• Capacity, of organization’s environment, 260

  • Casmir, Fred, 183

  • Causation, internal and external, 84

  • Centralization, 250251, 263

  • Chain of command, 248249

  • Challenge stressors, 297

  • Change

  • Channel richness, 177178

  • Charismatic leadership theory

    • born vs. learned qualities, 194195

    • dark side of, 195196

    • influencing followers, 195

    • situational contingencies, 195

    • transformational leadership vs., 199

  • Circular structure, 257

  • Clarity, Element of Situational Strength, 73

  • Coalitions, 212

  • Coercion, 289

  • Coercive power, 208209

  • Cognition, need for, 179

  • Cognitive component of attitudes, 35

  • Cognitive dissonance, 36

  • Cognitive evaluation theory, 104105

  • Cohesiveness, 146147

  • Collaboration, 231

  • Collectivism, 49, 78

  • Communication, 230

  • Competition, 231, 286

  • Complexity, of organization’s environment, 260

  • Compromise, 232

  • Conciliator, 243

  • Confirmation bias, 90

  • Conflict

  • Conflict process, 229, 230e

    • behavior, 232233, 232e

    • cognition and personalization, 231

    • intentions

      • accommodating, 232

      • avoiding, 232

      • collaborating, 232

      • competing, 231

      • compromising, 232

    • outcomes

      • cultural influences, 234

      • dysfunctional, 233234

      • functional, 233

      • management, 234

    • potential opposition or incompatibility

      • communication, 230

      • personal variables, 230231

      • structure, 230

  • Conscientiousness, 67, 68, 68e

  • Consensus of behavior, 8485

  • Consequences, Element of Situational Strength, 73

  • Consistency of behavior, 73, 8485

  • Constraints, Element of Situational Strength, 73

  • Consultation, 212

  • Context, 8384

  • Contingency theories, 189192, 190e

  • Contingency variables, 8

  • Contrast effects, 86

  • Controlled processing, 179

  • Cooptation, 289

  • Core self-evaluations (CSEs), 41, 46, 7172

  • Core values, 266

  • Corporate social responsibility (CSR), 2, 4142, 172, 212, 280

  • Cost-minimization strategy, 259

  • Counterproductive work behavior (CWB), 4345

  • Creative outcomes, 98

  • Creative potential, 96

  • Creativity, 60, 9596, 96e

    • environment and, 9798

    • ethics and, 97

    • expertise and, 97

    • intelligence and, 97

    • personality and, 97

  • Cross-functional teams, 157

  • Cultural context, 183, 183e

  • Cultural differences, 92, 163

    • leadership and, 189

  • Cultural identity, 27

  • Culture(s), 183, 183e, 271

  • Customer satisfaction, 4243

  • Customer service, 61

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