 20 elements of RBPS discussed in Section 1-12. It must include (1) a formal process for investigating incidents, including staffing, performing, documenting, and tracking investigations; and (2) a method to identify incidents that are recurring.5 This method also manages the resolution and documentation of recommendations resulting from the investigation.

5AICHE Center for Chemical Process Safety. Guidelines for Risk Based Process Safety (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Interscience, 2007).

For any incident, experience has shown that many of the 20 elements of RBPS are involved. Incidents almost always stem from a failure of the management system. Thus, by improving the management system, incidents can be significantly reduced.

The objectives of incident investigations are to identify the causes of incidents, understand the interrelationship between causes, and develop actions to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents.6,7 Investigations should include “near misses” or “close calls” that do not result in an incident but could have if the circumstances had been slightly different.

6“Incident Investigation: Overview,”

7“A Step-by-Step Guide: Incident Investigations,”

Root Cause Analysis8

8W. Wilson. “Root Cause Analysis,”

An important tool in incident investigation is root cause analysis (RCA). It is in the evaluation of root causes where the team discovers systemic changes that can help prevent future incidents.

A root cause is an underlying cause of an incident that is not itself caused by more important underlying causes. In the very early days of incident investigations, most accidents were attributed to a single root cause. Since then, experience has shown that most incidents have multiple root causes. More recently, some incident investigators have redefined root causes as immediate causes.

Understanding root causes is important because they have the following characteristics:

  • Are frequently not directly observable

  • Relate to origins and sources

  • Are established and entrenched

  • Can spread out further than expected

  • Are difficult to find and remove

  • May expand if not identified

  • Are often dirty since they soil everything they touch, meaning they have a widespread effect

When RCA practitioners discuss root causes, they are essentially talking about causes that have all of these characteristics.

The term underlying cause is frequently used to provide more detail related to causes. An underlying cause is a less obvious system or organizational reasons for an incident. The differences between underlying and root causes are shown in Table 13-2.

Table 13-2 Differences between Underlying and Root Causes of an Incident

Examples of Hazardous Conditions: Underlying Causes

Missing guard

Poor housekeeping

Defective tools

Equipment failure

No Safety Data Sheet (SDS)

Examples of Hazardous Practices: Underlying Causes


Ignored safety rules

Didn’t follow procedures

Didn’t report hazard

Didn’t know how

Examples of Root Causes:

Poor work procedures

No follow-up and feedback

Lack of training

Poor safety management

Purchasing unsafe equipment

Lack of supervision

Rules not enforced

Lack of safety leadership

Poor safety leadership

Understanding the reasons for failed RCAs can help teams conduct more effective RCAs. Reasons for failed root cause analysis are shown in Table 13-3. Tables 13-2 and 13-3 demonstrate that strong, substantive, comprehensive, and well-managed actions and corrective action plans are essential. Effective leadership is the difference between failure and success.

Table 13-3 Reasons for Failed Root Cause Analyses or Failed Leadership of a RCA

Wrong basis: Root causes are not all identified along with corresponding corrective actions.

Bad solutions: Weak, incomplete or misdirected corrective actions.

Poor execution: Corrective actions not carried out. The actions are not appropriately managed.

Lessons forgotten: Corrective actions are rolled back or overridden with time.

Other changes: Problems return with unrelated plant changes.

An RCA discovers the underlying or systemic causes of an event, rather than just its immediate causes. Correcting only a single root cause may eliminate a symptom of a problem, but not the problem itself. If all the root and underlying causes are not identified and corrected, then the incident is likely to recur. Thus, a successful RCA identifies all root and underlying causes.

The tools used to conduct an RCA include brainstorming, checklists, logic/event trees, Five Why technique, timelines, sequence diagrams, and underlying cause determination. For simple incidents, brainstorming and checklists are sufficient, but for more complex incidents, the other tools are preferred. These tools are used to answer four questions: What happened? How did it happen? Why did it happened? What needs to be corrected?

The Five Why technique is an iterative method to explore the cause-and-effect relationships underlying a incident. It involves asking a minimum of five “why” questions. No hard rules exist for forming these questions. For a chemical plant incident, the questions could include “Why did this occur?”, “Why did that occur?”, and so on. This procedure is continued until a root cause is clearly identified. A rule of thumb is that five iterations are required, but more or less may be possible.

13-2 Safe Operating Procedures9

9AICHE Center for Chemical Process Safety. Guidelines for Risk Based Process Safety (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Interscience, 2007).

Operating procedures are one of the 20 elements of RBPS discussed in Section 1-12. Operating procedures are written instructions—including procedures that are usually stored electronically—that (1) list the steps required for a given task and (2) describe the manner in which these steps are performed.10

10AICHE Center for Chemical Process Safety. Guidelines for Risk Based Process Safety (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Interscience, 2007).

Operating procedures are designed and managed to help operators run a plant or facility with no mishaps. These procedures should include initial startup, normal operations, temporary operations, emergency shutdown, emergency operations, normal shutdown, startup after normal and emergency shutdowns, operating limits and consequences of deviations, safety and health considerations, hazardous properties of the chemicals, exposure precautions, engineering and administrative controls, quality control specifications for all chemicals, special or unique hazards, and safety control systems and functions. Additionally, procedures should (1) include engineering and administrative controls for preventing exposures, (2) describe the controls that are needed for safe operation, and (3) highlight the permits that are used to control the safety of the environment.

13-3 Safe Work Practices11

11AICHE Center for Chemical Process Safety. Guidelines for Risk Based Process Safety (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Interscience, 2007), Chapter 11.

Safe work practices are used to control nonroutine activities that are conducted in potentially hazardous environments. These practices involve a permit (either paper or electronic) to do the work described. The permit includes a description of the hazards and the actions taken to prevent incidents. It communicates relevant information between the people doing the work and other operating personnel in the area. The required permit actions include those by the workers and the operators, encompassing both actions before the work is permitted and actions after the work is completed to transition from the permitted environment to the normal operating mode.

Companies implement many types of safe work practices. Each company customizes the safe work practice to work with its particular culture. The following examples suggest a few of the safe work practices that companies may perform:

  • Safe work permits—an umbrella term for working in the process area, such as replacing a valve or installing insulation

  • Energy isolation—sometimes called lock-out/tag-out (LOTO) or lock, tag, and try. See below.

  • Confined-space entry. See below.

  • Hot work. See below.

  • Line breaking

  • Elevated work/fall protection

  • Lifting—over process equipment

  • Excavations—near process equipment

  • Hot-tapping active pipelines

  • Isolation of pressure relief devices

  • Bypassing safety systems—safety instrumented systems (SIS), other interlocks, deluge systems, alarms, and so on

  • Facility access—access through the facility fence line/main gate and access into a specific process unit

The following permit descriptions give the key features of a few safe work practices. Note, however, that they do not include all of the requirements. Each plant will modify these features for different work environments.

Hot Work

Hot work permits minimize the chances of ignition of flammable or combustible materials in a work environment. Hot work operations include welding, grinding, torch cutting, soldering, and use of any other ignition-producing sources. Hot work permits are valid for only one shift at a time. The procedure includes the following steps:

  1. Ensure equipment is cleared of hazardous materials and isolated from the running process.

  2. Take the necessary precautions to protect combustible or flammable materials from ignition by removing them or covering them with fire blankets.

  3. Check for flammable vapors within 35 feet (10.7 m) of work areas using a flammable gas detection meter.

  4. If flammable vapors are present in the area, then a hot work permit is denied until the flammable vapors are removed.

  5. Post a fire watch in the area.

  6. Ensure that a fire extinguisher is available in the area, and check to ensure that smoke detection, sprinkler, and alarm systems are working.

  7. Inform operations and everyone in the area.

  8. Obtain the necessary approvals and signatures and post the signed permit.

At the completion of the hot work, the operations supervisor confirms that all hot work is stopped and it is safe to go back to normal operations, and then signs a formal approval.

Energy Isolation (Lock-Out/Tag-Out—LOTO; Lock, Tag, Try)

Energy isolation prevents injuries or damage due to the release of stored energy from equipment. The stored energy may take numerous forms—chemical, electrical, gravitational, mechanical, pressure, or thermal. This practice is intended to prevent equipment from unexpectedly being set into motion and endangering workers or releasing hazardous chemicals into the work area.

Typical activities that require this practice include hot work on process equipment, vessel entry, cleaning equipment, entering a dangerous environment (rotating equipment or a vessel with an agitator), repairing electrical circuits, maintaining machinery with moving parts, clearing jammed mechanisms, and removing guards or safety devices.

The energy isolation procedure includes the following steps:

  1. De-energize the equipment by isolating the energy source(s), which may require installing blind flanges; closing valves; draining chemicals; disconnecting electrical connections; releasing pressured lines such as hydraulic fluid, air, steam, gas, and water; and releasing spring-loaded devices.

  2. Lock the de-energized equipment or electrical device to prevent reactivation. A gang lock device may be used to allow the device to be locked out by several maintenance trades and operations personnel.

  3. Tag the equipment or device to warn against re-energizing the equipment. Tags alone can be used only when the equipment cannot be physically locked out—for example, some valves.

  4. Try to re-energize the equipment to verify that the locking process works.

At the completion of the work procedure requiring the energy isolation, the operations supervisor is the last one to remove their lock after making certain that the device or equipment is safe to re-energize. The supervisor then signs a formal approval.

Confined-Space Entry (Vessel Entry)

This practice is used to prevent injuries to someone who is working in a confined space. The confined space could be a vessel, a diked area, or even reaching into a large pipe opening. Potential injuries include being overcome by a gas (e.g., nitrogen, carbon monoxide), being entangled with moving equipment, or being engulfed by fluids or powder entering the space. The procedure includes the following steps:

  1. The equipment is isolated following a defined energy isolation procedure.

  2. Clean/decontaminate the equipment.

  3. An attendant (entry watch) must be present in the area at the point of entry at all times to help with emergencies.

  4. Ensure that proper emergency equipment is present in the area (e.g., a fire extinguisher, winches, harnesses).

  5. Continuously monitor the oxygen concentration in the confined space to ensure that it is at least 19.5%.

  6. Add ventilation to the confined space or vessel to ensure the concentration of oxygen is maintained and the temperature is not extreme.

  7. Provide a light with ground-fault circuit interruption (GFCI) to assist the person’s visibility in the vessel.

  8. Provide a two-way radio for the attendant to summon help if required.

  9. Provide an attendant’s log with sign-in and sign-out required to ensure accountability of persons entering and leaving the confined space.

At the completion of the confined-space entry, the operations supervisor confirms that it is safe to go back to normal operations and then signs a formal approval.

13-4 Designs for Process Safety

The following safety design features are only examples intended to illustrate some key safety features that are used in plants. Many more safety designs are described in books and standards.12,13

12Center for Chemical Process Safety. Guidelines for Design Solutions for Process Equipment Failures (New York, NY: American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 1998).

13NFPA 654, Standard for the Prevention of Fire and Dust Explosions from the Manufacturing, Processing,and Handling of Combustible Particulates Solids (Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection Association, 2000).

Inherently Safer Designs

Inherent safety is discussed in Section 1-13. A simple design feature includes the mechanical configurations of vessels, pumps, and pipelines. A simple design versus a complex design is illustrated in Figure 13-1.

A figure compares a simple design with a complex design.
Figure 13-1 A simple design versus a complex design.

Controls: Emergency Isolation Valves

Emergency isolation valves, sometimes called block valves, are installed throughout plants to isolate and shut down a process during unusual circumstances. These valves can be manually operated or operated by a control system or field analyzer. Emergency isolation valves are typically (1) installed in lines in and out of vessels containing hazardous materials, and activated when a line or hose develops a leak; (2) installed in sewer lines to prevent major leaks from contaminating a treatment facility; and (3) installed using double block and bleed systems as described in the next subsection. In addition, they are sometimes installed in plants so that materials can be transferred from a hazardous environment to a safe one. For example, when a vessel is exposed to fire, a normally closed isolation valve would be opened to transfer the material to a safe location away from the fire.

Block valves are used in a process to isolate a system for maintenance. In contrast, emergency block valves are used to isolate a system or shut down the process in emergencies.

Controls: Double Block and Bleed

Double block and bleed systems are installed to provide assurance that materials cannot flow. These systems are frequently used in vessel entry procedures to ensure that flow of a hazardous material will not occur during employees’ entry into the vessel. They are also used to prevent unsafe situations. For example, a double block and bleed system is used in the monomer feed lines between the monomer storage vessel and the reactor depicted in Figure 13-2. This prevents the reactor contents, including catalysts, from inadvertently backing up into the monomer tank. The reaction normally requires pumping the monomer from a storage vessel at low pressure into a reactor operating at a much higher pressure. If the monomer pump fails, then the reactor contents with the catalyst will back up through the pump into the monomer storage vessel. This will result in a catalyzed reaction in the storage vessel, leading to a runaway reaction. The storage vessel is not equipped to handle this situation.

An illustration of double block and bleed system.
Figure 13-2 Double block and bleed system.

The problem is eliminated by installing a double block and bleed system in the monomer feed line, as shown in Figure 13-2. If the pump fails, the double block and bleed is activated, and it is physically impossible for reactor contents to flow back to the monomer storage tank. Notice that the monomer lines may also include check valves, but they are not as reliable—check valves may leak.

Controls: Safeguards and Redundancy

Safeguards are discussed in Section 1-11 and are classified as either preventive or mitigative. For example, a reactor that controls a rapid exothermic reaction should have a number of redundant safeguards to prevent a runaway reaction, as shown in Figure 13-3. Redundancy also increases the reliability of the control system; the quantitative effects of redundancy are computed using fault tree analysis, as discussed in Chapter 12.

A chemical reactor setup illustrates the use of Safeguards and Redundancy.
  1. Temperature or pressure too high: open cooling valves and close monomer valves.

  2. Motor or agitation fails: the same.

  3. Heat balance off: the same.

  4. In all cases, the double block and bleed valves in the monomer lines would be activated.

Figure 13-3 Safeguards and redundancy.

Controls: Explosion Suppression

As illustrated in Figure 13-4, an explosion suppression system detects a flame or combustion at the incipient phase of an explosion or fire. This detection system operates quick-acting valves to inject a combustion-quenching substance into the burning volume. The explosion suppression system illustrated in Figure 13-4 would prevent the explosion of the spray dryer. Explosion suppression systems can be installed in (1) process equipment to prevent damage to the equipment and (2) pipelines to prevent the combustion from propagating through the pipe to another place in the process.

Illustration of active explosion suppression system is shown.
Figure 13-4 Active explosion suppression.

Flame Arrestors

Figure 13-5 shows flame arrestors placed inline and at the end of a line to quench a combustion, preventing the combustion from propagating down a pipe or duct containing flammable material. The two types of flame arrestors have different design characteristics. The end-of-line flame arrestor prevents a burning gas from propagating back to the vessel from an external fire. These two types of flame arrestors have different design characteristics. The inline arrestor prevents a fire or explosion from propagating through a pipe from one vessel to another vessel.

Illustration of passive explosion suppression system is shown.
Figure 13-5 Passive flame arrestors.


A relief system discharging a hazardous material should have a containment system, as shown in Figure 13-6. (Also see Section 9-7 on relief effluent handling.) The containment system collects the relief effluent and prevents discharge into the working areas and environment. It is also important that a management system is used to ensure the containment system is properly maintained and operational. The Bhopal, India, plant had a containment system similar to the one shown in Figure 13-6, but due to poor management, including poor mechanical integrity, the system did not work when it was required, with catastrophic results.

An illustration of Relief and Containment system is shown.
Figure 13-6 Relief and containment system.

An alternative is to add safeguards and redundancy to the reactor to prevent a high-pressure release from the reactor, thereby ensuring that operation of the relief will not occur. In this case, the safeguard system would require an acceptable reliability, with the reliability being determined through a fault tree or other detailed analysis. Another alternative is to contain the hazard in the reactor vessel by increasing the MAWP of the reactor to the maximum pressure under all scenarios, including operating and incidental pressures.

Materials of Construction

Corrosion occurs due to incompatibilities between process equipment materials of construction and process fluids. Corrosion failures can occur without warning, resulting in large incidents. The risk of such failures is reduced by fully understanding the internal and external environment of the process, by specifying use of corrosion-resistant materials of construction, and by including a corrosion allowance.14 Corrosion rates are determined experimentally in laboratory tests. Companies must monitor construction to ensure that the correct materials are used and construction standards are followed.

14Center for Chemical Process Safety. Guidelines for Design Solutions for Process Equipment Failures (New York, NY: American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 1998).

In one notable incident that occurred in an oil refinery, an error in the welding process was to blame: The welder used a weld material that was less noble than the tower’s material of construction. The corrosion transferred the less noble weld material to the tower. The weld seam around the entire tower eventually failed, and the tower fell with major adverse consequences—17 fatalities and a $100 million loss.15

15“Union Oil Amine Absorber Tower Accident.” TWI Services Company.

Process Vessels

Process vessels must be designed to withstand the temperatures, pressures, and corrosion environments of the process. Normally, the thickness of the vessel is chosen to withstand the pressure, and the thickness is increased for a corrosion allowance.

All process vessels that are designed to withstand a pressure should also be designed for full vacuum. This vacuum requirement allows for vacuum purging and incidental process vacuums—for example, steam cleaning of a vessel that is entirely blocked (no vents).

Deflagrations. Deflagrations are combustion fronts that move at speeds less than the speed of sound. See Section 6-10. Deflagrations in pipes or vessels without pressure protection result in pipe tears with lengths no longer than a few pipe diameters. The resulting pressure in a vessel or pipe having a contained deflagration is estimated using the following equations:

P2P18  for hydrocarbonair mixtures(13-1)

P2P116  for hydrocarbonoxygen mixtures(13-2)

Detonations. Detonations are reactions fronts that move at the speed of sound or faster. See Section 6-10. Detonation failures usually occur in pipelines or vessels with large length-to-diameter ratios.

For a vessel with an internal detonation, the pressure increases significantly:16

16Lees. Loss Prevention in the Process Industry, 4th ed., pp. 509–617 (Elsevier, 2012).


When a pipe network is involved, because of pressure piling, P2 can increase by as much as another factor of 20.

Detonation failures in pipe networks always occur downstream from the ignition source—usually at pipe elbows or other pipe constrictions, such as valves. Blast pressures can shatter an elbow into many small fragments. A detonation in light-gauge ductwork can tear the duct along its seams and produce a large amount of structural distortion in the torn ducts.

In piping systems, explosions can begin as deflagrations. The flame front may then accelerate by pressure piling to detonation speeds.

Miscellaneous Designs for Preventing Fires and Explosions

Many other design features can be implemented to prevent deflagrations and detonations, as well as fires and explosions in general. CCPS has published many reference books that can help in selecting the most appropriate design for a plant and process.1720

17Center for Chemical Process Safety. Guidelines for Chemical Reactivity Evaluation and Application to Process Design (New York, NY: American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 1995).

18Center for Chemical Process Safety. Guidelines for Facility Siting and Layout (New York, NY: American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2003).

19Center for Chemical Process Safety. Guidelines for Performing Effective Pre-Startup Reviews (New York, NY: American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2007).

20Center for Chemical Process Safety. Guidelines for Safe and Reliable Instrumented Protective Systems (New York, NY: American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2007).

13-5 Designs for Runaway Reactions

Requirements to prevent runaway reactions include the following:

  • Understanding the concepts and hazards of runaway reactions (see Chapter 8)

  • Obtaining experimental data to characterize all possible runaway reactions (see Chapter 8)

  • Applying this knowledge to design the equipment and controls to avoid runaways

Other design features used to prevent runaway reactions include the following:21

21R. Johnson. “Chemical Reactivity Hazard.,” Safety and Chemical Engineering Education Committee of AICHE’s Center for Chemical Process Safety, 2005.

  1. Design to consume the reactants rapidly to avoid the accumulation of reactants.

  2. Design to remove the heat generated by the reaction and the gaseous products produced by the reaction.

  3. Use a semi-batch reactor instead of a batch reactor, and add the reactant at a rate that maintains a low reactant concentration within the reactor.

  4. Add safeguards and redundant controls to prevent runaways due to equipment and control failures.

Knowledge and experience with runaway reactions is essential since this assists process designers recognize and prevent potential problems.

Runaway reactions may also occur in storage vessels, tank trucks, and tank cars—in which case the events are classified as unintended reactions. A different set of design features is used to prevent these incidents,22 including the following features: (1) train personnel to be aware of these potential problems, (2) cool the materials to safe margins below the self-accelerating decomposition temperature (SADT), (3) include redundant controls to monitor temperatures and activate alarms, (4) design the system to separate incompatible materials, (5) store materials in areas remote from the process areas, and (6) label vessels and pipelines that contain reactive materials.

22R. Johnson. “Chemical Reactivity Hazard.,” Safety and Chemical Engineering Education Committee of AICHE’s Center for Chemical Process Safety, 2005.

13-6 Designs and Practices for the Safe Handling of Dusts

A large quantity of chemical products are solids, which are frequently produced and shipped in powder form. The powder may form a very fine dust during the processing and shipping steps. Although engineers and chemists usually understand the hazards of flammable liquids and gases, they often fail to recognize the hazards of handling solids and the resulting dust. Dusts have flammability characteristics similar to those of gases, and they can burn and explode as deflagrations and detonations (see Sections 6-5 and 6-9). An additional problem with dusts is that a primary explosion may initiate a secondary explosion. The explosion forces and turbulence from the primary explosion may disperse additional dusts that may have accumulated on floors, on ducts, or above false ceilings. Once the additional dust is airborne, a secondary explosion will result.

Flammable gases have a three-sided fire triangle (see Figure 6-1) that illustrates the three necessary conditions for their combustion or explosion: (1) a flammable gas, (2) an ignition source, and (3) oxygen or an oxidizer. Flammable dusts, in contrast, have a five-sided fire pentagon that includes (1) fuel, (2) an ignition source, (3) an oxidant, (4) confinement, and (5) dust suspension. Some practitioners add two more sides to the pentagon to create a seven-side figure: (6) a concentration above the lower flammable limit and (7) dust of adequate dryness.

Dusts burn relatively slowly when ignited on a surface, but they explode when they are ignited as suspensions in air. Many of the design and management practices mentioned in this section are based on this pentagon.23

23J. F. Louvar and R. Schoeff. “Dust Explosion Control.” Safety and Chemical Engineering Education Committee of AICHE’s Center for Chemical Process Safety, 2006.

Requirements to prevent dust explosions include the following:

  • Understanding the hazards of dusts (see Section 6-5)

  • Characterizing the properties of dusts for the specific system being used or designed (see Chapters 6 and 7)

  • Applying this knowledge to design the equipment

  • Adding management systems to prevent dust explosions

Preventing Dust Explosions

Key design features that are used to prevent dust explosions include the following:24

24U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board. “Combustible Dust Safety.” 2018.

  1. Use containment, inerting and purging to remove oxygen (see Chapter 7).

  2. Eliminate ignition sources due to tramp metal, mechanical failure, overheating, electrical sparks, and static electricity. The tramp metal problem can be solved by adding magnetic traps that collect metal contaminants. To address mechanical failure problems, add detectors to identify failures, activate alarms, and initiate safe shutdowns. Any overheating problems can be solved by monitoring the temperature of bearings and belts (e.g., belts slipping), and activating alarms and shutdowns. To eliminate electrical sparks, use all explosion-proof rated electrical fittings (Class III and appropriate division; see Chapter 7). To prevent buildup of static electricity charges, use grounding and bonding.

  3. Prevent the accumulation of dusts. High dust concentrations in equipment and in equipment vents can be reduced by using pneumatic dust collection systems (sometimes called bag houses). In addition, high dust concentrations outside of equipment due to leaks from flanges or equivalent can be prevented by adding gaskets and tightening the gasket flanges.

  4. Mitigate dust explosions using vent panels and explosion suppression as described in Chapter 7.

Suggested Reading

API 750, Management of Process Hazards (Washington DC: American Petroleum Institute, 1990).

L. Britton. Avoiding Static Ignition Hazards in Chemical Operations (New York, NY: American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Center for Chemical Process Safety, 1999).

Center for Chemical Process Safety. Guidelines for Design Solutions for Process Equipment Failures (New York, NY: American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 1998).

Center for Chemical Process Safety. Guidelines for Engineering Design for Process Safety (New York, NY: American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2012).

Code of Federal Regulations. “Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals.” 29CFR 1910.119 (57FR23061), June 1, 1992.

R. K. Eckhoff. Dust Explosion in the Process Industries, 3rd ed. (Houston, TX: Gulf Publishing, 2003).

M. Glor. Electrostatic Hazards in Powder Handling (New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1988).

Trevor Kletz. Plant Design for Safety: A User-Friendly Approach (New York, NY: Hemisphere Publishing, 1990).

T. Kletz. Process Plants: A Handbook for Inherently Safer Design, 2nd ed. (New York, NY: Taylor & Francis Group, 2010).

J. F. Louvar, B. Maurer, and G. W. Boicourt. “Fundamentals of Static Electricity,” Chemical Engineering Progress (November 1994): 75–81.


13-1. For a large semi-batch polyether reactor (add ethylene and/or propylene oxide to a hydrocarbon alcohol), use the hierarchy concept to make recommendations for improving the safety of this process.

13-2. For the polyether reactor described in Problem 13-1, list a few of the most important safeguards that should be in place.

13-3. Human factors must be addressed during all phases of an operation. Expand the descriptions given in the “Human Factors” subsection in Section 13-1.

13-4. As shown in Table 13-1, operators make mistakes that are related to the operators’ environment. List the six items in this list in order of importance.

13-5. Use the CSB website to (a) describe the T2 Laboratories incident that occurred on December 19, 2007, and (b) list the CSB recommendations following this incident.

13-6. Use the T2 Laboratories incident of Problem 13-5 to list the details of this incident investigation: (a) the underlying and root causes of the incident and (b) the first and other recommendation layers.

13-7. Many incidents are due to the failure to apply codes, standards, and other Recognized and Generally Accepted Good Engineering Practices (RAGAGEP). Read the West Pharmaceutical Services Dust Explosion and Fire (2003) incident (CSB report) and (a) describe the incident, (b) list the major recommendations, and (c) cite the RAGAGEP that is used most frequently.

13-8. Summarize the content of NFPA Standard 654.

13-9. The double block and bleed system shown in Figure 13-2 is a design feature often added to all monomer feed lines. However, it has one problem: It creates another tank with a hazardous monomer. Develop a new design of the double block and bleed system that is inherently safer than the one shown in Figure 13-2.

13-10. The LOTO permit is one that is used often in an industrial environment. Search the Internet for a more thorough procedure.

Additional homework problems are available in the Pearson Instructor Resource Center.

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