• Radio GUI exercise 63

  • RadioButton control 24, 62, 566, 569

    • Checked property 569

    • CheckedChanged event 570

    • properties and events 569

    • Text property 569

  • radius of a circle 294

  • RAM (Random Access Memory) 6

  • random number generation 316, 696

  • Range method of class Enumerable 878

  • range variable of a LINQ query 374

  • Rational class 433

  • Rational Numbers (exercise) 433

  • Read method of class Console 701

  • read-only property 153

  • Reading sequential-access files 710

  • ReadLines method of class File 891

  • readonly keyword 417

  • ReadOnly property of class NumericUpDown 580

  • ReadOnly property of class TextBox 561

  • ReadToEnd method of class StreamReader 731

  • real number 164

  • real part of a complex number 421

  • realization in the UML 495

  • “receiving” section of the computer 6

  • reclaim memory 416

  • Record for sequential-access file-processing applications 703

  • record key 9

  • Rectangle Class (exercise) 432

  • rectangular array 329, 331

    • with three rows and four columns 329, 331

  • recursion exercises

    • binary search 770

    • linear search 770

  • recursion step 274

  • recursive binary search 770

  • recursive call 274

  • recursive evaluation 275

  • recursive factorial 274

  • recursive linear search 770

  • recursive method 274

  • Recursive Power Calculation exercise 296

  • recursive Power method 296

  • recursive step 771

  • reduce (functional programming) 869

  • redundant parentheses 89

  • refer to an object 277

  • reference manipulation 773

  • reference type 277

  • reference type constraint class 824

  • Reference, output and value parameters 280

  • ReferenceEquals method of object 462

  • refinement process 161

  • Regex class 668

  • regular expression 692

  • reinventing the wheel 68

  • relational database table 895

  • relational operators 90

  • release resource 520

  • release unmanaged resources 502

  • remainder 86

  • remainder operator, % 86, 189

  • Remove method of class Dictionary 735

  • Remove method of class LinkedList 860

  • Remove method of class List<T> 382, 385

  • Remove method of class StringBuilder 687

  • RemoveAt method of class List<T> 382, 385

  • RemoveAt method of class ObjectCollection 618

  • RemoveRange method of class List<T> 382

  • Repeat method of class Enumerable 967

  • Replace method of class string 680, 681

  • Replace method of class StringBuilder 689

  • representational error in floating point 203

  • requirements 13

  • requirements of an app 211

  • reservations system 357

  • Reset method of interface IEnumerator 849

  • ReshowDelay property of class ToolTip 577

  • ResourceManager class 576

    • GetObject method 577

  • Resources class 576

  • responses to a survey 313, 315

  • REST web service 957

  • result of an uncaught exception 515

  • Result property of class Task 949

  • resumption model of exception handling 516

  • rethrow an exception 525

  • return type 114

    • of a method 112

  • reusable component 437

  • reusable software components 11, 250

  • Reverse extension method 672

  • Reverse method of class Array 850

  • Reversing Digits exercise 295

  • RichTextBox control 61

  • right align output 202

  • right child 795

  • RightToLeft property of class MenuStrip 602

  • rise-and-shine algorithm 144

  • Ritchie, Dennis 18

  • robot 4

  • robust application 508

  • Roku (Internet TV) 4

  • Roll a six-sided die 6,000,000 times 254

  • Roll a six-sided die 60,000,000 times 312

  • rolling two dice 260

  • Rounding to a Specific Decimal Place exercise 292

  • Rounding to Nearest Integer exercise 292

  • row in a database table 895

  • row objects representing rows in a database table 900

  • rows of a two-dimensional array 329

  • Ruby on Rails 19

  • Ruby programming language 19

  • rules for forming structured applications 222

  • rules of operator precedence 87

  • Run command in Windows 615

  • Run method of class Task 949, 955

  • run mode 56

  • run-time logic error 84

  • running an app 615

  • running total 162

  • runtime class 491

  • runtime system 825

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