A basic multiplier deduced from Algorithm 16.5 is shown in Figure 16.6. The rounding circuit is the same as in the case of the adder-subtractor (Figure 16.4).


Figure 16.6 Multiplier.

Example 16.8 (Complete VHDL code available.) Generate the VHDL model of a generic floating-point multiplier. It is made up of four blocks:

1. Multiplication. The multiplication circuit corresponds to a (p + 1)-by-(p + 1) multiplier, an adder and a XOR gate—Figure 16.6—and generates the exact value of the product. Any type of multiplier can be used (Chapter 12). In this model, a simple parallel multiplier has been used:

entity multiplication is
port (
  s1, s2: in digit_vector(0 downto -p);
  sign1, sign2: in std_logic;
  e1, e2: in integer;
  s: out digit_vector(1 downto -2*p);
  sign: out std_logic;
  e: out integer
end multiplication;

architecture circuit of multiplication is
  component basic_base_B_mult…end component;
end circuit;

2. Generation of the guard digits. This block computes the sticky digit and concatenates its value with positions 1 down to – (p + 1) of the exact product:

entity guard_digits is
port (
  s: in digit_vector(1 downto -2*p);
  product: out digit_vector(1 downto -(p+2))
end guard_digits;

architecture behavior of guard_digits is
    variable acc_or: digit;
    for i in -(p+2) downto -2*p loop
      if (s(i)>0) or (acc_or>0) then acc_or:=1; end if;
    end loop;
    product<=s(1 downto -(p+1))&acc_or;
  end process;
end behavior;

3. Normalization. This block updates the significand as well as the exponent if the value of product (Figure 16.6) is greater than or equal to B:

entity normalization is
port (
  e: in natural;
  product: in digit_vector(1 downto -(p+2));
  new_s: out digit_vector(0 downto -(p+3));
  new_e: out natural
end normalization;

architecture rtl of normalization is
  signal product_div_B: digit_vector(0 downto -(p+3));
  divide_by_B: for i in -(p+3) to 0 generate product_div_
  B(i)<=product(i+1); end generate;
  new_s<=product(0 downto -(p+2))&0 when product(1)=0 else
  new_e<=e when product(1)=0 else e+1;
end rtl;

4. The rounding block is the same as before (Figure 16.4):

entity rounding is
port (
  s: in digit_vector(0 downto -(p+3));
  e: in natural;
  new_s: out digit_vector(0 downto -p);
  new_e: out natural
end rounding;

It remains to assemble the four blocks:

entity fp_multiplier is
port (
  sign1, sign2: in std_logic;
  e1, e2: in integer;
  s1, s2: in digit_vector(0 downto -p);
  sign: out std_logic;
  e: out natural;
  s: out digit_vector(0 downto -p)
end fp_multiplier;

architecture circuit of fp_multiplier is
  component multiplication…end component;
  component guard_digits…end component;
  component normalization…end component;
  component rounding…end component;
  signal e_m, e_n: natural;
  signal s_m: digit_vector(1 downto -2*p);
  signal s_g: digit_vector(1 downto -(p+2));
  signal s_n: digit_vector(0 downto -(p+3));
  multiplication_component: multiplication
    port map (s1, s2, sign1, sign2, e1, e2, s_m, sign, e_m);
  guard_digits_component: guard_digits port map (s_m, s_g);
  normalization_component: normalization
    port map (e_m, s_g, s_n, e_n);
  rounding_component: rounding port map (s_n, e_n, s, e);
end circuit;

If a carry-save multiplier is used, the part of the circuit that generates the value of product can be modified (Figure 16.7). The multiplier generates two (2.p + 2)-digit numbers u and v (stored-carry encoding of the product). Then it remains to generate the carry cy corresponding to the position number −(p + 1) as well as the sticky_digit.

The computation of cy can be performed with any one of the methods described in Chapter 11. The sticky_digit can be generated directly from the stored-carry representation (Chapter 8 of [ERC2004]). For that purpose, observe that the equality



Figure 16.7 Multiplier with stored-carry encoding.

is equivalent to




First encode the result of (16.30) in stored-carry form, that is,


Relation (16.30) is equivalent to


and the preceding relation only holds if, for every position i, the sum s(i) + c(i) is equal to B − 1. Thus the sticky digit is equal to 0 if, and only if,


The corresponding circuit is shown in Figure 16.8. The comp block works as follows:


If B = 2 the comp circuit is a 2-input XOR gate.

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