Other Personality Attributes Relevant to OB

As we’ve discussed, studies of traits have much to offer the field of OB. Now we’ll look at other attributes that are powerful predictors of behavior in organizations: core self-evaluations, self-monitoring, and proactive personality.

Core Self-Evaluation (CSE)

As discussed in Chapter 3, core self-evaluations (CSEs) are bottom-line conclusions individuals have about their capabilities, competence, and worth as a person. People with positive CSEs like themselves and see themselves as effective and in control of their environment. Those with negative CSEs tend to dislike themselves, question their capabilities, and view themselves as powerless over their environment.59 Recall that CSEs relate to job satisfaction, because people who are positive on this trait see more challenge in their jobs and actually attain more complex jobs.

People with positive CSEs perform better than others because they set more ambitious goals, are more committed to their goals, and persist longer in attempting to reach them. People who have high CSEs provide better customer service, are more popular coworkers, and may have careers that begin on better footing and ascend more rapidly over time.60 They perform especially well if they feel their work provides meaning and is helpful to others.61 Therefore, people with high CSEs may thrive in organizations with high CSR.


Zoe is always in trouble at work. Although she’s competent, hardworking, and productive, she receives average ratings in performance reviews, and seems to have made a career out of irritating her bosses. Zoe’s problem is that she’s politically inept and unable to adjust her behavior to fit changing situations. As she says, “I’m true to myself. I don’t remake myself to please others.” Zoe is a low self-monitor.

Self-monitoring describes an individual’s ability to adjust behavior to external, situational factors.62 High self-monitors show considerable adaptability in adjusting their behavior to external situational factors. They are highly sensitive to external cues and can behave differently in varying situations, sometimes presenting striking contradictions between their public personae and their private selves. Evidence indicates high self-monitors pay closer attention to the behavior of others and are more capable of conforming than are low self-monitors.63 Low self-monitors like Zoe can’t disguise themselves in that way. They tend to display their true dispositions and attitudes in every situation; hence, there is high behavioral consistency between who they are and what they do.

Proactive Personality

Did you ever notice that some people actively take the initiative to improve their current circumstances or create new ones? These are proactive personalities.64 Those with a proactive personality identify opportunities, show initiative, take action, and persevere until meaningful change occurs, compared to others who generally react to situations. Proactive individuals have many desirable behaviors that organizations covet. They have higher levels of job performance65 and do not need much oversight.66 They are receptive to changes in job demands and thrive when they can informally tailor their jobs to their strengths. Proactive individuals often achieve career success.67

Proactive personality may be important for work teams. One study of 95 R&D teams in 33 Chinese companies revealed that teams with high average levels of proactive personality were more innovative.68 Proactive individuals are also more likely to exchange information with others in a team, which builds trust relationships.69 Like other traits, proactive personality is affected by the context. One study of bank branch teams in China found that if a team’s leader was not proactive, the potential benefits of the team’s proactivity became dormant, or worse, their proactivity was suppressed by the leader.70 In terms of pitfalls, one study of 231 Flemish unemployed individuals found that proactive individuals abandoned their job searches sooner. It may be that proactivity includes stepping back in the face of failure.71

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