Chapter 1. Hello, WPF

WPF is a completely new presentation framework, integrating the capabilities of many frameworks that have come before it, including User, GDI, GDI+, and HTML, as well as being heavily influenced by toolkits targeted at the Web, such as Adobe Flash, and popular Windows applications like Microsoft Word. This chapter will give you the basics of WPF from scratch, and then a whirlwind tour of the things you’ll read about in detail in the chapters that follow.

WPF from Scratch

Example 1-1 is pretty much the smallest WPF “application” you can write in C#.

Example 1-1. Minimal C# WPF application
// MyApp.cs
using System;
using System.Windows; // the root WPF namespace
namespace MyFirstWpfApp {
  class MyApp {
    static void Main(  ) {
     // the WPF message box
     MessageBox.Show("Hello, WPF");


The STAThread attribute signals .NET to make sure that when COM is initialized on the application’s main thread, it’s initialized to be compatible with single-threaded UI work, as required by WPF applications.

In fact, this is such a lame WPF application that it doesn’t even use any of the services of WPF; the call to MessageBox.Show is just an interop call to Win32. However, it does require the same infrastructure required of other WPF applications, so it serves as a useful starting point for our explorations.

Building Applications

Building this application (Example 1-2) is a matter of firing off the C# compiler from a command shell with the appropriate environment variables.[3] (The command line here has been spread across multiple lines for readability, but you need to put it all on one line.)

Example 1-2. Building a WPF application manually
C:1st> csc /target:winexe /out:.1st.exe
  /r:"C:Program FilesReference AssembliesMicrosoftFrameworkv3.0WindowsBase.dll"
  /r:"C:Program FilesReference AssembliesMicrosoftFrameworkv3.0
  /r:"C:Program FilesReference AssembliesMicrosoftFrameworkv3.0

Microsoft (R) Visual C# 2005 Compiler version 8.00.50727.312
for Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 2005 Framework version 2.0.50727
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2001-2005. All rights reserved.

Here, we’re telling the C# compiler that we’d like to create a Windows application (instead of a Console application, which we get by default), putting the result, 1st.exe, into the current folder, referencing the three main WPF assemblies (WindowsBase, PresentationCore, and PresentationFramework), along with the core .NET System assembly, and compiling the MyApp.cs source file.

Running the resulting 1st.exe produces the world’s lamest WPF application, as shown in Figure 1-1.

A lame WPF application
Figure 1-1. A lame WPF application

In anticipation of less lame WPF applications with more source files and more compilation options, let’s refactor the compilation command line into an msbuild project file (Example 1-3).

Example 1-3. A minimal msbuild project file
<!-- 1st.csproj -->
    <Compile Include="MyApp.cs" >
    <Reference Include="System" />
    <Reference Include="WindowsBase" />
    <Reference Include="PresentationCore" />
    <Reference Include="PresentationFramework" />
  <Import Project="$(MsbuildBinPath)Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />

The msbuild tool is a .NET 2.0 command-line application that understands XML files in the form shown in Example 1-3. The file format is shared between msbuild and Visual Studio 2005 so that you can use the same project files for both command-line and integrated development environment (IDE) builds. In this .csproj file (which stands for “C# Project”), we’re saying the same things we said to the C# compiler—in other words, we’d like a Windows application, we’d like the output to be 1st.exe in the current folder, and we’d like to reference the System assembly and the main WPF assemblies while compiling the MyApp.cs file. The actual smarts of how to turn these minimal settings into a compiled .NET application are contained in the .NET 2.0 Microsoft.CSharp.targets file that’s imported at the bottom of the file.

Executing msbuild.exe on the 1st.csproj file looks like Example 1-4.

Example 1-4. Building using msbuild
C:1st>msbuild 1st.csproj
Microsoft (R) Build Engine Version 2.0.50727.312
[Microsoft .NET Framework, Version 2.0.50727.312]
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2005. All rights reserved.

Build started 2/4/2007 2:24:46 PM.
Project "C:1st1st.csproj" (default targets):

Target PrepareForBuild:
    Creating directory "objDebug".

Target CoreCompile:
    C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727Csc.exe /noconfig/nowarn:1701
,1702 /reference:"C:Program FilesReference AssembliesMicrosoftFrameworkv3.0
PresentationCore.dll" /reference:"C:Program FilesReference AssembliesMicroso
ftFrameworkv3.0PresentationFramework.dll" /reference:C:WindowsMicrosoft.NET
Frameworkv2.0.50727System.dll /reference:"C:Program FilesReference Assembli
esMicrosoftFrameworkv3.0WindowsBase.dll" /debug+ /out:objDebug1st.exe /tar
get:winexe MyApp.cs
Target _CopyFilesMarkedCopyLocal:
    Copying file from "C:Program FilesReference AssembliesMicrosoftFramework
v3.0PresentationCore.dll" to ".PresentationCore.dll".
    Copying file from "C:Program FilesReference AssembliesMicrosoftFramework
v3.0System.Printing.dll" to ".System.Printing.dll".
    Copying file from "C:Program FilesReference AssembliesMicrosoftFramework
v3.0PresentationCore.xml" to ".PresentationCore.xml".
   Copying file from "C:Program FilesReference AssembliesMicrosoftFramework
v3.0System.Printing.xml" to ".System.Printing.xml".
Target CopyFilesToOutputDirectory:
    Copying file from "objDebug1st.exe" to ".1st.exe".
    1st -> C:1st1st.exe
    Copying file from "objDebug1st.pdb" to ".1st.pdb".

Build succeeded.
    0 Warning(s)
    0 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:04.15

As I mentioned, msbuild and Visual Studio 2005 share a project file format, so loading the project file into Visual Studio is as easy as double-clicking on 1st.csproj (as shown in Figure 1-2.

Loading the minimal msbuild project file into Visual Studio
Figure 1-2. Loading the minimal msbuild project file into Visual Studio

Unfortunately, as nice as the project file makes building our WPF application, the application itself is still lame.

WPF Applications

A real WPF application is going to need more than a message box. WPF applications have an instance of the Application class from the System.Windows namespace. The Application class provides methods like Run for starting the application, events like Startup and SessionEnding for tracking lifetime, and properties like Current, ShutdownMode, and MainWindow for finding the global application object, choosing when it shuts down, and getting the application’s main window. Typically, the Application class serves as a base for custom application-wide data and behavior Example 1-5.

Example 1-5. A less minimal WPF application
// MyApp.cs
using System;
using System.Windows;

namespace MyFirstWpfApp {
  class MyApp : Application {
    static void Main(  ) {
      MyApp app = new MyApp(  );
      app.Startup += app.AppStartup;
      app.Run(  );
    void AppStartup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e) {
      // By default, when all top level windows
      // are closed, the app shuts down
      Window window = new Window(  );
      window.Title = "Hello, WPF";
      window.Show(  );

Here, our MyApp class derives from the Application base class. In Main, we create an instance of the MyApp class, add a handler to the Startup event, and kick things off with a call to the Run method. Our Startup handler creates our sample’s top-level window, which is an instance of the built-in WPF Window class, making our sample WPF application more interesting from a developer point of view, although visually less so, as shown in Figure 1-3.

A less lame WPF application
Figure 1-3. A less lame WPF application

Although we can create instances of the built-in classes of WPF, such as Window, populating them and wiring them up from the application, it’s much more encapsulating (not to mention abstracting) to create custom classes for such things, like the Window1 class Example 1-6.

Example 1-6. Window class declaring its own controls
// Window1.cs
using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls; // Button et al

namespace MyFirstWpfApp {
    class Window1 : Window {
    public Window1(  ) {
      this.Title = "Hello, WPF";

      // Do something interesting (sorta...)
      Button button = new Button(  );
      button.Content = "Click me, baby, one more time!";
      button.Width = 200;
      button.Height = 25;
      button.Click += button_Click;

      this.Content = button;

    void button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {
        "You've done that before, haven't you...",

In addition to setting its caption text, an instance of our Window1 class will include a button with its Content, Width, and Height properties set, and its Click event handled. With this initialization handled in the Window1 class itself, our app’s startup code looks a bit simpler (even though the application behavior itself has gotten “richer”; see Example 1-7).

Example 1-7. Simplified Application instance
// MyApp.cs
using System;
using System.Windows;

namespace MyFirstWpfApp {
  class MyApp : Application {
    static void Main(string[] args) {
      MyApp app = new MyApp(  );
      app.Startup += app.AppStartup;
      app.Run(  );

    void AppStartup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e) {
      // Let the Window1 initialize itself
      Window window = new Window1(  );
      window.Show(  );

The results (after updating the .csproj file appropriately) are shown in Figure 1-4 and are unlikely to surprise you much.

A slightly more interesting WPF application
Figure 1-4. A slightly more interesting WPF application

As the Window1 class gets more interesting, we’re mixing two very separate kinds of code: the “look,” represented by the initialization code that sets the window and child window properties, and the “behavior,” represented by the event handling code. As the look is something that you’re likely to want handled by someone with artistic sensibilities (a.k.a. turtleneck-wearing designer types) whereas the behavior is something you’ll want to leave to the coders (a.k.a. pocket-protector-wearing engineer types), separating the former from the latter would be a good idea. Ideally, we’d like to move the imperative “look” code into a declarative format suitable for tools to create with some drag-and-drop magic. For WPF, that format is XAML.


XAML is an XML-based language for creating and initializing .NET objects. It’s used in WPF as a human-authorable way of describing the UI, although you can use it for a much larger range of CLR types than just those in WPF. Example 1-8 shows how we declare the UI of our Window-derived class using XAML.

Example 1-8. Declaring a Window in XAML
<!-- Window1.xaml -->
  Title="Hello, WPF">

    Click="button_Click">Click me, baby, one more time!</Button>


The root element, Window, is used to declare a portion of a class, the name of which is contained in the Class attribute from the XAML XML namespace (declared with a prefix of “x” using the “xmlns” XML namespace syntax). The two XML namespace declarations pull in two commonly used namespaces for XAML work, the one for XAML itself (the one with the “x” prefix) and the one for WPF (which we’ve declared as the default for this XML file). You can think of the XAML in Example 1-8 as creating the partial class definition in Example 1-9.

Example 1-9. C# equivalent of XAML from Example 1-8
namespace MyFirstWpfApp {
  partial class Window1 : Window {
    Button button;

    void InitializeComponent(  ) {
      // Initialize Window1
      this.Title = "Hello, WPF";

      // Initialize button
      button = new Button(  );
      button.Width = 200;
      button.Height = 25;
      button.Click += button_Click;


XAML was built to be as direct a mapping from XML to .NET as possible. Generally, a XAML element is a .NET class name and a XAML attribute is the name of a property or an event on that class. This makes XAML useful for more than just WPF classes; pretty much any old .NET class that exposes a default constructor can be initialized in a XAML file.

Notice that we don’t have the definition of the click event handler in this generated class. For event handlers and other initializations and helpers, a XAML file is meant to be matched with a corresponding code-behind file, which is a .NET language code file that implements behavior in code “behind” the look defined in the XAML. Traditionally, this file is named with a .xaml.cs extension and contains only the things not defined in the XAML. With the XAML from Example 1-8 in place, we can reduce our single-buttoned main window code-behind file to the code in Example 1-10.

Example 1-10. C# code-behind file
// Window1.xaml.cs
using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;

namespace MyFirstWpfApp {
  public partial class Window1 : Window {
    public Window1(  ) {
      InitializeComponent(  );

    void button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {

Notice the partial keyword modifying the Window1 class, which signals to the compiler that the XAML-generated class is to be paired with this human-generated class to form one complete class, each depending on the other. The partial Window1 class defined in XAML depends on the code-behind partial class to call the InitializeComponent method and to handle the click event. The code-behind class depends on the partial Window1 class defined in XAML to implement InitializeComponent, thereby providing the look of the main window (and related child controls).

Further, as mentioned, XAML is not just for visuals. For example, nothing is stopping us from moving most of the definition of our custom MyApp class into a XAML file (Example 1-11).

Example 1-11. Declaring an application in XAML
<!-- MyApp.xaml -->

This reduces the MyApp code-behind file to the event handler in Example 1-12.

Example 1-12. Application code-behind file
// MyApp.xaml.cs
using System;
using System.Windows;

namespace MyFirstWpfApp {
  public partial class MyApp : Application {
    void AppStartup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e) {
      Window window = new Window1(  );
      window.Show(  );

You may have noticed that we no longer have a Main entry point to create the instance of the application-derived class and call its Run method. That’s because WPF has a special project setting to specify the XAML file that defines the application class, which appears in the msbuild project file (Example 1-13).

Example 1-13. Specifying the application’s XAML in the project file
<!-- MyFirstWpfApp.csproj -->
<Project ...>
    <ApplicationDefinition Include="MyApp.xaml" />
    <Page Include="Window1.xaml" />
    <Compile Include="Window1.xaml.cs">
    <Compile Include="MyApp.xaml.cs" />
    <Reference Include="System" />
    <Reference Include="WindowsBase" />
    <Reference Include="PresentationCore" />
    <Reference Include="PresentationFramework" />
  <Import Project="$(MsbuildBinPath)Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
  <Import Project="$(MSBuildBinPath)Microsoft.WinFX.targets" />

The combination of the ApplicationDefinition element and the .NET 3.0-specific Microsoft.WinFX.targets file produces an application entry point that will create our application for us. Also notice in Example 1-13 that we’ve replaced the MyApp.cs file with the MyApp.xaml.cs file, added the Window1.xaml.cs file, and included the window’s corresponding XAML file as a Page element (we don’t do the same thing for the application’s XAML file, as it’s already referenced in the ApplicationDefinition element). The XAML files will be compiled into partial class definitions using the instructions in the Microsoft.WinFX.targets file. The DependentUpon element is there to associate a code-behind file with its XAML file. This isn’t necessary for the build process, but it’s useful for tools that want to show the association. For example, Visual Studio uses DependentUpon to show the code-behind file nested under the XAML file.

This basic arrangement of artifacts (i.e., application and main windows each split into a XAML and a code-behind file) is such a desirable starting point for a WPF application that creating a new project using the “Windows Application (WPF)” project template from within Visual Studio 2005 gives you the same initial configuration, as shown in Figure 1-5.

The result of running the WPF Application project template
Figure 1-5. The result of running the WPF Application project template

Editing XAML

Now that we’ve seen the wonder that is declarative UI description in XAML, you may wonder, “Do I get all the fun of editing the raw XML, or are there some tools that can join in the fun, too?” The answer is “sort of.” For example, if you’ve got the .NET Framework 3.0 extensions for Visual Studio 2005 (the same extensions that give you the WPF project templates in VS05), you will have a visual editor for XAML files that works very similarly to the built-in Windows Forms Designer. It will trigger by default when you double-click a file in the Solution Explorer, or you can right-click on a XAML file in the Solution Expression and choose Open With. One of the options offered will be “WPF Designer (Cider)” (where “Cider” is the codename for the WPF Designer still under development). The WPF Designer allows for drag-and-drop-style construction of XAML files with elements from the Toolbox and setting properties in the property browser. In addition, you can see the XAML as the designer makes changes, and in fact, you can make changes in the XAML view itself and see those reflected in the designer. Figure 1-6 shows the WPF Designer in action.

The WPF Designer in action
Figure 1-6. The WPF Designer in action


Unfortunately, as of the writing of this book, the WPF Designer is still very much under development and such basic features as visually adding event handlers, let alone more advanced features like data binding, styles, control templates, and animation, are not supported, which is why you’re unlikely to do much with it. If you’re following along with the Visual Studio “Orcas” beta, you’ll get more current (and more full-featured) versions of the WPF Designer, but if you can’t wait, you have other choices, including two XAML designer tools (Microsoft Expression Blend and Microsoft Expression Design), a third-party XAML 3D editor (ZAM 3D), and several conversion tools from other popular vector drawing formats (e.g., Adobe Illustrator and Flash), all of which are currently downloadable at the time of this writing.[4]

Another very useful tool for playing with XAML is the XamlPad tool that comes with the Windows SDK. It actually shows the visual representation of your XAML as you type it, as shown in Figure 1-7.

XamlPad in action
Figure 1-7. XamlPad in action

XamlPad has some limitations; the most important is that it doesn’t allow code (e.g., x:Class or event handler declarations), but as instant gratification, it can’t be beat.

WPF provides a number of services for applications that we haven’t covered, including lifetime management and ClickOnce-based deployment. In addition, although WPF doesn’t provide any direct support for application instance management or settings, the .NET 2.0 support for both of these features integrates with WPF. Chapter 2 covers all of these topics.

XAML Browser Applications (XBAPs)

While we’re talking about Visual Studio tools for WPF, you may notice that a few icons away from the “Windows Application (WPF)” project template is another one called “XAML Browser Application (WPF),” as shown in Figure 1-8.

The WPF XAML Browser Application project template in VS05
Figure 1-8. The WPF XAML Browser Application project template in VS05

WPF itself was created as a unified presentation framework, meant to enable building Windows applications with the best features from existing Windows application practice and existing web application practice. One of the nice things that web applications provide is a single window showing the user one page of content/functionality at a time, allowing for navigation among the pages. For some applications, including Internet Explorer, the shell Explorer, Microsoft Money, and a bunch of Control Panel applets, this is thought to be preferable to the more common Windows application practice of showing more than one window at a time.

To enable more of these kinds of applications, WPF provides the page, which is the unit of navigation in an XML Browser Application (XBAP). Instead of setting an application’s StartupUri to a XAML file that defines a window, we point an XBAP’s StartupUri at a XAML file that defines a page (Example 1-14).

Example 1-14. Starting with a Page instead of a Window
<!-- App.xaml -->
  StartupUri="Page1.xaml" />

A WPF page is a class that derives from the Page class, as shown in Example 1-15.

Example 1-15. A sample page
<!-- Page1.xaml -->
  <TextBlock FontSize="36">
    Check out <Hyperlink NavigateUri="page2.xaml">page 2</Hyperlink>, too.

    // Page1.xaml.cs
    namespace MyFirstXbapApp {
      public partial class Page1 : System.Windows.Controls.Page {
        public Page1(  ) {
          InitializeComponent(  );

The primary way to allow the user to navigate in an XBAP is via the Hyperlink element, setting the NavigateUri to a relative URL of another XAML page in the project. The first page of our sample XBAP looks like Figure 1-9.

A simple XBAP hosted in Internet Explorer 7
Figure 1-9. A simple XBAP hosted in Internet Explorer 7

In Figure 1-9, the hyperlinked text is underlined in blue, and if you were to move your mouse cursor over the hyperlink, it would show up as red. Further, the page’s WindowTitle property is set as the window caption. Of course, the most obvious thing to notice is that the XBAP is hosted inside the browser—Internet Explorer 7 to be exact. The reason for this is simple: XBAPs are meant to be deployed via the Web (which we’ll talk about later in this chapter) and to blend seamlessly with web pages. As you navigate among the pages in an XBAP, those pages are added to the navigation history just as web pages would be, and you’re allowed to use the Internet Explorer toolbar to go backward and forward, as you’re used to doing.

For example, let’s define page2.xaml as shown in Example 1-16.

Example 1-16. Another simple page
<!-- Page2.xaml -->
<Page ... WindowTitle="Page2">
  <TextBlock FontSize="36">
    Hello and welcome to page 2.

Clicking on the hyperlink on page 1 navigates to page 2, as shown in Figure 1-10.

XBAP and navigation history
Figure 1-10. XBAP and navigation history

Notice in Figure 1-10 that the history for the back button is showing page 1, which is where we were just before getting to page 2.

As you might imagine, there are many more topics to discuss to make your XBAPs integrate with the browser and still provide the rich functionality we expect from WPF applications. In addition, you can have any number of navigation windows in your standalone WPF applications. We cover these topics and more in Chapter 11.

Content Models

Although the different kinds of WPF application types are useful, the core of any presentation framework is in the presentation elements themselves. In presentation systems of old, fundamentally we had “chunks of look and behavior” (often called controls) and “containers of chunks of look and behavior.” In WPF, this characterization doesn’t really hold up very well. Many elements that provide their own content and behavior can also be containers of elements (and so on). As an example, let’s take a look at a Button.

The first thing that may surprise you about a WPF Button object is that you don’t need to use a string as the content; it will take any .NET object. You’ve already seen a string as a button’s content (see Example 1-17).

Example 1-17. A button with string content
<Window ...>
  <Button Width="100" Height="100">Hi</Button>

However, as Example 1-18 shows, you can also use an image (see Figure 1-11).

Example 1-18. A button with image content
<Window ...>
  <Button Width="100" Height="100">
        <Image Source="tom.png" />
A button with image content
Figure 1-11. A button with image content

You can even use an arbitrary control, like a TextBox, as shown in Example 1-19 and Figure 1-12.

Example 1-19. A button with control content
<Window ...>
  <Button Width="100" Height="100">
        <TextBox Width="75">edit me</TextBox>
A button with control content
Figure 1-12. A button with control content

Further, as you’ll see in Layout and Chapter 6, you can get fancy and show a collection of nested elements in a Button or even nonvisual objects as the content of a Button. The Button can take any object as content because it’s derived ultimately from a class called ContentControl, as are many other WPF classes (e.g., Label, ListBoxItem, ToolTip, CheckBox, RadioButton, and, in fact, Window itself).

A ContentControl knows how to hold anything that’s able to be rendered, not just a string. A ContentControl gets its content from the Content property, so you could specify a Button’s content like so (this is the longhand version of Example 1-17):

<Button Width="100" Height="100" Content="Hi" />

ContentControls are especially useful because you get all the behavior of the “thing” (e.g., Button, Window, ListBoxItem), but you can display whatever you like in it without having to build yourself a special class (e.g., ImageButton, TextBoxListBoxItem, etc.).

The content model is not relegated to just the ContentControl. For example, the HeaderedContentControl is like a ContentControl, except it has two spots for content, the header and the content. The GroupBox and TabItem controls both derive from the HeaderedContentControl and both provide a header (i.e., the group title and the tab), as well as content (i.e., the group contents and the tab contents). By using the content model, HeaderedContentControls allow any kind of content in either content spot, allowing for much greater flexibility still within a simple model.

XAML Property Element Syntax

Although setting the Content property as an XML attribute works just fine for specifying a string as a property, it doesn’t work at all well for specifying a subelement, like the image example. For this reason, XAML defines the property element syntax, which uses nested Element.Property elements for specifying objects as property values. For instance, Example 1-20 shows the property element syntax for the string setting of a button’s content.

Example 1-20. Property element syntax with a string
<Button Width="100" Height="100">

Example 1-21 shows the property element syntax using an image.

Example 1-21. Property element syntax with an image
<Button Width="100" Height="100">
        <Image Source="tom.png" />

Because XML attributes can contain only one thing, property element syntax is especially useful when you’ve got more than one thing to specify. For example, you might imagine a button with a string and an image defined, as in Example 1-22.

Example 1-22. You can’t have multiple things in a ContentControl
<Button Width="100" Height="100">
    <!-- WARNING: doesn't work! -->
        <TextBlock>Tom: </TextBlock>
        <Image Source="tom.png" />

Although the property element syntax can be useful for this kind of thing, in this particular case it doesn’t work at all. This brings us to the second thing that may surprise you about content containment in WPF: many content containers can take only a single piece of content. For example, whereas a Button can take any old thing as content, it can take only a single thing which, without additional instructions, it will center and cause to fill up its entire client area. For more than one content element or a richer layout policy, you’ll need a panel.


Taking another look at Example 1-22 with the TextBlock and the Image as content for the Button, we don’t really have enough information to place them inside the area of the button. Should they be stacked left to right or top to bottom? Should one be docked on one edge and one docked to the other? How will things be stretched or arranged if the button resizes? These are questions best answered with a panel.

A panel is a control that knows how to arrange its content. WPF comes with the following general-purpose panel controls:


Arranges content by position and size with no automatic rearrangement when the Canvas is resized


Arranges content according to the edge that each piece of content “docks” to, except for the last, which fills the remaining area


Arranges content in rows and columns as specified by the developer


Arranges content top to bottom or left to right according to the orientation of the panel


Arranges content in a grid with the same number of rows and columns generated as needed to display the content


Arranges things in a horizontal row until the next item won’t fit, in which case it wraps to the next row

Grid Layout

The most flexible panel by far is the grid, which arranges content elements in rows and columns, including the ability to span multiple rows and/or multiple columns, as shown in Example 1-23.

Example 1-23. A sample usage of the Grid panel
<Window ...>
      <RowDefinition />
      <RowDefinition />
      <RowDefinition />
      <ColumnDefinition />
      <ColumnDefinition />
      <ColumnDefinition />
    <Button Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" Grid.ColumnSpan="2">A</Button>
    <Button Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="2">C</Button>
    <Button Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0" Grid.RowSpan="2">D</Button>
    <Button Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1">E</Button>
    <Button Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="2">F</Button>
    <Button Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="1">H</Button>
    <Button Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="2">I</Button>

Example 1-23 used the XAML property element syntax to define a grid with three rows and three columns inside the RowDefinition and ColumnDefinition elements. On each element, we’ve specified the Grid.Row and Grid.Column properties so that the grid knows which elements go where (the grid can have multiple elements in the same cell). One of the elements spans two rows and one spans two columns, as shown in Figure 1-13.

An example Grid panel in action
Figure 1-13. An example Grid panel in action

Using the grid, we can be explicit about how we want to arrange an image with a text caption (Example 1-24).

Example 1-24. Arranging an image and text in a grid
<Button Width="100" Height="100">
        <RowDefinition />
        <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
      <Image Grid.Row="0" Source="tom.png" />

Figure 1-14 shows how the grid arranges the image and text for us.

A grid arranging an image and a text block
Figure 1-14. A grid arranging an image and a text block

Because we’re just stacking one element on top of another, we could’ve used the stack panel, but the grid is so general-purpose that many WPF programmers find themselves using it for most layout configurations.

XAML Attached Property Syntax

You may have noticed that in setting up the Grid.Row and Grid.Panel attributes of the Button elements, we used another dotted syntax, similar to the property element syntax, but this time on the attribute instead of on the element. This is the attached property syntax, and it is used to set a property as associated with the particular element (e.g., a Button), but as defined by another element (e.g., a Grid).

The attached property syntax is used in WPF as an extensibility mechanism. We don’t want the Button class to have to know that it’s being arranged in a Grid, but we do want to specify Grid-specific attributes on it. If the Button was being hosted in a Canvas, the Grid properties wouldn’t make any sense, so building Row and Column properties into the Button class isn’t such a great idea. Further, when we define our own custom panel that the WPF team never considered (e.g., HandOfCards), we want to be able to apply the HandOfCards-related attached properties to arbitrary elements it contains.

This kind of extensibility is what the attached property syntax was designed for and it is common when arranging content on a panel.

For the nitty-gritty of layout, including the other panels that I didn’t show, you’ll want to read Chapter 3.


Although the layout panels provide the container, the controls are the important things you’ll be arranging. So far, you’ve seen how to create instances of controls, set properties, and handle events. You’ve also seen the basics of the content models that make controls in WPF special. However, for the details of event routing, command handling, mouse/keyboard input, and an enumeration of the controls in WPF, you’ll want to check out Chapter 4 and Chapter 5. Further, for information about packaging up custom UI and behavior, you’ll want to read Chapter 18.

Data Binding

Once we’ve got a set of controls and a way to lay them out, we still need to fill them with data and keep that data in sync with wherever the data actually lives. (Controls are a great way to show data but a poor place to keep it.) For example, imagine that we’d like to build a WPF application for keeping track of people’s nicknames. Something like Figure 1-15 would do the trick.

Data binding to a collection of custom types
Figure 1-15. Data binding to a collection of custom types

In Figure 1-15, we’ve got two TextBox controls, one for the name and one for the nickname. We’ve also got the actual nickname entries in a ListBox in the middle and a Button to add new entries. We could easily build the core data of such an application with a class, as shown in Example 1-25.

Example 1-25. A custom type with data binding support
public class Nickname : INotifyPropertyChanged {
    // INotifyPropertyChanged Member
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
    void Notify(string propName) {
      if( PropertyChanged != null ) {
        PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propName));

  string name;
  public string Name {
    get { return name; }
    set {
      name = value;
      Notify("Name"); // notify consumers

  string nick;
  public string Nick {
    get { return nick; }
    set {
      nick = value;
      Notify("Nick"); // notify consumers

  public Nickname(  ) : this("name", "nick") { }
  public Nickname(string name, string nick) { = name;
    this.nick = nick;

This class knows nothing about data binding, but it does have two public properties that expose the data, and it implements the standard INotifyPropertyChanged interface to let consumers of this data know when it has changed.

In the same way that we have a standard interface for notifying consumers of objects when they change, we also have a standard way to notify consumers of collections of changes, called INotifyCollectionChanged. WPF provides an implementation of this interface, called ObservableCollection, which we’ll use so that appropriate events are fired when Nickname objects are added or removed (Example 1-26).

Example 1-26. A custom collection type with data binding support
  // Notify consumers
  public class Nicknames : ObservableCollection<Nickname> { }

Around these classes, we could build nickname management logic that looks like Example 1-27.

Example 1-27. Making ready for data binding
// Window1.xaml.cs
namespace DataBindingDemo {
  public class Nickname : INotifyPropertyChanged {...}
  public class Nicknames : ObservableCollection<Nickname> { }

  public partial class Window1 : Window {
    Nicknames names;

    public Window1(  ) {
      InitializeComponent(  );
      this.addButton.Click += addButton_Click;

      // create a nickname collection
      this.names = new Nicknames(  );

      // make data available for binding
      dockPanel.DataContext = this.names;

    void addButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {
      this.names.Add(new Nickname(  ));

Notice that the window’s class constructor adds a click event handler to add a new nickname and creates the initial collection of nicknames. However, the most useful thing that the Window1 constructor does is set its DataContext property so as to make the nickname data available for data binding.

In WPF, data binding is about keeping object properties and collections of objects synchronized with one or more controls’ views of the data. The goal of data binding is to save you the time required to write the code to update the controls when the data in the objects changes, and to update the data when the user edits the data in the controls. The synchronization of the data to the controls depends on the INotifyPropertyChanged and INotifyCollectionChanged interfaces that we’ve been careful to use in our data and data collection implementations.

For example, because the collection of our example nickname data and the nickname data itself both notify consumers when there are changes, we can hook up controls using WPF data binding, as shown in Example 1-28.

Example 1-28. An example data binding usage
<!-- Window1.xaml -->
<Window ...>
  <DockPanel x:Name="dockPanel">
    <TextBlock DockPanel.Dock="Top">
      <TextBlock VerticalAlignment="Center">Name: </TextBlock>
      <TextBox Text="{Binding Path=Name}" />
      <TextBlock VerticalAlignment="Center">Nick: </TextBlock>
      <TextBox Text="{Binding Path=Nick}" />
    <Button DockPanel.Dock="Bottom" x:Name="addButton">Add</Button>
        IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True" />

This XAML lays out the controls as shown in Figure 1-15 using a dock panel to arrange things top to bottom and a text block to contain the editing controls. The secret sauce that takes advantage of data binding is the {Binding} values in the control attributes instead of hardcoded values. By setting the Text property of the TextBox to {Binding Path=Name}, we’re telling the TextBox to use data binding to peek at the Name property out of the current Nickname object. Further, if the data changes in the Name TextBox, the Path is used to poke the new value back in.

The current Nickname object is determined by the ListBox because of the IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem property, which keeps the TextBox controls showing the same Nickname object as the one that’s currently selected in the ListBox. The ListBox is bound to its data by setting the ItemsSource attribute to {Binding} without a Path statement. In the ListBox, we’re not interested in showing a single property on a single object, but rather all of the objects at once.

But how do we know that both the ListBox and the TextBox controls are sharing the same data? That’s where setting the dock panel’s DataContext comes in (back in Example 1-27). In the absence of other instructions, when a control’s property is set using data binding, it looks at its own DataContext property for data. If it doesn’t find any, it looks at its parent and then its parent, and so on, all the way up the tree. Because the ListBox and the TextBox controls have a common parent that has a DataContext property set (the DockPanel), all of the data bound controls will share the same data.

XAML Markup Extensions

Before we take a look at the results of our data binding, let’s take a moment to discuss XAML markup extensions, which is what you’re using when you set an attribute to something inside of curly braces (e.g., Text="{Binding Path=Name}"). Markup extensions add special processing to XAML attribute values. For example, this:

<TextBox Text="{Binding Path=Name}" />

is just a shortcut for this (which you’ll recognize as the property element syntax):

  <Binding Path="Name" />

For a complete discussion of markup extensions, as well as the rest of the XAML syntax, read Appendix A.

Data Templates

With the data binding markup syntax explained, let’s turn back to our example data binding application, which so far doesn’t look quite like what we had in mind, as seen in Figure 1-16.

ListBox showing objects of a custom type without special instructions
Figure 1-16. ListBox showing objects of a custom type without special instructions

It’s clear that the data is making its way into the application, because the currently selected name and nickname are shown for editing. The problem is that, unlike the TextBox controls, which were each given a specific field of the Nickname object to show, the ListBox is expected to show the whole thing. Lacking special instructions, it’s calling the ToString method of each object, which results in only the name of the type. To show the data, we need to compose a data template, like the one in Example 1-29.

Example 1-29. Using a data template

        <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Name}" />:
        <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Nick}" />


A data template is a set of elements that should be inserted somewhere. In our case, we are specifying a data template to be inserted for each listbox item by setting the ItemTemplate property. In Example 1-29, we’ve composed a data template from a text block that flows together two other text blocks, each bound to a property on a Nickname object separated by a colon, as shown back in Figure 1-15.

At this point, we’ve got a completely data-bound application. As data in the collection or the individual objects changes, the UI will be updated, and vice versa. However, there is a great deal more to say on this topic, including binding to XML and relational data, master-detail binding, and hierarchical binding, which you’ll see in Chapter 6 and Chapter 7.

Dependency Properties

Although our data source Nickname object made its data available via standard .NET properties, we need something special to support data binding on the target element. Even though the TextContent property of the TextBlock element is exposed with a standard property wrapper, in order for it to integrate with WPF services like data binding, styling, and animation, it also needs to be a dependency property. A dependency property provides several features not present in .NET properties, including the ability to inherit its value from a container element, provide for object-independent storage (providing a potentially huge memory savings), and change tracking.

Most of the time, you won’t have to worry about dependency properties versus .NET properties, but when you need the details, you can read about them in Chapter 18.


Resources are named chunks of data defined separately from code and bundled with your application or component. .NET provides a great deal of support for resources, a bit of which we already used when we referenced tom.png from our XAML button earlier in this chapter. WPF also provides special support for resources scoped to elements defined in the tree.

As an example, let’s declare some default instances of our custom Nickname objects in XAML (see Example 1-30).

Example 1-30. Declaring objects in XAML
<!-- Window1.xaml -->
<Window ... xmlns:local="clr-namespace:DataBindingDemo" />

    <local:Nicknames x:Key="names">
      <local:Nickname Name="Don" Nick="Naked" />
      <local:Nickname Name="Martin" Nick="Gudge" />
      <local:Nickname Name="Tim" Nick="Stinky" />

  <DockPanel DataContext="{StaticResource names}">
    <TextBlock DockPanel.Dock="Top" Orientation="Horizontal">
      <TextBlock VerticalAlignment="Center">Name: </TextBlock>
      <TextBox Text="{Binding Path=Name}" />
      <TextBlock VerticalAlignment="Center">Nick: </TextBlock>
      <TextBox Text="{Binding Path=Nick}" />

Notice the Window.Resources, which is property element syntax to set the Resources property of the Window1 class. Here we can add as many named objects as we like, with the name coming from the Key attribute and the object coming from the XAML elements (remember that a XAML element is just a mapping to .NET class names). In this example, we’re creating a Nicknames collection named names to hold three Nickname objects, each constructed with the default constructor, and then setting each of the Name and Nick properties.

Also notice the use of the StaticResource markup extension to reference the names resource as the collection to use for data binding. With this XAML in place, our window construction reduces to the code shown in Example 1-31.

Example 1-31. Finding a resource in code
public partial class Window1 : Window {
  Nicknames names;

  public Window1(  ) {
    InitializeComponent(  );
    this.addButton.Click += addButton_Click;

    // get names collection from resources
    this.names = (Nicknames)this.FindResource("names");

    // no need to make data available for binding here
    //dockPanel.DataContext = this.names;
  void addButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {
    this.names.Add(new Nickname(  ));

Now instead of creating the collection of names, we can pull it from the resources with the FindResource method. Just because this collection was created in XAML doesn’t mean that we need to treat it any differently than we treated it before, which is why the Add button event handler is the exact same code. Also, there’s no need to set the data context on the dock panel because that property was set in the XAML.

For the full scoop on resources, including resource scoping and lookup, static and dynamic binding to resources, and using resources for theming and skinning, read Chapter 12.

XAML Namespace Mapping Syntax

Before we go on with resource applications, we need to discuss a new XAML syntax that’s come up: the mapping syntax. This provides the ability to bring in types not already known by the XAML compiler (in fact, the XAML compiler knows about only a couple of types). Our use of the mapping syntax looks like Example 1-32.

Example 1-32. XAML mapping syntax
<Window ... xmlns:local="clr-namespace:DataBindingDemo" />

    <local:Nicknames x:Key="names">
    <local:Nickname Name="Don" Nick="Naked" />

When bringing a new CLR namespace into XAML, we use the XML namespace prefix mapping syntax. If we’ve got control of the CLR assembly in question, we can add an attribute to tag it with any URI we like. Otherwise, we have to use a specific format:


The XML prefix is how we access the CLR namespace when referring to a CLR type in a XAML document (e.g., local:Nickname). I’ve chosen the XML namespace local in this case because the CLR namespace to which I’m referring must be part of the assembly being compiled along with the XAML in question. You can import CLR namespaces for another assembly by specifying the optional assembly attribute as part of the mapping. For a more thorough discussion of the namespace mapping syntax, including the attribute you can use to tag your CLR assemblies with URIs for more seamless mapping into XAML, read Appendix A.


One of the major uses for resources is to specify styles. A style is a set of property/value pairs to be applied to one or more elements. For example, recall the two TextBlock controls from our Nickname sample, each of which was set to the same VerticalAlignment (Example 1-33).

Example 1-33. Multiple TextBlock controls with the same settings
<!-- Window1.xaml -->
<Window ...>
  <DockPanel ...>
    <TextBlock ...>
      <TextBlock VerticalAlignment="Center">Name: </TextBlock>
      <TextBox Text="{Binding Path=Name}" />
      <TextBlock VerticalAlignment="Center">Nick: </TextBlock>
      <TextBox Text="{Binding Path=Nick}" />

If we wanted to bundle the VerticalAlignment setting into a style, we could do this with a Style element in a Resources block (Example 1-34).

Example 1-34. An example TextBlock style
<Window ...>
    <Style x:Key="myStyle" TargetType="{x:Type TextBlock}">
      <Setter Property="VerticalAlignment" Value="Center" />
      <Setter Property="Margin" Value="2" />
      <Setter Property="FontWeight" Value="Bold" />
      <Setter Property="FontStyle" Value="Italic" />
  <DockPanel ...>
    <TextBlock ...>
      <TextBlock Style="{StaticResource myStyle}">Name: </TextBlock>
      <TextBox Text="{Binding Path=Name}" />
      <TextBlock Style="{StaticResource myStyle}">Nick: </TextBlock>
      <TextBox Text="{Binding Path=Nick}" />

The Style element is really just a named collection of Setter elements for a specific target type (and specified with the Type markup extension). The new TextBlock style centers the vertical alignment property and, just for fun, sets the margin, font width, and font style. With the style in place, you can use it to set the Style property of any TextBlock that references the style resource. Figure 1-17 illustrates the use to which we’ve put this style.

Named style in action on two TextBlock controls
Figure 1-17. Named style in action on two TextBlock controls

Styles provide one great way to set the look of a control without building a custom control, by merely setting properties. There’s much more on this topic in Chapter 8.


If you’d like to apply property changes to a control (or other visual element) over time, you can do so with styles that include animation information, which is discussed in Chapter 16 (although Figure 1-18 is a small taste of what WPF animations can produce).

Buttons with animated glow ()
Figure 1-18. Buttons with animated glow (Figure F-1)

Control Templates

In addition to changing a control’s look by manipulating properties, you can replace it with something completely different by setting a control’s Template property.

In Example 1-35, we’ve decided that our Add button is a yellow ellipse, as shown in Figure 1-19.

Example 1-35. Replacing a control’s look completely with a control template
<Button DockPanel.Dock="Bottom" x:Name="addButton" Content="Add">
    <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
        <Ellipse Width="128" Height="32" Fill="Yellow" Stroke="Black" />
          VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center" />
A yellow ellipse button
Figure 1-19. A yellow ellipse button

The template of a control in WPF is what defines the look, whereas the code defines the behavior. The default template comes from the system-scope resources (as described in Chapter 12), but if you don’t like that one, you can replace it with whatever you like, using a content presenter to drop in the content provided by the developer using your control. However, the behavior remains the same (e.g., if you click on the ellipse-shaped button in Figure 1-19, a Click event is still fired). We explore in detail the power of replacing the look of a control in Chapter 9.


When building up a control’s template, you’ll likely build it with a set of graphics primitives that WPF provides, including rectangles, polygons, lines, ellipses, and so on. WPF also lets you affect the way it renders graphics in any element, offering facilities that include bordering, rotating, or scaling another shape or control. WPF’s support for graphics is engineered to fit right into the content model we’re already familiar with, as shown in Example 1-36, from Chapter 13.

Example 1-36. Adding graphics to a Button
    <ScaleTransform ScaleX="3" ScaleY="3" />
  <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
    <Canvas Width="20" Height="18" VerticalAlignment="Center">
         <Ellipse Canvas.Left="1" Canvas.Top="1" Width="16" Height="16"
               Fill="Yellow" Stroke="Black" />
      <Ellipse Canvas.Left="4.5" Canvas.Top="5" Width="2.5" Height="3"
               Fill="Black" />
      <Ellipse Canvas.Left="11" Canvas.Top="5" Width="2.5" Height="3"
               Fill="Black" />
      <Path Data="M 5,10 A 3,3 0 0 0 13,10" Stroke="Black" />
    <TextBlock VerticalAlignment="Center">Click!</TextBlock>

Here we’ve got three ellipses and a path composed inside a canvas that is hosted inside a stack panel with a text block that, when scaled via the LayoutTransform property on the button, produces Figure 1-20.

A scaled button with a collection of graphics primitives
Figure 1-20. A scaled button with a collection of graphics primitives

Notice that there’s nothing special about the graphics primitives in XAML; they’re declared and integrated as content just like any of the other WPF elements we’ve discussed. The graphics and the transformation are integrated into the same presentation stack as the rest of WPF, which is a bit of a difference for experienced User/GDI programmers.

For a complete discussion of how graphics primitives, retained drawings, color, lines, brushes, and transformations happen in WPF, both declaratively and in code, and for an introduction to 3D and video, read Chapter 13.


Graphics in WPF are not limited to 2D; Figure 1-21 shows an example of a figure that was defined using WPF’s 3D capabilities.

3D plot of data ()
Figure 1-21. 3D plot of data (Figure F-2)

For an introduction to 3D and how it integrates with your WPF applications, you’ll want to read Chapter 17.

Documents and Printing

The document support in WPF is about flowing all the different content types you’ve seen in the rest of this chapter, along with special text-specific content types, into a seamless whole, a small sample of which is shown in Figure 1-22.

A flowing document
Figure 1-22. A flowing document

The text-specific content support is provided with the flow document and related elements that provide advanced typography; adaptive, flow-based layout; spellchecking; hyphenation; and more, as described in Chapter 14.

In addition, the base of the flow document supports printing, as do the rest of the WPF visual elements, via the XML Paper Specification (XPS), as covered in Chapter 15.

Where Are We?

WPF applications have a great deal of power, at which this chapter can only hint. The base services of the application aren’t too surprising, but the support for page-based navigation and browser hosting certainly adds a new capability for Windows applications, further enhanced with .NET 2.0 ClickOnce support.

Building your application is a matter of grouping controls in containers—either single content containers, like windows or buttons, or multiple content containers that provide layout capabilities, like the canvas and the grid.

When bringing your controls together, you’ll want to populate them with data that’s synchronized with the in-memory home of the data, which is what data binding is for, and keep them pretty, which is what styles are for. If you want to declare data or styles in your XAML, you can do so using resources, which are just arbitrarily named objects that aren’t used to render the WPF UI directly.

If no amount of data or style property settings makes you satisfied with the look of your control, you can replace it completely with control templates, which can comprise other controls or graphics primitives. In addition, you can apply graphics operations, like rotating, scaling, or animation, to 2D or 3D graphics primitives or controls in WPF’s integrated way. These elements can further be gathered into documents for viewing or printing.

[3] * Start → All Programs → Microsoft Windows SDK → CMD Shell.

[4] * Michael Swanson, the general manager of the Microsoft Platform Evangelist team, maintains a wonderful list of WPF-related first- and third-party tools and controls for your development enjoyment at (

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