Password Examples

Strong passwords, or passphrases, are hard to guess and hard to crack with brute force. They should not be common words or dictionary words. Strong passwords should incorporate letters, numbers, and special characters such as !@#$%^&*( into the single passphrase.

Here are some strong password examples:

  • /<7h1s+1s+pr3tty+s7r0ng>/

  • j09nny15@m^H0#$3

  • the^will!never@guess#m^password$because%it&is*so(strong)

Here are some weak password examples:

  • surfing

  • 12345

  • password

Maintaining strong passwords also is a result of how they are handled. Things that might seem obvious include the following:

  • Be sure nobody is looking when you type your password.

  • Do not write the password down. (If you must, then store it in a safety deposit box or equivalent.)

  • Do not reuse passwords across systems. Keep them unique.

  • Passwords should be easy to memorize for you, but hard to guess.

  • In the case of encryption, passwords should be long.

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