
For indexed terms with more than one page reference, the italicized page (or range) indicates the most significant reference.

1-ring, 759, 760

2.5 dimensions, 531

3D printing, 578, 683, 693

3dfx Interactive, 37

A-buffer, see under buffer,

AABB, 822, 944, 946, 974, 976

creation, 949

orthographic pro jection, 93

AABB/object intersection, see intersection testing, AABB/AABB,

Academy Color Encoding System, see ACES,

acceleration algorithms, 14, 682, 817879,

accessibility shading, 449

accommodation, 923

accumulation buffer, see buffer, accumulation ACE, 1036

ACES, 287

adaptation, 285

adaptive refinement, 547

adjacency graph, 692

affinity mask, 928

Afro Samurai,, 658

AHD basis, see basis, AHD,

albedo, 314

directional, 313

texture, 885

aliasing, 130, 131

crawlies, 130

fireflies, 132, 801

jaggies, 130, 132 , 537

perspective, 239

projective, 240

self-shadow, 236

shadow map, 236

temporal, 132, 182

texture, 182, 186

alpha, 149, 159160, 202208

blending, 149 ߝ 150 , 203

channel, 24, 159 , 160, 203, 1010

LOD, see level of detail, alpha mapping, see texturing premultiplied, 159160

testing, 24, 204

unmultiplied, 160

alpha to coverage, 149, 207

alternate frame rendering, 1013

ALU, 1002 ߝ 1003 , 1029, 1036


aperture lighting, 466

color, 392

cube, 394 ߝ 395 , 432, 478, 488

dice, 395 , 478, 488

light, see light, ambient,

ambient occlusion, 446451

dynamic, 453457

field, 452

ground-truth, 461

horizon-based, 460

precomputed, 451453

screen-space, 457463

shading, 463465

temporal supersampling, 462

volume, 452

volumetric, 459

ambient/highlight/direction basis, 476

Amdahl's law, 1020

animation, 81, 85, 200, 829

cel, 652

impostor, 562

particle system, 567

sprite, 550

subdivision, 781

texture, see texturing, animation vertex blending, see under transform,

anisotropic filtering, see under texturing, minification,

anisotropic reflection, 314

anisotropic scaling, 62

anti-shadow, 227

antialiasing, 130148

coverage sampling, 141

custom filter, 142

directionally localized, 147

distance-to-edge, 147

enhanced quality, 141

fast approximate, 146, 148


full-scene, 138

geometry buffer, 147

hybrid reconstruction, 146

image-based, 147, 148

jittering, 144, 909

morphological, 146148

multisampling, 139142, 144148, 155

N -rooks, 143

Quincunx, 145146

rotated grid, 143, 145, 146

screen based, 137148, 204207

subpixel morphological, 148

subpixel reconstruction, 147

supersampling, 138139

rotated grid, 1028

temporal, 142 ߝ 143 , 144146, 148

texture, see texturing, minification,

aperture, 307

apex point map, 837, 980

API, 15

application stage, see under pipeline arithmetic logic unit, see ALU artistic rendering, see non-photorealistic,


Ashes of the Singularity,, 883, 911, 913

Ashikhmin model, 357

aspect graph, see under spatial data structure Assassin's Creed,, 453, 539

Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag,, 478, 481

Assassin's Creed Unity,, 834, 851, 905

Assimp,, 716

ASTC, see under texturing, compression asynchronous compute engine, see ACE,

atan2, 8 , 72

atmosphere, 595, 596, 601, 613616, 622623

attenuation index, 298

augmented reality, 915940

average cache miss ratio, 700

axis-aligned bounding box, see AABB,

axis-aligned BSP tree, see under spatial data,

structure, BSP tree,

B-spline, see under curves and surfaces back buffer, see buffer, back,

back plane, 93n

backface culling, see culling, backface backprojection, 252

backward mapping, 532

baking, 451 , 473, 853

least-squares, 452

balancing the pipeline, see pipeline,

band-limited signal, 133

banding, 161, 1010

banding artifacts, 279, 1010

bandwidth, 1006

Bartleson-Breneman effect, 285

barycentric coordinates, 45, 46, 489, 673, 740, 748, 907, 963 , 9981001

perspective correct, 9991001

basis, 209

AHD, 402 , 467, 471, 484, 488, 498


orthogonal, 398

orthonormal, 399

hemispherical, 402404

projection, 393

spherical, 395402

Gaussian, 397 ߝ 398 , 471472, 477478, 488, 498

harmonics, see spherical, harmonics radial, 396

standard, 8, 400

tangent space, 209 ߝ 210 , 343, 403, 766

batch, 796

batching, 795

Battlefield 1, 601

Battlefield 4, 514

BC, see under texturing, compression,

bell curve, 515

benchmarking, 1012

bent cone, screen-space, 467

bent normal, 448, 465


form, 835

Bezier curve, 722

Bezier patch, 737

Bezier triangle, 740

polynomial, 723 , 737

Bezier triangle, 741

Bezier basis function, 723

Bezier curves, see curves, Bezier,

Bezier patch, see under surfaces,

Bezier triangle, see under surfaces,

BGR color order, 1010

bias, 226

cone, 249

normal offset, 238, 250

receiver plane depth, 250

slope scale, 236, 249

bidirectional reflectance distribution function, see BRDF,

bidirectional scattering distribution function, see BSDF,

bidirectional surface scattering distribution functions, see BSSRDF,

bilinear interpolation, 735

billboard, 551564,

axial, 559560, 568

clouds, 563564

particle, 567

screen-aligned, 553

spherical, 559

world-oriented, 554559

binary space partitioning tree, see spatial data structure, BSP tree,

binary tree, 820

bindless texture, 192

binormal vector, 209

biquadratic surface, 736

bitangent vector, 209, 343

blend shapes, see transform, morph targets blending, 25

additive, 151 , 527

function, 723 , 729

implicit surface, 752

multi-layer alpha, 156

operations, see texturing,

surfaces, see surfaces, implicit,

Blinn lighting equation, 314

blocking, 809

bloom, 524, 604

blue-screening, 160

blur, 515518

bokeh, 531 , 536

Boost,, 793

border, 174

Borderlands,, 662, 679

bottleneck, 12, 783 , 786788, 1023

boundary representation, 581

bounded Bezier curve, see curves, bounded Bezier,

bounding volume, 819 , 976

creation, 948953

hierarchy, see under spatial data structure temporal, 821

bounding volume/object intersection, see intersection testing,

bowtie, 684

box/object intersection, see specific objects under intersection testing,

BRDF, 308315

anisotropic, 314

Ashikhmin, 357

Banks, 359

Blinn-Phong, 314

clear coat, 364

cloth, 356359

Cook-Torrance, 314

Disney diffuse, 354, 357

Disney principled, 324, 340, 345, 353, 364

Hapke model, 314

isotropic, 310

Kajiya-Kay, 359

Lambertian, 313, 314

Lommel-Seeliger model, 314

lunar, 314

Oren-Nayar, 354

Phong, 314, 340

reflectance lobe, 315 , 416

specular lobe, 315 , 338, 416, 418

Torrance-Sparrow, 334

Ward, 314

wave optics model, 359363

Brutal Legend,, 572

BSDF, 641648

BSP tree, see under spatial data structure,



A-buffer, 155


antialiasing, 139

depth of field, 529

motion blur, 537

soft shadow, 228

back, 25, 1012

cache, 1007

color, 24, 10091010

compression, 1007 ߝ 1009 , 10321033

deep, 884

double, 25, 1012

dynamic, 793

framebuffer, 25

front, 25, 1012

G-buffer, 661, 884

identification, 668, 942

interleaved, 702

pending, 1013

single, 790, 1012

static, 794

stencil, 24 , 53

projection shadow, 227

shadow volume, 230233

swap, 25, 1012, 1013

triple, 1013

velocity, 143, 540 ߝ 541

visibility, 906908, 912

z-buffer, 24, 53, 152, 10141016, 1048

hierarchical, see under culling,

bump mapping, 167, 208214


CLEAN, 370

LEAN, 370

Toksvig, 369

heightfield, 211212

normal map, 195, 211214, 366, 710

offset vector, 211

bus bandwidth, 1006

BV, see bounding volume,

BVH, see spatial data structure, bounding volume hierarchy,

C0-continuity, see continuity,

C1-continuity, see continuity,


hierarchy, 1038

memory, 792

post-transform, 700, 705

pre-transform, 705

texture, 10171018

vertex, 700, 701, 703

cache-oblivious mesh, see mesh, cache-oblivious CAD, 546

Call of Duty,, 402, 476, 478

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare,, 286, 542, 718

Call of Duty: Black Ops,, 340, 370

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare,, 325, 363365, 420, 902

Call of Duty: WWII,, 476

camera, 307308

camera space, 15

candela, 271

canonical view volume, 16, 94

capsule, 946

cartoon rendering, see shading, toon,

cathode-ray tube, see CRT,

Catmull-Clark subdivision, see surfaces,

subdivision, Catmull-Clark,

Catmull-Rom spline, 731

caustics, 630632

Cel Damage,, 659, 660

cel rendering, see shading, toon cell, see culling, portal cell-based visibility, 842

CFAA, see antialiasing, custom filter,

character animation, see transform, vertex,


charcoal, 652

chart, 909

checkerboard rendering, 146, 930

chroma subsampling, 804

chroma-keying, 160

chromatic aberration, 521, 628, 921

chromaticity, 273

chrominance, 197

Chromium,, 1020

CIE, 272, 273

CIE chromaticity diagram, 274278

CIE XYZ, 273276

CIECAM02, 278



ciliary corona, 524

circle of confusion, 531

Civilization V,, 879

clamp, 174

Claybook,, 1045

CLEAN mapping, 370

ClearType, 675

clip coordinates, 18

clipmap, 867

clipping, 19, 997998

guard-band, 998

plane, 19

clock gating, 1028

clock rate, 789

CLOD, see level of detail, continuous closed model, 693

clouds, 257, 556, 563564, 598, 613, 616620, 622623

clustered deferred shading, 904

clustered forward shading, 904, 907, 908, 914

clustered shading, 898905

C n -continuity, 728

code optimization, see optimization, code,

CodeAnalyst,, 792


frame-to-frame, 866

length, 362

spatial, 837

temporal, 866

collision detection, 14

color, 8, 272 ߝ 290

ambient, 392

buffer, see buffer, color grading, 289290

matching, 272274

mode, 1009

deep color, 1010

high color, 10091010

true color, 10091010

perception, 278

color appearance model, 278

color space,

ACEScg, 278

Adobe 1998, 277

DCI-P3, 277

ICT CP, 276, 287

Rec. 2020, 277, 281

Rec. 709, 277, 281

sRGB, 277, 281

working, 278

color-matching functions, 272273

colorimetry, 272279

command buffer, 812814

common-shader core, 35

communication, 1023

compositing, 159


asymmetry, 196

buffer, see buffer, compression,

texture, see texturing, compression,

vertex, see vertex, compression,

computational photography, 549, 573

compute shader, 14, 40, 41, 51, 54, 245, 256, 259, 288, 514, 518, 535, 536, 569, 578, 582, 611, 677, 778, 784, 795, 798, 812, 851, 879, 888, 893, 895, 896, 901, 903, 907, 911, 912, 914, 986, 1043

compute unit, 1003, 1035

concatenation, see transform, concatenation of cone tracing, 455, 467, 584

voxel, 495, 504

conservation of energy, 312

conservative depth, 1016

conservative rasterization, see rasterization,


constructive interference, see light, interference, constructive,

constructive solid geometry, 750

continuity, see also curves and surfaces,

C0, 728, 741, 745

C1, 728, 742

Cn, 728

G1, 728, 742

Gn,, 728

continuous signal, 131

contour, 686

edge detection, 665669

halo, 659

image, 660665

line, 655

loop, 667

procedural geometry, 657660

shading normal, 656657

shell, 658659

contouring artifacts, see banding artifacts,

control cage, 756

control mesh, 756

control points, 720

control polygon, 754

convex hull, 950

Bezier curve, 723

Bezier patch, 738

Bezier triangle, 741

Loop, 761

convex partitioning, 684

convex polyhedron, 946, 950

convex region, 685

convolution, 135

Cook-Torrance model, 314

cookie, 221, 230, 434

coordinate system,

left-handed, 92, 95

right-handed, 92

corner cutting, 753

counterclockwise vertex order, 63, 692

coverage, 995

coverage mask, A-buffer, 155

CPU-limited, 786

cracking, 689, 769

Bezier triangle, 747

fractional tessellation, 769

polygon edge, 689, 714

quadtree, 774

tessellation, 771

crawlies, 130

crease, 763

critical angle, 326

cross product, 7

CrossFire X, 1013

CRT, 161

Crysis, 220, 457, 458, 559

Crysis 3, 631

CSAA, see antialiasing, coverage sampling,

CSG, 750

CSM, see shadow, map, cascaded,

cube map, 173, 190

cube mapping, see environment mapping, cubic,

cube texture, 190

CubeMapGen, 415

cubic convolution, 178

cubic curve, see curves, cubic,

cuculoris, 434

CUDA, 54, 1040

culling, 830851

backface, 800, 831 ߝ 835

orientation consistency, 63

clustered backface, 833835

detail, 839840

early-z, 53, 801, 849, 851, 1016

frontface, 832

hierarchical z-buffering, 846850

hierarchical view frustum, 807, 835837, 981

image-space, 843 , 844, 846

ob ject-space, 843

occlusion, 822, 840 ߝ 850

occlusion query, 844845

portal, 837839

ray-space, 843

view frustum, 807, 835 ߝ 837 , 981

z, 846

zmax, 1015

zmin, 1015

curve segment, 729730

curved surfaces, see surfaces,


B-spline, 732 ߝ 734 , 754, 756

Bezier, 720725

bounded Bezier, 725726

Catmull-Rom spline, 731

continuity, 726728

cubic, 721, 724 , 729

degree, 721

GPU rendering, 725726

Hermite, 729730

Kochanek-Bartels, 730732

parametric, 718734

piecewise, 726

quadratic, 721 , 722724

quartic, 721

S-shaped, 728 , 771

spline, 729 , 781

subdivision, 753756

tension parameter, 730

D65, see illuminant D65,

DAG, see directed acyclic graph,

dart, 763

data race condition, 51

data reduction, see simplification,

data-level parallelism, 1003

data-oriented design, 791

de Casteljau,

Bezier curves, 721

Bezier patches, 736

Bezier triangles, 740

DEAA, see antialiasing, distance-to-edge decals, 202, 888890, 901

decimation, see simplification deep color mode, 1010

deferred context, 813

deferred lighting, 892

deferred shading, 547, 883 ߝ 890 , 1022, 1028

deferred texturing, 905908

denoising, 519

dependent texture read, see texture, dependent read,


buffer, see buffer, z-buffer reversed, 100

complexity, 801 , 841

peeling, 152, 154155, 252, 625, 893

sprite, see under impostor,

depth of field, 523, 525, 527 ߝ 536 , 835

derivative, see gradient of pixel,

Destiny,, 129, 130, 453, 815

Destiny 2, 571, 572, 1041

Destiny: The Taken King,, 128

destructive interference, see light, interference, destructive,

determinant of a matrix, 7

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided,, 908

dielectric, 321

difference of Gaussians, 665

diffraction, 303, 360 ߝ 361

diffuse color, 314, 348

diffuse term, 306

diffusion, 634

normal-map, 635

screen-space, 636638

texture-space, 635

digital differential analyzer, 506

digital visual interface, 1011

dihedral angle, 654, 660, 695

dimension reduction, 955

direct memory access, see DMA,

Direct3D, 21n

DirectCompute, 40

directed acyclic graph, 586, 829

direction, principal, 672

directional occlusion, 465

dynamic, 467468

precomputed, 466

shading, 468472

DirectX, 3841

DirectX, 11, 813

DirectX, 12, 814

discrete geometry LOD, see level of detail, discrete geometry,

discrete ordinate methods, 493

discrete oriented polytope, see k-DOP discretized signal, 131

Disney Infinity 3.0, 372

displaced subdivision, see surfaces, subdivision, displaced,

displacement mapping, 167, 219, 765, 770


encoding, 160165

engine, 1011

flare, 285

head-mounted, 916

interface, 1011

list, 812

primary, 276

varifocal, 923

display rate, 1

display-referred, 283

DisplayPort, 1011

distance field, 677

distortion, lens, 921

distribution of normals, see NDF,

distribution of visible normals, 333

dithering, 1010

DLAA, see antialiasing, directionally localized DMA, 1034

Dolby Vision, 282

DOM, see discrete ordinate methods,

domain, 719

rectangular, 736

triangular, 740

domain shader, 44

DOOM (2016), 246, 540, 629, 823, 869, 883, 901

dot product, 7

dots per inch, 817

double buffer, see buffer, double,

downsampling, 136, 518, 525

DRAM, 791

draw call, 35

Dreams, 577, 1045

driver, see graphics driver,

dual paraboloid mapping, see environment mapping, parabolic,

dual source-color blending, 53

dueling frusta, 242

Dust 514, 493

DVI, 1011

DXR, 1044

DXTC, see under texturing, compression dynamic buffer, 793

dynamic super resolution, 139

EAC, 194

ear clipping, 685

early-z culling, see under culling,

edge, 654656,

border, 654

boundary, 654 , 661, 692, 709

bridge, 686

collapse, see under simplification,

contour, 654656

crease, 654 , 695, 709, 747

detection, 661, 663

feature, 654

function, 994996

hard, 654

join, 686

keyholed, 686

material, 654

preservation, 695

ridge, 654 , 660

silhouette, 654655

stitching, 689

suggestive contour, 655

valley, 654 , 660

effective surface, 350

electrical optical transfer function, 161, 283

EM, see environment mapping energy efficiency, 1024

Enlighten,, 482

enveloping, see transform, vertex blending environment mapping, 404433

cubic, 410 ߝ 412 , 425

irradiance, 424433

latitude-longitude, 406408

localized, 499502

octahedral, 413

parabolic, 413

prefiltered, 415420, 471, 502, 503

sphere, 408410

EOTF, see electrical optical transfer function,

EQAA, see antialiasing, enhanced quality Ericsson texture compression, see texturing, compression, ETC,

ESM, see shadow, map, exponential ETC, see under texturing, compression Euler angles, 59, 70 , 73, 82

Euler transform, see transform, Euler Euler-Mascheroni constant, 802

Euler-Poincare formula, 699, 706

EVS, see exact visible set EVSM, see shadow, map, exponential EWA, 189

exact visible set, 831

execution unit, 1003

exitance, 442 , 474

explicit surface, see surfaces, explicit exposure, 285, 288289

extraordinary vertex, 758

eye space, 15

eye-dome lighting, 575

faceter, 682

fairness, 761

falloff function, 114, 381

fan, see triangle, fan,

Far Cry, 453, 476

Far Cry 3, 478, 481

Far Cry 4, 420, 481

far plane, 93, 99, 981

Feline, 189

fence, 938

FIFA, 616

FIFO, 808, 809, 1023

fill rate, 788

film frame rate, 536

filter, 130137, 515

bilateral, 462, 518520

box, 134 , 165, 517, 518

bright-pass, 527

cross bilateral, see filter, joint bilateral disk, 518

edge-preserving, 520

Gaussian, 136, 189, 515 , 517, 572, 665

joint bilateral, 249, 519

kernel, 517

low-pass, 135, 136

nearest neighbor, 134

rotation-invariant, 515

running-average, 523

separable, 516, 517, 520, 532

sinc, 135 ߝ 136 , 515

steerable, 525

support, 517

tent, 134

triangle, 134

fin, 646, 668

Final Fantasy XV,, 620

fireflies, see under aliasing,

Firewatch,, 104

first principal direction, 672

fixed-function pipeline, 27

fixed-view effects, 546547

flat shading, 120


floor, 769

flow control, 36

dynamic, 36

static, 36

flush, 1005

FMA, 1026, 1033

fog, 598, 600 ߝ 602 , 608

force feedback, 14

form factor, 442

forward mapping, 531

forward shading, 883

forward+ shading, see tiled, forward shading,

Forza Horizon 2, 141, 899

Forza Motorsport 7, 2, 412

foveated rendering, 931932

FPS, 1, 13 , 789, 817

fragment, 22, 49

fragment shader, 23, 49, 125,

frame rate, 1, 808

constant, 865

frame-to-frame coherence, 866

framebuffer, 25

frames per second, 13

FreeSync, 1011

FreeType, 676

Fresnel effect, 319

Fresnel equations, 316

Fresnel reflectance, 316 ߝ 327 , 330, 331, 348, 351, 405, 420, 421, 426, 498, 626, 631, 632, 643, 892

Schlick approximation, 320, 321, 326, 347, 351, 598

front buffer, see buffer, front,

front plane, 93n

Frostbite game engine, 111, 113, 115, 116, 287, 290, 312, 325, 616, 804, 811, 851, 878, 890, 893, 903

froxel, 611

frustum, 11, 1718, 981

plane extraction, 983984

tracing, 261

frustum/object intersection, see specific objects under intersection testing,

FSAA, see antialiasing, full-scene,

full screen pass, 514

fur, 640641, 646649

FX Composer,, 44

FXAA, see antialiasing, fast approximate,

G-sync, 1011

G1-continuity, see continuity,

gamma correction, 160 ߝ 165 , 184

gamut, 276, 323

sRGB, 323

gas, ideal, 297

gather operation, 532

Gauss map, 667

Gaussian, anisotropic spherical, 398, 498

GBAA, see antialiasing, geometry buffer GCN, see under hardware,

genus, 699

geodesic curve, 81

geometric mean, 864


clipmap, 872873

patch, 775

processing, see under pipeline,

shader, 1819, 4748, 647, 668, 677, 702, 786, 798

stage, see pipeline, geometry processing,

geomorph LOD, see level of detail, geomorph,

GigaThread engine, 1032

gimbal lock, 73

glare effects, 524

global illumination, 315, 438

glPolygonOffset, 236, 657, 673

GLSL, 35, 39

gluLookAt, 67

gluPerspective, 99

Gn-continuity, 728

gobo, 173, 221, 230, 434

golden thread, 547

Gooch shading, 103 , 663

Gouraud shading, 118

GPA,, 785

GPU, 13, 29 ,

computing, 54

GPU Boost, 789

GPU PerfStudio,, 785

GPUView,, 785

gradient of pixel, 51, 185

graftals, 672

Grand Theft Auto V,, 525

graphics driver, 786, 793, 1012

graphics processing unit, see GPU,

grayscale, conversion to, 278

great arc, 81

great circle, 81

green-screening, 160

GRID2, 258

GTX 1080, see under hardware,

guard-band clipping, 998

H -basis, 404

hair, 257, 640646, 649

half vector, 336

half-edge, 692

Half-Life 2, 402, 403, 476, 478, 499

Half-Life 2 basis, 403

half-space, 6, 946

halo, 524

Halo 3, 475

haloing, 675

Halton sequence, 144

hard real time, 865


GameCube, 867

GCN, 10351039

GeForce 256, 29

GeForce3, 38

GTX, 1080, 10291035

Mali architecture, 1020, 10241029

NVIDIA Pascal, 10291035

Pixel-Planes, 8n, 1026

PixelFlow, 1022


PLAYSTATION 3, 39, 700

PLAYSTATION 4, 867, 1007, 1035

Pomegranate, 1022

Talisman, 189, 551

Vega, 10351039

Voodoo 1, 1

Wii, 27, 39

Xbox, 1035

Xbox 360, 39

Xbox One, 867

harmonic series, 802

Hausdorff distance, 708, 875

H-basis, 475

HBM2, 1034, 1038

HDMI, 1011

HDR, 193, 271, 281283, 405

display, 1011

HDR10, 281

head, 70 , 72

heads-up display, 561, 917, 932, 933

heat diffusion, 535

heightfield, 564566,

terrain, 877

Hellgate: London,, 609

Helmholtz reciprocity, 312 , 351

hemisphere lighting, 431

hemispherical basis, see basis, hemispherical hemispherical harmonics, 404

Henyey-Greenstein phase function, 598 ߝ 599 , 620

Hermite curves, see curves, Hermite Hermite interpolation, see interpolation, Hermite,

Hertz, 13

hidden line removal, 668669

hidden line rendering, see line, hidden,

hierarchical image caching, see impostor,

hierarchical spatial data structure, see spatial,

data structure,

hierarchical view frustum culling, see culling,

hierarchical view frustum,

hierarchical z-buffering, see under culling,

high color mode, see color, mode, high color,

high dynamic range, see HDR,

high-definition multimedia interface, 1011

High-Level Shading Language, see HLSL highlight, 119

highlight selection, 673

histogram, 245

histogram renormalization, 196

hither, 93n

HiZ, 252, 1015, 1038

HLG, 281

HLSL, 35, 39

homogeneous notation, 6, 58, 62, 173

homogenization, 62, 92

horizon angle, 460

horizon mapping, 460, 466

hourglass, 684

HRAA, see antialiasing, hybrid reconstruction,

HTC Vive, see Vive,

HTILE, 1038

HUD, 561, 917, 932, 933

hue, 276

hull shader, 44

Hunt effect, 285

Huygens-Fresnel principle, 360

Hybrid Log-Gamma, see HLG,

hysteresis, 861

HZB culling, see culling, hierarchical z -buffering,

IBR, see image-based rendering,

illuminant D65, 270, 274


geometry, 566, 876

processing, 513522, 665

pyramid, 846, 847

state, 283

image-based lighting, 406, 414424, 435

image-based rendering, 269, 545

immediate context, 813

implicit surface, see surfaces, implicit importance sampling, 385, 445, 451, 503

impostor, 561564, 866

depth sprite, 564565

layered depth image, 565

index buffer, 702705

index of refraction, 298

complex, 298

indirect draw command, 851

inFAMOUS Second Son,, 91, 572

inflection, 728

inner product, 398

input assembler, 42

inside test, 996

instance, 15, 829

instancing, 42, 797

instruction set architecture, 35

instruction-level parallelism, 1003

Instruments,, 785, 792


double product, 464, 470

triple product, 470

intensity, 269

interactivity, 1

interface, see hardware,

interference, see under light,

interleaved sampling, 145

intermediate language, 35

interpolation, 781, 9981001

barycentric, 963

bicubic, 178

bilinear, 178 ߝ 180 , 182, 735736

centroid, 141

Hermite, 729732

linear, 720

perspective-correct, 22, 49, 1000

quadrilinear, 189

repeated, 740

bilinear, 736

linear, 720722

trilinear, 186

interpupillary distance, 923

intersection testing, 941991

AABB/AABB, 978979

box/plane, 970972

box/ray, 959962

ray slope, 961962

slabs method, 959961

BV/BV, 976981

convex polyhedron/ray, 961

crossings test, 967970

dimension reduction, 955

frustum, 981987

frustum/box, 986987

frustum/ray, 961

frustum/sphere, 984986

hardware-accelerated, 942943

interval overlap method, 972974

k-DOP/k-DOP, 979980

k-DOP/ray, 961

line/line, 987990

OBB/OBB, 980981

picking, 942

plane/box, 970972

plane/ray, 966

plane/sphere, 970

polygon/ray, 966970

polyhedron/polyhedron, 987

ray/box, 959961

rejection test, 948

rules of thumb, 954955

separating axis, 946

separating axis test, 947 , 974, 979, 980, 986987

sphere/box, 977978

sphere/ray, 955959

sphere/sphere, 976977

three planes, 990

triangle/box, 974975

triangle/ray, 962966

triangle/triangle, 972974

interval overlap method, see under intersection,


intrinsic functions, 36

inverse displacement mapping, see texturing, parallax occlusion mapping,

inverse z, 100

IOR, see index of refraction,

irradiance, 268, 294, 425

precomputed, 474

spherical harmonics, 475

volume, 487

irradiance mapping, see environment mapping, irradiance,

irregular vertex, 758

isocube, 412

isosurface, 584, 682, 753

isotropic scaling, 62

Jz az bz , 276

jaggies, see under aliasing,

jittering, see under antialiasing,

joint, 720, 726, 728, 731

Jordan curve theorem, 967

judder, 935

Just Cause 2,, 114, 882

Just Cause 3,, 883, 899, 900

k-ary tree, 820

k-d tree, see under spatial data structure,

k-DOP, 945946, 961, 976, 990

creation, 949

Kentucky Route Zero,, 121

Killzone: Shadow Fall,, 116, 523

Kil lzone 2, 885

Kite,, 493

Kochanek-Bartels curves, see curves,


LAB, 276

Lambertian shading, see BRDF, Lambertian,

The Last of Us,, 476

late depth test, 1016

late latching, 938

latency, 1, 30, 791, 807810, 920921, 935, 1004 ߝ 1006 , 1013

occlusion query, 845

Latin hypercube sampling, 143

latitude, 407, 944

layered depth image, see under impostor,

LCD, 676

LDI, see impostor, layered depth image LEAN mapping, 370

left-handed, see under coordinate system lens flare, 524526

level of detail, 44, 580, 706, 717, 807, 852 ߝ 866

alpha, 857858

bias, 186,

blend, 856

continuous, 706, 859, 860

discrete geometry, 854856

fractional tessellation, 768

generation, 853

geomorph, 859860

hysteresis, 861

PN triangle, 747

popping, 710, 854 , 856, 858

projected area-based, 861864

range-based, 860861

selection, 853, 860 ߝ 864

simplification, 710

subdivision surface, 756

switching, 853, 854 ߝ 860

time-critical, 865866

level set, 583

LIDAR, 573


ambient, 391392

attenuation mask, 230

baking, 798

bandwidth, 362

bleeding, 255

field, 269


constructive, 296, 298

destructive, 296

thin-film, 361363

inverse-square attenuation, 111

leak, 238, 255, 256

map, 484

meter, 271

monochromatic, 293

polarized, linearly, 293

polychromatic, 293

prepass, 892

probe, 414, 490, 901

propagation volumes, 493

cascaded, 494

scattering, see scattering,

shafts, 602, 604, 608, 631

source, 106 ߝ 117 , 798

area, 116117, 224 , 228, 377391

card, 387, 388, 427

directional, 109110

disk, 379, 381, 388, 430, 435

fill, 431

omni, see light, source, point planar, 388

point, 111114

polygonal, 389

punctual, 110116

spherical, 381384, 386, 387, 430

spot, 114115

tube, 387

volume, 224


linearity, 438, 479

meshless, 484

modular, 484

notation, 439440

unpolarized, 294

velocity, phase, 294

visible, 268

light map, 227

light-field rendering, 549

lightcuts, 431

lighting probe, 490


curve, 754, 756

surface, 760

line, 19, 673675,

haloing, 675

hidden, 674675

integral convolution, 538

triangle edge rendering, 673674

line/line intersection, see intersection testing,


linear blend skinning, 84

linear interpolation, 720

linear speedup, 810

linear transform, see transform, linear linearly transformed cosines, 390

LiSPSM, see shadow, map, light space,


LittleBigPlanet, 488

load balance, 1023


anisotropic, 422424

asymmetric, 422424

local frame, 343

local illumination, 315

local lighting model, 438

LOD, see level of detail log, 8

longitude, 407, 944

lookup table, 173

loop, 686

Loop subdivision, see surfaces, subdivision,


loose octree, see under spatial data structure lossy compression, 194

Lost Planet, 647

lozenge, 946

LPV, see light, propagation volumes,

Lumberyard, 740, 1044

Lumigraph, 549

luminance, 197, 271, 273, 278

LUT, see lookup table,

LUV, 276

MObius strips, 693

Mach banding, 1010

macroscale, 208, 367

magnification, see under texturing main axes, 8

Mali, see hardware, Mali architecture,

manifold, 694

Mantle, 40

marching cubes, 583, 683, 753

marching tetrahedra, 753

mask, 759

masked hierarchical depth buffer, 849


function, 333

perceptual, 278

masking-shadowing function, 334, 335

material, 125

glossy, 382386

instance, 126

template, 126

matrix, see also transform,

adjoint, 68

change of basis, 63, 67, 75

column-major, 60

determinant, 63

orientation, 60, 70

orthogonal, 69, 72, 80

rotation, 70

row-major, 60, 95

trace, 61, 80

transpose, 7, 63

matte, 159

mean width, 954

media, 310

mediated reality, 917


absorptive, 298

homogeneous, 298

megatexture, 867


allocation, 793

architecture, 10061007

bandwidth, 1006

controller, 1038

dynamic random access, 791

hierarchy, 791

optimization, see optimization, memory UMA, 1007

unified, 1007

wall, 791

merging of pixels, 2425

merging stage, 2425, 53


cache-oblivious, 700701

parameterization, 173

segmentation, 683

smoothing, 694696

solidity, 693694

triangle, 691, 699 ߝ 701

universal, 700701

Meshlab,, 695, 716

mesoscale, 208209, 367

message-passing architecture, see,

multiprocessing, message-passing,

metaball, 48, 683, 751

Metal, 40 , 814

metal, 323

Metal Gear Solid V,

Ground Zeroes,, 289

metameric failure, 280

metamers, 273

microfacets, 331336

microgeometry, 304 , 327330

masking, 328

shadowing, 328

micropolygon, 26

microscale, 208, 367

Mie scattering, see scattering, Mie,

Minecraft,, 579, 842

minification, see under texturing,

mipmap chain, 184

mipmapping, see under texturing, minification mirror transform, see transform, reflection,

Mirror's Edge Catalyst,, 616

mixed reality, 917

MLAA, see antialiasing, morphological MMU, 1024

model space, 15

modeler, 682683

solid, 682

surface, 683

modified butterfly subdivision, see surfaces, subdivision,

modified Gram-Schmidt, 344

Monte Carlo integration, 385, 418, 419, 423, 444, 451, 459, 507

noise, 445, 511

Moore's Law, 1042

morph targets, see under transform,

morphing, see under transform,

Morton sequence, 1018

mosaicing, see texturing, tiling,

motion blur, 536 ߝ 542 , 835

MPEG-4, 712

MRT, 50

MSAA, see antialiasing, multisampling multi-view, 928

multicore, 806

multiprocessing, 805814, 1023

dynamic assignment, 810

message-passing, 806

parallel, 809810

pipeline, 806809

static assignment, 810

symmetric, 806

task, 811812

task-based, 806

multiprocessor, 1003

shared memory, 806, 1003

streaming, see streaming, multiprocessor,

multisampling, see under antialiasing,

multitexturing, see texturing multum in parvo, 183

N-patch, see surfaces, PN triangle,

N -rooks sampling, 143

nailboard, see impostor, depth sprite,

nanogeometry, 359

NDF, 332, 337346, 367, 498

anisotropic, 343346

Beckmann, 338

Blinn-Phong, 339, 340

filtering, 367372

generalized Trowbridge-Reitz, see NDF,


GGX, 340342, 369

GTR, 342

isotropic, 338343

shape-invariance, 339

Trowbridge-Reitz, see NDF, GGX,

near plane, 93 , 99, 862, 981

nearest neighbor, see under filter and texturing, magnification and texturing, minification,

Need for Speed,, 616

Newell's formula, 685

node, 819821

internal, 819

leaf, 819

root, 819

node hierarchy, 828

noise, 872

noise function, see texturing, noise,

non-photorealistic rendering, 651673

noncommutativity, 65, 77


cone, 833835

incidence, 317

map, see under bump mapping transform, see transform, normal,

normal distribution function, see NDF normal-masking independence, 334

normalized device coordinates, 19, 94, 98, 100

NPR, see non-photorealistic rendering NSight, 785

NURBS, 781

NVIDIA Pascal, see under hardware Nyquist limit, see under sampling,

OBB, 945, 946, 976

OBB/object intersection, see specific objects under intersection testing,

object-based shading, 908912

obscurance, 449, 450, 454, 457

volumetric, 459

occluder, 844

occluding power, 844

occlusion culling, see culling, occlusion occupancy, 32, 127, 801, 886, 898, 1005

occupancy function, 459

octahedral mapping, 413

octave, 198

octree, see under spatial data structure,

octree texture, 190

Oculus Rift, 915, 916, 923, 935

OETF, see optical electric transfer function,

Okami, 653

opacity, 149

Open3DGC, 712

OpenCL, 54

OpenCTM, 712

OpenGL, 3941

extensions, 40

OpenGL ES, 41, 194

OpenGL Shading Language, 35

OpenSubdiv, 777779

optical electric transfer function, 161


geometrical, 303

physical, 359

wave, 359


application stage, 790793

code, 790793

geometry processing, 798800

lighting, 798800

memory, 791793

merging, 805

mobile, 814

pipeline, 783815

pixel processing, 800804

pixel shader, 803

rasterization, 800

The Orange Box, 288

The Order, 1886, 91, 357, 365, 370, 477, 498, 896

ordinary vertex, 758

Oren and Nayar model, 354

orientation, see under polygon,

oriented bounding box, see OBB,

orienting the camera, 67

over operator, 150151, 856

overblurring, 186

overclock, 787

overdraw, see under pixel,

packed pixel format, 1010

padding, 792

painter's algorithm, 551, 824

painterly rendering, 652

pan, 538

parabola, 721

parabolic mapping, 413

parallax, 548

mapping, 167, 214220

occlusion mapping, see under texturing,


architectures, 1020

graphics, 1019

processing, see multiprocessing, parallel,

projection, see projection, orthographic,

parallelism, 810

spatial, 806

temporal, 806

parametric curves, see curves, parametric,

parametric surfaces, see surfaces, parametric participating media, 310

absorption, 590

extinction, 590 , 593, 595, 610, 616, 624, 639, 643

optical depth, 593 , 595

phase function, 590, 623, 626, 638, 644

geometric, see scattering, geometric,

Mie, see scattering, Mie,

Rayleigh, see scattering, Rayleigh,


soft, 558559

system, 567572

Pascal, see hardware, NVIDIA Pascal patch, 736

path tracing, 26, 444, 510, 1043, 1044

PCF, see percentage-closer filtering,

PCI Express, 1006

Pearl Harbor, 446

pen and ink, 652

pending buffer, 1013

penumbra, see under shadow,

per-triangle operations, 14

per-vertex operations, 14

percentage-closer filtering, 247250, 849

perceptual quantizer, see PQ,

performance measurement, 788790

perp dot product, 6, 987, 989

persistence, 935


division, 19

projection, see projection, perspective warping, 241

perspective-correct interpolation, see interpolation,

Peter Panning, 238

Phong lighting equation, see BRDF, Phong,

Phong shading, 118

Phong tessellation, see under surfaces,

photogrammetry, 573, 682

photometric curve, 271, 273, 278

photometry, 271

photopic, 271

photorealistic rendering, 545, 651

PhyreEngine, 893

pick window, see intersection testing, picking picking, 942, 943, 957

piecewise Bezier curves, see curves, piecewise ping-pong buffers, 520 , 525

pipeline, 1127, 783815

application stage, 12, 1314, 783

fixed-function, 27

flush, 1005

functional stages, 13

geometry processing, 12, 14 ߝ 21 , 783

parallelism, 1003

pixel processing, 12, 22 ߝ 25 , 783

rasterization, 12, 21 ߝ 22 , 783, 993998

software, 806

speedup, 12

stage, 1213

Pirates of the Caribbean,, 454

pitch, 70 , 72

PIX, 785

pixel, 21

local storage, 1027

overdraw, 701, 801

processing, see under pipeline shader, 23, 4952

synchronization, 156

Pixel-Planes, see under hardware,

pixelation, 178

PixelFlow, 1022

pixels per inch, 817

pixels per second, 788

plane, 6

axis-aligned, 8

coordinate, 8

plane masking, 836

plane/object intersection, see specific objects under intersection testing,

PLAYSTATION, see under hardware,

point cloud, 572578, 683

point rendering, 572578

point-based visibility, 842

pointer indirection, 792

Poisson disk, 249

Pokemon GO,, 917

polycube maps, 171


bowtie, 684

consolidation, 691

contour, 686

convex, 685

edge cracking, see cracking, polygon edge,

edge stitching, 689

hourglass, 684

loop, 686

merging, 691

mesh, 691

orientation, 691693

sorting, 824

soup, 691

star-shaped, 686

T-vertex, 689690

polygon-aligned BSP tree, see spatial data structure, BSP tree,

polygonal techniques, 853

polygonalization, 583, 683

polymorph engine, 1031

polypostor, 562

POM, 217

popping, see under level of detail,

port, 1006

portal culling, see culling, portal,

pose, 921 , 924, 938

post-processing, 514

posterization, 652, 1010

potentially visible set, 831

power form, 724

power gating, 1028

PowerTune, 789

PowerVR, 196

PQ, 281

pre-lighting, 892

pre-order traversal, 835

precision, 712715

color, 186, 1010

depth, 236

floating point, 713

mobile, 814

subpixel, 689

precomputed radiance transfer, 471, 478, 479, 481

local deformable, 481

predictive rendering, 280

prefilter, 414

primitive generator, 44

primitive shader, 1037

Prince of Persia, 658

principal component analysis, 480, 484

probability, geometric, 953954

procedural modeling, 222, 672, 682

procedural texturing, see texturing, procedural,


pixel, see pixel, shader,

vertex, see vertex, shader,

progressive refinement, 510, 547

projection, 1618, 92102

3D polygon to 2D, 966

D triangle to 2D, 962

bounding volume, 861864

cylindrical, 172

orthographic, 1718, 59, 93 ߝ 95

parallel, see projection, orthographic perspective, 17, 59, 96 ߝ 102 , 1014

planar, 172

spherical, 172

projective texturing, see texturing, projective proxy ob ject, 819

PRT, see precomputed radiance transfer PSM, see shadow, map, perspective Ptex, 191

purple fringing, 628

purple line, 274

PVRTC, see under texturing, compression PVS, see potentially visible set PxrSurface,, 343, 359, 363, 364

QEM, 708

quad, 51, 801, 994

quad overshading, 787, 853, 863, 910, 994

quadratic curve, see curves, quadratic quadratic equation, 957

quadric error metric, 708

quadtree, see under spatial data structure Quake,, 37, 474

Quake II,, 474

Quake III,, 37, 402

quantization, scalar, 714

Quantum Break,, 496

quartic curve, see curves, quartic quaternion, 72, 7684

addition, 77

conjugate, 77, 78

definition, 76

dual, 87

identity, 77

imaginary units, 76

inverse, 77

laws of multiplication, 78

logarithm, 78

matrix conversion, 7981

multiplication, 77

norm, 77, 78

power, 78

slerp, 8183

spherical linear interpolation, 8182

spline interpolation, 8283

transforms, 7984

unit, 78, 79

Quickhull, 950

Quincunx, see antialiasing, Quincunx,

quintic curve, 181

radiance, 269 ߝ 270 , 273, 425

distribution, 269

incoming, 315


exitance, see exitance flux, 268

intensity, 269

radiometry, 267

radiosity, 442443

normal mapping, 402404

progressive, 483

RAGE,, 867

Rainbow Six Siege,, 887

range-based fog, see fog,

raster engine, 1031

raster operation, see ROP,

rasterization, see under pipeline,

conservative, 22, 139, 259, 582, 1001

inner, 1001

outer, 1001

overestimated, 1001

underestimated, 1001

rasterizer order view, 52 , 139, 156

rasterizer stage, see pipeline, rasterization Ratatouille,, 638

rational linear interpolation, 720

ray, 943944

casting, 443

function, 437

marching, 199, 216220, 262, 566, 570, 594, 607, 608, 614, 616, 618, 620622, 639, 642, 648, 752, 753, 1048

tracing, 26, 259, 261, 443445, 530, 586, 802, 953, 1006, 10441047

architecture, 1039

isosurface, 584

voxel, 580

ray/object intersection, see specific objects under intersection testing,

Rayleigh scattering, see scattering, Rayleigh,

reciprocity, 312

reconstruction, 131, 133 ߝ 136

reduce, 245, 896


anisotropic, 328

directional-hemispherical, 313

equation, 311, 437

hemispherical-directional, 313

isotropic, 328

spectral, 279

reflectance lobe, see under BRDF,

reflection, 314, 315, 623, 626, 630

environment mapping, 413

equation, see reflectance, equation external, 317

internal, 317, 325

total, 326

law of, 504

mapping, 405

planar, 504505, 839

probe, 499

localized, 500

proxy, 500

screen-space, 505509

transform, see transform, reflection,

refraction, 149, 302, 626 ߝ 630 , 631633, 638, 639

image-space, 630

refractive index, 298

refresh rate, 1

vertical, 1011

register combiners, 38

register pressure, 127, 801 , 904, 1005

regular vertex, 758

relief texture mapping, see texturing, relief relighting, 547

render target, 50

RenderDoc,, 785


equation, 437438

spectrum, 545546

state, 794

RenderMan,, 37, 39

repeated linear interpolation, see interpolation, repeated, linear,

reprojection, 143, 522523, 936

resampling, 136137

resolve, 142

retopology, 712

retrace, vertical, 25, 1012

retroreflection, 330

reverse mapping, 532

reversed z, 100

Reyes, 908912

RGB, 176

color cube, 275

color mode, see color, mode, true color,

to grayscale, 278

RGBA, 150 , 159, 1010

texture, 176

RGSS, see antialiasing, rotated grid,

right-hand rule, 692

right-handed, 92

rigid-body transform, see transform, rigid-body ringing, 256, 401, 428, 570

roll, 70 , 72

ROP, 24, 25, 1010, 10321033

roping, 165

rotation, see under transform,

roughness, 304

ROV, see rasterizer order view,

RSM, see shadow, map, reflective,

S3TC, 192

saccade, 931

SAH, see surface area heuristic,

sample, 22

sampling, 130137, 143,

band-limited signal, 133

centroid, 141

continuous signal, 131

discretized signal, 131

Nyquist limit, 133 , 182, 186

pattern, 143

stochastic, 145 , 149

stratified, 144

theorem, 133

SAT, see intersection testing, separating axis test,

saturation, 276

SBRDF, 310

scalable link interface, 1013

scaling, see under transform,

scan conversion, 21

scanline interleave, 1013

scatter operation, 531

scattering, 297, 589 ߝ 599

backward, 597 , 598, 599

forward, 597 , 598, 599, 607, 638

geometric, 596, 599

Mie, 298, 596, 597 ߝ 599 , 614, 620

multiple, 607, 615, 616, 621 ߝ 622 , 633, 643646

Rayleigh, 298, 596 ߝ 597 , 613, 614

single, 589 , 592, 610, 614, 618, 633, 638

subsurface, see subsurface scattering,

Tyndall, 298

scene graph, see under spatial data structure,

scene-referred, 283

Schlick phase function, 599

scoreboard, 1031

scotopic, 271


coordinates, 20

mapping, 20

space coverage, 772, 862

scRGB, 282

SDR, 281

SDSM, see shadow, map, sample distribution second-order equation, 957

sectioning, 19

segmentation, 683

semiconductor, 324

separating axis test, see under intersection testing,

separating hyperplane theorem, 946

SGI algorithm, see triangle, strip,

shade tree, 37


cores, 30

storage buffer object, see unordered access view,

unified, see unified shader architecture,

Shader Model, 38

Shadertoy, 199, 222, 753, 1048

shading, 16

clustered, see clustered shading deferred, see deferred shading equation, 16

flat, 120

forward, 883

Gouraud, 118

hard, 652

language, 35

model, 103106

Lambertian, 109

Phong, 118

pixel, 23,

tiled, see tiled, shading,

toon, 652654

vertex, see vertex, shader,

shadow, 223265

acne, 236

anti-shadow, 227

buffer, 234

contact hardening, 251

on curved surfaces, 229230

depth map, 234

hard, 223

map, 230, 234 ߝ 252 , 594, 604

adaptive volumetric, 258

bias, 236239

cascaded, 242247

convolution, 255

deep, 257259, 638

dual, 238

exponential, 256257

filtered, 252257

imperfect, 492

irregular, 259264

light space perspective, 241

minmax, 252

moment, 256

omnidirectional, 234

opacity, 257, 612

parallel-split, 242

perspective, 241

reflective, 491, 493

sample distribution, 245

second-depth, 238

sparse, 246, 263

translucent, 639

trapezoidal, 241

variance, 252255

volumetric, 644

penumbra, 224 , 228

percentage-closer soft, 250252

planar, 225229

soft, 228229

projection, 225227

screen-space, 262

soft, 224225, 227229, 247252, 442

umbra, 224

volume, 230233

shadowing-masking function, see,

masking-shadowing function,

shape blending, see transform, morph targets shared memory multiprocessor, see,

multiprocessor, shared memory shear, see under transform shell, 646

shell mapping, 220, 659

shortest arc, 81

shower door effect, 670

Shrek 2, 491

signed distance field, 454, 579, 677

signed distance function, 577, 750

spherical, 466

silhouette, 765, 773

loop, 667

SIMD, 31, 1003, 1005, 1035

SIMD lane, 31, 1002

simplification, 706712, 853

cost function, 707709

edge collapse, 706708

level of detail, 710

optimal placement, 707

reversibility, 706

SIMT, 1002

simulation sickness, 920

single buffer, see buffer, single,

skeleton-subspace deformation, see transform, vertex blending,

skinning, see transform, vertex blending sky, see atmosphere and clouds skybox, 547 ߝ 549 , 556, 628, 632

slab, 945

slerp, see under quaternion,

SLI, 1013

slicemap, 581

SMAA, see antialiasing, subpixel morphological small batch problem, 796

smart composition, 1028

Smith masking function, 334, 335, 339, 341343, 355, 358

smoothstep, 115, 181


SMP, 806

Snell's law, 302 , 326

softbox, 388, 434

software pipelining, see multiprocessing solid, 693

solid angle, 268

differential, 311

sort, 822

space, 1020

sort-everywhere, 1022

sort-first, 1020

sort-last, 1020, 1033

fragment, 1021

image, 1021, 1022

sort-middle, 1020, 1024

space subdivision, 819

space-filling curve, 1018

spacewarp, 935, 937

sparse texture, see texturing, sparse,

sparse voxel octree, 494, 579

spatial data structure, 818830

aspect graph, 831

bounding volume hierarchy, 510, 819 ߝ 821 , 942

BSP tree, 819, 822 ߝ 824

axis-aligned, 822823

polygon-aligned, 823824

cache-aware, 827828

cache-oblivious, 827828

hierarchical, 818

irregular, 819

k-d tree, 822823

loose octree, 826827

octree, 819, 824 ߝ 827 , 846

quadtree, 825, 874

restricted, 774, 877

regular, 819

scene graph, 828 ߝ 830 , 840, 861

LOD, 861

spatial locality, 791

spatial relationship, 438

spatialization, 830

SPD, see spectral power distribution,

spectral power distribution, 270, 272

spectrum, 268, 274


highlight, 119

lobe, see under BRDF,

term, 306

sphere, 682

formula, 944, 956

mapping, see environment mapping, sphere,

sphere/object intersection, see specific objects under intersection testing,


basis, see basis, spherical coordinates, 407, 944

function, 392404

Gaussian, see basis, spherical, Gaussian harmonics, 398 ߝ 401 , 427431, 456, 480, 488

gradients, 488

linear interpolation, see under quaternion,

SPIR-V, 40

splat, 573574

spline curves, see curves, spline,

spline surfaces, see surfaces, spline,

split and dice, 774775

Split/Second,, 898

Spore,, 678, 710

sprite, 531, 550551

see also impostor layered, 550551

SRAA, see antialiasing, subpixel reconstruction sRGB, 161 , 162, 165, 196, 322, 323

SSBO, see unordered access view SSE, 977979


stalling, 809

starving, 12, 809

stalling, 809

standard dynamic range, see SDR,

Star Ocean, 4, 286

Star Wars Battlefront, 647

star-shaped polygon, 686

Starcraft II, 459

starving, see under stage,


changes, 794

sorting, 807

static buffer, 794

stationary subdivision, see surfaces, subdivision, stationary,

stencil, 759

stencil buffer, see buffer, stencil,

steradian, 268, 269

stereo rendering, 927931

stereo vision, 922924

stereopsis, 922

Stevens effect, 285

stitching, 689

stream output, 19, 4849, 571, 705

streaming, 871872

multiprocessor, 1003, 1029

texture, see texturing, streaming,

stride, 702

strip, see triangle, strip,

stroke, 672

stylized rendering, see non-photorealistic rendering,

subdivision curves, see curves, subdivision subdivision surfaces, see surfaces, subdivision subpixel addressing, 689

subsurface albedo, 348349

subsurface scattering, 305307, 445, 607

global, 306, 632640

local, 306, 347355

subtexture, see texturing,

summed-area table, see under texturing, minification,

superscalar, 14

supershader, 128

surface area heuristic, 953

surface extraction, 583


acne, 236

B-spline, 749 , 762

Bezier patch, 735738

Bezier triangle, 740741, 745

biquadratic, 736

continuity, 741742

explicit, 944

sphere, 944

triangle, 944, 963

implicit, 749753, 944

blending, 751

derivatives, 751

sphere, 956

NURBS, 781

parametric, 171, 734747

Phong tessellation, 735, 740, 748749

PN triangle, 46, 735, 740, 744747, 748, 749

spline, 689, 761

subdivision, 756767

adaptive quadtree, 718, 779780

approximating, 758

Catmull-Clark, 761763

displaced, 765766

feature adaptive, 777779

limit position, 760

limit surface, 760

limit tangents, 760

Loop, 758 ߝ 761 , 763, 765767

mask, 759

modified butterfly, 761

stationary, 756

stencil, 759

tensor product, 735

tessellation, 735

surfel, 573

surround, 285


swap buffer, see buffer, swap,

swizzling, 1018

synchronization with monitor, 790, 1012, 1013

TAM, see tonal art map,


frame, 209

map, 344

patch, 775

space, see under basis vector, 209, 729

TBN, 209

Team Fortress, 2 , 654, 677, 678, 940

tearing, 1012

technical illustration, 651, 673


aliasing, see aliasing, temporal coherence, 866

delay, 1

locality, 791

temporary register, 36

tensor product surfaces, 735

terrain chunked LOD, 874877

tessellation, 683690, 767780, 853

adaptive, 770775

control shader, 44

domain shader, 44

evaluation shader, 44

factors, 45

fractional, 768770, 860

hull shader, 44

levels, 45

stage, 18, 44--46, 677

surface, 735

tessellator, 44

uniform, 767

tetrahedralization, 489

texel, 169

Texram, 189

text, 675677, 725


array, 191

atlas, 190

bandwidth, 1006

cache, see cache coordinates, 169

cube map, 190

dependent read, 38, 177, 220, 406

matrix, 174n, 410

periodicity, 175

space, 169

volume, 189190

volumetric, 646

texture processing cluster, 1031

texture-space shading, 910

texturing, 23, 167222

albedo color map, 201

alpha mapping, 176, 202208, 551

animation, 200, 203

bindless, 192

border, 174

cellular, 199

charts, 485

clamp, 174

clipmap, 867

compression, 192198, 486, 503

ASTC, 196, 1029

BC, 192193

DXTC, 192193

EAC, 194

ETC, 194195, 1029

lossy, 194

normal, 195

PVRTC, 195196

S3TC, 192

corresponder function, 169, 174175

decaling, 202

detail, 180

diffuse color map, 201

distortion, 687688

image, 176198

image size, 177

level of detail bias, 186

light mapping, 484

magnification, 177, 178 - 181

bilinear interpolation, 178

cubic convolution, 178

nearest neighbor, 178

minification, 177, 182 ߝ 189

anisotropic filtering, 187188

bilinear interpolation, 182

Elliptical Weighted Average, 189

level of detail, 185

mipmapping, 183186

nearest neighbor, 182

quadrilinear interpolation, 189

summed-area table, 186188

trilinear interpolation, 186

mipmapping, 485

mirror, 174

mirror once, 175

noise, 198, 549

one-dimensional, 173

parallax occlusion mapping, 167, 216220

parameterization, 485, 486

pipeline, 169176

procedural, 198200

projective, 221, 688

projector function, 169174

relief, 216 ߝ 220 , 222, 565566, 630, 646, 853, 854

repeat, 174

seams, 486

shells, 485

sparse, 246, 263, 867 ߝ 871

streaming, 870871

subtexture, 184

swizzling, 1018

texture coordinates, 169

tiling, 795

transcoding, 870871

value transform function, 169

vertex, 43, 186

virtual, 867871

wrap, 174

TFAN, 712

That Dragon, Cancer,, 121

thin-film interference, see light, interference, thin-film,


divergence, 32, 260

group, 54 , 518

shader, 31

thread-level parallelism, 1003

Threading Building Blocks, 812

three plane intersection, see intersection testing, three planes,

three-dimensional printing, see 3D printing three.js, 41, 50, 189, 407, 485, 568, 628, 1048

thresholding, 656

throughput, 30, 783, 808

tile, 995

local storage, 156

screen, 1007, 1021

table, 1008

texture, 795


caching, 1033

deferred shading, 894, 896, 904, 914

forward shading, 895896, 903, 904, 914

rasterization, see pipeline, rasterization shading, 893898

triangle traversal, 996

tiling, 795

time-critical rendering, 865

timer query, 785

timewarp, 935937

timing, 955

TIN, 705, 877

Toksvig mapping, 369

Tom Clancy's The Division, 478

Tomb Raider (2013), 114, 116

Tomorrow Children, The, 496, 497

tonal art map, 671

tone mapping, 283289

global, 285

local, 285

toon rendering, see shading, toon,

top-left rule, 995

topology, 712

Torrance-Sparrow model, 334

tracking, 916, 921

transaction elimination, 1028

transcoding, see under texturing,

transfer function, 161, 478

volume, 605

transform, 57,

affine, 58, 68

angle-preserving, 66

concatenation of, 6566

constraining, 73

decomposition, 7374

Euler, 7073

extracting parameters, 7273

gimbal lock, 73

feedback, 49

inverse, 59, 6164, 66, 69, 75

adjoint method, 69

Cramer's rule, 69, 964

Gaussian elimination, 69

LU decomposition, 69

length-preserving, 66

linear, 5758

mirror, see transform, reflection model, 1516

morph targets, 8991

morphing, 8791

normal, 6869

orthographic, see under projection perspective, see under projection,

quaternion, 80

reflection, 63, 692, 832

rigid-body, 60, 6667, 74, 84

rotation, 6061

about an arbitrary axis, 7476

from one vector to another, 8384

around a point, 61

scaling, 6263

anisotropic, 62

isotropic, 62

nonuniform, 62

uniform, 62

shear, 6364

translation, 59

vertex blending, 84 ߝ 87 , 90, 102, 1006

view, 1516

volume-preserving, 64

translation, 59

transparency, 148160

order-independent, 154159

screen-door, 149 , 858

sorting, 152, 823

stochastic, 149

weighted average, 156158

weighted sum, 157

transparency adaptive antialiasing, 207


balanced, 820

binary, 820

k-ary tree, 820

trees (forest), 202, 559560


fan, 686, 696 ߝ 697

formula, 944, 963

list, 696

indexed, 703

setup, 22, 997998

sorting, 152153, 802803

soup, 691

strip, 697699

indexed, 703

sequential, 698

traversal, 22, 996997

tiled, 996

triangle/object intersection, see specific objectsunder intersection testing,

triangulated irregular network, 705, 877

triangulation, 683686

Delaunay, 684

trilight, 432

trilinear interpolation, 186

triple buffer, 1013

tristimulus values, 273

true color mode, see color, mode, true color TSM, see shadow, map, trapezoidal turbulence, 198

T-vertex, see under polygon,

TXAA, 142

Tyndall scattering, 298

UAV, see unordered access view,

ubershader, 128

UBO, 795

UMA, see unified memory architecture umbra, 224

Uncharted, 3, 879

Uncharted, 4, 290, 356359, 492


Drake's Fortune,, 893

under operator, 153

underclock, 787

unified memory architecture, 1007

unified shader architecture, 35, 786

uniform buffer object, 795

uniform tessellation, 767

Unity engine, 128, 287, 476, 482, 489, 740, 930

unordered access view, 5152, 87, 155, 192, 896, 1016

Unreal Engine, 104, 113, 114, 116, 126, 128130, 143, 287, 325, 364, 383, 493, 495, 556, 572, 611, 740, 899, 930, 1048

up direction, 70

upsampling, 136

valence, 699, 758

Valgrind,, 792

van Emde Boas layout, 827828

VAO, 703

variance mapping, 370

VDC, see video display controller,

vector irradiance, 379380, 389

vector norm, 7

Vega, see under hardware,

vergence, 923, 932


array, see vertex, buffer array object, 703

blending, see under transform buffer, 701705, 793

cache, see cache, vertex clustering, 709

compression, 712715

correspondence, 87

pulling, 703

shader, 1516, 42 ߝ 43

animation, 43

effects, 43

skinning, 87

stream, 702

vertical refresh rate, 1011

vertical retrace, see retrace, vertical vertical synchronization, see synchronization,

with monitor vertices per second, 788

VGA, 1011

video display controller, 1011

video graphics array, 1011

video memory, 1006, 1011

view frustum culling, see culling, view frustum view space, 15 , 26

view transform, see transform, view view-independent progressive meshing, 706

VIPM, 706

virtual point light, 491

virtual reality, 523, 912, 915940

compositor, 924

optics, 921922


buffer, see buffer, visibility cone, 470, 471

function, 446

test, 843

visual appearance, 103

Vive, 915, 916 , 917, 922, 925, 934

von Mises-Fisher distribution, 397

Von Neumann bottleneck, 791

voxel, 578586

voxelization, 580 ߝ 582 , 610612, 974

VPL, see virtual point light VSM, see shadow, map, variance vsync, see synchronization with monitor VTune,, 792

Vulkan, 40 , 814

Wang tiles, 175

Ward model, 314

warp, 31

watercolor, 652, 665

watertight model, 693

watt, 268


electromagnetic, 293

transverse, 293

wavefront, 31, 1035

wavelength, 267, 293

wavelets, 199

WebGL, 41, 50, 122, 125, 129, 189, 201, 208, 407, 485, 568, 628, 631, 713, 796, 805, 829, 1048

welding vertices, 691

white point, 274

Wii, see under hardware,

winding direction, 692

winding number, 968

window coordinates, 20

wireframe, 674, 675

The Witcher 3, 2, 263, 420, 526, 534, 873, 1049

world space, 15

wrap, see texturing, repeat,

wrap lighting, 382, 633

Xbox, see under hardware,

XR, 915

Y'CbCr, 892

yaw, 70n

YCoCg, 197198, 804805

yon, 93n

z -buffer, see under buffer z-fighting, 1014

z-prepass, 803 , 881, 882, 901, 1016

z-pyramid, 846

Zaxxon,, 17

zmax -culling, see culling, zmax,

zmin -culling, see culling, zmin,

zonal harmonics, 401, 428, 430, 470

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