



Chapter 1 The Problem of Risk

The Concept of Risk

Current Definitions of Risk

Our Definition of Risk

Uncertainty and Its Relationship to Risk

The Degree of Risk

Risk Distinguished from Peril and Hazard

Classifications of Risk

The Burden of Risk

The Growing Number and Variety of Pure Risks

Increasing Severity of Losses

Managing Risk

Important Concepts to Remember

Chapter 2 Introduction to Risk Management

The History of Modern Risk Management

Enterprise Risk Management

Risk Management Defined

Risk Management Tools

Risk Control

Risk Financing

Risk Management as a Business Function

Risk Management's Contribution to the Organization

The Risk Manager's Job

Misconceptions About Risk Management

Universal Applicability

Anti-Insurance Bias?

Risk Management and the Individual

The Risk Management Process

Determination of Objectives

Identifying Risk Exposures

Evaluating Risks

Consideration of Alternatives and Selection of the Risk Treatment Device

Implementation of the Decision

Evaluation and Review

Chapter 3 The Insurance Device

The Nature and Functions of Insurance

Risk Sharing and Risk Transfer

Insurance Defined from the Viewpoint of the Individual

Risk Reduction Through Pooling

Insurance Defined from the Viewpoint of Society

Insurance: Transfer or Pooling?

Insurance and Gambling

The Economic Contribution of Insurance

Elements of An Insurable Risk


Economic Feasibility


The Fields of Insurance

Private (Voluntary) Insurance

Social Insurance

Public Guarantee Insurance Programs

Similarities in the Various Fields of Insurance

Chapter 4 Risk Management Applications

Risk Management Decisions

Utility Theory and Risk Management Decisions

Decision Theory and Risk Management Decisions

The Rules of Risk Management

Risk Characteristics as Determinants of the Tool

The Special Case of Risk Reduction

Buying Insurance

Common Errors in Buying Insurance

Need for a Plan

Other Considerations in the Choice Between Insurance and Retention

Selecting the Agent and the Company

Alternatives to Commercial Insurance


Captive Insurance Companies

Risk Retention Act of 1986

Chapter 5 The Private Insurance Industry

A Brief History of Private Insurance

Insurance in Antiquity

Origins of the Modern Insurance Business

Insurance in the United States

Classification of Private Insurers

Classification by Type of Product

Classification by Place of Incorporation and Licensing

Insurers Classification by Legal Form of Ownership

Marketing Systems

The Agent

Life Insurance Distribution System

Property and Liability Distribution Systems

Insurance Marketing and the Internet

Corporate Combinations

Nuclear Energy Pools

Other Voluntary Syndicates

Banks and Insurance

Cooperation In the Insurance Industry

Rating Organizations

Distressed and Residual-Risk Pools

Educational Organizations

Insurance Trade Associations

Competition In the Insurance Industry

Price Competition

Quality Competition

Is the Insurance Industry Really Competitive?

Chapter 6 Regulation of the Insurance Industry

The Why of Government Regulation of Insurance

The Why of Regulation Generally

Approaches to Government Control of Business

Rationale for Regulation of the Insurance Industry

Goals of Insurance Regulation

A Brief History of Insurance Regulation

Regulation Today

The Current Regulatory Structure

National Association of Insurance Commissioners

Areas Regulated

Solvency Regulation

Market Regulation

Regulation of Rates

Risk-Retention Groups

State Versus Federal Regulation

Pressure for Repeal of the McCarran-Ferguson Act

Arguments Favoring Federal Regulation

Arguments Favoring State Regulation

Consequences of the Repeal of the McCarran-Ferguson Act

Repeal of the McCarran-Ferguson Act as a States-Rights Issue

The NAIC's Efforts to Modernize State Insurance Regulation

State versus Federal Regulation and Public Choice

Global Influences On Insurance Regulation

Appendix: The Availability/Affordability Debate

Existing Subsidies in the Insurance Market

Income Redistribution Effects of Subsidies in Insurance

Causes of Availability Problems

Causes of Affordability Problems

Availability and Affordability and Public Choice


Functions of Insurers


Some Basic Concepts

Types of Rates



The Agent's Role in Underwriting

Underwriting Policy

Process of Underwriting

Postselection Underwriting

Credit Scoring

Predictive Analytics

Loss Adjustment


Courses of Action in Claim Settlement

Adjustment Process

Difficulties in Loss Settlement

The Investment Function

Miscellaneous Functions




Appendix: Retrospective Rating Plans

The Retrospective Formula

Chapter 8 Financial Aspects of Insurer Operations

Statutory Accounting Requirements

Differences Between Statutory Accounting and GAAP


Property and Liability Insurers

Concept of Earned Premiums

Incurred Losses

Expenses Incurred

Summary of Operations

Life Insurance Companies

Life Insurer Assets

Life Insurer Liabilities

Life Insurers' Policyholders' Surplus

Life Insurer Summary of Operations

Surplus Drain in Life Insurance


Nature of Reinsurance

Types of Reinsurance Treaties

Reinsurance in Property and Liability Insurance

Reinsurance in Life Insurance

Functions of Reinsurance

Risk-Financing Alternatives to Reinsurance

Taxation of Insurance Companies

State Premium Tax

Federal Income Taxes

Important Terms and Concepts

Chapter 9 The Legal Framework

Insurance and the Law of Contracts

General Requirements of an Enforceable Contract

Void and Voidable

Special Legal Characteristics of Insurance Contracts

Insurance Is a Contract of Indemnity

Insurance Is a Personal Contract

Insurance Is a Unilateral Contract

Insurance Is a Conditional Contract

Insurance Is a Contract of Adhesion

Insurance Is an Aleatory Contract

Insurance Is a Contract of Utmost Good Faith

The Insurance Contract as a Contract

Policy Construction


Chapter 10 Managing Personal Risks

Objectives In Managing Personal Risks

Other Steps In Managing Personal Risks

Managing Risks Associated With Premature Death

Identifying Risks Associated with Premature Death

Measuring Risks Associated with Premature Death

The Estate Liquidity Need

Estate Planning


Longevity Risk

The Risk of Outliving the Retirement Accumulation

Estimating the Accumulation Need

The Risks Associated With Disability

Needs Analysis for the Disability Risk

Resources Available to Meet the Disability Risk

Addressing Unmet Disability Income Needs

Evaluating the Medical Expense Exposure

Managing the Risk of Unemployment

State Unemployment Insurance Programs

Retention and Risk Reduction

Chapter 11 Social Insurance Programs

Old-Age, Survivors, Disability, and Health Insurance

Eligibility and Qualification Requirements


Amount of Benefits

Classes of Benefits

Summary of Qualification Requirements

Loss of Benefits—the OASDHI Program

Soundness of the Program

Workers Compensation

Historical Background

Rationale of Workers Compensation Laws

Principles of Workers Compensation

An Overview of State Workers Compensation Laws

Chapter 12 Introduction to Life Insurance

Some Unique Characteristics of Life Insurance

Life Insurance Is Not a Contract of Indemnity

Types of Life Insurance Contracts

Reasons for Difference in Term and Cash Value Insurance

The Level Premium Concept

Tax Treatment of Life Insurance

Code Definition of Life Insurance

Current Life Insurance Products

Term Insurance

Whole-Life Insurance

Universal Life Insurance

Variable Life Insurance

Adjustable Life Insurance

Endowment Life Insurance

Participating and Nonparticipating Life Insurance

General Classifications of Life Insurance

Individual Life Insurance

Group Life Insurance

Credit Life Insurance

Total Life Insurance in Force in the United States

Other Types of Life Insurance

Chapter 13 The Actuarial Basis of Life Insurance

Life Insurance Premium Computation



The Net Single Premium

The Net Level Premium

Reserves On Life Insurance Policies

Benefit-Certain and Benefit-Uncertain Contracts

Chapter 14 The Life Insurance Contract—General Provisions

Inception of the Life Insurance Contract

General Provisions of Life Insurance Contracts

Entire Contract Clause

Ownership Clause

Beneficiary Clause

Incontestable Clause

Misstatement of Age Clause

Grace Period


Suicide Clause

Aviation Exclusions

War Clause

Settlement Options

Interest Option

Installments for a Fixed Period

Installments of a Fixed Amount

Life Income Options

Taxation of Policy Proceeds under Various Settlement Options

Chapter 15 The Life Insurance Contract—Other Provisions

Nonforfeiture Values

Cash Option

Paid-Up Reduced Amount

Extended Term Insurance

Policy Loan Provisions

Automatic Premium Loan

Dividend Provisions

Important Optional Provisions

Disability Waiver of Premium Provision

Accidental Death Benefit

Guaranteed Insurability Option

Common Disaster Clause

Spendthrift Clause

Rights of Creditors to Life Insurance Proceeds

Cost-of-Living Riders

Universal Life Policy Provisions

Premium and Cost of Insurance Provision

Changes in the Amount of Insurance

Death Benefit Provision

Universal Life Insurance with Secondary Guarantees

Index Universal Life Insurance

Chapter 16 Special Life Insurance Forms

Specialized Life Contracts

Mortgage Redemption Policy

Joint Mortgage Protection Policy

Survivorship Whole Life

Family Income Policy

Family Income Rider

Family Protection Policy

Return-of-Premium and Return-of-Cash-Value Policy

Modified Whole Life

Graded-Premium Whole Life

Single-Premium Life

Juvenile Insurance

Indeterminate Premium Policies

Low-Load and No-Load Life Insurance

Advantages and Disadvantages of Special Forms

Chapter 17 Buying Life Insurance

Decisions In Buying Life Insurance

Buy Term and Invest the Difference?

Life Insurance as an Investment

Choosing the Company

Comparing Differences in Cost

The NAIC Life Insurance Illustrations Model Regulation

NAIC Model Replacement Regulation

Investor-Owned Life Insurance

Industry Reform Initiatives

Shopping for Universal and Variable Life

Some Additional Tax Considerations

Section 1035 Exchanges (“Rollovers”)

Life Insurance and Divorce Agreements

Chapter 18 Annuities and Pension Benefits


Classification of Annuities

Income Tax Treatment of Annuities

Annuities and the Federal Estate Tax

Specialized Annuities

Annuities as Investments for Retirement

Regulation of Annuity Sales

Qualified Retirement Plans

A General Overview of Qualified Plans

Basic Types of Qualified Plans

Significance of the Nature of the Employer's Promise

Other Types of Qualified Plans

Other Requirements for Qualified Retirement Plans

Other Benefits

Required Joint-and-Survivor Option

Period-Certain Payments

Distribution Requirements

Taxation of Distributions

Individual Retirement Accounts

Traditional IRAs

The Roth IRA

A Concluding Note

Chapter 19 Managing the Retirement Risk

An Overview of the Retirement Risk

Causes of the Retirement Risk

Two Risks Associated with Retirement

Retirement Risk Alternatives

An Overview of the Retirement Planning Process

Countering the Urgency Deficit

Constructing a Retirement Plan

Estimating Retirement Needs

Planning the Retirement Accumulation

Planning the Retirement Distribution

Chapter 20 Health Insurance: Disability Income Insurance

General Nature of Disability Income Insurance

Types of Insurers

Methods of Marketing

Need for Disability Income Insurance

Short-Term versus Long-Term Disability Coverage

Disability Income Underwriting and Pricing

Disability Income Contracts

Perils Covered

Elimination Periods

Limitations on Amount of Coverage

Definitions of Disability Income Policies

Exclusions in Disability Income Contracts

Payments for Other Than Total Disability

Optional Benefit Provisions

Individual Health Insurance Policy Provisions

Individual Health Insurance Continuance Provisions

Uniform Provisions

Optional Uniform Provisions

Programming and Buying Disability Income Insurance

Determining Disability Income Coverage Needs

Evaluating Existing Sources of Protection

Taxation of Disability Income

Cost of Disability Income Insurance

Chapter 21 Health Insurance: Coverage for Medical Expenses

Background On the Current Health Insurance Market

Historical Development of Health Insurance in the United States

The Attack on Managed Care

Consumer-Directed Health Care

The Health Insurance Market

Employer-Provided Health Insurance

The Public Sector

The Insurance Product

HMO Contracts

Exclusions under Health Insurance Policies

Coordination of Benefit

Other Medical Expense Coverages

Limited Health Insurance Policies

Dental Expense Insurance

Limited Policies—Prescription Drugs

Health Insurance

First-Dollar Coverages

Taxes and Health Care Costs

Deficiencies In the System and Prior Reform Efforts

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (The Aca)

The Future

Chapter 22 Health Insurance for the Elderly


Original Medicare

Traditional Program Medicare Supplement Policies

Part C—Medicare Advantage

Part D—Prescription Drug Coverage

The Financial Condition of Medicare

Proposals for Reform

Long-Term Care Insurance

Nature of the Long-Term Care Exposure

Inadequacy of Medicare for Long-Term Care Needs

Development of LTC Insurance

Coverage of LTC Policies

Cost of LTC Insurance

The Life Insurance Accelerated Benefits Alternative to LTC

Combination Policies

Medicaid Planning

Statutory Restrictions

Spousal Impoverishment Provisions

Estate Recovery

Long-Term Care Partnership Programs

Chapter 23 Employee Benefits and Other Business Uses of Life and Health Insurance

Employee Benefits Generally

Group Life and Health Insurance as Employee Benefits

Group Term Life Insurance

Group Ordinary Life Insurance

Group Paid-Up Life Insurance

Group Universal Life

Survivor Income Benefit Insurance

Retired Lives Reserve

Funding Issues

Funding through a 501(c)(9) Trust


Legislation Affecting Pension Plans

Qualification Requirements

Funding Pensions

Trusts and Insurance Companies

Erisa Pension Plan Termination Insurance

Accounting For Defined Benefit Plans

Plan De-Risking and Longevity Risk Transfer

Cafeteria Employee Benefit Plans

Some Specialized Uses of Life Insurance in Business

Business Continuation Insurance

Key-Person Insurance

Split-Dollar Plan

Deferred Compensation

Corporate-Owned Life Insurance



Chapter 24 The Homeowners Policy—General Provisions

The Homeowners Policy Program

Historical Development

General Nature of the Homeowners Program

Homeowners Section I Coverage

Section I Coverages: An Overview

Perils Insured

Dwelling and Other Structures Coverage

Personal Property Coverage

Loss of Use Coverage

Additional Coverages

Other Provisions

Section I Conditions

General Conditions Applicable to Sections I and II

Chapter 25 The Homeowners Policy Forms

Differences Among Homeowners Forms

Homeowners 2 Broad Form

Homeowners 3 Special Form

Homeowners 4 Contents Broad Form

Homeowners 5 Comprehensive Form

Homeowners 6 Condominium Unit-Owners Form

Homeowners 8 Modified Coverage Form

Homeowners Section I Optional Coverages

Optional Perils

Other Endorsements

Chapter 26 Other Personal Forms of Property Insurance

Monoline Fire Dwelling Program

Current Dwelling Program


Coverages under the Dwelling Program

Endorsements to the Dwelling Program Forms

Mobilehome Program


Coverage on the Mobilehome

Flood Insurance

General Nature of the Program

The Flood Insurance Policy

Inland Marine Coverage For the Individual

Personal Inland Marine Floaters

Scheduled Personal Property Endorsement

Insurance on Watercraft

Buying Property Insurance For the Individual

Pricing and Cost Considerations

Choosing the Form

Tailoring the Coverage under the Homeowners Policy

Flood Insurance

Title Insurance

Torrens System

Chapter 27 Negligence and Legal Liability

Criminal and Tortious Behavior

Negligence and Legal Liability

There Must Be Negligence

There Must Be Damage or Loss

Negligence Must Be the Proximate Cause of the Damage

Defenses to Negligence

Possible Changes In the Tort System


Chapter 28 General Liability Insurance for the Individual

Liability Insurance In General

Types of Liability Insurance

Comprehensive Personal Liability Coverage

General Nature of the Coverage

Personal Liability Coverage

Medical Payments to Others

Additional Coverages

Section II Conditions

Cost of Personal Liability Insurance

Optional Personal Liability Endorsements

Professional Liability Insurance

Malpractice Insurance

Errors and Omissions Insurance

Umbrella Liability Policy

Exclusions under the Umbrella Liability Policy

Cost of the Umbrella

Chapter 29 The Automobile and its Legal Environment

A Brief Overview of Automobile Coverages

Automobile Liability Insurance

Medical Payments Coverage

Physical Damage Coverage

Uninsured Motorists Coverage

Legal Liability and the Automobile

Vicarious Liability and the Automobile

Guest Hazard Statutes

Automobile Liability Insurance and the Law

Insurance for High-Risk Drivers

The Automobile Insurance Problem and Changes in the Tort System

Criticisms of the Traditional System

The No-Fault Concept

Automobile Insurance Rates

The Shifting View of Auto Insurance

Chapter 30 The Personal Auto Policy

General Nature of the Personal Auto Policy


Policy Format

Liability Coverage

Liability Insuring Agreement

Liability Exclusions

Other Liability Coverage Provisions

Medical Payments Coverage

Medical Payments Insurance Agreement

Medical Payments Exclusions

Limitations Applicable to Medical Payment Recoveries

Uninsured Motorist Coverage

Uninsured Motorist Insuring Agreement

Underinsured Motorist Coverage

Physical Damage Coverage

Physical Damage Insuring Agreement

Physical Damage Exclusions

Other Physical Damage Provisions

Policy Conditions

Part E—Duties after an Accident or Loss

Part F—General Provisions

Endorsements to the Pap

Extended Nonowned Coverage

Named Non-Owner Policy

Miscellaneous Type Vehicle Endorsement

Buying Automobile Insurance

Liability Coverage

Medical Payments Coverage

Physical Damage Coverage

Uninsured Motorist Coverage

Cost Differences among Companies



Commercial Property Coverage

Commercial Property Direct Loss Coverages

Commercial Property Coverage Policies

Building and Personal Property Coverage Form

Blanket Insurance

Reporting Form Coverage

Builder's Risk Coverage Form

Condominium Association Coverage Form

Condominium Commercial Unit-Owner's Coverage Form

Standard Property Policy

Plate Glass Insurance

Commercial Property Coverage For Indirect Loss

Business Interruption Insurance

Extra Expense Insurance

Contingent Business Interruption and Extra Expenses

Leasehold Interest Insurance

Rain Insurance

Boiler and Machinery Insurance

The ISO Breakdown Protection Coverage Form

Direct Damage Equipment Coverages

Indirect Loss Boiler and Machinery Coverages



Transportation Coverages

Ocean Marine Insurance

Inland Marine Insurance

The National Flood Insurance Program

The General Property Form Flood Insurance Policy

Nonresidential Condominiums

Insurance Against Dishonesty

Dishonesty Insurance Coverage Triggers

The ISO Crime Insurance Program

Employee Crime Coverages

Nonemployee Crime Coverages

Package Policies For Business Firms

Commercial Package Policy

Businessowners Policy


Chapter 32 Commercial Liability Insurance

Employers Liability and Workers Compensation

Workers Compensation Policy

General Liability Insurance

General Liability Exposures

Commercial General Liability Coverage

Occurrence-First-Reported Coverage

Other Portfolio Liability Coverages

Miscellaneous General Liability Coverages

Cyber Liability Insurance

Commercial Automobile Insurance

Business Auto Coverage Form

Garage Coverage Form

Auto Dealers Coverage Form


Insurance For Bailees

Bailee Liability

Bailee Liability Coverages

Aviation Insurance

Excess Liability and Umbrella Liability Coverage

Excess Liability Distinguished from Umbrella Liability Contracts

Umbrella Liability Policies

Chapter 33 Surety Bonds, Trade Credit, and Financial Guaranty Insurance

Surety Bonds

Suretyship Distinguished from Insurance

Contract Bonds

Judicial Bonds

License and Permit Bonds

Public Official Bonds

Miscellaneous Bonds

Trade Credit Insurance

Specific-Account versus Whole-Turnover Coverage

Proportional versus Excess-of-Loss Coverage

Credit Insurance in Securitization of Accounts Receivable

Collection Service

Financial Guaranty Insurance

Public Finance Insurance

Structured Finance Insurance

FGI and the Financial Crisis


Mortgage Guaranty Insurance

Chapter 34 Insurance in the Future (Online)


Author Index

Subject Index

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