Time for action — releasing a page submitted for assessment

It's time to see how you can release a learner page back to them, once it has been submitted to your group:

  1. Log in to Mahara as either a tutor or administrator of the course controlled group (that has page submission enabled) you have created.
  2. Navigate to your course controlled group.
  3. The first thing you should notice when you enter your group is that you have a new section at the bottom of the group's About page called Pages submitted to this group. Here, Sally O'Leary, the tutor on the NVQ Level 2 for Mechanical Engineering can now see the work that Ravinda has completed and when it was submitted:
    Time for action — releasing a page submitted for assessment
  4. Click on the page that has been submitted for assessment.
  5. At this point, imagine yourself in the role of a tutor. You have the time to carefully consider the submissions without the user being able to edit the page (apart from updating their journals or feeds).
  6. When you have decided what mark the work deserves, you can release it back to the learner. Click on the Release page button at the bottom left of the page. Sally O'Leary releases Ravinda's page back to him:
    Time for action — releasing a page submitted for assessment

What just happened?

You just found out how a tutor can release a page back to a learner once it has been marked, completing the assessment process.

In Chapter 4, Organize and Showcase your Portfolio, you saw how you can give feedback on pages. Use this feature to give your learners constructive advice on what they did/didn't do well. It is probably best if you make this feedback private, so that only the user can see what you have written. Remember, you can also add files as feedback — so why not add an attractive certificate of successful achievement, if relevant?

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