
This book was created as an alternative to the 600- or 700-page comprehensive text in organizational behavior (OB). It attempts to provide balanced coverage of all the key elements comprising the discipline of OB in a style that readers will find both informative and interesting. We’re pleased to say that this text has achieved a wide following in short courses and executive programs as well as in traditional courses as a companion volume to experiential, skill development, case, and readings books. It is currently used at more than 500 colleges and universities in the United States, Canada, Latin America, Europe, Australia, and Asia. It’s also been translated into Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese, Dutch, Polish, Turkish, Danish, and Bahasa Indonesian.

Key Changes for the Fourteenth Edition

  • Increased content coverage was added to include updated research, relevant discussion, and new exhibits on current issues of all aspects of organizational behavior.

  • Increased integration of contemporary global issues was added into topic discussions.

  • Extensive reorganization of all chapters with new headings and subsections to make navigating the print and digital versions of the text easier and bring important content to the fore.

  • Increased cross-references between chapters to link themes and concepts for the student’s quick access and to provide a more in-depth understanding of topics.

  • New assisted and auto-graded questions that students can complete and submit via MyManagementLab are provided for each chapter.

  • A new feature, Try It, has been added to 14 chapters to direct the student’s attention to MyManagementLab simulations specific to the content in the text.

Retained from the Previous Edition

What do people like about this book? Surveys of users have found general agreement about the following features. Needless to say, they’ve all been retained in this edition.

  • Length. Since its inception in 1984, we’ve tried diligently to keep this book in the range of 325 to 400 pages. Users tell us this length allows them considerable flexibility in assigning supporting materials and projects.

  • Balanced topic coverage. Although short in length, this book continues to provide balanced coverage of all the key concepts in OB. This includes not only traditional topics such as personality, motivation, and leadership but also cutting-edge issues such as emotions, diversity, negotiation, and teamwork.

  • Writing style. This book is frequently singled out for its fluid writing style and extensive use of examples. Users regularly tell us that they find this book “conversational,” “interesting,” “student friendly,” and “very clear and understandable.”

  • Practicality. This book has never been solely about theory. It’s about using theory to better explain and predict the behavior of people in organizations. In each edition of this book, we have focused on making sure that readers see the link between OB theories, research, and implications for practice.

  • Absence of pedagogy. Part of the reason we’ve been able to keep this book short in length is that it doesn’t include review questions, cases, exercises, or similar teaching/learning aids. It continues to provide only the basic core of OB knowledge, allowing instructors the maximum flexibility in designing and shaping their courses.

  • Integration of globalization, diversity, and ethics. The topics of globalization and cross-cultural differences, diversity, and ethics are discussed throughout this book. Rather than being presented only in separate chapters, these topics have been woven into the context of relevant issues. Users tell us they find that this integrative approach makes these topics more fully part of OB and reinforces their importance.

  • Comprehensive supplements. Although this book may be short in length, it’s not short on supplements. It comes with a complete, high-tech support package for both faculty and students. Instructors are provided with a comprehensive Instructor’s Manual and Test Bank, TestGenerator, and PowerPoint slides. The MyManagementLab course provides both instructors and students with various types of assessments, video exercises, decision-making simulations, and Personal Inventory Assessments.

Chapter-by-Chapter Changes

Chapter 1: What Is Organizational Behavior?

  • New content: Effective versus Successful Managerial Activities; Current Usage of, New Trends in, and Limitations of Big Data; Workforce Demographics; Social Media; and Inputs, Processes, and Outcomes of our General Model of Organizational Behavior

  • Newly revised sections: Management and Organizational Behavior

  • New research incorporated in the following areas: Introduction to Organizational Behavior, Big Data, Adapting to Differing Cultural and Regulatory Norms, Positive Work Environments, and Ethical Behavior

  • New features: Watch It (Herman Miller: Organizational Behavior) and Personal Inventory Assessments (Multicultural Awareness Scale)

Chapter 2: Diversity in Organizations

  • New content: Stereotype Threat and Hidden Disabilities

  • Newly revised sections: Learning Objectives, Demographic Characteristics, Discrimination, Implementing Diversity Management Strategies, and Implications for Managers

  • New research incorporated in the following areas: Discrimination in the Workplace; Biographical Characteristics, including Age, Sex, Race, and Ethnicity; Disabilities; the Wonderlic Intellectual Ability Test; Diversity in Groups; and International Research on Religion, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Physical Abilities

  • New features: Personal Inventory Assessments (Intercultural Sensitivity Scale), Watch It (Verizon: Diversity), and Try It (Simulation: Human Resources)

Chapter 3: Attitudes and Job Satisfaction

  • New content: The Causes of Job Satisfaction, including Job Conditions, Personality, Pay, and Corporate Social Responsibility; Life Satisfaction as an Outcome of Job Satisfaction; and Counterproductive Work Behavior (CWB) as an Outcome of Job Dissatisfaction

  • Newly revised sections: Learning Objectives and Implications for Managers

  • New research incorporated in the following areas: Attitudes and Behavior, Employee Engagement, Measured Job Satisfaction Levels, How Satisfied Are People in Their Jobs, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) as an Outcome of Job Satisfaction

  • New features: Watch It (Gawker Media: Attitudes and Job Satisfaction), Personal Inventory Assessments [Core Self-Evaluation (CSE) Scale], and Try It (Simulation: Attitudes & Job Satisfaction)

Chapter 4: Emotions and Moods

  • New content: Moral Emotions; the Functions of Emotions, including Whether or Not Emotions Make Us Ethical; Emotion Regulation Influences, Outcomes, and Techniques; and the Ethics of Emotion Regulation

  • Newly revised sections: Learning Objectives, Time of the Day as a Source of Emotions and Moods, Implications for Managers

  • New research incorporated in the following areas: Stress, Sleep, Age, and Sex as Sources of Emotions and Moods; Controlling Emotional Displays; Emotional Intelligence; Safety and Injury at Work as Outcomes of Emotions and Moods; and International Research on the Basic Emotions, Experiencing Moods, and Emotions, as well as on the Day of the Week and Weather as Sources of Emotions and Moods

  • New features: Personal Inventory Assessments (Emotional Intelligence Assessment) and Try It (Simulation: Emotions & Moods)

Chapter 5: Personality and Values

  • New content: Whether or Not the Big Five Personality Traits Predict Behavior at Work, Other Dark-Side Traits, and Other Dimensions of Fit

  • Newly revised sections: Learning Objectives, Personality Frameworks, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Cultural Values, Summary, and Implications for Managers

  • New research incorporated in the following areas: Describing Personality; the Big Five Personality Model; the Dark Triad, Proactive Personality; Organizational Situations, Generational Values; Person–Organization Fit; and International Research on Measuring Personality, Narcissism, and Person–Job Fit

  • New features: Watch It (Honest Tea: Ethics—Company Mission and Values), and Personality Inventory Assessment (Personality Style Indicator)

Chapter 6: Perception and Individual Decision Making

  • New content: The Perceiver, Target, and Context as Factors That Influence Perception, Randomness Error; Nudging as an Influence on Decision Making; Choosing between the Three Ethical Decision Criteria; Lying and Ethical Decision Making; and Ethics and Creativity

  • Newly revised sections: Learning Objectives, the Halo Effect, Escalation of Commitment, Creative Potential, and Implications for Managers

  • New research incorporated in the following areas: Person Perception: Making Judgments about Others; Attribution Theory; the Link between Perception and Individual Decision Making; Gender as an Influence on Decision Making; Creative Behavior; Intelligence, Personality, and Expertise as Causes of Creative Behavior; the Creative Environment; and International Research on the Three Ethical Decision Criteria

  • New features: Watch It (Orpheus Group Casting: Social Perception and Attribution), Try It (Simulation: Perception & Individual Decision Making), and Personal Inventory Assessments (How Creative Are You?)

Chapter 7: Motivation Concepts

  • New content: Goal-Setting and Ethics, Reinforcement Theory, Influencing Self-Efficacy in Others, Ensuring Justice, and Culture and Justice

  • Newly revised sections: Learning Objectives, Goal-Setting Theory, and Equity Theory/Organizational Justice

  • New research incorporated in the following areas: Hierarchy of Needs Theory as well as International Research on McClelland’s Theory of Needs, Goal-Setting Theory, Self-Determination Theory, Self-Efficacy Theory, and Equity Theory/Organizational Justice

  • New features: Watch It [Motivation (TWZ Role Play)], Try It (Simulation: Motivation), and Personal Inventory Assessments (Work Motivation Indicator)

Chapter 8: Motivation: From Concepts to Applications

  • Newly revised sections: The Job Characteristics Model, Job Rotation, Rewarding Individual Employees through Variable-Pay Programs, and Using Benefits to Motivate Employees

  • New research incorporated in the following areas: Job Rotation; Relational Job Design; Flextime; Job Sharing; Participative Management; Establishing a Pay Structure; Merit-Based Pay; Employee Stock Ownership Plans; Using Intrinsic Rewards; and International Research on the Job Characteristics Model, Telecommuting, Cultural Employee Involvement Programs, Representative Participation, Rewarding Individual Employees through Variable-Pay Programs, Piece-Rate Pay, Bonuses, and Profit-Sharing Plans

  • New features: Personal Inventory Assessments (Diagnosing the Need for Team Building), Watch It (Zappos: Motivating Employees through Company Culture), and Try It (Simulation: Extrinsic & Intrinsic Motivation)

Chapter 9: Foundations of Group Behavior

  • New content: Social Identity, Ingroups and Outgroups, Norms and Emotions, Positive and Negative Norms and Group Outcomes, Norms and Culture, Group Status Inequity, and Group Status and Stigmatization

  • Newly revised sections: Learning Objectives; Role Expectations; Role Conflict; Group Status, Group Size, and Dynamics, Group Cohesiveness; Group Diversity; and Implications for Managers

  • New research incorporated in the following areas: Group Norms, Group Status and Norms, Group Status and Group Interaction, Group Size and Dynamics, Challenges of Group Diversity, Group Effectiveness and Efficiency, and International Research in Group Diversity

  • New features: Watch It ( Managing Groups & Teams), Personal Inventory Assessments (Communicating Supportively), and Try It (Simulation: Group Behavior)

Chapter 10: Understanding Work Teams

  • New content: Cultural Differences in Work Teams, Team Identity, Team Cohesion, and Shared Mental Models

  • Newly revised sections: Problem-Solving Teams, Summary, and Implications for Managers

  • New research incorporated in the following areas: The Popularity of Teams, Cross-Functional Teams, Virtual Teams, Multiteam Systems, Creating Effective Teams, Team Composition, Personality of Team Members, Size of Teams, and International Research on Climate of Trust

  • New features: Watch It [Teams (TWZ Role Play)], Personal Inventory Assessments (Team Development Behaviors), and Try It (Simulation: Teams)

Chapter 11: Communication

  • New content: Managing Behavior, Feedback, Emotional Feedback, Emotional Sharing, Persuasion, and Information Exchange

  • Newly revised sections: Downward and Upward Communication, The Grapevine, Oral Communication, and Telephone

  • New research incorporated in the following areas: Functions of Communication and Information Overload

  • New features: Watch It [Communication (TWZ Role Play)], Personal Inventory Assessments (Communication Styles), and Try It (Simulation: Communication)

Chapter 12: Leadership

  • New content: Dark Side Traits, Leader–Member Exchange Theory, How Transformational Leadership Works, Transformational versus Charismatic Leadership, Emotional Intelligence and Leadership, Leader-Participation Model, and Trust and Culture

  • Newly revised sections: Learning Objectives, Trait Theories of Leadership, Contemporary Theories of Leadership, Behavioral Theories, Responsible Leadership, and Authentic Leadership

  • New research incorporated in the following areas: Big Five Traits, Transactional and Transformational Leadership, Path–Goal Theory, Servant Leadership, and International Research on Charismatic Leadership and the Evaluation of Transformational Leadership

  • New features: Watch It [Leadership (TWZ Role Play)], Personal Inventory Assessments (Ethical Leadership Assessment), and Try It (Simulation: Leadership)

Chapter 13: Power and Politics

  • New content: The General Dependence Postulate, Social Network Analysis, Sexual Harassment, Inter-Organizational Factors Contributing to Political Behavior, Interviews and Impression Management, Scarcity, and Nonsubstitutability

  • Newly revised sections: Learning Objectives and Individual Factors Contributing to Political Behavior

  • New research incorporated in the following areas: Impression Management, Performance Evaluations and Impression Management, Organizational Factors, and Contributing to Political Behavior

  • New features: Watch It (Power and Political Behavior),  Personal Inventory Assessments (Gaining Power and Influence), and Try It (Simulation: Power & Politics)

Chapter 14: Conflict and Negotiation

  • New content: Negotiating in a Social Context, Reputation and Relationships in Negotiations, and Third-Party Negotiations

  • Newly revised sections: Learning Objectives, A Definition of Conflict, Loci of Conflict, and Stage IV of the Conflict Process: Behavior, Personality Traits, and Gender Differences in Negotiations

  • New research incorporated in the following areas: Functional Outcomes, Preparation and Planning for Negotiation, and International Research on Personal Variables as Sources of Conflict and Cultural Influences on Negotiation

  • New features: Watch It (Gordon Law Group: Conflict and Negotiation) and Personal Inventory Assessments (Strategies for Handling Conflict)

Chapter 15: Foundations of Organization Structure

  • New content: Implications of Organizational Structure for OB; Boundary Spanning; Types of Organizational Structures, including Functional, Divisional, Team, and Circular Structures; and Institutions and Strategy

  • Newly revised sections: Learning Objectives and Description of Organizational Structure

  • New research incorporated in the following areas: The Leaner Organization: Downsizing, Organizational Strategies and Structure, and International Research on Technology and Strategy

  • New features: Personal Inventory Assessments (Organizational Structure Assessment), Try It (Simulation: Organizational Structure), and Watch It (ZipCar: Organizational Structure)

Chapter 16: Organizational Culture

  • New content: The Ethical Dimensions of Culture, Culture and Sustainability, Culture and Innovation, Culture as an Asset, Strengthening Dysfunctions, Rivals, and Influencing an Organizational Culture

  • Newly revised sections: Description of Organizational Culture, Barriers to Acquisitions and Mergers, Ethical Culture, Positive Culture, Rewarding More Than Punishing, and Building on Employee Strengths

  • New research incorporated in the following areas: Organizational Socialization

  • New features: Try It (Simulation: Organizational Culture) and Personal Inventory Assessments (Organizational Structure Assessment)

Chapter 17: Organizational Change and Stress Management

  • New content: Reactionary versus Planned Change; The Politics of Change; Action Research; Sensitivity Training, Managing the Change Paradox; Describing and Creating a Learning Organization; Organizational Change and Stress; Allostasis; Potential Sources of Stress at Work; Environmental, Personal, and Organizational Factors Leading to Stress; Stress Additivity; Perception and Stress; Job Experience and Stress; Personality Traits and Stress; Cultural Differences and Stress; and Wellness Programs

  • Newly revised sections: Description of Change, Forces for Change, Coercion as a Tactic to Overcome Resistance to Change, Demands and Resources, Social Support and Stress, Summary, and Implications for Managers

  • New research incorporated in the following areas: Resistance to Change, Developing Positive Relationships to Overcome Resistance to Change, Context and Innovation, Behavioral Symptoms of Stress, and International Research on Communication to Overcome Resistance to Change and on Idea Champions

  • New features: Try It (Simulation: Change), Watch It (East Haven Fire Department: Managing Stress), and Personal Inventory Assessments (Tolerance of Ambiguity Scale)

Instructor Resources

At Pearson’s Higher Ed catalog,, instructors can easily register to gain access to a variety of instructor resources available with this text in downloadable format. If assistance is needed, our dedicated technical support team is ready to help with the media supplements that accompany this text. Visit for answers to frequently asked questions and toll-free user support phone numbers.

The following supplements are available with this text:

  • Instructor’s Resource Manual

  • Test Bank

  • TestGen® Computerized Test Bank

  • PowerPoint Presentation

This title is available as an eBook and can be purchased at most eBook retailers.

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