• SalariedEmployee class that extends Employee 481

  • Salary Calculator exercise 186

  • Sales Commission Calculator exercise 186

  • Sales Commissions exercise 356

  • SaveChanges method of a LINQ to Entities DbContext 901, 915

  • SaveFileDialog class 708

  • saving changes back to a database in LINQ to Entities 914

  • savings account 200

  • SavingsAccount Class (exercise) 432

  • sbyte simple type 978

  • SByte struct 773

  • scaling factor (random numbers) 253, 256, 257

  • scanning images 6

  • schema (database) 896

  • scope 197, 263

    • of a declaration 262

    • of a type parameter 827

    • static variable 414

  • screen-manager program 471

  • scripting language 10

  • scrollbar 45

  • ScrollBars property of class TextBox 561

  • scrollbox 45

  • SDI (Single Document Interface) 643

  • Search Algorithms

    • binary search 748

    • linear search 744

    • recursive binary search 770

    • recursive linear search 770

  • Searching Algorithms

    • binary search 748

    • linear search 744

    • recursive binary search 770

    • recursive linear search 770

  • searching data 743

  • Searching for characters and substrings in strings 676

  • second-degree polynomial 88, 89

  • second refinement 170

  • secondary storage 5

  • secondary storage device 700

    • flash drive 700

  • secondary storage unit 7

  • seed value (random numbers) 253, 257

  • Seek method of class FileStream 719

  • SeekOrigin enumeration 719

  • select clause of a LINQ query 375

  • Select LINQ extension method 875

  • Select method of class Control 557

  • Select Resource dialog 53

  • selected state 569

  • SelectedImageIndex property of class TreeNode 629

  • SelectedIndex property of class ComboBox 624

  • SelectedIndex property of class ListBox 617

  • SelectedIndex property of class TabControl 640

  • SelectedIndexChanged event of class ComboBox 624

  • SelectedIndexChanged event of class ListBox 616

  • SelectedIndexChanged event of class TabControl 640

  • SelectedIndices property of class ListBox 617

  • SelectedItem property of class ComboBox 624

  • SelectedItem property of class ListBox 617

  • SelectedItems property of class ListBox 617

  • SelectedItems property of class ListView 633

  • SelectedNode property of class TreeView 628

  • SelectedTab property of class TabControl 640

  • selecting an item from a menu 549

  • selecting data from a table 896

  • selection sort algorithm 753, 756

  • SelectionEnd property of class MonthCalendar 608

  • SelectionMode enumeration 616

    • MultiExtended value 616

    • MultiSimple value 616

  • SelectionMode property of class CheckedListBox 621

  • SelectionMode property of class ListBox 616, 617

  • SelectionRange property of class MonthCalendar 608

  • SelectionStart property of class MonthCalendar 608

  • self-documenting code 83

  • self-referential class 774, 775

  • Self-referential Node class declaration 774

  • self-referential object 775

  • sentinel-controlled iteration 234, 161

  • sentinel-controlled loop 859

  • Separating Digits exercise 294

  • separator bar 601

  • sequence of items 775

  • sequence structure 146

  • sequence-structure activity diagram 146

  • sequential-access file 704

    • created using serialization 722

    • read using deserialzation 725

  • sequential execution 145

  • [Serializable] attribute 720

  • SerializationException class 724

  • Serialize method of class BinaryFormatter 720, 724

  • serialized object 720

  • service of a class 399

  • Set as Startup Project 908

  • set keyword 121

  • Set of Integers (exercise) 433

  • set-theoretic intersection 433

  • set-theoretic union 433

  • shallow copy 462

  • Shape class hierarchy 438, 466

  • Shape Hierarchy exercise 505

  • Shift property of class KeyEventArgs 584, 586

  • Shifted and scaled random integers 254

  • shifting value (random numbers) 253, 256, 257

  • “shipping” section of the computer 6

  • shopping list 156

  • short-circuit evaluation 217

  • short simple type 978

  • Short value of enumeration DateTimePickerFormat 609

  • shortcut key 598

  • ShortcutKeyDisplayString property of class ToolStripMenuItem 599, 602

  • ShortcutKeys property of class ToolStripMenuItem 599, 602

  • shortcuts with the & symbol 601

  • Show All Files icon 43

  • Show method of class Control 557

  • ShowCheckBox property of class DateTimePicker 609

  • ShowDialog method of class OpenFileDialog 713, 719

  • ShowDialog method of class SaveFileDialog 708

  • ShowShortcutKeys property of class ToolStripMenuItem 599, 602

  • ShowUpDown property of class DateTimePicker 610

  • shuffling 316

    • Fisher-Yates 319

  • sibling node 627

  • Sides of a Right Triangle exercise 190

  • Sides of a Triangle exercise 190

  • signal value 161

  • signature of a method 270

  • simple condition 215

  • simple name 652

  • Simple value of enumeration ComboBoxStyle 623

  • simplest activity diagram 223

  • Simpletron Machine Language (SML) 363

  • Simpletron Simulator Modifications exercise 368

  • simulation

    • coin tossing 295

  • Simulation: Tortoise and the Hare exercise 362

  • Sin method of Math 241

  • Single Document Interface (SDI) 643

  • single entry point 221

  • single-entry/single-exit control statements 147, 222

  • single exit point 221

  • single inheritance 436

  • Single struct 773

  • single-line comment 67

  • single-selection statement if 148

  • singly linked list 787

  • Size property of class Control 559

  • Size structure 559

    • Height property 559

    • Width property 559

  • SizeMode property of class PictureBox 54, 574

  • sizing handle 49

  • .sln file extension 54

  • small circles in the UML 146

  • smallest of several integers 233

  • SmallImageList property of class ListView 634

  • smart tag menu 916

  • smartphone 2

  • SMS Language 698

  • software 5

  • Software Engineering Observations overview xxxii

  • software model 365

  • software simulation 363

  • solid circle in the UML 146

  • solid circle surrounded by a hollow circle in the UML 146

  • SolidBrush class 583

  • Solution Explorer window 43

  • Sort Algorithms

    • bucket sort 770

    • insertion sort 756

    • selection sort 753

  • Sort method of Array 749

  • Sort method of class Array 849

  • Sort method of class List<T> 382

  • sorted array 777

  • Sorted property of class ComboBox 624

  • Sorted property of class ListBox 617

  • SortedDictionary<K,V> class 845

    • ContainsKey method 855

    • Count property 855

    • property Values 856

  • SortedList<K,V> generic class 845

  • SortedSet<T> class 880

  • Sorting Algorithms

    • bucket sort 770

    • insertion sort 756

    • selection sort 753

  • Sorting Letters and Removing Duplicates exercise 393

  • source code 66

  • Source property of Exception 528

  • space character 69

  • space/time trade-off 852

  • spacing convention 70

  • Spam Scanner 698

  • speaking to a computer 6

  • special character 83, 669

  • Special Section: Building Your Own Computer 363

  • special symbol 7

  • Split method of class Regex 854

  • Split method of class String 393, 714

  • split the array in merge sort 760

  • SQL Server Express 905

  • SQL Server Express LocalDB 894

  • Sqrt method of class Math 533

  • square brackets, [] 301

  • Square of Asterisks exercise 189

  • square root 242

  • stack data structure 773

  • stack frame 265

  • Stack generic class 825, 845

    • Stack< double> 835

  • stack overflow 266

  • stack trace 510

  • stack unwinding 528

  • Stack unwinding and Exception class properties 528

  • Stack<T> class 845

  • StackComposition class encapsulates functionality of class List 791

  • stacked building block 225

  • stacking control statements 226

  • stacking rule 223

  • StackOverflowException class 517

  • StackTrace property of Exception 527, 528, 531

  • standard error stream object 701

  • standard input stream object 701

  • standard input/output object 72

  • standard output stream object 701

  • standard reusable component 437

  • standard time format 397

  • “warehouse” section of the computer 7

  • Start method of class Process 615

  • Start Page 35

  • StartsWith and EndsWith methods 675

  • StartsWith method of class string 388, 675, 676

  • Startup object for a Visual Studio project 243

  • startup project 43

  • state button 566

  • statement lambda 867

  • static binding 492

  • static class 426

  • static keyword 245

  • static member demonstration 416

  • static method 245

  • static method cannot access non-static class members 414

  • static method Concat 680

  • static variable 242

  • static variable scope 414

  • static variable used to maintain a count of the number of Employee objects in memory 415

  • stereotype in the UML 122

  • straight-line form 87

  • stream

    • standard error 701

    • standard input 701

    • standard output 701

  • Stream class 701

  • stream of bytes 700

  • StreamReader class 701

    • ReadToEnd method 731

  • StreamWriter class 701

  • StretchImage value 54

  • String class

  • String Collection Editor in Visual Studio .NET 618

  • string constructors 670

  • string format specifiers 131

  • string indexer 672

  • string indexer, Length property and CopyTo method 671

  • string interpolation (C# 6) 80, 81

  • string literal 669

  • string.Empty 277

  • StringBuilder class 668, 682

    • Append method 685

    • AppendFormat method 686

    • Capacity property 683

    • constructors 682

    • EnsureCapacity method 683

    • Length property 683

    • Remove method 687

    • Replace method 689

    • ToString method 682

  • StringBuilder constructors 682

  • StringBuilder size manipulation 683

  • StringBuilder text replacement 689

  • struct keyword 421

  • Structured Equivalent of break Statement exercise 235

  • Structured Equivalent of continue Statement exercise 235

  • Structured Query Language (SQL) 894

  • Structures

  • Student Poll exercise 740

  • Style property of class Font 568

  • Substring method of class string 679

  • substrings generated from strings 679

  • Subtract method of DateTime 878

  • subtraction 6, 86

  • Sum LINQ extension method 872

  • summarizing responses to a survey 313

  • summing integers with the for statement 199

  • switch code snippet (IDE) 262

  • switch logic 210

  • synchronous programming 17

  • syntax color highlighting 74

  • syntax error underlining 77

  • System.Collections.Concurrent namespace 843

  • System.Collections.Specialized namespace 843

  • System.Data.Entity namespace 251, 901

  • System.Diagnostics namespace 615

  • System.Drawing namespace 568

  • System.Net.Http namespace 961

  • System.Numerics namespace BigInteger struct 277

  • System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary namespace 720

  • System.Runtime.Serialization.Json namespace 720

  • System.Text namespace 251, 668

  • System.Text.RegularExpressions namespace 668

  • System.Threading.Tasks namespace 949

  • System.Web namespace 251

  • System.Windows.Controls namespace 251

  • System.Windows.Forms namespace 251, 548

  • System.Windows.Input namespace 251

  • System.Windows.Media namespace 251

  • System.Windows.Shapes namespace 251

  • System.Xml namespace 251

  • System.Xml.Linq namespace 251, 963

  • System.Xml.Serialization namespace 720

  • SystemException class 517, 533

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