Chapter 14. Text and Flow Documents

Text in WPF applications need never be plain. Any place a user interface displays text, all of WPF’s text rendering features are available. Basic text formatting is offered, including word wrapping, text alignment, and any mixture of fonts and text styles. Nontextual UI elements such as controls or graphics may be intermingled with text. ClearType text rendering is used on flat-panel screens, significantly enhancing the clarity, shape, and readability of characters. The various typography features available in OpenType fonts can be exploited. And, as you would expect, there is full support for international applications.

As well as enabling fine control over textual details, WPF also defines types that represent documents. It offers two kinds: fixed documents and flow documents. Fixed documents have a fixed layout and size, and are often created in order to be printed. These are described in Chapter 15. Flow documents are more flexible—instead of prescribing a particular layout, they are formatted dynamically to fit the space available. This makes them ideal for presenting text on-screen, because most applications cannot know in advance the exact dimensions of the end user’s screen, or whether the user will resize her window.

In this chapter, we will explore the options for presenting text, and we will examine the object model used by flow documents.

Fonts and Text Styles

You can work with text at several levels in WPF, but regardless of which level you choose, there are some common types and properties that control features—such as typeface, font weight, underlines, and so on—that you should know about. Because these types and properties crop up throughout the API, we will look at them first.

Common Text Properties

WPF defines a class called TextElement. This is part of the text object model used to define the structure and appearance of text, which we describe later in this chapter, but TextElement also defines a set of attached properties for formatting text. Many of these are inherited properties, meaning that if you apply them to some containing element, such as the Button in Example 14-1, the setting applies to any text inside that element. For example, if you were to apply these properties to a Window element, they would affect all text inside the window.

Example 14-1. Using common TextElement attached properties
<Button TextElement.FontFamily="Parchment" TextElement.FontSize="80">

As Figure 14-1 shows, the font settings applied to the button have had an impact on the text element inside the button that provides the caption.[96]


Although an inherited property applies to all of the children of the element to which it is applied, it can be overruled. Obviously, giving the property a different value on a child element overrules the inherited value. More subtly, a property setter in a style will overrule an inherited property value, even if the style is picked up implicitly.

A few controls have default styles that set common TextElement properties, which results in inconsistencies if you set these properties on a Window. One example is Menu, which ignores the inherited font family and font size properties because its style sets the font to the system’s configured font menu. It does this because users are allowed to change this font with the Windows Control Panel. StatusBar and ToolTip also set the font in their styles for the same reason. Consequently, these elements will ignore window-level font settings.

TextElement properties applied to descendents of a button
Figure 14-1. TextElement properties applied to descendents of a button

Table 14-1 lists the inherited attached properties defined by TextElement.

Table 14-1. TextElement inherited properties




Typeface family (e.g., Palatino Linotype, or Arial).


Font size in device-independent pixels. (XAML can specify alternative units with a suffix: in, cm, px, and pt indicate inches, centimeters, pixels, and points, respectively. These are all converted at compile-time to a numeric value in pixel units.)


A value from FontStretches, such as Condensed, Normal or Expanded.


A value from FontStyles, such as Italic or Normal.


A value from FontWeights, such as Normal, Bold, or Light.


Brush with which text is painted.

Because the need to control text properties crops up so often, several elements provide aliases for these properties. For instance, we can rewrite Example 14-1 as shown in Example 14-2.

Example 14-2. Using text format property aliases
<Button FontFamily="Parchment" FontSize="80">

The two examples are exactly equivalent—we are setting the FontFamily and FontSize properties defined by TextElement in both cases. The Control.FontFamilyProperty field refers to the very same DependencyProperty object as the field of the same name in TextElement. The Control, AccessText, and TextBlock classes all provide aliases for the properties in Table 14-1. Page provides aliases for FontFamily, FontSize, and Foreground.

The following sections describe these properties and the associated types.

Fonts and Font Families

The common FontFamily property’s type is FontFamily. This is one of the three classes WPF offers for working with fonts, which are listed in Table 14-2.

Table 14-2. WPF font classes




Represents a named family of fonts such as Arial, Times New Roman, or Palatino Linotype.


Wraps a specific font file on disk, such as C:WindowsFonts imesbi.ttf. This will contain a particular weight and style of a font family, such as the bold, italic version of Times New Roman.


Encapsulates a FontFamily, weight (e.g., bold), style (e.g., italic), and stretch (e.g., condensed). This is just a description, and unlike GlyphTypeface, you can create a Typeface representing a font that is not present on your system (e.g., one used by a document created on some other machine that has the font).

FontFamily just identifies a named family of fonts, rather than any particular weight or style. Example 14-1 used this to select the Parchment font family. In order to render text, WPF needs more than this—most font families have variants such as bold and italic. For elements using the common text properties in Table 14-1, these facets are managed by separate properties. This is useful because it lets you control features such as weight and italics independently—if you just choose a font weight of bold without specifying a font family, the element will inherit the family from its parent.

Property inheritance does not apply automatically to the low-level text handling APIs. These offer very fine control, but they require the font to be specified comprehensively and explicitly. This is why WPF offers the other two types, Typeface and GlyphTypeface. We will illustrate their use later when we look at the visual-level text APIs.

You should not count on all variants of a font being available for any particular font family. For example, some fonts do not have bold versions, or may be available only in bold. You can discover which variants are available by retrieving the list of Typeface objects from a FontFamily object’s GetTypefaces method.


The FontSize property is of type Double. It specifies the font’s size in pixels. If you’re working in XAML, you can specify other units by adding a suffix, as Example 14-3 shows.

Example 14-3. FontSize units
  <TextBlock Text="10 pixels"    FontSize="10" />
  <TextBlock Text="10 points"    FontSize="10pt" />
  <TextBlock Text="1 centimetre" FontSize="1cm" />
  <TextBlock Text="0.2 inches"   FontSize="0.2in" />


The FontStretch property lets you choose a condensed or expanded variant of the typeface. It accepts any of the values provided by the FontStretches class. These are: UltraCondensed, ExtraCondensed, Condensed, SemiCondensed, Normal, Medium, SemiExpanded, Expanded, ExtraExpanded, and UltraExpanded.

Stretched variants of fonts are not created simply by scaling. Doubling or halving the width of a character would distort it, changing the width of horizontal features without changing vertical aspects to match. Each stretch type requires a separate font file. A font family will not normally offer all of the stretch types listed previously. Most fonts offer either exactly one (usually Normal), or a handful. For example, the Gill Sans MT font that ships with various versions of Microsoft Office comes in Normal, Condensed, and ExtraCondensed, but the latter is available only in bold.[97] If the font family does not offer the stretch you request, WPF will choose the nearest matching stretch.


The FontStyle property indicates whether a font should be upright or slanted. This can be any of the three values from the FontStyles class: Normal, Italic, or Oblique. The distinction between italic and oblique is that an italic font is a distinct font, where the character shapes are typically different from (but harmonious with) the normal version, and are defined in a separate file. An oblique style is formed by skewing a normal font—it does not require a separate font file, as it just transforms the shapes of an existing font. Figure 14-2 shows the Palatino Linotype font family in all three styles.

Normal, Italic, and Oblique
Figure 14-2. Normal, Italic, and Oblique

As you can see, the italic font has letters that are of a significantly different shape from the equivalent characters in the normal style. This is partly because italic fonts typically have a slightly more decorative style, but also because simply skewing the character shapes—which is what an oblique font does—produces rather low-quality results, distorting the letter shapes. You would normally use an oblique font only as a fallback when an italic font is missing for some reason.


The FontWeight property determines how dark the text appears. You specify one of the values from the FontWeights class. Where two values are listed in the same table entry, it means they are different names for the same weight—for historical reasonscertain weights go by more than one name. The available FontWeights are Thin, ExtraLight/UltraLight, Light, Normal/Regular, Medium, DemiBold/SemiBold, Bold, ExtraBold/UltraBold, Black/Heavy, and ExtraBlack/UltraHeavy.

As with FontStretch, most font families do not offer variants for every weight. WPF will choose the nearest match. It has no facility for adjusting character shapes to “lighten” or “embolden” text—each font weight requires a font file defining the character shapes for that weight.

The properties discussed so far in this section are all defined by the TextElement class. There are a few properties that are widely used by WPF’s text facilities, but which are defined by other more specialized types because they apply only to certain types of textual element—text alignment makes sense for paragraphs or blocks of text, but not for an individual word, for example. The following sections examine these properties.


A decoration is a line drawn through a piece of text, such as an underline or strikethrough. The Inline class, which is part of the text object model described later in this chapter, defines an attached TextDecorations property, which is aliased by both AccessText and TextBlock. This property supports the four decoration styles shown in Example 14-4.

Example 14-4. Text decorations
<TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap" TextAlignment="Center">
  <Span TextDecorations="Underline">Underline</Span>,
  <Span TextDecorations="Baseline">Baseline</Span>,
  <Span TextDecorations="Strikethrough">Strikethrough</Span>,
  <Span TextDecorations="Overline">Overline</Span>,
  <Span TextDecorations="Underline,Overline,Baseline,Strikethrough">
    Full house

Figure 14-3 shows the results. As you can see from the final item, it is possible to use multiple decorations. This is because the TextDecorations property is of type TextDecorationCollection.

Text decorations
Figure 14-3. Text decorations

The syntax shown in Example 14-4 is easy to use but slightly limited. If you create the TextDecoration elements explicitly, you can control the pen used to paint the decoration, and its exact vertical position. Example 14-5 sets two decorations on an element: a blue underline and a thicker green strikethrough.

Example 14-5. Setting text decorations
    <TextDecoration Location="Underline" PenOffset="4">
        <Pen Brush="Blue" Thickness="1" />
    <TextDecoration Location="StrikeThrough">
        <Pen Brush="LightGreen" Thickness="2" />
  Highly decorated

Figure 14-4 shows the results.

Underline and strikethrough decorations ()
Figure 14-4. Underline and strikethrough decorations (Figure F-26)

The shorter syntax shown in Example 14-4 is available only in XAML—it’s provided by a type converter class. However, WPF makes it just as easy to set simple decorations from code. It provides the TextDecorations class, which offers static properties containing text decoration collections holding exactly one decoration, such as an underline or a strikethrough. Example 14-6 uses this to apply a simple underline decoration.

Example 14-6. Simple underline decoration
text.TextDecorations = TextDecorations.Underline;

As this example shows, the static properties offered by TextDecorations make it as simple to set a single decoration from code as it is from XAML.

Text Trimming

If you try to display more text than fits in the space available, something has to give. Some of the text viewing elements described later in this chapter deal with this by scrolling or paging through the text. However, the TextBlock and AccessText elements both simply crop the text. They each offer a TextTrimming property, shown in Example 14-7, which takes a value from the TextTrimming enumeration, allowing the cropping behavior to be modified.

Example 14-7. TextTrimming
<TextBlock TextTrimming="None" Text="Too much text." />

The effect of the None setting (which is the default) is shown in Figure 14-5—the text has been cut off mid-character. A black border has been added to the edges of the figures in this section to illustrate where cropping occurs relative to the available space, and with this setting, the whole space is used.

Figure 14-5. TextTrimming.None

Figure 14-6 shows one of the other two options: CharacterEllipsis. This crops to an exact number of characters. It also adds an ellipsis to indicate that cropping has occurred, which has the side effect of reducing the number of visible characters. It also means that the space available is not filled completely—with this setting, WPF cannot show a partial character in order to fill the space, as it did in Figure 14-5.

Figure 14-6. TextTrimming.CharacterEllipsis

The final option is WordEllipsis, which crops at a word boundary. As Figure 14-7 shows, this can reduce the amount of text that is shown further still, particularly when only a handful of words will fit. WPF has had to cut the text off after the first word because where wasn’t room to fit both much and an ellipsis, resulting in a lot of unused space. However, even though this is the least space-efficient option, it can sometimes lead to less confusing results—cropping text at a word boundary reduces the chances of changing the apparent meaning of the text.

Figure 14-7. TextTrimming.WordEllipsis

Text Wrapping and Hyphenation

Often, a UI layout will have insufficient horizontal width to show some text, but spare vertical space. Not all text elements will exploit this space by default. Figure 14-8 shows a traditional English tongue twister displayed by a TextBlock, and as you can see, it has failed to use the available vertical space.

Vertical space not used by default
Figure 14-8. Vertical space not used by default

To use the vertical space, we must enable text wrapping. Both TextBlock and AccessText offer a TextWrapping property, which takes a value from the TextWrapping enumeration. This defaults to NoWrap, but Figure 14-9 shows the effect of setting it to Wrap.

Word wrapping
Figure 14-9. Word wrapping

The TextWrapping enumeration offers a third value: WrapWithOverflow. The distinction between the two wrapping styles is in the way they deal with individual words that are longer than the available space. Figure 14-10 shows a piece of text with this problem.

Wrap (left) and WrapWithOverflow (right)
Figure 14-10. Wrap (left) and WrapWithOverflow (right)

The left of Figure 14-10 shows how Wrap deals with this—it simply breaks the word across multiple lines. On the right, we see the WrapWithOverflow behavior: over-long words are cropped.

A more elegant solution to this problem is commonly used in print: hyphenation. Splitting words with hyphens can enable word wrapping to work better in confined spaces. The Block class, which is part of the text object model described later in this chapter, defines an attached IsHyphenationEnabled property, and TextBlock provides an alias for this, as Example 14-8 shows.

Example 14-8. Enabling hyphenation
<TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap" IsHyphenationEnabled="True">
  A cumbersome word.

As Figure 14-11 shows, hyphenation enables the text to fit on fewer lines than in Figure 14-10, and with less compromise. Because hyphenation seems to be better in every respect, it may seem strange that it is disabled by default. However, the hyphenation algorithm is complex, and there are nontrivial costs to enabling it. Because hyphenation is appropriate only for certain scenarios—presenting bodies of text in relatively narrow spaces—it makes sense for it to be off by default.

Figure 14-11. Hyphenation


Hyphenation is a language-specific process. WPF takes the element tree’s language into account for both hyphenation and spellchecking. In XAML, you can set the language using the standard xml:lang attribute—you can set this to any culture string, such as en-GB or fr-CA, which represent British English and French Canadian, respectively. From code, you can set the Language property of any FrameworkElement or FrameworkContentElement object. Text editing controls with the SpellCheck.IsEnabled attached property set to True also honor the language setting.

Hyphenation and spelling dictionaries are shipped as part of the .NET 3.0 language packs provided by Microsoft. At the time of this writing, dictionaries are provided for English, German, French, and Spanish.

Text Alignment

TextAlignment is an attached property defined by the Block class. The property accepts any value from the TextAlignment enumeration type. This offers four values, all of which will be familiar to you if you’ve ever used a word processor: Left, Right, Center, and Justify.

Figure 14-12 shows the effect of the Justify setting. As you can see, the righthand edge is now flush with the available space, as opposed to the ragged-right edge shown in Figure 14-9.

Justified text
Figure 14-12. Justified text

We’ve looked at the mechanisms available for describing how text should be formatted. However, a description of formatted text isn’t much use unless we can somehow display that text, so it is time to look at the elements available to us for presenting text in a user interface.

Text and the User Interface

As we saw in the Introduction and Chapter 13, a WPF application’s appearance is defined by its visual tree—a tree of objects derived from the Visual base class. Text must fit into this model, but we have several different options for adding text into the visual tree depending on the balance we require between control and ease of use.

The lowest level at which we can work with text is to use the visual layer drawing techniques introduced in Chapter 13. The next level up is to use the Glyphs class, which offers a similar level of control as visual layer programming, but packaged into a framework element. This enables it to be used from markup and to provide the usual framework-level features, such as event support and participation in layout. The GlyphRunDrawing class offers similar features, but you can incorporate it into a drawing. Finally, you can use the text object model in conjunction with one of the elements that knows how to render this form of text, such as TextBlock or FlowDocumentReader. TextBlock is the most widely used, as it offers a good balance between simplicity and flexibility.


The TextBlock element is usually the best choice for presenting simple text. It can handle both plain text and formatted text, and can cope easily with anything from a single character to a few paragraphs. Example 14-9 shows TextBlock at its simplest.

Example 14-9. Simple TextBlock
<TextBlock Text="Some text" />

Because TextBlock derives from FrameworkElement, its position and size will be determined by WPF’s normal layout mechanisms (which we described in Chapter 3).

A TextBlock can span multiple lines. A straightforward though inflexible way to do this is to put either a carriage return or a linefeed (character values 13 and 10) or both[98] into the Text property. Example 14-10 shows this technique. Note that because all three of the popular representations for a new line are treated equivalently, there’s no need to use .NET’s Environment.NewLine property in WPF.

Example 14-10. Multiline Text value
<TextBlock Text="Some&#x0a;text" />

Although this hardcoded line break works fine, a better solution might be to switch on word wrapping, enabling the TextBlock to choose where to put line breaks. This is controlled with the TextWrapping property, one of the common text properties, described earlier in this chapter, in the "Fonts and Text Styles" section. TextBlock defines aliases for all of these common properties.

As an alternative to setting the Text property of a TextBlock, you can supply content inside the element. Example 14-11 uses this technique to create the same result as Example 14-9.

Example 14-11. Text as content
<TextBlock>Some text</TextBlock>

Moving the text inside the element doesn’t add anything very useful for this particular example. However, by representing the text as content, we can go beyond plain strings, as Example 14-12 shows.

Example 14-12. Text with mixed content
<TextBlock><Bold>Some</Bold> text</TextBlock>

As Figure 14-13 shows, this renders the word “Some” in bold, and the word “text” with the normal font weight.

Mixed bold and ordinary text
Figure 14-13. Mixed bold and ordinary text

When you add content to a TextBlock in this way, you are adding items to its Inlines property. This is a collection of objects, all derived from Inline. This class and its derivatives (such as Bold and Italic) are described in detail in the "Text Object Model" section, later in this chapter. For now, it is enough to think of an Inline as some formatted text contained within a single paragraph. This means that a good way to think of TextBlock is as a framework element that renders a sequence of Inline text elements.

Label and AccessText

WPF defines a Label control, which is also able to display text. If you have used Windows Forms, Label might look like the obvious choice for displaying text, because Windows Forms also defined a Label control, which was used for displaying simple text. However, the purpose of WPF’s Label control is different.

As mentioned in Chapter 5, WPF’s Label control’s purpose is to place the focus into another control such as a TextBox when an access key is pressed. Using a Label control simply as a plain-text label is wasteful—it creates a TextBlock internally to render plain text for you, so you might as well just create the TextBlock yourself.

Label has one other trick: you can use it to add underlines for access keys when the user presses the Alt key. As Example 14-13 shows, you denote the access key with an underscore.

Example 14-13. Access key underline with Label
<Label Content="S_hortcut" />

When the user presses the Alt key (or if he has configured Windows to show access key underlines at all times), the relevant letter will be underlined, as shown in Figure 14-14.

Access key underline
Figure 14-14. Access key underline

However, if the only reason you’re using Label is to show an access key underline, there’s a better alternative. When you provide Label (or any control that supports the content model) with a string containing an underscore, it generates an AccessText element to present that string instead of a TextBlock. So, it would be more efficient to use this directly, as Example 14-14 does.

Example 14-14. Access key underline with AccessText
<AccessText Text="S_hortcut" />

The rule is simple: use the Label control if you need its focus management. If all you need to do is present text, use a text presentation element: AccessText if you need the underline and TextBlock otherwise.

The TextBlock is designed for fairly small volumes of text. It is possible to put multiple paragraphs into a TextBlock either by embedding suitable line break characters in its Text property, or by using the LineBreak inline element. However, WPF provides other elements that are better suited to presenting large quantities of text.

Flow Documents and Viewer Controls

The full text object model of WPF supports more than just the inline elements supported by TextBlock. It contains types that represent paragraphs, lists, and tables; collectively these are known as block types, and we will describe them in detail in the "Text Object Model" section. These elements can only appear inside a FlowDocument. WPF provides three controls for displaying flow documents.

FlowDocumentScrollViewer is the simplest of the flow document controls. Its behavior is very similar to the HTML control: it formats the document to fill the available width, and provides a vertical scroll bar if the document is taller than the available height. This is a very simple element to use, as Example 14-15 shows.

Example 14-15. Using a FlowDocumentScrollViewer
<Window ...>
  <FlowDocumentScrollViewer x:Name="viewer" />

All you need to do is set the viewer’s Document property to a FlowDocument. We will show how to write a FlowDocument in the "Text Object Model" section, but for now assume that your application contains a XAML file called MyFlowDocument.xaml[99] containing a FlowDocument in XAML form. You could load it in the code-behind file for the file that contains the viewer in Example 14-15 with the code in Example 14-16.

Example 14-16. Loading a FlowDocument into a viewer
partial class Window1 : Window {
    public Window1(  ) {
        InitializeComponent(  );
        viewer.Document = (FlowDocument) Application.LoadComponent(
            new Uri("MyFlowDocument.xaml", UriKind.Relative));

Figure 14-15 shows how the FlowDocumentScrollViewer presents a document.

Figure 14-15. FlowDocumentScrollViewer

A problem with this control is that it doesn’t make very effective use of wide spaces. As the available width increases, it simply makes the lines of text wider to match. This can be unhelpful because wide lines are hard to read—when we reach the end of one line and our eyes track back to the start of the next line, the likelihood of missing a line gets higher with longer lines. Ideally you don’t want more than 15 words per line.

The traditional solution to this problem in the world of printed media is to split the text into multiple columns. This keeps the line length readable, while exploiting the available width. On paper, a column’s height is fixed, being dictated by the page size and layout. On screen, we need to be a little more flexible—columns need to be as tall as the available space, which can change as the user resizes the application. The worst thing we could do is create columns that are too tall, requiring the user to scroll up and down to read across the columns. If you’ve ever had to read a column-formatted PDF file on a computer, you’ll know what a horrible reading experience that is. Even with suitably sized columns, there may be too much text to fit, in which case we’ll need some mechanism for moving from page to page.

WPF provides the FlowDocumentPageViewer to solve these problems. It splits text into columns of the appropriate height, reformatting the text should the layout change for any reason (such as the user resizing the window). And, it provides paging controls to navigate through the document. In markup and code, it is used in exactly the same way as the FlowDocumentScrollViewer, as you can see from Example 14-17. Figure 14-16 shows how it looks.

Example 14-17. FlowDocumentPageViewer
<FlowDocumentPageViewer x:Name="viewer" />
Figure 14-16. FlowDocumentPageViewer

Figure 14-16 shows two columns because that was how many happened to fit for that window size. As Figure 14-17 shows, the control will add more columns if space permits. Notice that the viewer also provides a set of controls at the bottom. In the center are the paging controls, indicating the current page, the total number of pages, and buttons for moving backward and forward. To the right is a zoom control, allowing the user to adjust the magnification.

FlowDocumentPageViewer with more columns
Figure 14-17. FlowDocumentPageViewer with more columns

If you want to let the user choose whether to have a scrolling view or a column-based paginated view, you can use the FlowDocumentReader control. This provides buttons that let the user choose between scrolling and pagination. As Figure 14-18 shows, these appear to the left of the zoom control.

FlowDocumentReader controls
Figure 14-18. FlowDocumentReader controls

FlowDocumentReader provides three modes. The leftmost button selects paginated viewing, and the rightmost selects scrolling. The middle button selects the double-page view shown in Figure 14-19, which is reminiscent of reading a double-sided printed and bound material such as a book or a magazine.

FlowDocumentReader in dual-page view
Figure 14-19. FlowDocumentReader in dual-page view


WPF provides a fourth document viewer: the DocumentViewer control. This displays a FixedDocument instead of a FlowDocument. It is described in Chapter 15.

Whether you are using simple formatted text in a TextBlock or a full flow document in one of the viewer controls, you will be making use of WPF’s text object model in order to manage the structure and formatting of the text. We describe this in detail in the "Text Object Model" section. However, before we look at that, there are some lower-level options for rendering text. These offer finer control than the text object model, but are considerably harder to use.

Visual Layer Text

The visual layer is the lowest level at which you can work with text. In practice, you will probably not use this approach very often—it is most useful when you are already writing visual layer graphics code and need to present some text. However, the visual layer underpins all forms of text rendering in WPF, so it is useful to understand how it works.

Even at the visual layer, two levels of abstraction are available. At the very lowest level, we work with glyph runs, which are sequences of characters sharing a single font and style. A glyph run offers very precise control over how text is rendered, but it is a lot of work to use. Alternatively, you can work with the higher-level FormattedText class, which provides simple formatting for small blocks of text.

Glyph runs

Glyph runs are the lowest-level representation of text in WPF. They provide extremely precise control, but they are very inconvenient to use as a result, as Example 14-18 shows.

Example 14-18. “Hello, world” with GlyphRuns
public class MyGlyphsElement : FrameworkElement {
    protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext drawingContext) {
        GlyphRun run = BuildGlyphRun("Hello, world!");
        if (run != null) {
            drawingContext.DrawGlyphRun(Brushes.Black, run);

    public static GlyphRun BuildGlyphRun(string text) {
        double fontSize = 50;
        GlyphRun glyphs = null;

        Typeface font = new Typeface("Calibri");
        GlyphTypeface glyphFace;
        if (font.TryGetGlyphTypeface(out glyphFace)) {
            glyphs = new GlyphRun(  );
            ISupportInitialize isi = glyphs;
            isi.BeginInit(  );
            glyphs.GlyphTypeface = glyphFace;
            glyphs.FontRenderingEmSize = fontSize;

            char[] textChars = text.ToCharArray(  );
            glyphs.Characters = textChars;
            ushort[] glyphIndices = new ushort[textChars.Length];
            double[] advanceWidths = new double[textChars.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < textChars.Length; ++i) {
                int codepoint = textChars[i];
                ushort glyphIndex = glyphFace.CharacterToGlyphMap[codepoint];
                double glyphWidth = glyphFace.AdvanceWidths[glyphIndex];

                glyphIndices[i] = glyphIndex;
                advanceWidths[i] = glyphWidth * fontSize;
            glyphs.GlyphIndices = glyphIndices;
            glyphs.AdvanceWidths = advanceWidths;

            glyphs.BaselineOrigin = new Point(0, glyphFace.Baseline * fontSize);
            isi.EndInit(  );
        return glyphs;

This example overrides OnRender in order to work with the visual layer API. As we saw in Chapter 13, WPF passes this method a DrawingContext, with which we define the appearance of our element. Here, we call the DrawGlyphRun method to render text. Figure 14-20 shows the result.

Rendered GlyphRun
Figure 14-20. Rendered GlyphRun

The bulk of the work is done in the BuildGlyphRun method, which creates the GlyphRun object. A GlyphRun needs to know which font to use, specified by a GlyphTypeface object. As mentioned earlier, in the "Fonts and Font Families" section, WPF offers three classes for working with fonts. GlyphTypeface is the lowest-level one, representing a specific font file.

If you know the exact location of the font file on disk, you can build a GlyphTypeface from scratch. However, Example 14-18 does not presume the location of the font. Instead, it creates a Typeface object that describes the font, and then uses its TryGetGlyphFace method to do the work of locating the relevant font file and creating a GlyphTypeface object.

We have to provide the GlyphRun with detailed information about the characters we would like it to draw. Not only must we provide an array containing the characters themselves, but we also need to tell it where to find each character in the font file—this is the purpose of the glyphIndices array in Example 14-18. We obtain the glyph index by looking it up in the GlyphTypeface object. Note that glyph indices are not standardized—a particular character’s glyph index will change from one font file to another.

GlyphRun also requires us to be explicit about horizontal character positioning: the advanceWidths array contains the nominal width of each character. The visible width of a character is always determined by its shape, and the advance widths do not change this—characters are not squashed or stretched to fit. These so-called widths simply determine where each character is positioned. If you imagine a typewriter, the advance width for a character would indicate how far the paper should be advanced horizontally after that character is typed. GlyphRun gives us control over this to allow nonstandard spacing where necessary. We could use this to perform tracking (i.e., reducing or increasing the spacing uniformly for every letter). We might also use this to perform kerning, where the spacing between a particular pair of characters is adjusted. We could also place multiple characters on top of one another by using a zero advance width. Example 14-18 does none of these things—it simply asks the GlyphTypeface for each character’s default width.

Finally, we set the BaselineOrigin property to indicate where we would like the text to be rendered. Because we just want to render text in a straightforward fashion, we use the GlyphTypeface object to look up the baseline offset, just as we did for the glyph indices and advance widths.

Example 14-18 passes the GlyphRun object to the DrawGlyphRun method of the DrawingContext. You can also use a GlyphRun with a GlyphRunDrawing, in order to incorporate text into a drawing. Example 14-19 calls the BuildGlyphRun method defined in Example 14-18 and wraps it as a drawing, which it then presents in a window. (We described drawing objects in Chapter 13.) Because this uses the same text as the previous example, the results will look much the same as Figure 14-20.

Example 14-19. GlyphRunDrawing
public class FontDrawingWindow : Window {
    public FontDrawingWindow(  ) {

        GlyphRunDrawing drawing = new GlyphRunDrawing(
                Brushes.Blue, MyGlyphsElement.BuildGlyphRun("Hello, world!"));

        // Host drawing in an Image so we can see it.
        Image imageElement = new Image(  );
        imageElement.Stretch = Stretch.None;
        imageElement.Source = new DrawingImage(drawing);
        this.Content = imageElement;

Although GlyphRun gives you very fine control over text rendering, it involves a lot of work. You will probably not want to write code like that in Example 14-18 every time you want to put some text on the screen. So even down at the visual layer, we have a higher-level alternative: FormattedText.


The most convenient way to work with text at the visual layer is to use the FormattedText class. As Example 14-20 shows, we can build a FormattedText object representing the text we would like to render, and then pass it to the DrawingContext. This is considerably simpler than building a GlyphRun.

Example 14-20. Visual layer text rendering
public class MyTextElement : FrameworkElement {
    protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext drawingContext) {
        FormattedText text = new FormattedText(
            "Hello, world!",
            new Typeface("Candara"),
            60,    // Font size in pixels

        drawingContext.DrawText(text, new Point(0, 0));

As you can see, the FormattedText object contains the text to be displayed, but it also contains some other settings. We provide culture and text direction information—WPF’s text rendering takes the culture into account, as certain text features may need to be handled differently in different cultures. (For example, a particular Unicode character can have different shapes in different regions.) The FormattedText object also needs to know the font, font size, and brush to be used. Figure 14-21 shows the results.

FormattedText results
Figure 14-21. FormattedText results

FormattedText is able to perform word wrapping. This is off by default—text will simply be cropped if it doesn’t fit. The result is the same as the default TextBlock behavior shown earlier in Figure 14-8. To use wrapping, we must tell WPF how much space is available. All we need to do is add one line of code, shown in Example 14-21, before passing the FormattedText object to DrawText.

Example 14-21. Specifying the text width
text.MaxTextWidth = this.ActualWidth;

Specifying a width has the effect of turning on word wrapping, so the results will look the same as those shown earlier in Figure 14-9.

This example may have you wondering whether FormattedText also has a MaxTextHeight property. Indeed it does. Figure 14-22 shows the result of specifying a maximum width and height, and then making the window slightly too small to hold the text.

Cropped text
Figure 14-22. Cropped text

WPF will render only as much text as fits completely. The cropping behavior is determined by setting the FormattedText object’s Trimming property to a value from the TextTrimming enumeration. We described the available enumeration values earlier, in the "Text Trimming" section of this chapter.

FormattedText also offers a TextAlignment property that supports the four alignment styles defined by the TextAlignment enumeration, as described earlier in the "Text Alignment" section of the chapter.

Example 14-20 specified only the typeface name. The Typeface object passed to the FormattedText constructor can contain more information. Example 14-22 shows a more detailed typeface description.

Example 14-22. Typeface
FontFamily preferredFont = new FontFamily("Candara");
FontFamily fallbackFont = new FontFamily("Verdana");

Typeface tf = new Typeface(

This creates a Typeface object that incorporates two font families: the first (Candara) will be used if available, but the second one (Verdana) indicates the family to use if the first is unavailable. The constructor used here also takes FontStyle, FontWeight, and FontStretch values, all of which work in the same way as the font style, weight, and stretch properties described earlier in the chapter, in the "Fonts and Text Styles" section. In this case, we have asked for an italic, bold, unstretched version of the font.


If you need a mixture of fonts or styles, you will need to create a FormattedText object for each distinct style, and make multiple calls to DrawText.

FormattedText also supports lines, such as underlines and strikethroughs. As we saw earlier, in the "Decorations" section of the chapter, UI elements support this with the TextElement class’s attached TextDecorations property, which is of type TextDecorationCollection. FormattedText offers a SetTextDecoration method that uses this same collection type. Example 14-23 uses this in conjunction with one of the predefined simple text decoration collections to apply an underline.

Example 14-23. Simple underline decoration
FormattedText text = ...; // As before


The FormattedText class offers a useful service that is not directly related to text rendering, but which is well worth knowing about: it can convert text into a Geometry. As we saw in Chapter 13, geometries define shapes, and you can use them at the visual layer or in conjunction with a Path object, as well as to specify clip regions for any UI element. The FormattedText class’s BuildGeometry method does the work, as Example 14-24 shows.

Example 14-24. Converting text to geometry
FormattedText text = new FormattedText(
    new Typeface("Gill Sans Ultra Bold"),

Geometry textGeometry = text.BuildGeometry(new Point(0,0));
button1.Clip = textGeometry;

This example builds a geometry from some text and then applies it as the Clip property of a button element. Figure 14-23 shows the results.

Text as a clip geometry
Figure 14-23. Text as a clip geometry

The visual layer API offers powerful text rendering services—all of WPF’s text rendering builds on either GlyphRun or FormattedText. However, you will not want to write code every time you need to get text to appear. In many cases, TextBlock or the various flow document viewers will be ideal, but sometimes it is useful to exploit the full control offered by glyph runs from markup. This is the purpose of the Glyphs element.


The Glyphs class allows a glyph run to be incorporated into an application’s UI tree. It is very similar in nature to the Path class we saw in Chapter 13. Both types derive from Shape (which in turn derives from FrameworkElement). Whereas Path lets you add any geometry object to the visual tree, Glyphs lets you add any glyph run.

You don’t build the GlyphRun object yourself—Glyphs constructs it for you. Glyphs can use exactly the same information as we used when building a GlyphRun earlier in this chapter. However, it is quite happy to generate default glyph indices, advance widths, and cluster maps for us. This makes it simpler to use—as Example 14-25 shows, we need to provide only a font, the font size, the text, the fill brush, and the position.

Example 14-25. Glyphs
<Glyphs FontUri="C:WindowsFontsCalibri.ttf" FontRenderingEmSize="40"
        UnicodeString="Hello, world" Fill="Black" OriginY="30" />

Note that as with GlyphRuns, Glyphs needs to know the location of the font file. In Example 14-18, we were able to get Typeface to find the file for us by calling its TryGetGlyphTypeface method. In code, you could do the same thing with a Glyphs object. But if you are using Glyphs from markup, there is no straightforward way to look up the font location, which is why Example 14-25 hardcodes the path. In practice, you should avoid doing this unless the path is a relative URI referring to a font embedded in your application as a resource. (You can package a font into your application just as you would any other binary resource.[100] See Chapter 12 for information on embedding binary resources.) If you need to use a system font in a Glyphs element, you will unfortunately need to write some code to look up the URI. Example 14-26 shows one general-purpose solution to this problem.

Example 14-26. Font URI markup extension
using System;
using System.Windows.Markup;
using System.Windows.Media;

namespace GlyphsUriLookup {
    public class FontUriExtension : MarkupExtension {
        string fontFamilyName;

        public FontUriExtension(string fontFamilyName) {
            this.fontFamilyName = fontFamilyName;

        public override object ProvideValue(IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {
            Typeface tf = new Typeface(this.fontFamilyName);
            GlyphTypeface gtf = null;
            if (!tf.TryGetGlyphTypeface(out gtf)) {
                throw new ArgumentException("Font family not found");
            return gtf.FontUri;

This is a markup extension—a class that contains code used to determine the value of a property. (See Appendix A for more information about XAML and markup extensions.) It contains the code necessary to map from a font name to a font URI. You can use this to set the FontUri property of a Glyphs element, as Example 14-27 shows.

Example 14-27. Setting FontUri with a custom markup extension
<Canvas xmlns:loc="clr-namespace:GlyphsUriLookup">
  <Glyphs FontUri="{loc:FontUri Calibri}" FontRenderingEmSize="40"
          UnicodeString="Hello, world" Fill="Black" OriginY="30" />

Although Glyphs will generate sensible default values for glyph indices and advance widths, you can specify nonstandard values manually if necessary, as you would for a GlyphRun. However, the way you specify these values looks a little different. GlyphRun takes separate arrays for indices and widths, but with Glyphs, these are encoded into a single text property, Indices, shown in Example 14-28.

Example 14-28. Using Indices
<Glyphs FontUri="C:WindowsFontsCalibri.ttf"
        UnicodeString="Hello, world!"
        OriginY="30" />

The Indices property consists of semicolon-separated sets of numbers. Each set corresponds to one character in the text. The first number is the glyph index.


Remember that glyph indices are specific to a particular font file. If you change the FontUri without updating the Indices, you are likely to see complete garbage as a result.

The number after the glyph index is the advance width (i.e., the nominal width of the character). Example 14-28 sets this to 60 for every single character. Figure 14-24 shows the results. It looks pretty horrible because this particular font is designed for proportional spacing, and not the monospaced layout shown here.

Nondefault character spacing
Figure 14-24. Nondefault character spacing

You can optionally supply two more numbers for each entry in Indices to control the position of combining characters. Some characters, such as accents, are designed to be added to other characters. Their default position is usually appropriate, but occasionally it’s useful to adjust them. You would do this by providing an x and y offset after the advance width.

Now that we’ve seen all of the elements available for rendering text, it’s time to look at this text object model in more detail.

Text Object Model

Text has distinctive layout requirements. With most user interface elements, the goal of layout is typically to define the basic UI structure (e.g., menu and toolbars at the top, status bar at the bottom, tree view on the left, scrollable work area on the right) and have the layout system make simple adjustments to the size and position of each element in order to fit the available space. But with text, we typically have a continuous stream of content where sequencing is more important than exact position. For example, we often don’t care whether a particular figure appears at the top, bottom, or middle of a page as long as it is adjacent to the paragraph that refers to the figure.

There is some overlap between the requirements of text layout and UI layout. For example, the WrapPanel arranges elements in a similar manner to word-wrapped text layout. Although it would have been technically possible to use a single layout system for both textual content and user interface structure, this would have involved compromises on both sides. WPF’s object model for representing formatted text is therefore separate from the layout panels and controls we’ve seen in previous chapters.

The element types that make up the text model all derive from a common abstract base class: TextElement. As you saw in Table 14-1, this defines a set of properties for controlling aspects of the text’s appearance, such as its font and color. The TextElement type does not derive from FrameworkElement. Instead, it derives from FrameworkContentElement, meaning that all text objects are not intrinsically visible—they rely on some hosting element derived from Visual, such as TextBlock or FlowDocumentPageViewer, in order to render them. But although text elements do not form part of the visual tree, they are still a part of the logical tree—if you walk the tree using the LogicalTreeHelper class, it will report all textual content. We described the distinction between the logical and visual trees in Chapter 9.

Text elements fall into two main categories: inline elements and block elements. We’ll start by looking at inlines.


Inline text elements represent a stretch of text contained within a paragraph. They derive from the Inline base class, which in turn derives from TextElement. Some inlines simply apply formatting to their content, and some do a little more than that.

Because Inline derives from TextElement, it supports all the standard properties shown in Table 14-1. It also defines a few more, listed in Table 14-3.

Table 14-3. Inline text formatting properties




Determines vertical alignment relative to the current line of text


LeftToRight or RightToLeft


Controls lines such as underlining and strikethrough

We covered the TextDecorations property earlier because decorations are also used in the low-level text rendering APIs. FlowDirection is straightforward enough—in some languages text runs from left to right, whereas in others it runs from right to left—but it may seem surprising for this to be applied to an inline rather than, say, a paragraph. The reason is that a paragraph might contain a mixture of languages, so each inline can have a different flow direction if necessary. BaselineAlignment supports these values: Baseline, Bottom, Center, Subscript, Superscript, TextBottom, TextTop, and Top.

Example 14-29 illustrates the use of BaselineAlignment.

Example 14-29. BaselineAlignment
<TextBlock Background="LightGreen">
  <Span FontSize="20" BaselineAlignment="Baseline">Baseline</Span>
  <Span BaselineAlignment="Center">Center</Span>
  <Span BaselineAlignment="Top">Top</Span>
  <Span BaselineAlignment="Superscript">Superscript</Span>
  <Span BaselineAlignment="Bottom">Bottom</Span>
  <Span BaselineAlignment="Subscript">Subscript</Span>

We made one piece of text in this example larger than the rest in order to highlight the difference between Center and Baseline. If every item in a line is the same height, these two values have the same effect. Figure 14-25 shows the results.

Figure 14-25. BaselineAlignment

Example 14-29 does not show the TextTop and TextBottom settings, because in this particular example, they behave in the same way as Top and Bottom. The distinction matters only if you take the fairly unusual step of forcing the effective line height to be different from the natural height of the text. You can do this by setting the LineStackingStrategy property to BlockLineHeight, and setting the BlockLineHeight property, as shown in Example 14-30.

Example 14-30. Top and Bottom versus TextTop and TextBottom
<TextBlock Background="LightGreen"
           LineStackingStrategy="BlockLineHeight" LineHeight="40">
  <Span FontSize="20" BaselineAlignment="Baseline">Baseline</Span>
  <Span BaselineAlignment="TextTop">TextTop</Span>
  <Span BaselineAlignment="Top">Top</Span>
  <Span BaselineAlignment="TextBottom">TextBottom</Span>
  <Span BaselineAlignment="Bottom">Bottom</Span>

As Figure 14-26 shows, Top and Bottom appear at the top and bottom of the TextBlock. TextTop and TextBottom appear at the top and bottom of the text’s natural vertical extent.

Top and Bottom versus TextTop and TextBottom
Figure 14-26. Top and Bottom versus TextTop and TextBottom

The following sections describe each concrete type derived from Inline.


Run is the most widely used text element type, because it’s the only one capable of containing actual text. This can come as a surprise, as you rarely see the type used explicitly in XAML. However, Run elements are generated automatically. For example, this:

  Simple text

is equivalent to this:

  <Run Text="Simple text" />

The XAML compiler knows to generate the Run element automatically thanks to custom attributes applied to the relevant classes. As Example 14-31 shows, the TextBlock element is annotated with a ContentProperty attribute indicating that child content should be added to its Inlines property. That property is of type InlineCollection, and as you can see, that is annotated with two ContentWrapper attributes. We describe the process by which XAML is converted into objects in Appendix A; the net result of these attributes is that plain text inside any InlineCollection will automatically be wrapped in Run elements, whereas user interface elements will automatically be wrapped in InlineUIContainer elements.

Example 14-31. Attributes responsible for Run element generation
[ContentProperty("Inlines"), ...]
public class TextBlock : FrameworkElement, ...

[ContentWrapper(typeof(Run)), ContentWrapper(typeof(InlineUIContainer)),
public class InlineCollection : TextElementCollection<Inline>, ...

Because Run elements are generated automatically, you don’t often use them in XAML. However, they offer one advantage over bare text: XML parsers often ignore whitespace in element content, but will never ignore it inside an attribute. Consider Example 14-32.

Example 14-32. Whitespace as content and as attribute
  A      B
  <Run Text="A      B" />

This TextBlock looks like it should contain the same text twice. The plain-text content will automatically be wrapped with a Run element, which is then followed by another Run with the same text. However, as Figure 14-27 shows, the text has been handled differently. The spaces in the first block of text have collapsed into a single space. Only in the second case, where the text was wrapped explicitly in a Run, is the whitespace preserved.

Whitespace handling
Figure 14-27. Whitespace handling

This reduction of whitespace is often useful. It enables us to indent text and add new lines without affecting the final outcome. Indeed, although we can disable this behavior, doing so illustrates why we often don’t want to. Example 14-33 uses a standard XML attribute to force whitespace to be preserved.

Example 14-33. Preserving whitespace in mixed content
<TextBlock xml:space="preserve" Background="LightBlue">
  A      B
  <Run Text="A      B" />

Figure 14-28 shows the results. A background color has been specified to make it clear what is happening. Although both blocks of text now correctly preserve the amount of space between the two letters, the example also preserves some things we may not have wanted. There is now some space to the left of both As—this is because we indented the contents of the TextBlock. If we want the content to be flush to the left of the TextBlock, we would have to avoid indenting it wherever xml:space="preserve" is used. This can be inconvenient because a lot of XML editors will automatically indent both elements and their content based on the depth of nesting.

Preserved whitespace
Figure 14-28. Preserved whitespace

The example also now spans multiple lines. As you can see from the empty areas painted with the background color, we have blank lines at the top and the bottom. This is because the content is defined on separate lines from the opening and closing TextBlock tags—there are line end characters in our XAML after the opening TextBlock, before the Run, and before the closing TextBlock, and these have all been faithfully preserved. If you use the xml:space="preserve" attribute, the only way to get just one line of output is to make sure that the TextBlock is all on one line in your XAML source. In practice, it’s often more convenient to use explicit Run elements instead when you need to control whitespace.

The XAML compiler automatically generates Run wrapper elements for text content. If you are working with the text object model from code, you will need to deal with Run elements regardless of whether you need precise control over whitespace.

Because Run derives from TextElement, it can use all of the TextElement formatting properties shown in Table 14-1. Run elements are always the leaves of a tree of text elements—they cannot have children. This can make them a little cumbersome for mixing styles together. It may be easier to use Span or one of its derivatives.


Span allows you to apply text formatting properties to a range of text. Unlike Run, a Span can contain child elements. This allows you to combine styles, as shown in Example 14-34.

Example 14-34. Nested Span elements
  <Span FontFamily="Cambria">
    This uses <Span FontWeight="Bold">a
    <Span FontStyle="Italic">mixture</Span> of</Span> styles.

The Span class has an Inlines property. Just as with TextBlock, child content will be added to this property, which is of type InlineCollection. This means that plain text will automatically be wrapped with Run elements, just as it is inside a TextBlock. So the XAML in Example 14-34 is equivalent to the code in Example 14-35.

Example 14-35. Nested Span elements in code
TextBlock txt = new TextBlock(  );
Span rootSpan = new Span(  );
rootSpan.FontFamily = new FontFamily("Cambria");
rootSpan.Inlines.Add(new Run("This uses "));

Span boldSpan = new Span(  );
boldSpan.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold;
boldSpan.Inlines.Add(new Run("a "));

Span italicSpan = new Span(  );
italicSpan.Inlines.Add(new Run("mixture"));

boldSpan.Inlines.Add(new Run(" of"));

rootSpan.Inlines.Add(new Run(" styles"));

Figure 14-29 shows the results.

Nested Span elements
Figure 14-29. Nested Span elements

For convenience, WPF defines four types derived from Span that apply common formatting to their contents: Bold, Hyperlink, Italic, and Underline.

These allow the content in Example 14-34 to be expressed more compactly. Example 14-36 will produce the same result as that shown in Figure 14-29.

Example 14-36. Using the derived span types
  <Span FontFamily="Cambria">
    This uses <Bold>a <Italic>mixture</Italic> of</Bold> styles.

Unlike Bold and Italic, the Hyperlink class does more than define a standard look. It also offers a NavigateUri property. If you set this on a Hyperlink in a navigation application, the application will navigate to the specified URI if the element is clicked. It also offers a Click event and a Command property, both of which behave in exactly the same way as the equivalently named members of the Button class, which we described in Chapter 5.


The LineBreak element is a bit of an oddball. It derives from Inline, meaning that it is for use within a paragraph, but it appears to introduce a new paragraph. Strictly speaking, from the point of view of the text object model, it introduces a new line in the middle of a paragraph. Example 14-37 shows LineBreak in use.

Example 14-37. LineBreak
<TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap">
  This is the first sentence in a paragraph.
  <LineBreak />
  This is technically the second sentence of the same paragraph.

Figure 14-30 shows the results. As you can see, it certainly looks like two paragraphs. But as far as the text object model is concerned, it is treated as a single paragraph.

Figure 14-30. LineBreak

Although this may seem to be a rather pedantic distinction, it is a useful one. A TextBlock is not capable of dealing with WPF’s Paragraph element, but it can deal with LineBreak because that’s an Inline. By using LineBreak, you can show what appear to be multiple paragraphs of text without having to use a full FlowDocument in a reader control. In performance-sensitive scenarios, this can be important, because TextBlock uses fewer resources than any of the FlowDocument viewers.


Although types derived from TextElement use a different layout strategy from those derived from FrameworkElement, it is possible to mix both element types. Just as elements such as TextBlock or FlowDocumentReader can host text in a visual tree, there are also text elements that can host UI elements in a text tree. The InlineUIContainer type wraps any object derived from UIElement. Because InlineUIContainer derives from Inline, you can place it in any element that contains inlines, such as a TextBlock or a Span. Example 14-38 uses this to host a Button.

Example 14-38. InlineUIContainer
  Text with a
    <Button Content="Control" />
  in the middle.

Figure 14-31 shows the result. Elements hosted by an InlineUIContainer will size to content unless the containing element has its LineHeight property set. In that case, the hosted element will size to content horizontally, but would be vertically constrained to the line height.

Figure 14-31. InlineUIContainer

As you can see in Figure 14-31, the default alignment for a hosted element is that its bottom is aligned with the baseline of the text. Because InlineUIContainer derives from Inline, you can modify this by setting the BaselineAlignment property described earlier, as Example 14-39 shows.

Example 14-39. Positioning a hosted element with BaselineAlignment
<TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap">
  Text with a
  <InlineUIContainer BaselineAlignment="Center">
    <Button Content="Control" />
  in the middle.

Figure 14-32 shows the results.

InlineUIContainer aligned centrally
Figure 14-32. InlineUIContainer aligned centrally

InlineUIContainer offers all the same properties as any other inline element. If you do not need to set any of these, you can omit it from your XAML because, as we saw in Example 14-31, the InlineCollection class is annotated with a ContentWrapper attribute. This instructs the XAML compiler to wrap UI elements in InlineUIContainer elements automatically. So, instead of the markup in Example 14-38, we can use the shorter equivalent in Example 14-40.

Example 14-40. Automatic InlineUIContainer generation
  Text with a
  <Button Content="Control" />
  in the middle.

InlineUIContainer is not limited to controls. It enables you to integrate any content type into your text—you can host video, bitmaps, and 2D and 3D graphics in an InlineUIContainer.

We’ve now looked at all of the text element types that we can use within a single paragraph. However, for any reasonable quantity of text, you will want to break the text into multiple paragraphs, and maybe add features such as lists and tables. This is where the Block type comes in.


Block is an abstract base class that derives from TextElement. It represents blocks of text such as paragraphs, tables, and lists. You can’t use a Block inside a TextBlock—that can contain only inline elements. Blocks belong inside a FlowDocument, and must therefore be presented by one of the flow document viewer controls described earlier in this chapter.

The Block base class defines a set of common properties. This includes all of those from TextElement, of course, which are listed in Table 14-1. Block adds many more properties common to all elements derived from Block. Two of these, TextAlignment and IsHyphenationEnabled, are aliased by TextBlock and were described earlier. Table 14-4 shows the complete set.

Table 14-4. Common block properties




Brush with which to paint a border around the block; null if no border required.


Thickness of border.


True if this block should start in a new column.


True if this block should start on a new page.


Controls how floaters for this block are positioned—see the "Figures and Floaters" section, later in this chapter, for details on floaters.


Sets text flow direction for block—either LeftToRight or RightToLeft.


If True, enables words to be hyphenated when word wrapping.


Line height in device-independent pixels. (XAML can specify other units with a suffix: in, cm, and pt indicate inches, centimeters, and points, respectively.) A value of NaN (Auto in XAML) means the default height for the font.


Determines whether the actual line height is determined by LineHeight, or the height of the tallest element on the line.


Space to be left between this block and its neighbors.


Space to be left between the block’s border and its content.


One of the TextAlignment enumeration values: Left, Right, Center, or Justify.

We describe the block element types in the following sections.


The Paragraph element groups a collection of Inline elements into a paragraph. Example 14-41 shows a FlowDocument containing two paragraphs.

Example 14-41. Paragraph elements
    This is a paragraph.
    <Italic>This</Italic> is <Bold>another</Bold> paragraph. It
    contains more text than the first, and with more
    <Span FontFamily="Old English Text MT">styles</Span>.

Figure 14-33 shows the results. As you can see, each paragraph starts on a new line.

FlowDocument with two paragraphs
Figure 14-33. FlowDocument with two paragraphs

There is also space between the paragraphs—by default, a paragraph has a vertical margin that is the same as the line height. You can override this by setting an explicit Margin property value. Figure 14-34 shows the effect of changing the Margin to 0 on both paragraphs.

Paragraphs with margin of 0
Figure 14-34. Paragraphs with margin of 0

The contents of a Paragraph are contained in its Inlines property. Just as with TextBlock and Span, this is of type InlineCollection, so again, Run and InlineUIContainer elements will be generated automatically for nested text and FrameworkElements when the XAML is processed.


The List block defines a numbered or bulleted list. The list’s contents are held in the ListItems property—a collection of ListItem elements. The ListItemCollection type is not annotated with a ContentWrapper attribute, so you are required to define the ListItem elements explicitly, as Example 14-42 shows.

Example 14-42. List with ListItems
      This is an item.
      This item contains two paragraphs. This is the first.
      This is the second.

ListItem derives directly from TextElement, because the only place in which it occurs is inside a List—it is neither an Inline nor a Block. Its content is held in the Blocks property, which is a collection of Block elements. In Example 14-42, the two items contain a paragraph and a pair of paragraphs, respectively, but any block type will do. You can even nest lists, as Example 14-43 shows.

Example 14-43. Nested lists
<List MarkerStyle="Square">
      This item contains a paragraph followed by a nested list.
    <List MarkerStyle="Decimal">
          This is a nested list item.
          This is a second nested list item.
      Is the second item in the first list.
    <List MarkerStyle="Decimal" StartIndex="3">
          This nested list carries on from the previous list numbering.
          This is the second item in the second nested list.

This example also illustrates the use of the MarkerStyle property, as Figure 14-35 shows. The top-level list uses a hollow square, but more interestingly, the nested lists are numbered. There is no way to get one list to automatically pick up the numbering from where another left off, but this example gets the required result by manually specifying the StartIndex for the second nested list.

Nested and numbered lists
Figure 14-35. Nested and numbered lists

MarkerStyle supports a variety of styles, which are shown in Figure 14-36.

Marker styles
Figure 14-36. Marker styles

There is no direct support for customizing the marker—MarkerStyle accepts values only from the TextMarkerStyle enumeration, so the set of values is closed, and there is no “custom” style. However, you could easily create your own list by defining a two-column Table, with the list items in the second column and the custom markers in the first.


The Table element presents information in tabular form. Its capabilities overlap somewhat with the Grid. Think of it as the TextElement equivalent of the Grid—you would only use a Table inside a FlowDocument, whereas a UI would use a Grid. However, not only are these elements designed for use in different contexts, but also the style of use is slightly different. Whereas the position of an element within a Grid is set by attached Grid.Column and Grid.Row properties, table elements’ positions are based on the order in which they are added—Example 14-44 contains no explicit positioning information.

Example 14-44. Table
<Table CellSpacing="6">
  <TableRowGroup FontWeight="Bold">
    <TableRow FontSize="24">
      <TableCell ColumnSpan="3" TextAlignment="Center" >
        <Paragraph>Ice Cream</Paragraph>
    <TableRow FontSize="18" Background="LightGray">






      <TableCell><Paragraph>Cookie Dough</Paragraph></TableCell>

      <TableCell><Paragraph>Extra yummy</Paragraph></TableCell>

      <TableCell><Paragraph>Scarce - Ian ate it all</Paragraph></TableCell>





      <TableCell><Paragraph>Rarely available</Paragraph></TableCell>




Figure 14-37 shows the results. Each item in the table is defined in a TableCell element, which is contained by a TableRow. The first cell in a row will be in the first column, the second cell in the second column, and so on. You can make a single item span multiple cells using the ColumnSpan or RowSpan property—the title on the first row has a ColumnSpan of 3 in order to fill the whole width. But unlike the Grid, a single Table cell cannot contain multiple overlapping items.

Figure 14-37. Table

The rows in a table are always contained by a TableRowGroup. This provides a single place to apply formatting to multiple rows. Example 14-44 uses a TableRowGroup to set the FontWeight of the first two rows to Bold. The remaining rows use the default font weight because they are in a separate TableRowGroup that does not specify any formatting.


A Table must always contain at least one TableRowGroup even if you do not need to apply formatting to groups of rows. The object model requires this—the Table class’s content is held in its RowGroups property.

The number of columns in a table is determined automatically unless you choose to specify columns explicitly. Example 14-45 defines the columns explicitly in order to fix the first column’s width. The TableColumn.Width property is of type GridLength, meaning it supports the same sizing mechanisms as Grid: fixed size, star sizing, and automatic sizing. We described these in Chapter 3.

Example 14-45. Explicit table columns
<Table BorderThickness="1" BorderBrush="Black">
    <TableColumn Width="25" />
    <TableColumn />

Figure 14-38 shows the results. Example 14-45 sets a border on the table so that you can see its bounds. This makes the effect of the fixed-width column clear; by default, the two columns would have been the same width.

Table with fixed-width column
Figure 14-38. Table with fixed-width column

The only other property offered by TableColumn is Background, enabling you to set a background brush for the column.

In Example 14-44 and Example 14-45, each cell contains a Paragraph. A TableCell can contain any sequence of block elements, so you can also nest lists, or even other tables, inside a table cell.


The Section block type contains a sequence of other blocks. A Section has no default intrinsic behavior: wrapping some blocks in a Section will not change their appearance unless you set some formatting properties on the Section. The purpose of Section is to allow you to apply a set of formatting properties to several blocks at once. Example 14-46 uses a Section to apply an italic font style to two paragraphs.

Example 14-46. Section
<Section FontStyle="Italic">
    This paragraph is in italics because the containing section's
    FontStyle property is set to Italic.
  <Paragraph FontWeight="Bold">
    This paragraph is in bold italics because its FontWeight is set
    to Bold, and it inherits the Italic FontStyle from its containing

As you can see from Figure 14-39, both paragraphs pick up the italic style from their parent section. The second paragraph combines this inherited italic style with a locally specified bold font weight.

Figure 14-39. Section


Earlier, we saw the InlineUIContainer, which allows any UIElement to be hosted inside a paragraph. This allowed controls, video, bitmap, 2D graphics, or 3D graphics to be integrated into a document. BlockUIContainer is similar: it can host any UIElement, but it wraps it as a Block instead of an Inline. Example 14-47 uses this to put a Button between two paragraphs.

Example 14-47. BlockUIContainer
  This is a paragraph.
  <Button Content="Button" />
  This is another paragraph.

Figure 14-40 shows the result. As you can see, the button has turned out rather wide. This is because a BlockUIContainer will offer the entire column width to the element it contains. The contained element will size to content vertically, but not horizontally.

Figure 14-40. BlockUIContainer

If you don’t want the contained element to fill the whole width, you must use FrameworkElement layout settings. For example, setting the HorizontalAlignment property of the Button to Left will cause the button to left-align within the container, as Figure 14-41 shows. Setting the TextAlignment property of the BlockUIContainer to Left will not work—this block type always fills the full width of the column, so the horizontal alignment options mean nothing on the BlockUIContainer itself.

BlockUIContainer content alignment
Figure 14-41. BlockUIContainer content alignment

We have now looked at all of the block types. However, there are two remaining text element types we’ve not yet looked at: Figure and Floater. These are not blocks, but they are normally used from within blocks.

Figures and Floaters

The Figure and Floater types are used to host blocks of content around which other content flows. They are typically used for hosting figures, sidebars, or tables. Both types derive from the AnchoredBlock abstract base class. This derives from Inline, so these are technically inline elements. However, their content is a collection of Block elements, so you cannot use them in a TextBlock—figures and floaters must appear inside a flow document. Example 14-48 shows a Floater.

Example 14-48. Floater
    This paragraph contains a 'floater'. It is the table you can see to
    the right.

    <Floater HorizontalAlignment="Right" Width="150">
      <Table BorderThickness="1" BorderBrush="Black">
          <TableColumn Width="25" />
          <TableColumn />
            <TableCell ColumnSpan="2">
              <Paragraph TextAlignment="Center" FontStyle="Italic"
                Example ice cream flavors

    This table is anchored to this paragraph because the Floater element
    appears inside of this paragraph.
    This second paragraph also flows around the Floater because the table
    is tall enough to span two paragraphs.

Notice that the Floater element appears inside the first Paragraph. The position at which the Floater or Figure appears determines the anchor point, which will have an impact on where the hosted block appears—WPF will try to position it as close to the anchor point as possible. In Figure 14-42, the table appears on the line immediately after the one containing the anchor point.

Figure 14-42. Floater

Whereas a Floater is positioned vertically as close as possible to its anchor point, its horizontal position is determined by the HorizontalAlignment property. In Example 14-48, this is set to Right. Figure 14-43 shows the effect of setting this to Center. The other options are Left and Stretch. The latter causes the block to fill the whole column width, preventing text from flowing around either side.

Floater with HorizontalAlignment of Center
Figure 14-43. Floater with HorizontalAlignment of Center

Figure is very similar to Floater, the main difference being that it offers more flexibility in specifying the position relative to the anchor point. The horizontal position is set with the HorizontalAnchor property. This can be any of the values in the FigureHorizontalAnchor enumeration, which are shown in Table 14-5.

Table 14-5. FigureHorizontalAnchor enumeration


Figure position


The center of the current column


The left of the current column


The right of the current column


The center of the content-holding area of the page


The left of the content-holding area of the page


The right of the content-holding area of the page


The center of the page


The left of the page


The right of the page

You can control the vertical position using the VerticalAnchor property. Table 14-6 shows the available values.

Table 14-6. FigureVerticalAnchor enumeration


Figure position


The bottom of the content-holding area of the page


The center of the content-holding area of the page


The top of the content-holding area of the page


The bottom of the page


The center of the page


The top of the page


The top of the current paragraph

Notice that almost all of the available anchor values are concerned with columns or pages. This means that some of the higher level of control offered by a Figure over a Floater is significant only if you are using a column-based paginated view. If you are using the FlowDocumentScrollViewer, there is no distinction between ColumnLeft and ContentLeft, because there is just one big scrolling column. Both of these do the same thing as a Floater with a HorizontalAlignment of Left. Likewise, the FigureVerticalAnchor settings are meaningful only in a paginated view. So, you would normally use Figure only on a document likely to be viewed in pages (e.g., a document you intend to print or one that will be viewed in a FlowDocumentPageViewer).

The horizontal column-based positions in Table 14-5 are self-explanatory. The difference between the page-based position and the positions relative to the “content” area is less obvious. This distinction exists because a FlowDocument does not necessarily fill the entire page. If you set its PagePadding property, WPF will leave space between the edge of the page and the document. Choosing a page-relative alignment such as PageLeft will position a figure relative to the page, ignoring the space added due to PagePadding. Figure 14-44 shows a document with 50 pixels of page padding, and a figure horizontally aligned with PageLeft. As you can see, this causes the figure to appear outside of the horizontal bounds of the column. Had we specified ContentLeft, the figure would have remained within the column’s bounds.

PageLeft horizontal anchor
Figure 14-44. PageLeft horizontal anchor

Figure offers extra flexibility for specifying the Width and Height of a figure. Whereas with a Floater these properties are of type Double—representing the absolute size in pixels—on a Figure they are of type FigureLength. This value type has a FigureUnitType property, indicating the units in which the size is specified. You can set this to Pixel in order to specify absolute dimensions. But you can also set it to Column, Content, or Page to specify the size relative to the column, content, or page size. For example, a width of 0.25 and unit of Page mean the figure should be one-quarter the width of the page. When using Page or Content, the size must be less than or equal to one. But you can specify multiple columns. Example 14-49 shows the XAML syntax for specifying a figure width in columns.

Example 14-49. Specifying figure widths in “columns” units
<Figure HorizontalAnchor="ContentLeft" VerticalAnchor="ContentTop"
     Width="2 columns">
    ...figure content...

This example would place a figure at the top left of the page content area, and it would span two columns. Figure 14-45 shows how this would look when the document is displayed in a paginated viewer wide enough to show three columns.

Figure width of two columns
Figure 14-45. Figure width of two columns

We’ve now seen all of the types in the text object model, and yet we’ve not yet seen how to add an image to a document. It turns out that we can embed images easily using features we’ve already seen.


The text object model doesn’t have any direct support for hosting images. Although this is hardly surprising for a text object model, hosting images is a reasonably common requirement. There is no explicit support for images because you can use either of the UI container elements to add an Image element to the document.

By default, the images will try to fill the entire width available. If this is not what you require, you should specify the width or height as Example 14-50 does. Figure 14-46 shows the results.

Example 14-50. FlowDocument with images
    This paragraph is followed by an image in a block container:

    <Image Source="Picture.jpg" Width="200" />

    This paragraph uses an inline UI container to host an image:
    <InlineUIContainer BaselineAlignment="Center">
      <Image Source="Picture2.jpg" Height="40" />
Images in a flow document
Figure 14-46. Images in a flow document

All of the text object model examples we’ve seen so far have shown hardcoded content. Because text is represented with objects, you are of course free to generate content from code. As you saw in Chapter 6 and Chapter 7, data binding can offer a powerful way to generate content dynamically from data with a minimal amount of code. However, although data binding is supported in the text object model, it is somewhat limited.

Text and Data Binding

All types in the text object model derive from FrameworkContentElement. This provides data binding support, including a DataContext property, just like its counterpart, FrameworkElement. Data binding relies on the dependency property system: a data binding target must be a dependency property. Unfortunately, the Text property of the Run class, which is where all the text in any tree of text objects is ultimately defined, is an ordinary CLR property and not a dependency property. This means it cannot be the target of a data binding expression. Indeed, the dependency properties available in the text object model are mainly concerned with formatting rather than textual content.

The only elements that offer dependency properties that you can use to display text are not text elements at all—they derive from FrameworkElement. You can use TextBlock—its Text property can be the target for a binding expression. Alternatively, you can use any type derived from ContentControl—if you bind text to its Content property, it will host that text in a TextBlock for you. Example 14-51 shows data binding with TextBlock elements.

Example 14-51. Text and data binding
  <TextBlock Text="{Binding FirstName}" />
  <TextBlock Text="{Binding LastName}" />

This example contains two binding expressions, bound to a hypothetical data source offering two properties, FirstName and LastName. In order to provide a binding target for each property, we’ve used two TextBlock elements. These are nested inside a third TextBlock, allowing us to mix data-bound content with fixed content. As we saw earlier, the content of a TextBlock is a collection of inline elements, so this is really shorthand for the markup in Example 14-52.

Example 14-52. Text and data binding in full
  <Run Text="Name: " />
    <TextBlock Text="{Binding FirstName}" />
  <Run Text=" " />
    <TextBlock Text="{Binding LastName}" />

You don’t need to specify the InlineUIContainer elements explicitly—as we saw earlier, they are generated automatically for you thanks to the ContentWrapper attributes on the InlineCollection class. So, Example 14-51 and Example 14-52 are functionally equivalent. There is one problem with this: each nested TextBlock element will be treated by the top-level TextBlock as a single indivisible element for word-wrapping purposes. To see why this is a problem, consider the following two examples. Example 14-53 uses a nested TextBlock to display the title of a book. (It’s not data-bound, but you could easily imagine wanting to retrieve a book title with data binding.)

Example 14-53. Nested TextBlock
<TextBlock Margin="5" Background="PaleGreen" TextWrapping="Wrap">
  This book is called
  '<TextBlock FontWeight="Bold" Text="Programming WPF" />'

Example 14-54 displays the same text, but without using a nested TextBlock. Instead, it uses a Bold span to make the book title bold.

Example 14-54. Simple content
<TextBlock Margin="5" Background="PaleGreen" TextWrapping="Wrap">
  This book is called
  '<Bold>Programming WPF</Bold>'

Figure 14-47 shows the results. The nested TextBlock version is shown on the left, and as you can see, some things have gone wrong. It has wrapped the entire “Programming WPF” string into a new line, even though there was space to fit the word “Programming” on the first line. WPF was unable to break the line in between “Programming” and “WPF” because the text was inside an InlineUIContainer. It has failed to keep the opening apostrophe adjacent to the word “Programming” for exactly the same reason. As far as the text layout engine is concerned, the “Programming WPF” content is part of a completely different body of text than the rest of the sentence. By contrast, the example on the right has just the one text tree, so it has been able to break the text in the right place. (And, if we were to force it to break the line earlier by narrowing the space, it would keep each apostrophe on the same line as the word to which it belongs.)

Nested TextBlock
Figure 14-47. Nested TextBlock

Unfortunately, there is no straightforward solution to this problem. None of the element types in the text object model provides a way to bind data into a text tree, so if you want to inject code into the middle of a body of text without disrupting the formatting, you will need to write some code to do it instead of relying on data binding.[101]

In the FrameworkElement world, ItemsControl provides powerful support for binding to list-like data sources, and generating multiple UI items from those sources. Unfortunately, there is no equivalent of this in the text object model world: you cannot generate either a Table or a List from a list-like data source with data binding. If you want to build data-driven textual lists, you will need to write code.

Coding with the Text Object Model

Generating a flow document from code is straightforward. It is slightly more long-winded than using XAML, because you need to create the Run elements that hold the text explicitly. Example 14-55 shows how to build a FlowDocument containing a List in code.

Example 14-55. Building a List in code
FlowDocument doc = new FlowDocument(  );
List myList = new List(  );
for (int item = 1; item <= 5; ++item) {
    string itemText = "Item " + item;
    Run itemRun = new Run(itemText);
    Paragraph itemBlock = new Paragraph(itemRun);
    ListItem listItem = new ListItem(itemBlock);

This creates a list of numbered items, as Figure 14-48 shows.

Generated List
Figure 14-48. Generated List

Creating text object models from scratch in code is very similar to creating text in markup. However, manipulating existing text gets special handling. You can just add and remove items from the collections of blocks and inlines, but the text object model also provides features for navigating and modifying trees of text, using the TextPointer type.


A TextPointer object represents a particular position within either a FlowDocument or a TextBlock. You can retrieve a TextPointer from any TextElement—the ContentStart and ContentEnd properties return pointers to the start and end of the content represented by the element. Or, you can ask a TextBlock to return a pointer for a particular location (e.g., the current mouse pointer position) using its GetPositionFromPoint method. TextPointer is also used anywhere an API needs to indicate a position within a body of text, such as the start and end of the current selection in a RichTextBox.[102]

TextPointer provides methods for navigating through the text structure. Example 14-56 iterates through a range of text represented by a start and end pair of text pointers by calling GetNextContextPosition. It builds a string by appending the text from all of the runs it finds, and it uses GetPointerContext to discover which of the elements it encounters are Run elements.

Example 14-56. Extracting text content
static string GetText(TextPointer textStart, TextPointer textEnd) {
    StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(  );

    TextPointer tp = textStart;

    while (tp != null && tp.CompareTo(textEnd) < 0) {
        if (tp.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Forward) ==
                   TextPointerContext.Text) {
        tp = tp.GetNextContextPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward);
    return output.ToString(  );

As well as being able to examine the text, a TextPointer allows you to insert text. Not all points in a text tree can accept new content, so TextPointer offers a GetInsertionPosition method that returns the nearest place where new text may be added. Example 14-57 uses this to insert text at the beginning of the current selection in a RichTextBox. (If there is no selected text, the Selection property returns the location of the caret.)

Example 14-57. Inserting text with a TextPointer
TextPointer insertionPoint =
insertionPoint.InsertTextInRun("Text added from code");

The RichTextBox type’s Selection property is of type TextRange. TextRange encapsulates a pair of TextPointer objects to denote a range of text that is available through the Start and End properties. It also offers a helper Text property that extracts all of the text in the range as a string (so in practice, you wouldn’t need to write the code in Example 14-56—you can use a TextRange to do the work for you).

Sometimes it is useful to get from a TextPointer to an element in the tree of text objects. TextPointer therefore offers a GetAdjacentElement method, enabling you to retrieve the object containing the location to which the pointer refers. Alternatively, you can use the TextPointer object’s Paragraph property. If the TextPointer points to a Paragraph, or an element contained by a Paragraph, this property gives you access to that Paragraph.

Whether you’re using the full text object model as supported by flow documents, or just the inline subset available with a TextBlock, you can take advantage of WPF’s typography support.


WPF supports both TrueType and OpenType fonts. OpenType fonts often contain many alternates to the basic set of character shapes in order to support advanced typographical functionality. If you are using a low-level text-handling feature such as GlyphRun, you can use these alternates directly, referring to them by glyph index. But if you are using the higher-level elements, such as TextBlock or the FlowDocument viewers, these can locate and use the appropriate glyphs for you. You can control which character shapes are used with the attached properties defined by the Typography class.

Because WPF supports all of OpenType’s typography features, we will not provide a complete list here.[103] We’ll show just one example: ligatures.

Most fonts offer ligatures: single shapes representing a group of letters. Historically, ligatures were invented out of necessity. In the past, typesetting involved an individual block of metal or wood for each letter. Certain combinations were problematic. For example, the top of a lowercase letter f extends to the right of the main stem of the letter. If you put two of them next to each other, with some typefaces this results in too much space between the stems—you couldn’t get the letters close enough together to look right. To solve this, printers used a single block of metal with two fs on it. This single block is called a ligature. Figure 14-49 shows an example from the Palatino Linotype typeface: the two lowercase fs are displayed as a single shape here because the font offers them as a standard ligature, and WPF will use a font’s standard ligatures by default.

Figure 14-49. Ligature

Digital printing technology renders ligatures unnecessary. However, they are still widely used, mainly because we have become accustomed to seeing them. When reading at full speed, we recognize words as much by their overall shape as by the shapes of the individual letters in the words, and getting rid of ligatures can have a negative impact on reading speed. Moreover, most fonts are designed with the use of ligatures in mind, so they tend to look better with ligatures than without. Palatino Linotype is a case in point—as you can see from Figure 14-49, its lowercase f is relatively narrow at the top, so a ligature is not strictly necessary, but the font has still been designed to use a ligature for this case.

OpenType fonts can designate ligatures for various purposes. Some are standard, meaning they should be used by default. This set will typically include “ff,” “fi,” and “ffi.” Some are marked as discretionary, meaning their use is optional. Palatino Linotype defines a discretionary ligature for the “Th” pair. Figure 14-50 shows the default appearance for this pair, as well as the discretionary ligature.

Default “Th” and discretionary “Th” ligature
Figure 14-50. Default “Th” and discretionary “Th” ligature

The Typography class defines various attached properties for controlling the use of ligatures, which are listed in Table 14-7. Each is a Boolean property. StandardLigatures defaults to True, and you can enable the rest in the way shown in Example 14-58.

Table 14-7. Typography class ligature attached properties

Attached property



Ligatures to be used only in specific contexts (e.g., only after certain letters)


Decorative ligatures, not necessarily appropriate in ordinary text


Decorative ligatures using old-fashioned styles


Ligatures suitable for use in ordinary text

Example 14-58. Enabling discretionary ligatures
<Span Typography.DiscretionaryLigatures="True">Th</Span>

All of the typography features are controlled in a similar way: the Typography class defines attached properties that you can set on any TextElement. All of these are inherited properties, so you can set them on the root FlowDocument or TextBlock element in order to apply a consistent typography style to all of the text.

Where Are We?

WPF supports any mixture of typefaces and formatting styles anywhere text is used. If you need fine control, you can work at a very low level with glyphs, using either GlyphRun at the visual layer, or Glyphs at the FrameworkElement level. It is typically easier to work at a higher level. TextBlock provides a simple but powerful way to incorporate small volumes of formatted text into an application, and it is the workhorse of basic text presentation for most WPF applications. But if you need to represent a multiparagraph document, FlowDocument is the way to go, as it supports the full WPF text object model. The document viewer controls offer either a simple single-column scrolling view, or a column-based paginating viewer. Whichever representation you use, WPF provides access to all the typographical features of your fonts.

[96] * Recall that the default template for a Button includes a ContentPresenter to host the content. If the content is plain text, a ContentPresenter will generate a TextBlock to display that text. This TextBlock inherits the two TextElement properties set on the Button.

[97] * Just to confuse matters, Office also provides a font called Gill Sans, which is a different family—note the missing “MT.” This offers only Normal and Condensed, and only in ultra-bold.

[98] * A carriage return followed directly by a line feed is treated as a single new line. This is the most common convention for representing line ends in Windows. It originates from the days when computer terminals had a keyboard and printer but no screen. The printer used separate control characters to feed a new line of paper (10), and to return the print head to the start of the line (13). This character sequence is completely redundant today, but it is still the norm in Windows thanks to backward compatibility and developer inertia.

[99] * This example flow document is provided in the examples for this book, which you can download from

[100] * You should of course check whether the license for your font permits you to do this.

[101] * You can find an example of how to do this at (

[102] * RichTextBox uses a FlowDocument to represent the text being edited.

[103] * The MSDN documentation already does a fine job of that. For details, see or

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