Chapter Fifteen — Functions
The Humongous Book of Algebra Problems
Note: Problems 15.15–15.17 refer to the following functions: and
15.17 Evaluate .
Evaluate r(1) and p(1) and then calculate the quotient.
Simplify the expression.
Composition of Functions
Plug one function into another
Note: Problems 15.18–15.19 refer to the functions f(x) = x
– 1 and g(x) = 3x.
15.18 Evaluate f(5).
Substitute x = 5 into f(x).
Chapter Fifteen — Functions
The Humongous Book of Algebra Problems
Note: Problems 15.18–15.19 refer to the functions f(x) = x
– 1 and g(x) = 3x.
15.19 Express f(g(x)) in terms of x.
Problem 15.18 requires you to substitute x = 5 into f(x). Here, you substitute g(x)
into f(x).
Recall that g(x) = 3x.
Note: Problems 15.20–15.21 refer to the functions and .
15.20 Express in terms of x.
The expression is equivalent to j(h(x)). Replace the x in 7x
– 3 with
Substitute into the function.
Note: Problems 15.20–15.21 refer to the functions and .
15.21 Evaluate .
Note that . To evaluate the composite function, begin by
evaluating j(–2).
means plugging
functions into each
other. In Problem 15.19,
you plug g(x) into f(x).
That can be written
f(g(x)), which is read
f of g of x, or
, which is
real “f circle
g of x.
Keep the
letters in the
same order—j
comes rst in
and j(h(x)).
Composition of functions
is not necessarily
commutative, so there’s
no guarantee that
j(h(x)) and h(j(x))
are equal.
a square root
cancels it out, leaving
only the radicand
x + 7 behind.
Chapter Fifteen — Functions
The Humongous Book of Algebra Problems
Substitute j(–2) = 25 into h(j(–2)).
h(j(–2)) = h(25)
Evaluate h(25).
Simplify the radical expression.
Therefore, .
Note: Problems 15.22–15.24 refer to the following functions: f(x) = x
– 4x + 3, ,
h(x) = 2x – 1.
15.22 Express in terms of x and evaluate .
Note that ; to write the function in terms of x, substitute
g(x) into f(x).
Evaluate f(g(6)).
Note: Problems 15.22–15.24 refer to the following functions: f(x) = x
– 4x + 3, ,
h(x) = 2x – 1.
15.23 Evaluate f(g(h(5))).
Begin by evaluating h(5).
h(5) = 2(5) – 1 = 10 – 1 = 9
Substitute h(5) = 9 into the expression: f(g(h(5))) = f(g(9)). Evaluate g(9).
h(x) is plugged
into g(x), which is
plugged into f(x). Start
with the innermost
function (the function
inside the most
parentheses) and
work your way out.
Chapter Fifteen — Functions
The Humongous Book of Algebra Problems
Substitute g(9) = 3 into the expression: f(g(9)) = f(3). Evaluate f(3).
Therefore, f(g(h(5))) = 0.
Note: Problems 15.22–15.24 refer to the following functions: f(x) = x
– 4x + 3, ,
h(x) = 2x – 1.
15.24 Express f(h(g(x))) in terms of x. Assume x > 0.
Begin by substituting g(x) into h(x).
Substitute into f(h(g(x))).
15.25 If r(s(x)) = (x
– 1)
and r(x) = x
, then express s(r(x)) in terms of x.
The function r(s(x)) is defined the expression x
– 1 squared, and r(x) = x
, so
s(x) = x
– 1.
You dont
need to put
this x in absolute
values because the
problem says to assume
x is positive (x > 0).
In the
function r(s(x)),
s(x) is plugged into
r(x). You know that
r(x) = x
, so anything
you plug into r(x) gets
squared. To gure
out s(x), ask yourself
this question: “What
expression, when
squared, is equal
to (x
– 1)
?. The
answer is s(x) =
– 1.
Chapter Fifteen — Functions
The Humongous Book of Algebra Problems
15.26 If and , evaluate g(g(7)).
Substitute g(x) into f(x) to generate f(g(x)).
If and , then .
Solve the equation for g(x) by squaring both sides of the equation to
eliminate the radicals.
Rather than expressing g(x) as a fraction containing a sum, express it as a sum
of fractions.
To evaluate g(g(7)), begin by substituting x = 7 into g(x).
Therefore, .
This is true
because of the
transitive property,
which says that two
things equal to the
same thing are equal
to each other.
mean the
same thing:
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