Chapter 18. Custom Controls

One of the benefits of WPF is that you don’t need to write custom controls as often as you would have to in many user interface frameworks. If you need to customize the appearance of an existing control or adjust its superficial interactive behavior, WPF provides various tools that can let you do this. In earlier chapters, we saw features such as composability, content models, styling, templates, animation, and integrated graphics support. These let you customize existing controls extensively without having to write a new control type.

Custom controls still have a place, of course. As we saw in Chapter 5, the role of a control is to define essential behavior. For example, although you can customize and animate the visuals of a button to your heart’s content, it still retains its essence—it is just something clickable. If the behavior you require is not provided by any existing controls, and you cannot create it by bolting a few controls together, you will need to write a custom control.

If you want your control to be reusable, you will want it to have the same kind of flexibility that the built-in controls offer, such as support for rich content, styling, and templates. In this chapter, we will see how to make your custom controls take advantage of the same powerful flexibility as the built-in controls.

Custom Control Basics

Before you write a custom control, the first question you should ask is:

Do I really need a custom control?

One of the main reasons for writing custom controls in older user interface technologies is to modify the appearance of a control, but as we’ve seen in earlier chapters, content models and templates mean this is often unnecessary. WPF offers a progressive scale of customization techniques that you should bear in mind when considering writing a custom control:

  1. Use properties to modify the appearance or behavior of an existing control.

  2. Compose existing controls.

  3. Nest content in an existing control.

  4. Replace the template of an existing control.

  5. Create a custom control or other custom element.

This sequence offers increasing levels of power in exchange for slightly more effort at each step. Only if 1–4 don’t meet your needs is writing some kind of custom element such as a custom control likely to be the answer.

An important indicator of whether you need to write a new control (or some other custom visual element type) is whether you plan to add new API features. Even in this case, you should consider carefully what type of custom element to write—controls are not the only kind of element. You might get more flexibility by writing a lower-level element that you can integrate into the visuals of an existing control. For example, a lot of the elements that make WPF so flexible, such as layout classes and shapes, derive from FrameworkElement, but are not in fact controls (i.e., they do not derive from the Control base class).

If you are certain that a custom element is the best way to proceed, you will need to work through a number of design steps. First, you must pick the base class—will it derive from FrameworkElement, Control, or one of the other base types provided by WPF? Then you must define the API, deciding what properties, events, and commands your class will provide. Finally, if your new element is to provide the same flexibility that built-in classes offer, you will need to pay careful attention to the interface between the element and its template.

Choosing a Base Class

WPF provides many classes from which you can derive when creating custom elements. Figure 18-1 shows a set of classes that are most likely to be suitable base classes, and illustrates the inheritance relationship between them. Note that this is by no means a complete inheritance diagram—it simply shows the classes you should consider as possible base classes.

Partial class hierarchy, showing candidate base classes for custom elements
Figure 18-1. Partial class hierarchy, showing candidate base classes for custom elements

Whichever base class you choose, your element will derive directly or indirectly from FrameworkElement. This offers event routing, advanced property handling, animation, data binding, layout support, styling, and logical tree integration.


It is not an absolute requirement to derive from FrameworkElement. Chapter 13 discussed the low-level visual layer graphics API, and although the example in that chapter derived from FrameworkElement, you can derive directly from UIElement when using the low-level drawing API. However, you would lose all of the services FrameworkElement offers. The main reason UIElement exists is that Microsoft wanted to make it possible to use WPF’s low-level rendering services without being obliged to use the whole WPF framework. In practice, you would not normally do this.

Deriving directly from FrameworkElement might be appropriate for an element designed to be composed into other elements. For example, consider an element that binds to a data source and renders the data as a graph. You might be tempted to make this derive from Control. However, the raw graph drawing element would usually be used in conjunction with other elements such as TextBlock to provide labels for the graph and its axes. It might therefore make more sense to separate the graph drawing into a low-level element, which could then be incorporated into the visuals of any number of different controls.


It is possible to use controls inside the template of other controls. But if you find yourself writing a custom control purely to be used in the template of another custom control, you probably need to review your choice of base class.

If you are writing an element that performs custom layout logic, you should derive from Panel to be consistent with the built-in layout elements.

If you are writing an element that wraps around another element, augmenting it in some way, consider deriving from Decorator. Many built-in elements derive from Decorator. For example, there is Border, which adds a border around an element. There is also ViewBox, which automatically scales the element that it wraps to fill the available space. If you wish to provide some kind of wrapper that adds functionality around other content, consider deriving from Decorator.

The Adorner base class is designed for elements such as selection outlines and drag handles. WPF renders adorners so that they appear on top of all other elements. For example, if a selected shape in a drawing program were mostly obscured by other shapes on top of it, its selection outline would still be visible if rendered as an adorner. The Adorners section, later in this chapter, describes how to write an adorner.

Shape is the base class of elements such as Rectangle and Path. If your application makes heavy use of some shape that can be represented with a PathGeometry, you can derive your own shape class instead of having to use the Path type every time. For example, if you wanted lots of stars in your application, you could derive a Star class from Shape. When writing your own shape, you generate the appearance by overriding the DefiningGeometry property. The base Shape class’s OnRender will render the Geometry you provide, and will automatically handle the Stretch property for you by applying a transform. If you want to handle how your object changes shape when stretched—the default behavior might distort the shape in an unacceptable way—you can take complete control by overriding the OnRender method, as shown in Chapter 13.

If your element provides behavior, or supports user interactions not available from built-in components, it is appropriate to derive from Control, either directly or indirectly. For example, if you want to make an interactive graphing component, where the user can click on items in the graph to inspect them, or zoom around, you would typically write this as a control (and its template might use the lower-level graph rendering element you wrote earlier).

Control offers several derived classes, augmenting the basic control functionality. If you are writing a control that provides a space in which the user can place some content (e.g., a caption), you should derive from ContentControl—this provides your control with support for the content model. If your control supports content in both a header caption and the main area (like a tab page), consider deriving from HeaderedContentControl.

If you need to present multiple child items, first consider whether the combination of ListBox, data binding, templates, and styles will meet your requirements. Data binding and styling enable WPF’s list controls such as ListBox and TreeView to handle a wide range of scenarios for which their Win32 and Windows Forms forebears are unsuited. If you need extra functionality not provided by the built-in list controls, you should consider deriving your custom element type from either Selector or its base class, ItemsControl. ItemsControl provides the basic support for controls containing lists of items, including optional data binding functionality. Selector augments this with the ability to track a currently selected item or set of items.

Custom Functionality

Once you have picked a base class, you will need to devise an API for your control. WPF elements usually expose the majority of their functionality through properties, events, and commands, because these get extensive support from the framework and are easily used from XAML. WPF can provide automatic support for routing of events and commands, and its dependency property system provides support for many framework features such as data binding, styling, triggers, and animation. You can, of course, write methods as well, and for certain kinds of functionality, methods are the best approach. (For example, the ListBox has a ScrollIntoView method that ensures that a particular item is visible. This is a useful thing to be able to do from code.) But, you should prefer properties, events, and commands where they are a reasonable fit.


The .NET type system provides a standard way of defining properties for an object. It prescribes a convention for supplying get and set accessor methods, but the implementation of these, and the way in which the property value is stored, is left up to the developer.[117] In WPF, elements normally use the dependency property system. .NET-style property accessors are typically provided, but these are just wrappers around dependency properties (DPs), added for convenience.

The get and set accessors required to wrap the DP system are trivial—just a single method call for each, as you’ll see shortly. In exchange for this minimal amount of code, the DP system adds a number of features that standard .NET properties do not normally offer. For example, a DP can inherit its value from a parent element. Confusingly, this is different from the classic OO meaning of inheritance, where a derived class inherits features from its base class (although DPs also support inheritance in that sense). Property value inheritance is a more dynamic feature, allowing a property to be set on a single element and automatically propagate to all of its children. For example, all elements have a Cursor property to control the mouse cursor. This property uses value inheritance, meaning that if you set the Cursor on an element, all of the child elements will automatically get the same Cursor property value. (You will be familiar with this idea if you’ve used Windows Forms, in which ambient properties offer the same feature.)

Besides supporting inheritance, DPs can also pick up their values automatically from elsewhere, such as data binding expressions, triggers, or styles. The animation system also relies on DPs—it uses the DP infrastructure to adjust property values over time. They also provide a mechanism for defining a default value. That’s a lot of functionality in exchange for a tiny amount of code.

By implementing your element’s properties as DPs, not only do you get all of these features automatically, but also the DP system manages the storage of the value for you—you do not need to define any instance fields to hold property values.


Storage management may seem like a small thing—after all, how hard is it to add a field to a class? However, this feature can offer surprisingly significant memory savings.

Simply by inheriting from Control, your element will support more than 80 properties (plus any attached properties) of varying complexity, most of which are likely to be left at their default values on most objects. If each element had its own set of fields to hold these values, this would take hundreds of bytes per element. A complex user interface may have hundreds or even thousands of elements. (Even if the logical tree is not that complex, the visual tree can multiply the number of elements greatly.)

If most of the properties on these many elements are either inheriting values from their parents or are set to their default values, using per-element fields to hold these values could waste hundreds of kilobytes of memory. DPs use a more sophisticated storage approach that exploits the fact that most properties are left unset. And although memory is cheap, moving data into and out of the CPU is expensive. The CPU can execute code far faster than it can fetch data from main memory. Only cache memory is fast enough to keep up with the processor, and most modern processors typically have only a few hundred kilobytes of cache. Even high-end systems have only a few megabytes of cache. Saving a few hundred kilobytes can therefore sometimes improve performance dramatically.

By deferring to the DP system, we can let it handle the information more efficiently by storing just the property values that have been set explicitly.

Finally, the DP system tracks changes to values. This means that if any interested party wants to know when a property value changes, it can register for notifications with the DP system. (Data binding relies on this.) We do not need to write any special code to make this happen—the DP system manages storage of our property values, so it knows whenever a property changes.

Any custom WPF element you create will automatically have everything it requires to support DPs, because FrameworkElement derives indirectly from the DependencyObject base class. To define a new property on our custom element, we must create a new DependencyProperty object in the element’s static constructor. This object acts as an identifier for the property—all the DPs of built-in controls have a corresponding DependencyProperty object. By convention, this property object is stored in a public static field of our class, and the field’s name is formed by adding Property to the end of the property’s name (see Example 18-1).

Example 18-1. Defining a dependency property
public class MyCustomControl : ContentControl {

    public static readonly DependencyProperty StripeBrushProperty;

    static MyCustomControl(  ) {
        PropertyMetadata stripeBrushMetadata =
            new PropertyMetadata(Brushes.Green); // default value
        StripeBrushProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("StripeBrush",
            typeof(Brush), typeof(MyCustomControl), stripeBrushMetadata);

    public Brush StripeBrush {
        get { return (Brush) GetValue(StripeBrushProperty); }
        set { SetValue(StripeBrushProperty, value); }

This custom control defines a single DP called StripeBrush, of type Brush with a default color of green. The control’s template could use this to determine the color of a stripe drawn as part of its appearance, using a TemplateBinding as described in Chapter 9. It is common to define properties whose only purpose is to provide TemplateBinding sources. Many common properties of built-in controls, such as Foreground and Background, have no intrinsic behavior of their own—they just provide a place for users of the control to set information that will be relayed to the control’s template. For such properties, it is common for the control class itself to do nothing with the property other than defining it. So, although Example 18-1 is a pretty minimal implementation, it is entirely sufficient for its purpose.

It is often useful to define a default value for a property. The control in Example 18-1 specifies a default value of Brushes.Green by passing in a PropertyMetadata object when registering the StripeBrush property.


You might wonder why WPF invents these new DependencyProperty and PropertyMetadata types to represent properties and associated metadata when the Reflection API already provides the PropertyInfo class, and an extension mechanism in the form of custom attributes. Unfortunately, the Reflection API was unable to provide the combination of flexibility and performance WPF requires, which is why there is some overlap between the DP metadata system and reflection.

Example 18-1 also defines normal .NET get and set property accessors. These are not strictly necessary—you could access the properties using the public GetValue and SetValue methods inherited from DependencyObject like so:

myControl.SetValue(MyCustomControl.StripeBrushProperty, Brushes.Red);

However, in most .NET languages it is easier to use a normal CLR property, and more important, the XAML compiler will complain if you use a DP that has no corresponding CLR property, so you would normally provide a property wrapper as Example 18-1 does. As you can see, the accessors simply defer to the GetValue and SetValue methods inherited from the DependencyObject base class.


The Visual Studio Extensions for .NET 3.0 define a code snippet to help write dependency properties. Put the caret inside the class to which you would like to add a DP. Type propdp and then press the Tab key. (If the IntelliSense pop up is open, you’ll need to press Tab twice—once to get rid of the pop up and once to expand the snippet.) This will insert code very similar to Example 18-1.

Example 18-2 shows how to use this custom property from XAML. (This assumes that the namespace containing this control has been associated with the XML namespace prefix local. See Appendix A for more information on the relationship between .NET namespaces and XML namespaces.)

Example 18-2. Using properties from XAML
<local:MyCustomControl StripeBrush="Blue" />

Because our property’s type is Brush, we can use the same text format for representing brushes as we saw in Chapter 13. Example 18-2 exploits this to create a brush based on a named color, but you could also use one of the numerical formats, such as #0000FF.

Attached properties

If you wish to define an attached property—one that you can apply to elements other than the defining element—you register it with a different call: RegisterAttached. As Example 18-3 shows, this is called in much the same way as the normal Register method.

Example 18-3. Registering attached properties
public class ElementWithAttachedProp : Panel {

    public static readonly DependencyProperty IsSkewedProperty;

    static ElementWithAttachedProp (  ) {
        PropertyMetadata isSkewedMetadata = new PropertyMetadata(false);
        IsSkewedProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached
            typeof(bool), typeof(ElementWithAttachedProp), isSkewedMetadata);
    public static bool GetIsSkewed(DependencyObject target) {
        return (bool) target.GetValue(IsSkewedProperty);

    public static void SetIsSkewed(DependencyObject target, bool value) {
        target.SetValue(IsSkewedProperty, value);

Note that the accessors look different. .NET does not specify a standard way for properties defined by one type to be applied to another. XAML and WPF recognize the idiom used in Example 18-3, where we define a pair of static methods called GetPropName and SetPropName. Both of the set methods are passed the target object to which the property is to be attached.

The class in Example 18-3 derives from Panel, indicating that it offers some kind of custom layout service, as described in Chapter 3. Although any custom element can define attached properties, it is particularly common for custom panels to do so, to enable child elements to tell the panel how they would like to be arranged. Example 18-3 is just a hypothetical example, so the layout implementation is not shown, but the name suggests that when the panel encounters a child with the IsSkewed attached property set to true, it will arrange it askew. Example 18-4 shows how to apply this custom attached property to a Button element in XAML.

Example 18-4. Using an attached property from XAML
<Button local:ElementWithAttachedProp.IsSkewed="True"/>

XAML also offers the property element syntax, which is useful for when the property value is too complex to express as an attribute. This works in the same way for attached properties as it does for ordinary properties: use an element name of the form <ClassName.PropertyName> to set a property. Example 18-5 uses this syntax to set three properties: the unattached Background property, the built-in Grid.Row attached property, and the custom IsSkewed attached property.

Example 18-5. Property element syntax
        <SolidColorBrush Color="Blue" />

Value change notification

Your properties will not always be set using the accessor methods. For example, data binding and animation use the DP system to modify property values directly. If you need to know when a property value is changed, you must not depend on your accessors being called, because they often won’t be—this is true for both instance properties and attached properties. Instead, you should register for change notifications. You do this by passing a callback to the PropertyMetadata during property registration.


You can register a change handler for both normal and attached properties. The same technique is used in either case.

Example 18-6 shows the modifications you would make to Example 18-3 in order to be notified when the property value changes.

Example 18-6. Handling property changes
static ElementWithAttachedProp (  ) {
    PropertyChangedCallback isSkewedChanged =
        new PropertyChangedCallback(OnIsSkewedChanged);
    PropertyMetadata isSkewedMetadata =
        new PropertyMetadata(false, isSkewedChanged);
    IsSkewedProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("IsSkewed",
        typeof(bool), typeof(ElementWithAttachedProp), isSkewedMetadata);
static void OnIsSkewedChanged(DependencyObject target,
                            DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) {
    Debug.WriteLine("IsSkewed just changed: " + e.NewValue);

The change handler function will be called whenever the property is changed, whether it is altered by a call to the static SetIsSkewed method shown in Example 18-3, or by code that uses the DP system to change the value directly, such as a trigger in a style. Your change handler is passed two parameters. The first indicates the target object to which the property has been attached. If your property’s behavior requires you to do something to target objects, you would do it in the property change handler. For example, when you set the built-in SpellCheck.IsEnabled attached property to a text editing control, this hooks up dynamic spellchecking functionality. Because you are given a reference to the target, your property change handler can do whatever it deems fit.

The second parameter is a simple struct containing self-explanatory OldValue and NewValue properties. The NewValue property is just for convenience—Example 18-6 could also have retrieved the new value by calling the GetIsSkewed accessor.

Whether you need a property change handler depends on the nature of the attached property. Some attached properties are passive. For example, panel layout properties have no intrinsic behavior of their own and have no direct effect on the elements to which they are applied—instead, they tell the containing panel what to do with the elements. Moreover, layout properties mean anything only when they are applied to children of the panel that defined them. For this kind of panel, you don’t need a property change handler. However, for a more proactive property, such as SpellCheck.IsEnabled, you would need to supply a change handler in order to discover to which elements your property has been applied.

Change notifications for property consumers

The change handling technique shown in the preceding section is perfect for custom properties. But what if you want to be notified of changes to dependency properties you didn’t create? For example, if you’ve written a custom control, you might want to know when the Background property changes. (There is no BackgroundChanged event, because most controls rely on templates to render their background, and template bindings handle property changes for you.) There are two options, depending on whether you wish to receive notifications for properties on an object of a custom type written by you, or properties on an object of a type you do not control.

A custom type can have two types of properties not written by you: attached properties, and properties defined by the base class. You can handle changes for both kinds of properties by overriding the OnPropertyChanged method. This virtual method is defined by DependencyObject, and it will be called anytime any of the object’s properties change. Example 18-7 uses this to change the background color anytime the IsMouseOver property changes. (This is just to illustrate the OnPropertyChanged method. In practice, you would normally use a Style with a Trigger if you want one property’s value to be changed by another, as described in Chapter 8.)

Example 18-7. Handling change notifications in a custom type
partial class MyWindow : Window {
    protected override void OnPropertyChanged(
            DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) {

        if (e.Property == UIElement.IsMouseOverProperty) {
            this.Background = this.IsMouseOver ? Brushes.Red : Brushes.Blue;

You can override the OnPropertyChanged method only if you are writing a custom type. What if you want to be notified of property changes on an object of a type you do not control, such as Button? In this case, we must rely on the PropertyDescriptor class. You can retrieve a property descriptor for any CLR property using the TypeDescriptor class’s static GetProperties method. You pass it either a type or an object, and it returns a complete list of descriptors, one for each property. By default, the .NET Framework generates property descriptors automatically, using reflection to discover the available properties. However, one of the most important features of the property descriptor system is that objects are allowed to provide their own descriptors if they want to.[118] DependencyObject offers custom property descriptors for all dependency properties. This enables us to retrieve them in the same way we would for any object.

Example 18-8 shows how we can provide the property descriptor with a change handler. The OnButtonIsPressedChanged method in this example will be called whenever the myButton object’s IsPressed property changes.

Example 18-8. Obtaining a PropertyDescriptor from TypeDescriptor
partial class Window1 : Window {

   public Window1(  ) {
        InitializeComponent(  );

        // myButton refers to a <Button> in the XAML (not shown)
        PropertyDescriptor buttonIsPressedProp =

        buttonIsPressedProp.AddValueChanged(myButton, OnButtonIsPressedChanged);

    void OnButtonIsPressedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
        this.Background = myButton.IsPressed ? Brushes.Red : Brushes.Blue;

Although the normal mechanism for retrieving a property descriptor used by Example 18-8 works fine, WPF provides a more direct mechanism, as Example 18-9 shows.

Example 18-9. Obtaining a PropertyDescriptor from a DependencyProperty
PropertyDescriptor buttonIsPressedProp =

This is a little more verbose than Example 18-8, but it offers a useful advantage. Instead of passing in a property name, we pass in the DependencyProperty object for the property we require. This removes the potential for a runtime error. If we mistype the property name, we will get a compiler error, whereas if we use the technique in Example 18-8, the mistake will not be detected until runtime.


You would use the techniques shown in Example 18-8 and Example 18-9 only when you are not deriving from the class that defines the DP. The previous techniques are preferable when you are able to use them, for two reasons. First, your handler will be notified if you use XAML to set the property’s initial value—the PropertyDescriptor technique won’t do that because you can attach the handler only after initialization is complete. Second, using the earlier techniques you will be passed both the old and the new values, whereas with the PropertyDescriptor, you will be able to see only the new value.

Property metadata options

Certain common property behaviors crop up time and time again. For example, if you are writing a custom element that overrides OnRender in order to work at the visual layer, it is likely to have properties that affect its appearance. Suppose you had written a custom element called Star that renders a star shape, with a Points property defining how many points the star should have. The obvious thing to do would be to register a change handler, and to call InvalidateVisual in this handler in order to trigger another call to OnRender. In fact, you don’t have to do this. Example 18-10 shows how to get WPF to do this work for you.

Example 18-10. Automatic visual invalidation
public class Star : FrameworkElement {
    public static readonly DependencyProperty PointsProperty;

    public int Points {
        get { return (int) GetValue(PointsProperty); }
        set { SetValue(PointsProperty, value); }

    static Star(  ) {
        FrameworkPropertyMetadata pointsMetadata =
            new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(5, // default value

        PointsProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Points",
            typeof(int), typeof(Star), pointsMetadata);

Instead of using the basic PropertyMetadata class, we’ve used the derived FrameworkPropertyMetadata type. This is designed for properties defined by a FrameworkElement, and it adds various features not available to dependency properties defined on types that derive directly from lower-level base classes such as UIElement. You can pass in any of the flags defined by the FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions enumeration, which are described in Table 18-1.

Table 18-1. FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions




The arrange layout phase will be redone when the property changes.


The layout will be completely redone when the property changes.


The arrange layout phase of the parent will be redone when the property changes.


The parent’s layout will be completely redone when the property changes.


The element’s visuals will be invalidated when the property changes, causing OnRender to be called if the element is visible.


Data binding expressions will use a Mode of TwoWay by default. (The default is usually OneWay.)


The property’s value will be inherited by child elements.


The property value will be stored in the navigation journal when navigating away, and restored when returning.


Data binding expressions will not be allowed to target this property.


The property is inherited by descendants even when a child element disables inheritance with the InheritanceBehavior property.


Used in conjunction with AffectsRender. Changes to nested properties defined by this property’s value do not affect rendering—OnRender should be called only if the property value itself changes (i.e., the property value is replaced with a new object).

By enabling metadata options, you can often avoid the need to write a property change handler.


You should not use the AffectsRender flag unless your element overrides OnRender. You do not need to set this for all properties that have an impact on appearance. If the property affects a control’s appearance via a TemplateBinding in the template—which is how the property defined in Example 18-1 is intended to be used—the template binding will automatically detect property changes without you needing to set AffectsRender.

FrameworkPropertyMetadata also defines a couple of properties that can affect property behavior. DefaultUpdateSourceTrigger lets you specify when two-way data bindings to this property will normally update the source. The usual default is LostFocus, but by setting this to PropertyChanged, you can force the source to be updated every time the property changes. Alternatively, you can set it to Explicit, indicating that the source will be updated only if the code calls the binding’s UpdateSource method.

Finally, you can disable the use of animation with the property by setting the IsAnimationProhibited property to true. This might be appropriate if changing the property would be a calamitously expensive thing to try to do tens of times per second.


We looked at the handling of routed events in Chapter 4. If you wish to define custom events for your control, it makes sense to implement them as routed events. Not only will this make your element consistent with other WPF elements, but also you can take advantage of the same bubbling and tunneling routing strategies where appropriate.

Creating custom routed events is similar to creating custom properties. You simply create them in your class’s static constructor. For convenience, you would normally also add a .NET style event to wrap the underlying routed event handling.

Example 18-11 shows the definition of a pair of events: a tunneling PreviewAlarm event and a bubbling Alarm event. It provides .NET event accessors for convenience—these just defer to the AddHandler and RemoveHandler methods built into the base class.

This example also provides an OnAlarm method to raise the event. This raises the preview event, and if that isn’t marked as handled, it goes on to raise the main Alarm event. The RaiseEvent method provided by the base UIElement class does the work of event routing and calling any registered handlers. Note that just as with normal CLR events, routed events are raised synchronously—RaiseEvent will call the event handlers sequentially, and will not return until all of them have run.

Example 18-11. Defining a custom RoutedEvent
public class ClockControl : ContentControl {

    public static RoutedEvent AlarmEvent;
    public static RoutedEvent PreviewAlarmEvent;

    static ClockControl(  ) {
        AlarmEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent(
            "Alarm", RoutingStrategy.Bubble,
            typeof(RoutedEventHandler), typeof(ClockControl));
        PreviewAlarmEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent(
            "PreviewAlarm", RoutingStrategy.Tunnel,
            typeof(RoutedEventHandler), typeof(ClockControl));

    public event RoutedEventHandler Alarm {
        add { AddHandler(AlarmEvent, value); }
        remove { RemoveHandler(AlarmEvent, value); }
    public event RoutedEventHandler PreviewAlarm {
        add { AddHandler(PreviewAlarmEvent, value); }
        remove { RemoveHandler(PreviewAlarmEvent, value); }

    protected virtual void OnAlarm(  ) {
        RoutedEventArgs args = new RoutedEventArgs(PreviewAlarmEvent);
        if (!args.Handled) {
            args = new RoutedEventArgs(AlarmEvent);


Example 18-11 used the built-in RoutedEventArgs class. If you want to pass extra information about the event, as with normal .NET events you are free to define your own custom event argument type. It should derive from RoutedEventArgs, because this incorporates some routing functionality required by WPF to route events correctly.

Attached events

Just as some properties can be attached to types other than their defining types, so can events. Unlike dependency properties, routed events do not need to be registered in a different way in order to work as attached events. For example, you could attach a handler for the ClockControl.Alarm event defined in Example 18-11 to a Button using the code shown in Example 18-12.

Example 18-12. Attached event handler
RoutedEventHandler handler = MyAlarmHandlerMethod;
myButton.AddHandler(ClockControl.AlarmEvent, handler);

The MyAlarmHandlerMethod referred to in this example is the event handler method that will get called when the Alarm event is raised on this button. Of course, the button knows nothing about the Alarm event, so we would need to write the code to raise the event. This is shown in Example 18-13.

Example 18-13. Raising an attached event
RoutedEventArgs re = new RoutedEventArgs(ClockControl.AlarmEvent);

Attached events enable you to introduce your own events into the UI tree even though the source element may have no intrinsic understanding of the event.


We saw in Chapter 4 that WPF’s RoutedUICommand class represents a particular user action, which may be invoked through any number of different inputs. There are two ways in which a custom control might want to interact with the command system. It might define new command types. Or, it could handle commands defined elsewhere.

Example 18-14 shows how to register a custom command. Note that we provide two strings to name the command. The first is a display name. Because this may appear in the UI (e.g., if the command is associated with a menu item), you would not hardcode the string like this if the application were localizable. Instead, you would typically read the value from a ResourceManager, as with any localizable string. The second name is not localized—this is the real name of the command, and should always be the same regardless of locale.

Example 18-14. Registering a custom command
public class ClockControl : Control {
    public static RoutedUICommand SnoozeCommand;

    static ClockControl(  ) {
        InputGestureCollection boomInputs = new InputGestureCollection(  );
        boomInputs.Add(new KeyGesture(Key.F,
        SnoozeCommand = new RoutedUICommand("Snooze", "Snooze",
                                     typeof(ClockControl), boomInputs);

Example 18-15 shows XAML that configures a Button to invoke this custom command when it is clicked.

Example 18-15. Invoke a command from XAML
<Button Command="local:ClockControl.SnoozeCommand">Click me</Button>

You will often want to make your control handle any custom commands it defines. You might also want it to handle other commands. For example, you might wish to respond to some of the standard commands provided by classes such as ApplicationCommands. In Chapter 4, we saw how to achieve this by adding a CommandBinding to our custom control’s CommandBindings collection. However, although this technique will work, it is usually not an appropriate technique for a custom control. You will normally want all instances of your control to respond to the command in the same way, so instead of setting up command bindings for every instance, it would be better to register a class handler. This lets you set up a command handling association just once in your static constructor, and it will work for all instances of your custom element. Example 18-16 shows how.

Example 18-16. Adding a class-level command handler
public class MyCustomControl : ContentControl {

    static MyCustomControl(  ) {
        CommandBinding copyCommandBinding = new CommandBinding(

    static void HandleCopyCommand(object target,
                                        ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) {
        MyCustomControl myControl = (MyCustomControl) target;

Note that the handler must be a static method—when your static constructor runs, there will not yet be any instances of your custom element. Besides, this handler will be registered once on behalf of all instances, so it would not make sense for it to be an instance method. When the command is invoked, the handler will be passed a reference to the target element as its first parameter.

Supporting Templates in Custom Controls

The final design consideration for any custom element is how it will connect with its visuals. If the element derives directly from FrameworkElement, it might be appropriate for it to generate its own visuals. (Chapter 13 described how to create a graphical appearance.) In particular, if you are creating an element whose purpose is to provide a particular form of visualization—such as an element that renders a three-dimensional graph—the element should take complete control of how this is managed. However, if you are writing a control, you would not normally hard-wire the graphics into the control.

Remember that a control’s job is to provide behavior. The visuals are provided by the control template. A control may provide a default set of visuals, but it should allow these to be replaced in order to offer the same flexibility as the built-in controls. (Chapter 9 described how to replace a control’s visuals with a template.) A control that conforms to this approach, where the visuals are separated from the control, is often described as lookless, because the control has no intrinsic appearance or “look.” All of the controls built into WPF are lookless.

Of course, it is not possible for the control to be entirely independent of its visuals. As we saw in Chapter 9, there is an implied contract between a control and its template. The control allows its appearance to be customized by replacing the template, but the template should in turn provide certain features on behalf of the control. Chapter 9 described the various styles of contract; some controls use a mixture of these styles. The following sections describe how to support these contract types in a custom control.

Property Binding

Property binding is where the control template projects properties from the control onto properties of elements in the control template. It does this with the TemplateBinding markup extension.

To support this model, all you need to do is implement properties using the dependency property mechanism described earlier in this chapter. Example 18-1 showed a custom control that defined a single dependency property called StripeBrush, of type Brush. This enables users of this control to refer to it in a template, as Example 18-17 shows.

Example 18-17. Using property binding
<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type local:MyCustomControl}">
    <Line Stroke="{TemplateBinding StripeBrush}" StrokeThickness="1"
                X1="0" Y1="0" X2="100" Y2="100" />

All dependency properties automatically support property binding. The “contract” in this case is implied by the set of dependency properties your control offers.

Named Parts

The named parts style is where the control locates required template parts by name. Example 9-8 shows a very simple control template with two named parts.

Example 18-18. Control template with named parts
<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type loc:ControlWithNamedParts}">
  <Grid Width="80" Height="100">
    <Ellipse Fill="Black" Stroke="Gray" StrokeThickness="3" Margin="0,20,0,0" />
    <ContentControl x:Name="PART_Body"
                    Foreground="White" HorizontalAlignment="Center"
                    VerticalAlignment="Center" Margin="0,15,0,0" />
    <Line x:Name="PART_Fuse"
          Stroke="Blue" StrokeThickness="3" X1="55" Y1="40" X2="75" Y2="5" />

Writing a control that uses this style of template is straightforward. First, you should declare which parts your control expects by annotating the class with the TemplatePartAttribute custom attribute, which is defined in the System.Windows namespace. This indicates the names and types of elements you expect to see. Design tools can use this information to ensure that a template is correct. To hook your control to these named parts, you should override the OnApplyTemplate method (see Example 18-19).

Example 18-19. Connecting with named parts
[TemplatePart(Name="PART_Body", Type=typeof(ContentControl))]
[TemplatePart(Name="PART_Fuse", Type=typeof(FrameworkElement))]
public class ControlWithNamedParts : Control {
    ContentControl body;
    FrameworkElement fuse;

    public override void OnApplyTemplate(  )  {
        base.OnApplyTemplate(  );

        body = Template.FindName("PART_Body", this) as ContentControl;
        fuse = Template.FindName("PART_Fuse", this) as FrameworkElement;

This retrieves the ControlTemplate from the Template property, and calls its FindName method to locate named elements within the template. Notice that we have to pass in the this reference—this is because one ControlTemplate object is typically shared by many controls, so it needs to know which particular instance of the template we’d like to connect with. The method returns null if it cannot find the element.

In general, you should try to make your control robust in the face of missing elements. The built-in controls do not raise errors when parts are missing; they simply stop providing the functionality that depended on the part in question (even if that means becoming completely nonfunctional). For example, the Button control requires its template to contain a ContentPresenter in order for the Content property to work. If the template does not contain a ContentPresenter, the Content property stops doing anything, but otherwise the control continues to function as normal. Users of your control may not be interested in exploiting all the available features, and so may give you an incomplete template. Even if they intend to provide a full template, it is likely that at the start of the design process, the template will be incomplete.

Your template may be replaced during the lifetime of your control. If you do things to the template parts, such as hooking up event handlers, you must be prepared to undo this work in the event that your template is replaced. Example 18-20 shows how to do this.

Example 18-20. Handling a change of template
[TemplatePart(Name="PART_Target", Type=typeof(FrameworkElement))]
public class MyControl : Control {
    private FrameworkElement targetPart;

    public override void OnApplyTemplate(  ) {
        base.OnApplyTemplate(  );

        FrameworkElement oldTargetPart = targetPart;
        targetPart = Template.FindName("PART_Target", this) as FrameworkElement;
        if (!object.ReferenceEquals(oldTargetPart, targetPart)) {
            if (oldTargetPart != null) {
                oldTargetPart.MouseEnter -=
                    new MouseEventHandler(targetPart_MouseEnter);
                oldTargetPart.MouseLeave -=
                    new MouseEventHandler(targetPart_MouseLeave);

            if (targetPart != null) {
                targetPart.MouseEnter +=
                    new MouseEventHandler(targetPart_MouseEnter);
                targetPart.MouseLeave +=
                    new MouseEventHandler(targetPart_MouseLeave);

    void targetPart_MouseLeave(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) {
    void targetPart_MouseEnter(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) {

Content Placeholders

Some controls expect the template to provide a placeholder for content, typically using a ContentPresenter element. You do not need to do anything special to enable the use of a ContentPresenter—if you derive from ContentControl, it will just work. Users of your control will be able to write templates such as that shown in Example 18-21.

Example 18-21. Using a ContentPresenter
<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type local:MyContentControl}">
    <Rectangle Fill="White" />
    <ContentPresenter />

Your control may require more than one placeholder. For example, controls derived from HeaderedContentControl require two—one for the body and one for the header. In this case, we can simply be explicit about which property the ContentPresenter presents, as Example 9-9 shows.

Example 18-22. ContentPresenter and HeaderedContentControl
<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type local:MyHeaderedContentControl}">
      <RowDefinition />
      <RowDefinition />

    <ContentPresenter Grid.Row="0" Content="{TemplateBinding Content}" />
    <ContentPresenter Grid.Row="1" Content="{TemplateBinding Header}" />

ContentPresenter does not require the template control to derive from ContentControl. You can use this technique in the template of any custom control, although you get to omit the Content property template binding as in Example 18-21 only if your control derives from ContentControl—all other control types will require the template to contain explicit bindings as in Example 9-9.

WPF defines two more placeholder types. You can use ItemsPresenter in an ItemsControl in order to show where generated items should be added. And, ScrollContentPresenter is designed for use in the scroll viewer control, indicating where the scrollable content will go. If you were defining a new kind of control that hosts content in some way (e.g., a paginating viewer), it might be appropriate to define a custom placeholder type. However, you should do this only if the built-in ones do not meet your needs.

Placeholders Indicated by Properties

There is an alternative to the named parts approach described earlier: you can define attached properties whose job is to mark certain elements as special. For example, Panel.IsItemsHost is an attached property used in an ItemsControl template to indicate the panel that will hold generated items. The advantage of this property-based technique is that it is more amenable to compile-time checking: if you misspell the name of a named part, the failure is typically not detected until runtime. A misspelled property name is detected at compile time. The TemplatePartAttribute provides a mechanism by which a template could be verified for the correct named parts, but the current WPF build tools do not make use of this. However, the named part approach is far more common and simpler to implement. The marker property approach is described here mainly for completeness.

To implement a control that denotes a placeholder with a marker property, you will need to define a custom attached dependency property. This should be a Boolean property. Example 18-23 registers such an attached property and defines the usual accessor functions.

Example 18-23. Registering the attached placeholder property
public class ControlWithPlaceholder : Control {
    public static readonly DependencyProperty IsMyPlaceholderProperty;

    static ControlWithPlaceholder(  ) {

        PropertyMetadata isMyPlaceholderMetadata = new PropertyMetadata(false,
            new PropertyChangedCallback(OnIsMyPlaceholderChanged));

        IsMyPlaceholderProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached(
            "IsMyPlaceholder", typeof(bool),
            typeof(ControlWithPlaceholder), isMyPlaceholderMetadata);

    public static bool GetIsMyPlaceholder(DependencyObject target) {
        return (bool) target.GetValue(IsMyPlaceholderProperty);
    public static void SetIsMyPlaceholder(DependencyObject target, bool value) {
        target.SetValue(IsMyPlaceholderProperty, value);

Notice that in Example 18-23, a PropertyChangedCallback is supplied to the PropertyMetadata. This denotes a method that is to be called anytime this attached property is set or modified on any element. It is in this method that our control will discover which element was set as the placeholder. Example 18-24 shows the method.

Example 18-24. Discovering when the placeholder property is applied
    static void OnIsMyPlaceholderChanged(DependencyObject target,
                                    DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) {

        FrameworkElement targetElement = target as FrameworkElement;
        if (targetElement != null && GetIsMyPlaceholder(targetElement)) {
            ControlWithPlaceholder containingControl =
                targetElement.TemplatedParent as ControlWithPlaceholder;
            if (containingControl != null) {
                containingControl.placeholder = targetElement;

    FrameworkElement placeholder;


This example starts by checking that the property was applied to an object derived from FrameworkElement. Remember that we’re expecting this to be applied to a particular element inside the control template, so if it is applied to something other than a FrameworkElement, there’s nothing useful we can do with it.

Next, we check the value of the property by calling the GetIsMyPlaceholder accessor method we defined for the attached property in Example 18-23. It would be slightly odd if someone explicitly set this property to false, but if he does, we definitely shouldn’t treat the element as the placeholder.

If the property was set to true, we go on to retrieve the target element’s TemplatedParent property. For elements that are part of a control’s template, this returns the control that owns the template. (It returns null if the element is not a member of a control. Because our property only has any meaning for elements inside a template, we just do nothing when there is no templated parent.) We also check that the parent is an instance of our control type, and ignore the property if it is applied to an element in the template of some other kind of control.

If the target element was a member of a template for an instance of this custom control type, we know we’ve found the placeholder. This example stores a reference to the placeholder in a private field of the control so that the control can then go on to do whatever it needs to do with the placeholder, such as add child elements or set its size.

Example 18-25 shows how you would use this property in a control template to indicate which element is the placeholder.

Example 18-25. Specifying a placeholder with a property
<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type local:ControlWithPlaceholder}">
  <Grid local:ControlWithPlaceholder.IsMyPlaceholder="True" />

Default Styles

Although the ability to provide a custom look for a control is useful, developers should be able to use a control without having to supply custom visuals. The control should just work when used in its most straightforward way, which means that it should supply a default set of visuals. This is normally done by providing a style that sets default property values, including a default control template.

Logically speaking, these default styles live in the system resource scope. As we saw in Chapter 12, this scope contains system-defined resources such as system colors, and default styles for built-in controls. If you write a custom control, you can add your own resources to this scope by adding a themesgeneric.xaml file to your project. See Chapter 12 for more information on custom system-scope resources.

For each custom control, you should define a system-scope style with a TargetType specifying your control. This style must set the Template property with a ControlTemplate defining the default visuals for your control, such as the one shown in Example 18-26. See Chapter 8 and Chapter 9 for more information on how to define a style that supplies a template.

Example 18-26. Default visuals
<!-- themes/generic.xaml -->
  <Style TargetType="{x:Type local:MyCustomControl}"
    <Setter Property="Template">
        <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type local:MyCustomControl}">
          <Border Background="{TemplateBinding Background}"
                  BorderBrush="{TemplateBinding BorderBrush}"
                  BorderThickness="{TemplateBinding BorderThickness}">
            <ContentPresenter />

To make sure your control picks up this default theme, you need to let the dependency property system know that the style is there. If you don’t, the control will just pick up the default style for its base class. Example 18-27 shows how to ensure that the correct style is used.

Example 18-27. Ensuring that your default style is used
public class MyCustomControl : ContentControl {
    static MyCustomControl(  ) {
            new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(typeof(MyCustomControl)));

Note that the Visual Studio extensions for .NET 3.0 generate this code for you when you add a new custom control to a WPF project.


User controls offer a way of building custom controls that works rather differently than everything we’ve looked at so far. These are intended to offer a similar model to user controls in other UI frameworks such as Windows Forms and ASP.NET. In those technologies, user controls are built with the visual designer in the same way as a window or page would be created, using the same event handling and code-behind mechanisms.

UserControl is a very simple class that derives from ContentControl and adds very little. It defines no new public members, and merely makes minor changes to some default behaviors: it prevents the control from acting as a target for focus and tab navigation (we typically want the elements inside the user control to act as focus targets, not the containing user control itself). The main purpose of UserControl is to signal intent: by deriving from UserControl, you are indicating to the development environment how you would like to build and edit the control. It also offers a clue to developers using your control that it is unlikely to be lookless—user controls use the same tightly coupled relationship between markup and code behind as a window or page, so they do not usually support customization through templates.


Strictly speaking, user controls have templates—all controls do. However, the default template contains just a single ContentPresenter, which hosts the UI defined in your markup. So in practice, a user control supplies its own visuals.

Example 18-28 shows the XAML and code behind for a very simple user control.

Example 18-28. Markup and code behind for UserControl
<!-- CustomElement.xaml -->
<UserControl x:Class="CustomElement"
    <Button Click="OnButtonClick" Content="_Click me" />

// CustomElement.xaml.cs
public partial class CustomElement : UserControl
    public CustomElement(  ){
        InitializeComponent(  );

    void OnButtonClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {

Having written a user control, you use it in the same way as any other custom element. Example 18-29 shows how you might use the control defined in Example 18-28.

Example 18-29. Using a user control
<Window ...
    <local:CustomElement />

One of the reasons UserControl is so simple is that we don’t technically need it—features intrinsic to user controls in other UI frameworks are supported throughout all of WPF, so you can build custom elements using markup with code behind without deriving from UserControl. XAML is quite happy to use any root element type, so you can derive from any base class you like. Example 18-30 shows a pair of markup and code-behind files for a custom element that derives directly from Grid. This behaves in much the same way as the user control defined in Example 18-28.

Example 18-30. Markup and code behind without UserControl
<!-- CustomElement.xaml -->
<Grid x:Class="CustomElement"

  <Button Click="OnButtonClick" Content="_Click me" />


// CustomElement.xaml.cs
public partial class CustomElement : Grid {
    public CustomElement(  ){
        InitializeComponent(  );

    void OnButtonClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {

As you can see, we add elements and attach event handlers to this code in the same way as with a user control. The current preview .NET 3.0 extensions for Visual Studio 2005 will even let you edit the design of such an element interactively—it doesn’t care that it’s not a user control.

Today, there is very little difference between these two ways of creating custom elements. This illustrates that the UserControl class doesn’t offer any unique functionality. It exists mainly to signal explicitly that you are using the markup and code-behind idiom. And this is A Good Thing—the minimal functionality doesn’t mean that class is useless. If another developer is using your element, she might be misled if it derives directly from Grid—she could reasonably think that it is intended as a custom layout element. But if it derives from UserControl, that provides a clear indication of its nature.


An adorner is a special-purpose custom element whose purpose is to add visual features to a UI element. An adorner appears at the same position as the element it adorns, but it will be at top of the Z order—it appears above all nonadorner elements in the window. Adorners are typically used in interactive editing scenarios to display selection outlines or handles. Figure 18-2 shows a typical example from Microsoft Expression Blend.

Adorners in action
Figure 18-2. Adorners in action

Figure 18-2 shows two rounded rectangles. The one with the white fill is on top of the gray one, partially obscuring it. The gray one underneath has been selected, causing various handles, shapes, and labels to light up. For example, there’s a rectangle showing the bounding box, with small, square resize handles at each corner, and there’s an outline version of the shape itself. Notice that the white rectangle has obscured none of these features. Even though the gray rectangle is beneath the white rectangle, all of the handles appear on top, making it easy to edit the shape even though it is mostly obscured. These handles and other features appear on top because they use WPF’s adorner system.

Adorners are able to appear on top because WPF creates a special AdornerLayer element at the top of the Z order. There is nothing magic about this—you could achieve the same effect without using the adorner infrastructure simply by creating a suitably placed panel to host your adorners. However, it would require a considerable amount of work to ensure that the elements on this panel appeared in the correct position. This is what makes the adorner system attractive—it ensures that the objects in the adorner layer are always in the same position as the elements they adorn, despite being in completely different parts of the UI tree.

The AdornerLayer can contain multiple elements, so you might expect it to be a panel. However, it derives directly from FrameworkElement, not Panel, for a couple of reasons. First, it can only contain elements that derive from Adorner, whereas panels can contain any UI elements. Second, AdornerLayer has no layout logic of its own—adorners are positioned on the adorner layer according to the location of the elements they adorn. This means that adorners do not participate in layout in the normal way.

No public classes are derived from the Adorner abstract base class, so you are obliged to derive your own. And, because the Adorner class does not provide a way to define the appearance through properties, you can’t simply use XAML. A common approach for writing adorners is to use visual layer programming, which we described in Chapter 13. Example 18-31 shows an example of this approach.

Example 18-31. Adorner using visual layer
class BoxingAdorner : Adorner {
    public BoxingAdorner(UIElement adornedElement)
        : base(adornedElement) { }

    protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext drawingContext) {
        drawingContext.DrawRectangle(null, new Pen(Brushes.Blue, 2),
            new Rect(0, 0, 100, 40));

This adorner will render a blue box 100 device-independent pixels wide and 40 high. Notice that the constructor takes as its parameter the element to be adorned. All adorners must do this because the Adorner base class has no default constructors—you must provide it with a reference to the element being adorned. Example 18-32 shows the XAML and code behind for a window that uses this adorner.

Example 18-32. Using an adorner
<Window ... >
    <TextBlock x:Name="targetElement" Margin="40,40,0,0" Text="Test" />

// Code behind
partial class Window1 : Window {

    public Window1(  ) {
        InitializeComponent(  );

        this.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(Window1_Loaded);

    void Window1_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {
        AdornerLayer al = AdornerLayer.GetAdornerLayer(targetElement);
        BoxingAdorner myAdorner = new BoxingAdorner(targetElement);

The work is done in the Loaded event handler, because the adorner layer is not available until then. In the event handler, we ask WPF for the AdornerLayer to use for the target element, we create an instance of our adorner class, and then we add that to the adorner layer. Figure 18-3 shows the results: a box around the text block.

TextBlock with adorner
Figure 18-3. TextBlock with adorner

Note that the adorner is significantly larger than the content of the TextBlock. Adorners are often larger than the element they adorn. The resize box in Figure 18-2 is a typical example. You can draw your adorner outside the adorned element’s area by passing in suitable coordinates when drawing—modifying Example 18-31 to pass negative x and y values would move the top left of the adorner above and to the left of the text block. Alternatively, you can override the GetDesiredTransform method, returning the transform you would like to have applied to your adorner. (We discussed transforms in Chapter 13.) Either way, the adorner can fill the whole adorner layer if it wants.

Example 18-32 had to do its work in the Loaded event handler because the adorner layer wasn’t ready sooner. This raises the question: where does the adorner layer come from? The answer is the AdornerDecorator class.


The adorner layer’s location in the visual tree of an application is always determined by an AdornerDecorator element. Window provides an AdornerDecorator by default, which is why we didn’t need to supply one earlier. It’s part of the window’s default template, which is why we needed to wait until the Loaded event before trying to use it—any earlier, and the template would not yet have been instantiated.


AdornerDecorator is a potentially confusing name—you could be forgiven for thinking that it might be used to decorate an element with an adorner, or that it might decorate an adorner. The reason for the name is that it derives from the Decorator class, which we describe in Appendix D. Decorators provide their content with a service. AdornerDecorator is a decorator that provides its content with an adorner layer, hence the name.

Sometimes it can be useful to provide your own adorner decorator. For example, you might want to crop the adorner layer so that it doesn’t fill the whole window. A drawing program would typically want to do this to make sure that its selection handles did not encroach into the tool palettes. Example 18-33 shows how to use AdornerDecorator to supply your own adorner layer.

Example 18-33. Using AdornerDecorator
<Window ... >
      <ColumnDefinition />
      <ColumnDefinition />

    <AdornerDecorator Grid.Column="1">
      <TextBlock x:Name="targetElement" Margin="40,40,0,0" Text="Test" />

If an adorner is applied to the targetElement, as before, WPF will now use the AdornerDecorator supplied here, instead of the one that the Window provided. When asked for an adorner layer, WPF walks the tree starting from the adorned element and uses the first adorner decorator it finds. It generates an AdornerLayer as a child of the decorator in the visual tree. You are free to have multiple adorner layers. WPF uses the first one it finds for each adorner you create. Because the decorator in Example 18-33 is in the second column of the grid, the adorners will be cropped if necessary to ensure that they only appear inside that grid column, whereas by default, they would have been able to appear anywhere in the window.

Where Are We?

You should write a custom element only if the underlying behavior you require is not offered by any of the built-in types, and you cannot build it by composing existing elements. Even if you do write a custom type, it will not necessarily be a control. When you write a custom element of any kind, you will use the dependency property system to provide properties that support data binding and animation. You will use the routed event infrastructure to expose events. If your element defines a particular interactive behavior, it should be a control. If you want to write a “lookless” control that allows its visuals to be replaced just like the built-in controls, you must consider how your control and template will interact with one another. You will also most likely want to supply a default style with a template that provides a default set of visuals.

[117] * Some languages, including VB.NET and C++/CLI, provide a default implementation of properties. This consists simply of a field wrapped by get and set accessors.

[118] * The DataRow class in ADO.NET uses this to advertise what columns it has, for example.

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