Table of Contents


Part I: A Wyckoff-Lowry Analysis of Major Market Tops and Bottoms Since 1968

Chapter 1 Richard D. Wyckoff and Lyman M. Lowry: The Analysts and Their Methods

The Wyckoff and Lowry Methodologies: A More In-Depth Look

Chapter 2 How Major Market Tops Form: Part I, The Preliminaries

The Life Cycle of a Market Uptrend (a.k.a. a Bull Market)

Characteristics of a Major Market Top

The Top of the 1966–1969 Bull Market

The Top of the 1970–1973 Bull Market

The Top of the 1975–1976 Bull Market

The Top of the 1980–1981 Bull Market

The Top of the 2003–2007 Bull Market

Chapter 3 How Major Market Tops Form: Part II, The End Game

Idealized Major Market Topping Pattern (Part II)

Using Lowry’s Measures of Supply and Demand to Supplement the Wyckoff Analysis

Final Stages of the 1968–1969 Market Top

The End of the 1972–1973 Market Top

The Drawn-Out Conclusionto the 1976 Market Top

The Less Drawn-Out 1980–1981 Market Top

The Preamble to the Worst Bear Market Since 1929–1932—the Final Stages of the 2007 Market Top

Chapter 4 How Major Market Bottoms Form: Part I, Panic and Capitulation

The Life Cycle of a Market Downtrend (a.k.a., A Bear Market)

Lowry Indicators

The Bottom of the 1968–1970 Bear Market

The Bottom of the 1973–1974 Bear Market

The Bottom of the 1981–1982 Bear Market

The Bottom of the 2000–2003 Bear Market

The Bottom of the 2007–2009 Bear Market

Chapter 5 How Major Market Bottoms Form: Part II, Accumulation and Breakout

Idealized Major Market Bottoming Pattern (Part II)

Lowry Indicators

The Bottom of the 1968–1970 Bear Market

The Bottom of the 1973–1975 Bear Market

The Bottom of the 1981–1982 Bear Market

The Bottom of the 2000–2003 Bear Market

The Bottom of the 2007–2009 Bear Market

Part II: Combining a Wyckoff-Lowry Analysis with Other Tools for Timing Major Market Tops and Bottoms

Chapter 6 Building a Cause: How R.D. Wyckoff Uses Point and Figure Charts to Establish Price Targets

Point and Figure Charts

Construction of a Point and Figure Chart

Point and Figure Charts as Applied to Major Market Tops and Bottoms: The Horizontal Count

The 1969 Market Top and Targets for the Bear Market

The 1970 Market Bottom and Targets for the 1970–1973 Bull Market

The 1972–73 Market Top and the Severe Bear Market into the 1975 Low

The 1974–1975 Market Bottom

The Drawn-Out Market Top in 1976

The 1981 Market Top and Approaching End of the Secular Bear Market

The 1982 Market Bottom and the Start of the Secular Bull Market 1982–2000

The 2002–2003 Market Bottom

The 2007 Market Top and Start of the Worst Bear Market Since the 1929–32 Wipeout


Chapter 7 Identifying Major Market Tops and Bottoms: Other Tools to Consider

The NYSE Advance–Decline

Advance–Decline Lines and Major Market Tops and Bottoms

Operating Companies Only Advance–Decline Lines

The Cyclical Nature of Advance–Decline Lines

Another Useful Indicator for Signaling a Major Market Top

The 30-Week Moving Average in Practice


Chapter 8 The Curious Case of the 2000–2001 Market Top and Demise of the Secular Bull Market

The Major Market Indexes at the 2000–2001 Top and Ensuing Bear Market

The 2000–2001 Market Top and the NYSE Advance–Decline Line

The Ten S&P Industry Sectors and the Market Top

Chapter 9 A Wyckoff/Lowry Analysis of the 2000 Market Top

The 2000–2001 Market Top According to the S&P 500

The 2000 Market Top and Bursting of the Bubble in the NASDAQ Comp. Index

Chapter 10 Where Are We Now?

The Bull Market

Chapter 11 Putting It All Together


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