A basic divider deduced from algorithm 16.6 is shown in Figure 16.9. The inputs of the (p + 1)-digit divider are s1/B and s2 (Comment 6.1), so that the dividend is smaller than the divisor. The precision is chosen equal to p + 3 digits. Thus (see Section 6.1) the outputs quotient and remainder satisfy the relation



Figure 16.8 Sticky digit generation.

that is,


The sticky digit is equal to 1 if r > 0 and to 0 if r = 0. The final approximation of the exact result is


Example 16.9 (Complete VHDL code available.) Generate the VHDL model of a generic floating-point divider. It is made up of three blocks:

1. Division. This block includes the (p + 2)-digit divider, the subtractor, the xor gate, and the sticky digit generation circuit. Any type of divider can be used (Chapter 13). In this model a modified (dividend = s1/B) restoring divider has been used:

entity division is
port (
  s1, s2: in digit_vector(0 downto -p);
  signl, sign2: in std_logic;
  e1, e2: in integer;
  s: out digit_vector(0 downto -(p+3));
  sign: out std_logic;
  e: out integer

end division;

architecture circuit of division is
  component modif_div_rest_baseB…end component;
end circuit;


Figure 16.9 Divider.

2. Normalization. This circuit multiplies the quotient by B, and decreases the exponent accordingly, if the quotient is smaller than 1:

entity normalization is
port (
  e: in natural;
  s: in digit_vector(0 downto -(p+3));
  new_s: out digit_vector(0 downto -(p+3));
  new_e: out natural
end normalization;
architecture rtl of normalization is
  signal quotient_by_B: digit_vector(0 downto -(p+3));
  multiply_by_B: for i in -(p+2) to 0 generate
  end generate;
  new_s<=quotient_by_B when s(0)=0 else s;
  new_e<=e-1 when s(0)=0 else e;
end rtl;

3. Rounding. The rounding circuit is the same as before, or even simpler (it is not necessary to normalize after rounding):

entity rounding is
port (
  s: in digit_vector(0 downto -(p+3));
  e: in natural;
  new_s: out digit_vector(0 downto -p);
  new_e: out natural
end rounding;

It remains to assemble the three parts:

entity fp_divider is
port (
  sign1, sign2: in std_logic;
  e1, e2: in integer;
  s1, s2: in digit_vector(0 downto -p);
  sign: out std_logic;
  e: out natural;
  s: out digit_vector(0 downto -p)
end fp_divider;
architecture circuit of fp_divider is
  component division…end component;
  component normalization…end component;
  component rounding…end component;
  signal e_d, e_n: natural;
  signal s_d, s_n: digit_vector(0 downto -(p+3));
  divider_component: division
  port map (s1, s2, sign1, sign2, e1, e2, s_d, sign, e_d);
  normalization_component: normalization port map (e_d, s_d, s_n, e_n);
  rounding_component: rounding port map (s_n, e_n, s, e);
end circuit;
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