
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


.csproj files, Building Applications
.NET Framework 3.0, What You Need to Use This Book
Visual Studio 2005 extensions, Editing XAML
.xaml.cs files, XAML
3D graphics, 3D, 3D Graphics
3D data visualization, 3D Data Visualization
analogous 3D and 2D types, Lights
cameras, Cameras
MatrixCamera, Cameras
OrthographicCamera, Cameras, Cameras
PerspectiveCamera, Cameras
coordinate system, Cameras
hit testing, Hit Testing
models, Models
Geometry3D, Models
ModelVisual3D, ModelVisual3D
textures, Textures
transforms, Transforms
MatrixTransform3D, MatrixTransform3D
RotateTransform3D, RotateTransform3D
ScaleTransform3D, ScaleTransform3D
Transform3DGroup, Transform3DGroup
TranslateTransform3D, TranslateTransform3D

XAML object model, working with, Working with the XAML Object Model
parent elements and supported collections, An Example: Creating a Button
XAML properties, working with, Working with XAML Properties


AccelerationRatio and DecelerationRatio properties, Animation Types
access keys, Buttons
menus and, Menus
AccessText element, Buttons
Activated event, Application Events
ActiveX controls and WPF, WPF and ActiveX Controls
AdornerDecorator, Adorners
adorners, Adorners
airspace, Airspace
ambient properties, Properties
AmbientLight, AmbientLight
& (ampersand), Buttons
ampersand (&), Buttons
AnchoredBlock abstract base class, Figures and Floaters
Animatable class, Animatable
animation, Animation, Animation and Media
animating nested properties of properties, Triggers
audio and video, Audio and Video
clocks, controlling with, Controlling Animations with Clocks
properties for monitoring clock progress, Transition Animations
custom animations, Animation Types
dependency properties and, Animation Fundamentals
handoffs, Triggers
IAnimatable interface, IAnimatable
keyframe animations, Speed
path animations, Path Animations
DoubleAnimationUsingPath, Path Animations
MatrixAnimationUsingPath, Path Animations
PointAnimationUsingPath, Path Animations
Silverlight, using for, Animations
storyboards, controlling with, Controlling Animations with Storyboards
methods for monitoring storyboard progress, Controlling Animations with Storyboards
timelines, Timelines
duration, Duration
filling, Filling
hierarchies, Timelines
repetition, Repetition
speed, Speed
timeline properties, Timelines
transition animations, Transition Animations
triggers, Triggers
action types and usage, Triggers
DataTrigger and Trigger, Triggers
types, Animation Fundamentals
Application class, WPF Applications, Explicit Application Creation, Binary Resources and the Application Class
application manifests, The User Experience
Application object, Application Lifetime
applications, WPF Applications, Applications and Settings
application lifetime, Application Lifetime
Activated and Deactivated events, Activated and Deactivated events
application access, Application Access
application events, Application Events
application instancing, Application Instancing
application instancing, desirable features, Single instance applications
dispatcher events, Application Events
Exit events, SessionEnding event
implicit creation, Implicit Application Creation
main windows, Top-Level Windows
SessionEnding events, SessionEnding event
shutdown modes, Application Shutdown Modes
single instance applications, Single instance applications
Startup events, Application Events
top-level windows, Top-Level Windows
application settings, Settings
designing, Settings
integration with WPF, Integrating Settings with WPF
using, Using Settings
building, Building Applications, Where Are We?
content models, Content Models
data binding, Controls
dependency properties, Dependency Properties
deployment, Other Application Services
publishing, Simple Publishing
excuse generator, Other Application Services
layout, XAML Property Element Syntax
resources, Resources
styles, Styles
user experience, The User Experience
ApplicationSettingsBase class, Settings
ArcSegment, Path
arrange phase, layout, Custom Layout
ArrangeOverride method, Custom Layout
ArrayExtension, ArrayExtension
ASP.NET and Silverlight, ASP.NET and Silverlight
dynamic XAML, Commingling with ASP.NET
Assembly class, Binary Resources
assembly manifest resources, Binary Resources
asterisk (*), Column Widths and Row Heights
* (asterisk), Column Widths and Row Heights
asynchronous APIs, Asynchronous and Multithreaded WPF Programming
asynchronous printing, Asynchronous Printing
AsyncOperationManager classes, The Event-Based Asynchronous Pattern
attached events, Attached Events, Attached events
attached properties, DockPanel, DockPanel, Attached properties, Attached Properties
property element syntax and, Attached properties and the property element syntax
attached property syntax, XAML Attached Property Syntax


BackgroundWorker class, BackgroundWorker
BAML, Loading Compiled XAML (BAML)
base classes, Choosing a Base Class, DispatcherObject
Animatable class, Animatable
ContentControl class, ContentControl
ContentElement class, Selector
Control class, Shape
core versus framework parts, UIElement
Decorator class, Decorator
DependencyObject class, DispatcherObject
DispatcherObject class, DispatcherObject
FrameworkContentElement class, FrameworkContentElement
FrameworkElement class, FrameworkElement
Freezable class, FrameworkContentElement
HeaderedContentControl class, HeaderedContentControl
HeaderedItemsControl class, ItemsControl
ItemsControl class, ItemsControl
Panel class, Decorator
Selector class, Selector
Shape class, Shape
UIElement class, UIElement
UserControl class, UserControl
Visual class, Visual
Visual3D class, Visual
BasedOn style attribute, Setting Styles Programmatically
BaselineAlignment, Inline
BeginAnimation method, Animation Fundamentals
BeginInvoke method, Getting Onto the Right Thread with a Dispatcher
lack of corresponding EndInvoke, DispatcherOperation
BeginStoryboard, Triggers
behavior, Code Behind
Bézier curves, Path
binary resources, Binary Resources
Binding class properties, Bindings
Binding markup extension, Binding
binding path syntax, Binding Path Syntax
bindings, Bindings
bitmaps, Bitmaps
BitmapEffects, Bitmap Effects
creating, Creating Bitmaps
encoders and decoders, Bitmap Encoders and Decoders
thumbnails and, Thumbnails
Block base class, Block
BlockUIContainer, BlockUIContainer
common block properties, Paragraph
List, List
Paragraph, Paragraph
Section, Section
Table, List
TextAlignment, Text Alignment
blocking APIs, Transforms, Events, and Nested Interop
Brimelow, Lee, Who This Book Is For
bubbling routed events, Routed Events
code-behind file, Routed Events
built-in markup extensions, Built-in Markup Extensions
ArrayExtension, ArrayExtension
Binding, Binding
ComponentResourceKey, ComponentResourceKey
DynamicResourceExtension, StaticResourceExtension
NullExtension, Built-in Markup Extensions
RelativeSource, RelativeSource
StaticExtension, StaticExtension
StaticResourceExtension, StaticResourceExtension
TemplateBindingExtension, TemplateBindingExtension
TypeExtension, TypeExtension
bump maps, Textures
ButtonBase base class, Mouse Input and Hit Testing, Buttons
buttons, Buttons


C# minimal WPF application, WPF from Scratch
C1 and C2 continuity, Clocks and Control
cameras, Cameras
Canvas, Layout, Layout Basics, Canvas
Silverlight, usage in, Layout Model
Capture method, Mouse State, Ink Input
Captured property, Keyboard Input
CellTemplate property, List View
certificates, The User Experience
CharacterEllipsis, Text Trimming
CheckBox, Buttons
Cider, Editing XAML
classes, generating in XML, Generating Classes
Click events, Mouse Input and Hit Testing
ClickOnce deployment, Other Application Services
important features, WPF ClickOnce Specifics
locally installed and online only, Simple Publishing
user experience, The User Experience
client-side script, Why Silverlight?
clock mode, Simple Media Playback
CLR events, Routed Events and Normal Events
CLR event wrappers, Routed Events and Normal Events
direct routed events, contrasted with, Routed Events
code behind, Code Behind
behavior, Code Behind
code in XAML, Code in XAML
partial classes, Code Behind
code-behind files, XAML
CodeProject, Preface
collection views, Getting the current item
ColumnDefinition elements, Grid, Column Widths and Row Heights
commands, Routed Events, Commands
controls, use in, Buttons
ComponentResourceKey, ComponentResourceKey
composition, Composition
compression, Compression
containers, Where Are We?
content models, Content Models
content presenters, Content Presenters
ContentControl class, Content Models, GroupBox and Expander, ContentControl
ContentElement class, Selector
ContextMenu control, Menus
Control class, Mouse Input and Hit Testing, Shape
control templates, Control Templates, Beyond Styles
built-in templates, examining, Examining the Built-in Templates
content presenters, Content Presenters
data-driven UIs, Data-Driven UI
extending templates, Extending Templates
custom dependency properties, defining, Defining a custom dependency property
repurposing existing properties, Extending Templates
graphics, Graphics
logical and visual trees, Logical and Visual Trees
lookless controls, Beyond Styles, The Control Template Contract
minimal control template, Beyond Styles
performance concerns, Content Presenters
required features, The Control Template Contract
content placeholders, Content placeholders
controls with template parts, Named parts
named parts, Named parts
placeholders indicated by properties, Placeholders indicated by properties
property binding, Property binding
special-purpose elements, Special-Purpose Elements
styles and, Control Templates and Styles
template binding, Template Binding
template triggers, Template Triggers
controllable storyboards, Controlling Animations with Storyboards
controls, Controls, Where Are We?, Controls
access keys, Buttons
commands, use of, Buttons
ContextMenu, Menus
events and, Buttons
GridSplitter, GridSplitter
GroupBox and Expander controls, GroupBox and Expander
lookless controls, Beyond Styles, The Control Template Contract
menus, Menus
methods, use in, Buttons
ProgressBar, ProgressBar
properties, What Are Controls?
RichTextBox, Text Controls
slider and scroll controls, Slider and Scroll Controls
toolbars, Toolbars
ToolTip control, ToolTip
cultures, Global Applications
curly braces ({...}), Markup Extensions
{...} (curly braces), Markup Extensions
current item, Current Item
custom animations, Animation Types
custom classes, WPF Applications
custom control templates, Supporting Templates in Custom Controls
content placeholders, Content Placeholders
named parts, Named Parts
placeholders indicated by properties, Placeholders Indicated by Properties
property binding, Property Binding
custom controls, Custom Controls
adorners, Adorners
AdornerDecorator, Adorners
base classes, Choosing a Base Class
commands, Commands
default styles, Default Styles
design and storage management, Properties
design steps, Custom Control Basics
attached event handlers, Attached events
custom RoutedEvent, Events
functionality, Choosing a Base Class
attached events, Attached events
change notifications for property consumers, Change notifications for property consumers
events, Events
property metadata options, Property metadata options
properties, Custom Functionality
attached properties, Attached properties
value change notification, Value change notification
UserControl, UserControl
XAML, using properties from, Attached properties


data binding, Controls, Simple Data Binding, UI Changes
application example without data binding, Without Data Binding
object changes, Object Changes
UI changes, UI Changes
Binding class’s properties, Bindings
binding one element’s property to another element’s property, Binding to Other Controls
binding path syntax, Binding Path Syntax
binding target and binding source, Implicit Data Source
bindings, Bindings
data context, Bindings
data islands, Data Islands
data templates, XAML Markup Extensions
debugging, Debugging Data Binding
dialogs and, Dialog data exchange
explicit data source, Explicit Data Source
implicit data source, Implicit Data Source
relative sources, Relative Sources
settings classes, Integrating Settings with WPF
text and, Images
UpdateSourceTrigger, Update Source Trigger
using in pages with KeepAlive, Passing Data Between Pages
validation rules, Editable Value Conversion
value conversion, Value Conversion
WPF, in, Data Binding
XAML markup extensions, XAML Markup Extensions
data islands, Data Islands
data source providers, Data Source Providers
ObjectDataProvider, Object Data Provider
asynchronous data retrieval, Asynchronous data retrieval
passing parameters, Asynchronous data retrieval
relational data, binding to, Binding to Relational Data
XML data source providers, XML Data Source Provider
XML dat islands, XML data islands
data templates, Data Templates, Data Templates Redux
DataContext and, Typed data templates
styles and, Data Templates and Styles
setting data templates with, Data Templates with Style
typed data templates, Typed data templates
data triggers, Multicondition Property Triggers
data-centric UIs, Data-Driven UI
data-driven UIs, Data-Driven UI
DataContext property, Implicit Data Source
DataSourceProvider base class, Object Data Provider
Deactivated event, Application Events
debugging and data binding, Debugging Data Binding
DecelerationRatio and AccelerationRatio properties, Animation Types
declarative sorting and grouping of list data, Declarative Sorting and Grouping
decorations, Decorations
Decorator class, Decorator
custom controls and, Choosing a Base Class
Viewbox element, Viewbox
default collection views, list data, Default Collection Views
default styles, Default Styles
dependency properties, Dependency Properties
animation and, Animation Fundamentals
dependency property system, Custom Functionality
DependencyObject, DispatcherObject
DependencyProperty object, Animation Fundamentals
DependentUpon element, Editing XAML
device-independent pixels, Column Widths and Row Heights, Column Widths and Row Heights, Resolution, coordinates, and “pixels”
dialogs, Dialogs
common dialogs, Common Dialogs
custom dialogs, Custom Dialogs
data exchange, Dialog data exchange
data validation, Data validation
look and feel, Dialog look and feel
modeless dialogs, Modeless dialogs
OK and Cancel, Handling OK and Cancel
showing a custom dialog, Custom Dialogs
data binding and, Dialog data exchange
direct routed events, Routed Events
CLR events, contrast with, Routed Events
DirectionalLight, DirectionalLight
discrete keyframes, Keyframe Animations
DiscreteObjectKeyFrame, Animation Types
dispatchers, The Dispatcher
Dispatcher class, The Dispatcher
DispatcherObject, DispatcherObject, DispatcherObject
DispatcherOperation object, DispatcherOperation
DispatcherTimer class, DispatcherTimer
getting onto the right thread, The Dispatcher
multiple UI threads and, Multiple UI Threads and Dispatchers
obtaining, The Dispatcher
DispatcherUnhandledExcexception events, Application Events
display members of data lists, Display Members, Value Members, and Look-Up Bindings
DisplayMemberBinding property, List View
DockPanel, Layout, Layout Basics, WrapPanel
DockPanel.Dock attribute, DockPanel
DoubleAnimation, Animation Fundamentals
DoubleAnimationUsingPath, Path Animations
Downloader, The Silverlight Downloader
DrawGlyphRun method, Glyph runs
drawing object model, Drawing Object Model
updating of images, Drawing Object Model
DrawingBrush class, ImageBrush, DrawingBrush, and VisualBrush, DrawingBrush
DrawingContext drawing operations, Rendering On Demand
DynamicResourceExtension, StaticResourceExtension


element-typed styles, Element-Typed Styles
derived types and, Element-Typed Styles and Derived Types
scoped below the Window, Element-Typed Styles
scoped to the application, Element-Typed Styles
scoped to the Window, Element-Typed Styles
Ellipse, Ellipse
Enhanced Meta File (EMF) format, Printing and XPS
enter actions, Triggers
event handling, sender and args parameters, Event Model
event triggers, Event Triggers
using in animation, Triggers
event-based asynchronous pattern, The Event-Based Asynchronous Pattern
BackgroundWorker class, BackgroundWorker
attached events, Attached events
controls, raising in, Buttons
custom controls and, Events
ExceptionValidationRule, Validation, Validation
exit actions, Triggers
Exit events, SessionEnding event
Expander control, GroupBox and Expander
explicit data source, Explicit Data Source
Expression toolset, Tool Support
Expression Blend, Expression Blend
Expression Design, Expression Design
Expression Media, Expression Media
extended buttons, Mouse State


FieldOfView, Cameras
Figure, Figures and Floaters
Fill property, Base Shape Class
filtering list data, Filtering
findName method, Working with the XAML Object Model
FindResource method, Resource Scope
FixedDocument class, FixedDocument
FixedDocumentSequence class, XPS Document Classes, FixedDocumentSequence
FixedPage class, FixedPage
default size, FixedPage
fonts, bitmaps, and resources, Page content limitations
page content limitations, Page content limitations
page sizing, Page sizing
Flash, Why Silverlight?
Floater, Figures and Floaters
flow documents, Flow Documents and Viewer Controls
FlowDirection property, FlowDirection
focus, Keyboard Input
Focusable and IsFocused properties, Keyboard Input
FolderBrowserDialog, Common Dialogs
FontFamily class, Fonts and Font Families
font classes, Fonts and Font Families
FontSize, FontSize
FontStretch, Stretch
FontStyle, Style
FontWeight, Weight
OpenType fonts, Typography
/ (forward slash), Hierarchical Binding
forward slash(/), Hierarchical Binding
fragment navigation, Fragment Navigation
frames, Frames
FrameworkContentElement class, Inline Styles, FrameworkContentElement
FrameworkElement base class, Inline Styles, Creating and Using Resources, FrameworkElement
FindResource method, Resource Scope
reference to element resources, Reusing Drawings
FrameworkElement base class properties, Common Layout Properties
FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions, Property metadata options
FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.Journal flag, Passing Data Between Pages
Freezable class, ModelVisual3D, FrameworkContentElement


Geometry types, Path
PathGeometry, Path
Geometry3D, Models
GeometryGroup object, Path
GeometryModel3D, Models
GetAnimationBaseValue, IAnimatable
GetManifestResourceStream method, Binary Resources
GetNavigationService method, Pages
GetPosition method, Mouse State
global applications, Global Applications
satellite resource assemblies, Global Applications
XAML, building localizable applications with, Building Localizable Applications with XAML
Glyphs element, FixedPage
GlyphTypeface class, Fonts and Font Families
graphics, Graphics, Graphics
2D transformations, Transformations
3D graphics, 3D
brushes, Shapes, Brushes, and Pens, Brushes and Pens
color, Color
LinearGradientBrush, LinearGradientBrush
RadialGradientBrush, RadialGradientBrush
SolidColorBrush, SolidColorBrush
composition, Composition
drawing object model, Drawing Object Model
memory issues, Resolution Independence
updating of images, Drawing Object Model
DrawingBrush class, DrawingBrush
ImageBrush class, ImageBrush
integration, Graphics
adding graphics to a button, Integration
drawing APIs and control APIs, Integration
XAML and code, Integration
Pen class, Pen
pens, Shapes, Brushes, and Pens
rendering on demand, Visual Layer Programming
resolution independence, Resolution Independence
resolution, coordinates, and pixels, Resolution, coordinates, and “pixels”
scaling and rotation, Scaling and rotation
Shape Stroke properties and Pen equivalents, Base Shape Class
shapes, Shapes, Brushes, and Pens, Composition
Ellipse, Ellipse
Line, Line
Polygon, Polygon
Polyline, Polyline
Rectangle, Base Shape Class
Shape base class, Base Shape Class
shape objects versus geometrics, Base Shape Class
Silverlight, using for, Namespaces
TileBrush base class, ImageBrush, DrawingBrush, and VisualBrush
visual layer programming, Visual Layer Programming
VisualBrush class, VisualBrush
Grid, Layout, Layout Basics
column widths and row heights, Column Widths and Row Heights
automatic sizing, Column Widths and Row Heights
proportional method, Column Widths and Row Heights
ColumnDefinition and RowDefinition elements, Grid, Column Widths and Row Heights
consistency across multiple grids, Consistency Across Multiple Grids
ShowGridLines property, Column Widths and Row Heights
spanning multiple rows and columns, Spanning Multiple Rows and Columns
UniformGrid, UniformGrid
Z order and element order, Grid
zero-based numbering, Grid
grid layout, Grid Layout
GridSplitter control, GridSplitter
GroupBox control, GroupBox and Expander
grouping list data, Grouping
custom group style, Grouping
custom value converters, Grouping
declarative sorting and grouping, Declarative Sorting and Grouping
default group style, Grouping
establishing data groups, Grouping
multiple groups, Grouping


Handled property, Halting Event Routing
handoffs, Triggers
HeaderedContentControl class, GroupBox and Expander, HeaderedContentControl
HeaderedItemsControl class, ItemsControl
Height property, Width and Height
hierarchical binding of list data, Hierarchical Binding
HierarchicalDataTemplate element, Hierarchical Binding
hit testing, Mouse Input and Hit Testing, Hit Testing
HorizontalAlignment property, Width and Height
HTML, Why Silverlight?
client-side script and, What Is Silverlight?
Java and ActiveX enhancements, What Is Silverlight?
navigation to, Navigation to HTML
WPF and, WPF and ActiveX Controls
HWND applications
hosting WPF in, Hosting WPF in Native HWND Apps
interoperability limitations, Limitations of WPF/HWND Interop
airspace, Airspace
transforms, events, and nested interoperability, Transforms, Events, and Nested Interop
Hyperlink element, Pages
hyperlinks, Hyperlinks
hyphenation, Text Wrapping and Hyphenation
language and, Text Alignment


IAnimatable interface, IAnimatable
ICollectionView interface, Getting the current item, Navigating between items
ICollectionView methods, List Data Targets
ICustomTypeDescriptor, Bindings
Image class, Image
ImageBrush class, ImageBrush, DrawingBrush, and VisualBrush, ImageBrush
images and the text object model, Images
ImageSource class, ImageSource
implicit data source, Implicit Data Source
independent mode, Simple Media Playback
inherited properties, Common Text Properties
InitializeComponent method, Window Lifetime
ink, Input
ink input, Ink Input
stylus and ink events, Ink Input
InkCanvas, Ink Input
Inline base class, Decorations, Inline
inline styles, Inline Styles
inline text, Inline
InlineUIContainer, InlineUIContainer
LineBreak, LineBreak
Run, Run
Span, Span
INotifyCollectionChanged interface, List Changes
INotifyPropertyChanged interface, Object Changes, Implicit Data Source
input, Input
code-based handling versus triggers, Code-Based Input Handling Versus Triggers
commands, Commands
extension openess, Attached Events
integration, Graphics
interoperability, Interoperability
ActiveX controls, WPF and ActiveX Controls
HWND limitations, Limitations of WPF/HWND Interop
airspace, Airspace
transforms, events, and nested interoperability, Transforms, Events, and Nested Interop
hosting WPF in, Hosting WPF in Native HWND Apps
WPF and, WPF and HWNDs
Windows Form Controls, hosting in WPF, Hosting a Windows Form Control in WPF
WPF controls, hosting in Windows Forms, Hosting a WPF Control in Windows Forms
Invoke method, Getting Onto the Right Thread with a Dispatcher
IProvideCustomContentState interface, Passing Data Between Pages
IScrollInfo, Scrollable Region and IScrollInfo
IsFocused and Focusable properties, Keyboard Input
IsHitTestVisible property, Transition Animations
item container generation, List Controls
items panel templates, Content placeholders
ItemsControl base class, List Controls, ItemsControl
ItemsControl-derived controls, Display Members, Value Members, and Look-Up Bindings


Januszewski, Karsten, Who This Book Is For
JPEG bitmap, creating, Thumbnails


KeepAlive switch, Passing Data Between Pages
page functions and, Page Functions
XBAPS and, Navigation to HTML
keyboard input, Keyboard Input
keyboard input events, Keyboard Input
keyboard state, Keyboard State
keyframe animations, Speed
animation types, Keyframe Animations
discrete style, Keyframe Animations
Silverlight, usage in, Animations


layout, XAML Property Element Syntax, Layout
attached properties and, DockPanel
common layout properties, Common Layout Properties
FlowDirection, FlowDirection
HorizontalAlignment and VerticalAlignment, HorizontalAlignment and VerticalAlignment
Margin, Margin
MinWidth, MaxWidth, MinHeight, and MaxHeight, MinWidth, MaxWidth, MinHeight, and MaxHeight
Padding, Padding
Panel.ZIndex property, Panel.ZIndex
RenderTransform and LayoutTransform, RenderTransform and LayoutTransform
Visibility, Visibility
Width and Height, Width and Height
custom layout, Custom Layout
measure and arrange, Custom Layout
non-fitting content, When Content Doesn’t Fit
rotation of content, RenderTransform and LayoutTransform
ScrollViewer control, ScrollViewer
IScrollInfo, Scrollable Region and IScrollInfo
Viewbox element, Viewbox
layout model, Silverlight, Layout Model
LayoutTransform property, RenderTransform and LayoutTransform, Scaling and rotation
Left property, Window Location and Size
ligatures, Typography
standard and discretionary, Typography
lights, Lights
AmbientLight, AmbientLight
calculations, specular power and model detail, EmissiveMaterial
DirectionalLight, DirectionalLight
PointLight, PointLight
SpotLight, PointLight
Line, Line
list controls, List Controls
ListView, List View
TreeView, Tree View
list data binding, Binding to List Data
adding items to data bound collections, List Changes
binding list elements to list data sources, List Data Targets
current item, Current Item
getting the current item, Getting the current item
navigating between items, Navigating between items
data templates, Data Templates
DataContext and, Typed data templates
typed data templates, Typed data templates
declarative sorting and grouping, Declarative Sorting and Grouping
default collection views, Default Collection Views
display members, value members, and look-up bindings, Display Members, Value Members, and Look-Up Bindings
filtering, Filtering
grouping, Grouping
custom group style, Grouping
custom value converters, Grouping
default group style, Grouping
establishing data groups, Grouping
multiple groups, Grouping
hierarchical binding, Hierarchical Binding
INotifyCollectionChanged interface, List Changes
list changes, List Changes
list data targets, List Data Targets
ListBox control, List Data Targets
look-up tables, binding to, Display Members, Value Members, and Look-Up Bindings
master-detail binding, Master-Detail Binding
SelectedValue, Display Members, Value Members, and Look-Up Bindings
sorting, Sorting
ToString method and, Display Members, Value Members, and Look-Up Bindings
ListBox class, Display Members, Value Members, and Look-Up Bindings
locally installed applications, Simple Publishing
logical focus, Keyboard Input
logical trees, Logical and Visual Trees
look-up bindings, Display Members, Value Members, and Look-Up Bindings
look-up tables
binding to selected values, Data Templates
data, binding to, Display Members, Value Members, and Look-Up Bindings
helper for populating, Display Members, Value Members, and Look-Up Bindings
suitable for binding, Display Members, Value Members, and Look-Up Bindings
LookDirection property, Cameras
lookless controls, Beyond Styles, The Control Template Contract


Main entry point, XAML
main windows, Top-Level Windows
Margin property, Margin
markup extensions, XAML Markup Extensions, Markup Extensions
built-in markup extensions, Built-in Markup Extensions
ArrayExtension, ArrayExtension
Binding, Binding
ComponentResourceKey, ComponentResourceKey
DynamicResourceExtension, StaticResourceExtension
NullExtension, Built-in Markup Extensions
RelativeSource, RelativeSource
StaticExtension, StaticExtension
StaticResourceExtension, StaticResourceExtension
TemplateBindingExtension, TemplateBindingExtension
TypeExtension, TypeExtension
master-detail binding, Master-Detail Binding
forward slash ( / ), Hierarchical Binding
DiffuseMaterial, Materials
EmissiveMaterial, EmissiveMaterial
MaterialGroup, EmissiveMaterial
SpecularMaterial, SpecularMaterial
MatrixAnimationUsingPath, Path Animations
MatrixCamera, Cameras
MatrixTransform3D, MatrixTransform3D
MaxHeight property, Width and Height
MaxWidth property, Width and Height
measure phase, layout, Custom Layout
MeasureOverride method, Custom Layout
measuring text, using Silverlight for, Measuring Text
media playback, Transition Animations
MediaElement, Simple Media Playback, Simple Media Playback
clock mode, Simple Media Playback
slipping, Slipping
MediaElement tag, Controlling Media
MediaTimeline, Timelines, Using MediaElement in Clock Mode
menus, Menus
access keys and, Menus
MeshGeometry3D, Geometry3D, 3D Data Visualization
methods, using controls in, Buttons
Microsoft Expression Blend and Microsoft Expression Design, Editing XAML
Microsoft WPF community site, Who This Book Is For
MinHeight property, Width and Height
MinWidth property, Width and Height
mnemonics, Buttons
modal dialogs, Dialogs
Model View Controller (MVC), What Are Controls?
Model3D, Models
Model3DGroup, Models
modeless dialogs, Dialogs
ModelVisual3D, ModelVisual3D, 3D Data Visualization
Mouse class, Mouse State, Keyboard Input
mouse cursors, usage in Silverlight, Mouse Cursors
mouse input, Mouse Input
hit testing and, Mouse Input and Hit Testing
mouse input events, Mouse Input
mouse state, Mouse State
OverrideCursor property, Keyboard Input
MoveCurrentTo methods, Navigating between items
msbuild tool, Building Applications
multicondition data triggers, Multicondition Data Triggers
multicondition property triggers, Multiple Triggers
multiple triggers, Multiple Triggers
MVC (Model View Controller), What Are Controls?
MyApp.resources.dll file, Global Applications


named styles, Named Styles
namespaces, Namespaces
Silverlight, using for, Namespaces
XPS, for working with, XPS Document Classes
Navigate method, Pages
NavigateUri property, Pages
navigation hosts, Frames
HTML, navigation to, Navigation to HTML
navigation services, Pages
navigation windows, NavigationWindow
fragment navigation, Fragment Navigation
loose XAML, Loose XAML
NavigationService class, Pages
NavigationWindow class, NavigationWindow
nearest neighbor algorithm, Resolution, coordinates, and “pixels”
NullExtension, Built-in Markup Extensions


ObjectDataProvider, Object Data Provider
online only applications, Simple Publishing
OnRender method, Visual Layer Programming
Open Packaging Conventions (OPC), Open Packaging Conventions
OpenFileDialog, Common Dialogs
OpenType fonts, Typography
standard and discretionary ligatures, Typography
Orientation property, DockPanel
OrthographicCamera, Cameras, Cameras
OverrideCursor property, Keyboard Input
overriding style properties, Overriding Style Properties
owner (windows), Window Owners


pack URIs, Pack URIs
Padding property, Common Layout Properties, Margin
Page class, Pages
pages, XAML Browser Applications (XBAPs), Pages
data binding and KeepAlive, Passing Data Between Pages
page functions, Page Functions
KeepAlive switch and, Page Functions
page lifetime, Page Lifetime
passing data between pages, Passing Data Between Pages
pop-up windows, Page Functions
painters algorithm, Airspace
Panel class, Decorator
Panel.ZIndex, Panel.ZIndex
panels, Layout, Layout Basics
panel types, Layout Basics
Canvas, Canvas
DockPanel, WrapPanel
Grid, Grid
StackPanel, Layout Basics
WrapPanel, StackPanel
panning shots, Cameras
parallax, Cameras
ParallelTimeline, Hierarchy
partial classes, Code Behind
partial keyword, XAML
Path, Polygon
Bézier curves, Path
combining shapes, Combining shapes
Geometry types, Path
Path geometry text format, Path geometry text format
transparency, Path
path animations, Path Animations
DoubleAnimationUsingPath, Path Animations
MatrixAnimationUsingPath, Path Animations
PointAnimationUsingPath, Path Animations
PathGeometry, Path
Pen class, Pen
PerspectiveCamera, Cameras
pixels, Column Widths and Row Heights, Column Widths and Row Heights
device-independent pixels, Column Widths and Row Heights, Column Widths and Row Heights, Resolution, coordinates, and “pixels”
pixel doubling algorithm, Resolution, coordinates, and “pixels”
resolution and, Resolution, coordinates, and “pixels”
PointAnimationUsingPath, Path Animations
PointLight, PointLight
attenuation, PointLight
Polygon, Polygon
Polyline, Polyline
pop-up windows, Page Functions
presentation frameworks, WPF from Scratch
Preview, Routed Events
PrintDialog, Common Dialogs, PrintDialog
printing, 3D
asynchronous printing, Asynchronous Printing
FixedDocuments, Printing Fixed Documents
visuals, Printing Visuals
with document paginators, Printing with Document Paginators
PrintQueue, PrintQueue
PrintServer, PrintQueue
PrintSystemJobInfo, PrintSystemJobInfo
PrintTicket and PrintCapabilities classes, PrintSystemJobInfo
ProgressBar, ProgressBar
ProjectionMatrix, Cameras
properties, What Are Controls?, Custom Functionality
ambient properties, Properties
attached properties, Attached Properties
property element syntax and, Attached properties and the property element syntax
inherited properties, Common Text Properties
property element syntax, XAML, XAML Property Element Syntax, Property Element Syntax
attached properties, Attached properties and the property element syntax
property triggers, Triggers
Publish Wizard, Simple Publishing
publish.htm file, Simple Publishing


RadioButton, Buttons
RangeBase class, ProgressBar, Text Controls
relative sources, Relative Sources
RelativeSource markup extension, Binding
RelativeSource property, Relative Sources
RemoveStoryboard and StopStoryboard, Triggers
rendering on demand, Visual Layer Programming
RenderTargetBitmap, ImageSource
RenderTransform property, RenderTransform and LayoutTransform, Measuring Text
RepeatBehavior property, Repetition
resolution independence, Resolution Independence
resolution, coordinates, and pixels, Resolution, coordinates, and “pixels”
scaling and rotation, Scaling and rotation
ResourceDictionary class, Creating and Using Resources
ResourceManager.GetStream method, Global Applications
resources, Resources, Resources, Global Applications
binary resources, Binary Resources
Application class and, Binary Resources and the Application Class
assembly manifest resources, Binary Resources
pack URIs, Pack URIs
global applications, Global Applications
cultures, Global Applications
satellite resource assemblies, Global Applications
XAML, building localizable applications with, Building Localizable Applications with XAML
references, Using system-scope resources
resources from markup, using, Resource References
self-updating system resource reference, Resource References
reusing drawings, Reusing Drawings
scope, Creating and Using Resources
system-scope resources, defining, Defining custom system-scope resources
system-scope resources, using, Using system-scope resources
styles and, Styles, Resources and Styles
implicit use of styles, Resources and Styles
skins and themes, Skins and Themes
retained mode rendering, Rendering On Demand
RichTextBox control, Text Controls
right-handed coordinate system, Models
RootBrowserWindow, XBAPs
RotateTransform class, Transformations
RotateTransform3D, RotateTransform3D
routed events, Routed Events
attached events, Attached Events
bubbling, tunneling, and direct routed events, Routed Events
CLR events and, Routed Events and Normal Events
halting event routing, Halting Event Routing
normal events and, Routed Events and Normal Events
target, determining, Halting Event Routing
RowDefinition elements, Grid, Column Widths and Row Heights


satellite resource assemblies, Global Applications
SaveFileDialog, Common Dialogs
ScaleTransform, Transformations
ScaleTransform3D, ScaleTransform3D
scroll controls, Slider and Scroll Controls
ScrollViewer control, ScrollViewer
IScrollInfo, Scrollable Region and IScrollInfo
SeekAlignedToLastTick, Controlling Animations with Storyboards
segment types, Path
SelectedItem and SelectedIndex properties, List Controls
SelectedValue, Display Members, Value Members, and Look-Up Bindings
Selector class, Selector
senders, Halting Event Routing
SessionEnding events, SessionEnding event
Settings Designer, Designing Settings
Shape base class, Base Shape Class, Base Shape Class, Shape
Show method, Window Lifetime
ShowDialog method, Window Lifetime, Available common dialogs
ShowGridLines property, Column Widths and Row Heights
ShowMeTheTemplate sample, Examining the Built-in Templates
Silverlight, Silverlight, Where Are We?
animations, controlling, Controlling Animations
execution, Controlling animation execution
storyboards, delaying, Delaying storyboards
ASP.NET and, ASP.NET and Silverlight
dynamic XAML, Commingling with ASP.NET
compatibility with WPF, Silverlight XAML
controlling media, Controlling Media
createObject function, Hello, Silverlight
development model, Development Model
end-user installation, End-User Installation
Event model, Event Model
hosting in HTML, Development Model
XAML errors, handling, End-User Installation
dynamic XAML, Creating Dynamic XAML
event handling, Event Model
bubbling, tunneling, and direct events, Working with XAML Properties
examples, Examples in the World
creating a button, An Example: Creating a Button
HTML, mixing with, Mixing Silverlight and HTML
plug-in, The Plug-in
sample document, Hello, Silverlight
Silverlight downloader, The Silverlight Downloader
supported transformations, Animations
tool support, Tool Support
Expression toolset, Tool Support
Photoshop and Illustrator files, importing, Other Tools
Visual Studio, Visual Studio
Version 1.1 (alpha), A Taste of Silverlight 1.1
WPF and, What Is Silverlight?, Silverlight and WPF
WPF, contrasted with, Where Are We?
XAML and user controls, XAML and User Controls
XAML markup, Why Silverlight?, Silverlight XAML
animations, Animations
graphics, Graphics
layout model, Layout Model
measuring text, Measuring Text
mouse cursors, Mouse Cursors
namespaces, Namespaces
transformations, Transformations
simple animations, Animations
SizeToContent property, Window Location and Size
SkewTransform class, Transformations
slider controls, Slider and Scroll Controls
control templates and, Special-Purpose Elements
slipping, Slipping
smiley face XAML, Hello, Silverlight
Sneath, Tim, Who This Book Is For
sorting list data, Sorting
declarative sorting and grouping, Declarative Sorting and Grouping
SpecularPower, SpecularMaterial
SpeedRatio property, Speed
spellchecking in TextBox and RichTextBox, Text Controls
SpotLight, PointLight
STA thread, Explicit Application Creation, The WPF Threading Model, The Event-Based Asynchronous Pattern
StackPanel, Layout, Layout Basics
star sizing, Column Widths and Row Heights
Startup events, Application Events
StartupUri property, Pages
STAThread attribute, WPF from Scratch
StaticExtension, StaticExtension
StaticResourceExtension, StaticResourceExtension
StopStoryboard and RemoveStoryboard, compared, Triggers
Storyboard class, Controlling Animations with Storyboards
Storyboard element, Controlling Animations
Stretch property, Viewbox
Stroke property, Base Shape Class
Style element, Animation
Style.Triggers element, Property Triggers
styles, Styles, Styles
control templates and, Control Templates and Styles
data templates and, Data Templates and Styles
setting with styles, Data Templates with Style
element-typed styles, Element-Typed Styles
derived types and, Element-Typed Styles and Derived Types
scoped below the Window, Element-Typed Styles
scoped to the application, Element-Typed Styles
scoped to the Window, Element-Typed Styles
extending, Overriding Style Properties
inline styles, Inline Styles
named styles, Named Styles
programming example without styles, Without Styles
control properties, setting individually, Without Styles
reusing, Reusing Styles
setting programmatically, Setting Styles Programmatically
style properties, overriding, Overriding Style Properties
TargetType attribute, Named Styles
triggers, Triggers
data triggers, Multicondition Property Triggers
event triggers, Event Triggers
multicondition data triggers, Multicondition Data Triggers
multicondition property triggers, Multiple Triggers
multiple triggers, Multiple Triggers
property triggers, Property Triggers
Stylus class, Ink Input
stylus events, Ink Input
Swanson, Michael, Editing XAML
synchronous APIs, Asynchronous and Multithreaded WPF Programming
System.Boolean setting, Settings
System.IO.Packaging namespace, XPS Document Classes
System.Printing namespace, Compression
System.String setting, Settings
System.Windows.Controls.Primitives namespace, Special-Purpose Elements
System.Windows.Documents, XPS Document Classes
System.Windows.Shapes namespace, Shapes
SystemColors, SystemFonts, and System Parameters classes, Resource Scope


TabControl, List Controls
TargetType attribute, Named Styles
template binding, Template Binding
Template property, Control Templates
TemplateBindingExtension, TemplateBindingExtension
templated parent, Template Binding
item panel templates, Content placeholders
text, Text and Flow Documents
common text properties, Common Text Properties
decorations, Decorations
flow documents, Flow Documents and Viewer Controls
FlowDirection property and, FlowDirection
fonts, Fonts and Font Families
FontSize, FontSize
FontStretch, Stretch
FontStyle, Style
FontWeight, Weight
Glyphs class, Glyphs
hyphenation, Text Wrapping and Hyphenation
language and, Text Alignment
text alignment, Text Alignment
text controls, Text Controls
text wrapping, Text Wrapping and Hyphenation
WrapWithOverflow, Text Wrapping and Hyphenation
TextBlock element, Text and the User Interface
Label and AccessText, Label and AccessText
text with mixed content, TextBlock
trimming, Text Trimming
typography, TextPointer
underlines and strikethroughs, Decorations
user interface and, Text and the User Interface
visual layer text, Visual Layer Text
FormattedText, Glyph runs
GlyphRuns, Glyph runs
text controls, Text Controls
Label, Label
text object model, Glyphs
Block, InlineUIContainer
BlockUIContainer, BlockUIContainer
common block properties, Paragraph
List, List
Paragraph, Paragraph
Section, Section
Table, List
coding with, Coding with the Text Object Model
Figures and Floaters, Figures and Floaters
images, Figures and Floaters
inline text, Inline
InlineUIContainer, InlineUIContainer
LineBreak, LineBreak
Run, Run
Span, Span
text and data binding, Images
TextBlock style, Animation
TextDecorations property, Decorations
TextElement class, Common Text Properties
inherited properties, Common Text Properties
TextInput events, Keyboard Input
textures, Textures
themes/generic.xaml files, Default Styles
thirteen23, Preface
thread affinity, The WPF Threading Model
thumbnails, Thumbnails
TileBrush base class, ImageBrush, DrawingBrush, and VisualBrush
timelines, Timelines
duration, Duration
filling, Filling
hierarchies, Timelines
ParallelTimeline, Hierarchy
repetition, Repetition
speed, Speed
timeline properties, Timelines
ToggleButton class, Buttons
toolbars, Toolbars
ToolTip control, ToolTip
top-level windows of, GroupBox and Expander
Top property, Window Location and Size
top-level windows, Top-Level Windows
TopMost property, Window Location and Size
ToString method and list data binding, Display Members, Value Members, and Look-Up Bindings
Track controls and control templates, Special-Purpose Elements
tracking shots, Cameras
TransformGroup class, Transformations
transforms, RenderTransform and LayoutTransform
2D graphics, Resolution Independence, Transformations
transform types, Transformations
TranslateTransform class, Transformations
3D graphics, Transforms
MatrixTransform3D, MatrixTransform3D
RotateTransform3D class, RotateTransform3D
ScaleTransform3D class, TranslateTransform3D
Transform3DGroup class, Transform3DGroup
TranslateTransform3D class, TranslateTransform3D
tree binding, Hierarchical Binding
TreeView control, Tree View
data binding and, Tree View
TriangleIndices property, Geometry3D
triggers, Triggers
animation, in, Triggers
control template triggers, Template Triggers
data triggers, Multicondition Property Triggers
event triggers, Event Triggers
multicondition data triggers, Multicondition Data Triggers
multicondition property triggers, Multiple Triggers
multiple triggers, Multiple Triggers
property triggers, Property Triggers
tunneling routed events, Routed Events
code-behind file, Routed Events
type conversion versus value conversion, Editable Value Conversion
typed dataset designer, Binding to Relational Data
TypeExtension, TypeExtension
Typeface class, Fonts and Font Families


UI elements, StackPanel
content and size, StackPanel
content space and properties, StackPanel
UIElement base class, UIElement
command bindings, Command Bindings
focus properties, Keyboard Input
mouse input events, Mouse Input
UIs (user interfaces)
data-driven UIs, Data-Driven UI
Windows Forms UI framework, compared to, Where Are We?
description in XAML, XAML
text and, TextBlock
underscore ( _ ), Buttons
_ (underscore), Buttons
Unicode and text flow, FlowDirection
UniformGrid, Layout, Layout Basics, UniformGrid
UpdateSourceTrigger, Update Source Trigger
UpDirection property, Cameras
UserControl class, UserControl, UserControl


validation, Editable Value Conversion
ValidationError, Validation
ValidationResult class, Custom validation rules
ValidationRule base class, Validation, Custom validation rules
value conversion, Value Conversion
editable value conversion, Editable Value Conversion
type conversion, versus, Editable Value Conversion
value members of data lists, Display Members, Value Members, and Look-Up Bindings
VerticalAlignment property, Width and Height
VerticalAnchor property, Figures and Floaters
Viewbox element, Viewbox
Stretch property, Viewbox
viewer controls and flow documents, Flow Documents and Viewer Controls
ViewMatrix property, Models
Viewport3D element, 3D Content in a 2D World
Viewport3D, Camera property, Cameras
VirtualizingStackPanel, Scrollable Region and IScrollInfo
Visibility property, Visibility, Window Visibility and State
Visual class, Visual
visual layer programming, Visual Layer Programming
visual layer text, Visual Layer Text
FormattedText, Glyph runs
GlyphRuns, Glyph runs
Visual Studio, What You Need to Use This Book, Visual Studio
.NET Framework 3.0 extensions, Editing XAML
binary resource streams, embedding into applications, Binary Resources
custom windows, defining in XAML, Window Lifetime
DependentUpon element and, Editing XAML
file format, Building Applications
getting a Page class skeleton, Pages
getting an XBAP application skeleton, XBAPs
interoperability, Hosting WPF in Native HWND Apps
lack of WPF localization support, Building Localizable Applications with XAML
Silverlight project type installer, Expression Blend
typed dataset designer, Binding to Relational Data
WPF applications settings mechanism, Settings
WPF extensions and .NET Framework 3.0, download sites, What You Need to Use This Book
XBAP execution, XBAP Publication and Deployment
XBAP publication, Simple Publishing
visual trees, Logical and Visual Trees
Visual3D class, Visual
VisualBrush class, ImageBrush, DrawingBrush, and VisualBrush, VisualBrush
visuals, printing, Printing Visuals


Width property, Width and Height
Window class, Window
Window1 class, WPF Applications
windows, Windows and Dialogs
lifetime, Window Lifetime
associated events, Window Lifetime
location and size, Window Location and Size
look and feel, Window Look and Feel
modal and modeless showing, Window Lifetime
owners, Window Owners
resize modes, Window Location and Size
visibility and state, Window Visibility and State
Windows Application (WPF) project template, Editing XAML
Windows form controls, hosting in WPF, Hosting a Windows Form Control in WPF
Windows Forms compared to data-driven UI frameworks, Where Are We?
WindowStartupLocation property, Window Location and Size
WindowState property, Window Visibility and State
WordEllipsis, Text Trimming
WPF assemblies, Building Applications
WPF Designer, Editing XAML
WrapPanel, Layout, Layout Basics, StackPanel
Orientation property, DockPanel
WrapWithOverflow, Text Wrapping and Hyphenation


x:Class property, Window Lifetime
XAML, WPF Applications, XAML
attached property syntax, XAML Attached Property Syntax
code behind, Code Behind
code in XAML, Code in XAML
collections, declaring in, Binding to List Data
custom controls, using properties in, Attached properties
editing, Editing XAML
example file, XAML Essentials
children, Children
classes, generating, Generating Classes
namespaces, Namespaces
properties, Properties
examples, StackPanel
loading, Loading XAML
loading compiled XAML (BAML), Parsing XAML at Runtime
parsing at runtime, Parsing XAML at Runtime
loose XAML, Loose XAML
markup extensions, XAML Markup Extensions, Markup Extensions
built-in markup extensions, Built-in Markup Extensions
namespace mapping syntax, XAML Namespace Mapping Syntax
navigation windows and, Loose XAML
properties, Children
attached properties, Attached Properties
property element syntax, XAML Property Element Syntax, Property Element Syntax
ResourceDictionary, populating, Creating and Using Resources
Silverlight and, What Is Silverlight?, Silverlight XAML
smiley face, Hello, Silverlight
user controls and, XAML and User Controls
WPF and, XAML Essentials
XBAPs (XAML Browser Applications), XAML Browser Applications (XBAPs)
XamlPad tool, Editing XAML
XBAPs (XAML Browser Applications), XBAPs
KeepAlive switch and, Navigation to HTML
NavigationWindow and, Pages
publication and deployment, XBAP Publication and Deployment
namespace prefixes, Namespaces
Office Open XML standards suite, Open Packaging Conventions
XML data binding, XML Data Source Provider
programmatic binding, XML binding without the data source provider
XML data source providers, XML Data Source Provider
XML data islands, XML data islands
XmlDataProvider, Object Data Provider
XmlnsDefinitionAttribute, Namespaces
XPS (XML Paper Specification), XPS, XPS
displaying fixed documents, Displaying Fixed Documents
file structure, XPS Document Classes
FixedDocument class, FixedDocument
FixedDocumentSequence, FixedDocumentSequence
FixedPage, FixedPage
FixedPage class
fonts, bitmaps, and resources, Page content limitations
page content limitations, Page content limitations
page sizing, Page sizing
namespaces for working with, XPS Document Classes
outputting to files, Generating XPS Output
XPS document classes, XPS Document Classes
XPS file generation features, XPS File Generation Features
compression, Compression
core document properties, Core Document Properties
hyperlinks, Hyperlinks
package-level XPS API, Package-Level XPS API
thumbnails, Thumbnails
XPS output, generating, Generating XPS Output
XPS viewer application, Displaying Fixed Documents
XpsDocumentWriter class, Generating XPS Output
XPS, System.Printing namespace, Compression
media description, Media Description
PrintDialog, PrintDialog
PrintQueue, PrintQueue
PrintServer, PrintQueue
PrintSystemJobInfo, PrintSystemJobInfo
PrintTicket and PrintCapabilities, PrintTicket and PrintCapabilities


Z order, Grid
ZAM 3D, Editing XAML
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