• Obsessive-compulsive personality, 71

  • Open-mindedness, 281

  • Openness, 67, 68e, 69

  • Operant conditioning theory, 110

  • Oral communication, 175176

  • Organic model, 258

  • Organic structures, 294

  • Organizational behavior (OB)

    • absolutes in, 78

    • challenges and opportunities for, 8, 9e

    • continuing globalization of, 810

    • core topics of, 3

    • definition of, 3

    • disciplines that contribute to, 67, 7e

    • emotions in, 5963

    • history of, 12

    • implications for managers, 1516

    • management and, 2

    • moods in, 5963

  • Organizational behavior (OB) model, 13e

    • development of, 1213

    • inputs, 13

    • outcomes, 1415

    • processes, 13

  • Organizational change

    • about, 285

    • action research in, 291

    • appreciative inquiry in, 293

    • approaches to managing, 290293, 290e, 291e

    • building support and commitment for, 288

    • coercion in, 289

    • communication in, 287

    • creating a culture for, 293296, 295e

    • creating a learning organization, 295296, 295e

    • developing positive relationships for, 288

    • DLOQ in, 295

    • forces for, 286

    • implementing changes fairly in, 289

    • intergroup development in, 293

    • Kotter’s eight-step plan, 290, 291e

    • Lewin’s three-step model, 290, 290e

    • managing paradox in, 293294

    • manipulation, cooptation in, 289

    • organizational development in, 291293

    • overcoming resistance to, 287289

    • participation in, 287

    • process consultation in, 292

    • politics of, 290

    • reactionary vs. planned, 286

    • resistance to, 287289, 288e

    • selecting people to accept, 289

    • sensitivity training in, 292

    • stimulating a culture of innovation for, 294295

    • stress and, 296

    • summary of, 304305

    • survey feedback for, 292

    • team building in, 292

  • Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), 14, 42

  • Organizational climate, 269

  • Organizational commitment, 37

  • Organizational communication, 304

  • Organizational culture

  • Organizational demography, 163

  • Organizational development (OD), 291293

  • Organizational justice, 111112, 112e

  • distributive justice, 112

  • ensuring justice, 114

  • culture and, 114

  • equity theory, 111112, 111e

  • informational justice, 113

  • interpersonal justice, 113

  • organizational justice, 111112, 112e

  • outcomes, 113114

  • procedural justice, 112113

  • Organizational situations, 7374

  • Organizational strategies, 258, 258e

    • cost-minimization, 259

    • imitation, 259

    • innovation, 259

    • structural, 259, 259e

  • Organizational structure

  • Organizational survival, 15

  • Orientation, 266

  • Outcome orientation, 266

  • Outcomes, in OB model, 1445

  • Outgroup, 138139

  • Overconfidence bias, 89

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