Chapter 18

Pipeline Optimization

“We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of

the time: Premature optimization is the root of all evil.”

—Donald Knuth

Throughout this volume, algorithms have been presented within a context of quality, memory, and performance trade-offs. In this chapter we will discuss performance problems and opportunities that are not associated with particular algorithms. Bottleneck detection and optimization are the focus, starting with making small, localized changes, and ending with techniques for structuring an application as a whole to take advantage of multiprocessing capabilities.

As we saw in Chapter 2, the process of rendering an image is based on a pipelined architecture with four conceptual stages: application, geometry processing, rasterization, and pixel processing. There is always one stage that is the bottleneck—the slowest process in the pipeline. This implies that this bottleneck stage sets the limit for the throughput, i.e., the total rendering performance, and so is a prime candidate for optimization.

Optimizing the performance of the rendering pipeline resembles the procedure of optimizing a pipelined processor (CPU) [715] in that it consists mainly of two steps. First, the bottleneck of the pipeline is located. Second, that stage is optimized in some way; and after that, step one is repeated if the performance goals have not been met. Note that the bottleneck may or may not be located at the same place after the optimization step. It is a good idea to put only enough effort into optimizing the bottleneck stage so that the bottleneck moves to another stage. Several other stages may have to be optimized before this stage becomes the bottleneck again. For this reason, effort should not be wasted on over-optimizing a stage.

The location of the bottleneck may change within a frame, or even within a draw call. At one moment the geometry stage may be the bottleneck because many tiny triangles are rendered. Later in the frame pixel processing could be the bottleneck because a heavyweight procedural shader is evaluated at each pixel. In a pixel shader execution may stall because the texture queue is full, or take more time as a particular loop or branch is reached. So, when we talk about, say, the application stage being the bottleneck, we mean it is the bottleneck most of the time during that frame. There is rarely only one bottleneck.

Another way to capitalize on the pipelined construction is to recognize that when the slowest stage cannot be optimized further, the other stages can be made to work just as much as the slowest stage. This will not change performance, since the speed of the slowest stage will not be altered, but the extra processing can be used to improve image quality [1824]. For example, say that the bottleneck is in the application stage, which takes 50 milliseconds (ms) to produce a frame, while the others each take 25 ms. This means that without changing the speed of the rendering pipeline (50 ms equals 20 frames per second), the geometry and the rasterizer stages could also do their work in 50 ms. For example, we could use a more sophisticated lighting model or increase the level of realism with shadows and reflections, assuming that this does not increase the workload on the application stage.

Compute shaders also change the way we think about bottlenecks and unused resources. For example, if a shadow map is being rendered, vertex and pixel shaders are simple and the GPU computational resources might be underutilized if fixed-function stages such as the rasterizer or the pixel merger become the bottleneck. Overlapping such draws with asynchronous compute shaders can keep the shader units busy when these conditions arise [1884]. Task-based multiprocessing is discussed in the final section of this chapter.

Pipeline optimization is a process in which we first maximize the rendering speed, then allow the stages that are not bottlenecks to consume as much time as the bottleneck. That said, it is not always a straightforward process, as GPUs and drivers can have their own peculiarities and fast paths. When reading this chapter, the dictum


should always be in the back of your mind, since optimization techniques vary greatly for different architectures. That said, be wary of optimizing based on a specific GPU’s implementation of a feature, as hardware can and will change over time [530]. A related dictum is, simply,


18.1 Profiling and Debugging Tools

Profiling and debugging tools can be invaluable in finding performance problems in your code. Capabilities vary and can include:

  • Frame capture and visualization. Usually step-by-step frame replay is available, with the state and resources in use displayed.
  • Profiling of time spent across the CPU and GPU, including time spent calling the graphics API.
  • Shader debugging, and possibly hot editing to see the effects of changing code.
  • Use of debug markers set in the application, to help identify areas of code.

Profiling and debugging tools vary with the operating system, the graphics API, and often the GPU vendor. There are tools for most combinations, and that’s why the gods created Google. That said, we will mention a few package names specifically for interactive graphics to get you started on your quest:

  • RenderDoc is a high-quality Windows debugger for DirectX, OpenGL, and Vulkan, originally developed by Crytek and now open source.
  • GPU PerfStudio is AMD’s suite of tools for their graphics hardware offerings, working on Windows and Linux. One notable tool provided is a static shader analyzer that gives performance estimates without needing to run the application. AMD’s Radeon GPU Profiler is a separate, related tool.
  • NVIDIA Nsight is a performance and debugging system with a wide range of features. It integrates with Visual Studio on Windows and Eclipse on Mac OS and Linux.
  • Microsoft’s PIX has long been used by Xbox developers and has been brought back for DirectX 12 on Windows. Visual Studio’s Graphics Diagnostics can be used with earlier versions of DirectX.
  • GPUView from Microsoft uses Event Tracing for Windows (ETW), an efficient event logging system. GPUView is one of several programs that are consumers of ETW sessions. It focuses on the interaction between CPU and GPU, showing which is the bottleneck [783].
  • Graphics Performance Analyzers (GPA) is a suite from Intel, not specific to their graphics chips, that focuses on performance and frame analysis.
  • Xcode on OSX provides Instruments, which has several tools for timing, performance, networking, memory leaks, and more. Worth mentioning are OpenGL ES Analysis, which detects performance and correctness problems and proposes solutions, and Metal System Trace, which provides tracing information from the application, driver, and GPU.

These are the major tools that have existed for a few years. That said, sometimes no tool will do the job. Timer query calls are built into most APIs to help profile a GPU’s performance. Some vendors provide libraries to access GPU counters and thread traces as well.

18.2 Locating the Bottleneck

The first step in optimizing a pipeline is to locate the largest bottleneck [1679]. One way of finding bottlenecks is to set up several tests, where each test decreases the amount of work a particular stage performs. If one of these tests causes the frames per second to increase, the bottleneck stage has been found. A related way of testing a stage is to reduce the workload on the other stages without reducing the workload on the stage being tested. If performance does not change, the bottleneck is the stage where the workload was not altered. Performance tools can provide detailed information on which API calls are expensive, but do not necessarily pinpoint exactly what stage in the pipeline is slowing down the rest. Even when they do, it is useful to understand the idea behind each test.

What follows is a brief discussion of some of the ideas used to test the various stages, to give a flavor of how such testing is done. A perfect example of the importance of understanding the underlying hardware comes with the advent of the unified shader architecture. It forms the basis of many GPUs from the end of 2006 on. The idea is that vertex, pixel, and other shaders all use the same functional units. The GPU takes care of load balancing, changing the proportion of units assigned to vertex versus pixel shading. As an example, if a large quadrilateral is rendered, only a few shader units could be assigned to vertex transformation, while the bulk are given the task of fragment processing. Pinpointing whether the bottleneck is in the vertex or pixel shader stage is less obvious [1961]. Either shader processing as a whole or another stage will still be the bottleneck, however, so we discuss each possibility in turn.

18.2.1 Testing the Application Stage

If the platform being used is supplied with a utility for measuring the workload on the processor(s), that utility can be used to see if your program uses 100% (or near that) of the CPU processing power. If the CPU is in constant use, your program is likely to be CPU-limited. This is not always foolproof, since the application may at times be waiting for the GPU to complete a frame. We talk about a program being CPU- or GPU-limited, but the bottleneck can change over the lifetime of a frame.

A smarter way to test for CPU limits is to send down data that causes the GPU to do little or no work. For some systems this can be accomplished by simply using a null driver (a driver that accepts calls but does nothing) instead of a real driver. This effectively sets an upper limit on how fast you can get the entire program to run, because you do not use the graphics hardware nor call the driver, and thus, the application on the CPU is always the bottleneck. By doing this test, you get an idea on how much room for improvement there is for the GPU-based stages not run in the application stage. That said, be aware that using a null driver can also hide any bottleneck due to driver processing itself and communication between CPU and GPU. The driver can often be the cause of a CPU-side bottleneck, a topic we discuss in depth later on.

Another more direct method is to underclock the CPU, if possible [240]. If performance drops in direct proportion to the CPU rate, the application is CPU-bound to at least some extent. This same underclocking approach can be done for GPUs. If the GPU is slowed down and performance decreases, then at least some of the time the application is GPU-bound. These underclocking methods can help identify a bottleneck, but can sometimes cause a stage that was not a bottleneck before to become one. The other option is to overclock, but you did not read that here.

18.2.2 Testing the Geometry Processing Stage

The geometry stage is the most difficult stage to test. This is because if the workload on this stage is changed, then the workload on one or both of the other stages is often changed as well. To avoid this problem, Cebenoyan [240] gives a series of tests working from the rasterizer stages back up the pipeline.

There are two main areas where a bottleneck can occur in the geometry stage: vertex fetching and processing. To see if the bottleneck is due to object data transfer, increase the size of the vertex format. This can be done by sending several extra texture coordinates per vertex, for example. If performance falls, this area is the bottleneck.

Vertex processing is done by the vertex shader. For the vertex shader bottleneck, testing consists of making the shader program longer. Some care has to be taken to make sure the compiler is not optimizing away these additional instructions.

If your pipeline also uses geometry shaders, their performance is a function of output size and program length. If you are using tessellation shaders, again program length affects performance, as well as the tessellation factor. Varying any of these elements, while avoiding changes in the work other stages perform, can help determine whether any are the bottleneck.

18.2.3 Testing the Rasterization Stage

This stage consists of triangle setup and triangle traversal. Shadow map generation, which uses extremely simple pixel shaders, can bottleneck in the rasterizer or merging stages. Though normally rare [1961], it is possible for triangle setup and rasterization to be the bottleneck for small triangles from tessellation or objects such as grass or foliage. However, small triangles can also increase the use of both vertex and pixel shaders. More vertices in a given area clearly increases vertex shader load. Pixel shader load also increases because each triangle is rasterized by a set of 2 × 2 quads, so the number of pixels outside of each triangle increases [59]. This is sometimes called quad overshading (Section 23.1). To find if rasterization is truly the bottleneck, increase the execution time of both the vertex and pixel shaders by increasing their program sizes. If the render time per frame does not increase, then the bottleneck is in the rasterization stage.

18.2.4 Testing the Pixel Processing Stage

The pixel shader program’s effect can be tested by changing the screen resolution. If a lower screen resolution causes the frame rate to rise appreciably, the pixel shader is likely to be the bottleneck, at least some of the time. Care has to be taken if a level of detail system is in place. A smaller screen is likely to also simplify the models displayed, lessening the load on the geometry stage.

Lowering the display resolution can also affect costs from triangle traversal, depth testing and blending, and texture access, among other factors. To avoid these factors and isolate the bottleneck, one approach is the same as that taken with vertex shader programs, to add more instructions to see the effect on execution speed. Again, it is important to determine that these additional instructions are not optimized away by the compiler. If frame rendering time increases, the pixel shader is the bottleneck (or at least has become the bottleneck at some point as its execution cost increased). Alternately, the pixel shader could be simplified to a minimum number of instructions, something often difficult to do in a vertex shader. If overall rendering time decreases, a bottleneck has been found. Texture cache misses can also be costly. If replacing a texture with a 1 × 1 resolution version gives considerably faster performance, then texture memory access is a bottleneck.

Shaders are separate programs that have their own optimization techniques. Persson [1383, 1385] presents several low-level shader optimizations, as well as specifics about how graphics hardware has evolved and how best practices have changed.

18.2.5 Testing the Merging Stage

In this stage depth and stencil tests are made, blending is done, and surviving results are written to buffers. Changing the output bit depth for these buffers is one way to vary the bandwidth costs for this stage and see if it could be the bottleneck. Turning alpha blending on for opaque objects or using other blending modes also affects the amount of memory access and processing performed by raster operations.

This stage can be the bottleneck with post-processing passes, shadows, particle system rendering, and, to a lesser extent, rendering hair and grass, where the vertex and pixel shaders are simple and so do little work.

18.3 Performance Measurements

To optimize we need to measure. Here we discuss different measures of GPU speed. Graphics hardware manufacturers used to present peak rates such as vertices per second and pixels per second, which were at best hard to reach. Also, since we are dealing with a pipelined system, true performance is not as simple as listing these kinds of numbers. This is because the location of the bottleneck may move from one time to another, and the different pipeline stages interact in different ways during execution.

Because of this complexity, GPUs are marketed in part on their physical properties, such as the number and clock rate of cores, memory size, speed, and bandwidth.

All that said, GPU counters and thread traces, if available, are important diagnostic tools when used well. If the peak performance of some given part is known and the count is lower, then this area is unlikely to be the bottleneck. Some vendors present counter data as a utilization percentage for each stage. These values are over a given time period during which the bottleneck can move, and so are not perfect, but help considerably in finding the bottleneck.

More is better, but even seemingly simple physical measurements can be difficult to compare precisely. For example, the clock rate for the same GPU can vary among IHV partners, as each has its own cooling solution and so overclocks its GPUs to what it considers safe. Even FPS benchmark comparisons on a single system are not always as simple as they sound. NVIDIA’s GPU Boost [1666] and AMD’s PowerTune [31] technology are good examples of our dictum “know your architecture.” NVIDIA’s GPU Boost arose in part because some synthetic benchmarks worked many parts of the GPU’s pipeline simultaneously and so pushed power usage to the limit, meaning that NVIDIA had to lower its base clock rate to keep the chip from overheating. Many applications do not exercise all parts of the pipeline to such an extent, so can safely be run at a higher clock rate. The GPU Boost technology tracks GPU power and temperature characteristics and adjusts the clock rate accordingly. AMD and Intel have similar power/performance optimizations with their GPUs. This variability can cause the same benchmark to run at different speeds, depending on the initial temperature of the GPU. To avoid this problem, Microsoft provides a method in DirectX 12 to lock the GPU core clock frequency in order to get stable timings [121]. Examining power states is possible for other APIs, but is more complex [354].

When it comes to measuring performance for CPUs, the trend has been to avoid IPS (instructions per second), FLOPS (floating point operations per second), gigahertz, and simple short benchmarks. Instead, the preferred method is to measure wall clock times for a range of different, real programs [715], and then compare the running times for these. Following this trend, most independent graphics benchmarks measure the actual frame rate in FPS for several given scenes, and for a variety of different screen resolutions, along with antialiasing and quality settings. Many graphics-heavy games include a benchmarking mode or have one created by a third party, and these benchmarks are commonly used in comparing GPUs.

While FPS is useful shorthand for comparing GPUs running benchmarks, it should be avoided when analyzing a series of frame rates. The problem with FPS is that it is a reciprocal measure, not linear, and so can lead to analysis errors. For example, imagine you find the frame rate of your application at different times is 50, 50, and 20 FPS. If you average these values you get 40 FPS. That value is misleading at best. These frame rates translate to 20, 20, and 50 milliseconds, so the average frame time is 30 ms, which is 33.3 FPS. Similarly, milliseconds are pretty much required when measuring the performance of individual algorithms. For a specific benchmarking situation with a given test and a given machine, it is possible to say that some particular shadow algorithm or post-process effect “costs” 7 FPS, and that the benchmark ran this much slower. However, it is meaningless to generalize this statement, since this value also depends on how much time it takes to process everything else in the frame and because you cannot add together the FPS of different techniques (but you can add times) [1378].

To be able to see the potential effects of pipeline optimization, it is important to measure the total rendering time per frame with double buffering disabled, i.e., in single-buffer mode by turning vertical synchronization off. This is because with double buffering turned on, swapping of the buffers occurs only in synchronization with the frequency of the monitor, as explained in the example in Section 2.1. De Smedt [331] discusses analyzing frame times to find and fix frame stutter problems from spikes in the CPU workload, as well as other useful tips for optimizing performance. Using statistical analysis is usually necessary. It is also possible to use GPU timestamps to learn what is happening within a frame [1167, 1422].

Raw speed is important, but for mobile devices another goal is optimizing power consumption. Purposely lowering the frame rate but keeping the application interactive can significantly extend battery life and have little effect on the user’s experience [1200]. Akenine-Mo¨ller and Johnsson [25, 840] note that performance per watt is like frames per second, with the same drawbacks as FPS. They argue a more useful measure is joules per task, e.g., joules per pixel.

18.4 Optimization

Once a bottleneck has been located, we want to optimize that stage to boost the performance. In this section we present optimization techniques for the application, geometry, rasterization, and pixel processing stages.

18.4.1 Application Stage

The application stage is optimized by making the code faster and the memory accesses of the program faster or fewer. Here we touch upon some of the key elements of code optimization that apply to CPUs in general.

For code optimization, it is crucial to locate the place in the code where most of the time is spent. A good code profiler is critical in finding these code hot spots, where most time is spent. Optimization efforts are then made in these places. Such locations in the program are often inner loops, pieces of the code that are executed many times each frame.

The basic rule of optimization is to try a variety of tactics: Reexamine algorithms, assumptions, and code syntax, trying variants as possible. CPU architecture and compiler performance often limit the user’s ability to form an intuition about how to write the fastest code, so question your assumptions and keep an open mind.

One of the first steps is to experiment with the optimization flags for the compiler. There are usually a number of different flags to try. Make few, if any, assumptions about what optimization options to use. For example, setting the compiler to use more aggressive loop optimizations could result in slower code. Also, if possible, try different compilers, as these are optimized in different ways, and some are markedly superior. Your profiler can tell you what effect any change has.

Memory Issues

Years ago the number of arithmetic instructions was the key measure of an algorithm’s efficiency; now the key is memory access patterns. Processor speed has increased much more rapidly than the data transfer rate for DRAM, which is limited by the pin count. Between 1980 and 2005, CPU performance doubled about every two years, and DRAM performance doubled about every six [1060]. This problem is known as the Von Neumann bottleneck or the memory wall. Data-oriented design focuses on cache coherency as a means of optimization. 1

On modern GPUs, what matters is the distance traveled by data. Speed and power costs are proportional to this distance. Cache access patterns can make up to an orders-of-magnitude performance difference [1206]. A cache is a small fast-memory area that exists because there is usually much coherence in a program, which the cache can exploit. That is, nearby locations in memory tend to be accessed one after another (spatial locality), and code is often accessed sequentially. Also, memory locations tend to be accessed repeatedly (temporal locality), which the cache also exploits [389]. Processor caches are fast to access, second only to registers for speed. Many fast algorithms work to access data as locally (and as little) as possible.

Registers and local caches form one end of the memory hierarchy, which extends next to dynamic random access memory (DRAM), then to storage on SSDs and hard disks. At the top are small amounts of fast, expensive memory, at the bottom are large amounts of slow and inexpensive storage. Between each level of the hierarchy the speed drops by some noticeable factor. See Figure 18.1. For example, processor registers are usually accessed in one clock cycle, while L1 cache memory is accessed in a few cycles. Each change in level has an increase in latency in this way. As discussed in Section 3.10, sometimes latency can be hidden by the architecture, but it is always a factor that must be kept in mind.


Figure 18.1 The memory hierarchy. Speed and cost decrease as we descend the pyramid.

Bad memory access patterns are difficult to directly detect in a profiler. Good patterns need to be built into the design from the start [1060]. Below is a list of pointers that should be kept in consideration when programming.

  • Data that is accessed sequentially in the code should also be stored sequentially in memory. For example, when rendering a triangle mesh, store texture coordinate #0, normal #0, color #0, vertex #0, texture coordinate #1, and normal #1, sequentially in memory if they are accessed in that order. This can also be important on the GPU, as with the post-transform vertex cache (Section 16.4.4). Also see Section 16.4.5 for why storing separate streams of data can be beneficial.
  • Avoid pointer indirection, jumps, and function calls (in critical parts of the code), as these may significantly decrease CPU performance. You get pointer indirection when you follow a pointer to another pointer and so on. Modern CPUs try to speculatively execute instructions (branch prediction) and fetch memory (cache prefetching) to keep all their functional units busy running code. These techniques are highly effective when the code flow is consistent in a loop, but fail with branching data structures such as binary trees, linked lists, and graphs; use arrays instead, as possible. McVoy and Staelin [1194] show a code example that follows a linked list through pointers. This causes cache misses for data both before and after, and their example stalls the CPU more than 100 times longer than it takes to follow the pointer (if the cache could provide the address of the pointer). Smits [1668] notes how flattening a pointer-based tree into a list with skip pointers considerably improves hierarchy traversal. Using a van Emde Boas layout is another way to help avoid cache misses—see Section 19.1.4. High-branching trees are often preferable to binary trees because they reduce the tree depth and so reduce the amount of indirection.
  • Aligning frequently used data structures to multiples of the cache line size can significantly improve overall performance. For example, 64 byte cache lines are common on Intel and AMD processors [1206]. Compiler options can help, but it is wise to design your data structures with alignment, called padding, in mind. Tools such as VTune and CodeAnalyst for Windows and Linux, Instruments for the Mac, and the open-source Valgrind for Linux can help identify caching bottlenecks. Alignment can also affect GPU shader performance [331].
  • Try different organizations of data structures. For example, Hecker [698] shows how a surprisingly large amount of time was saved by testing a variety of matrix structures for a simple matrix multiplier. An array of structures,

struct Vertex { float x, y, z;};

Vertex myvertices [ 1000 ];

or a structure of arrays,

struct Vertex Chunk { float x [1000], y [1000], z [ 1000 ];};

Vertex Chunk myvertices;

may work better for a given architecture. This second structure is better for using SIMD commands, but as the number of vertices goes up, the chance of a cache miss increases. As the array size increases, a hybrid scheme,

struct Vertex 4 { float x[4], y[4], z [ 4 ];};

Vertex 4 myvertices [ 250 ];

may be the best choice.

  • It is often better to allocate a large pool of memory at start-up for objects of the same size, and then use your own allocation and free routines for handling the memory of that pool [113, 736]. Libraries such as Boost provide pool allocation. A set of contiguous records is more likely to be cache coherent than those created by separate allocations. That said, for languages with garbage collection, such as C# and Java, pools can actually reduce performance.

While not directly related to memory access patterns, it is worthwhile to avoid allocating or freeing memory within the rendering loop. Use pools and allocate scratch space once, and have stacks, arrays, and other structures only grow (using a variable or flags to note which elements should be treated as deleted).

18.4.2 API Calls

Throughout this book we have given advice based on general trends in hardware. For example, indexed vertex buffers objects are usually the fastest way to provide the accelerator with geometric data (Section 16.4.5). This section is about how to best call the graphics API itself. Most graphics APIs have similar architectures, and there are well-established ways of using them efficiently.

Understanding object buffer allocation and storage is basic to efficient rendering [1679]. For a desktop system with a CPU and a separate, discrete GPU, each normally has its own memory. The graphics driver is usually in control of where objects reside, but it can be given hints of where best to store them. A common classification is static versus dynamic buffers. If the buffer’s data are changing each frame, using a dynamic buffer, which requires no permanent storage space on the GPU, is preferable. Consoles, laptops with low-power integrated GPUs, and mobile devices usually have unified memory, where the GPU and CPU share the same physical memory. Even in these setups, allocating a resource in the right pool matters. Correctly tagging a resource as CPU-only or GPU-only can still yield benefits. In general, if a memory area has to be accessed by both chips, when one writes to it the other has to invalidate its caches—an expensive operation—to be sure not to get stale data.

If an object is not deforming, or the deformations can be carried out entirely by shader programs (e.g., skinning), then it is profitable to store the data for the object in GPU memory. The unchanging nature of this object can be signaled by storing it as a static buffer. In this way, it does not have to be sent across the bus for every frame rendered, thus avoiding any bottleneck at this stage of the pipeline. The internal memory bandwidth on a GPU is normally much higher than the bus between CPU and GPU.

State Changes

Calling the API has several costs associated with it. On the application side, more calls mean more application time spent, regardless of what the calls actually do. This cost can be minimal or noticeable, and a null driver can help identify it. Query functions that depend on values from the GPU can potentially halve the frame rate due to stalls from synchronization with the CPU [1167]. Here we will delve into optimizing a common graphics operation, preparing the pipeline to draw a mesh. This operation may involve changing the state, e.g., setting the shaders and their uniforms, attaching textures, changing the blend state or the color buffer used, and so on.

A major way for the application to improve performance is to minimize state changes by grouping objects with a similar rendering state. Because the GPU is an extremely complex state machine, perhaps the most complex in computer science, changing the state can be expensive. While a little of the cost can involve the GPU, most of the expense is from the driver’s execution on the CPU. If the GPU maps well to the API, the state change cost tends to be predictable, though still significant. If the GPU has a tight power constraint or limited silicon footprint, such as with some mobile devices, or has a hardware bug to work around, the driver may have to perform heroics that cause unexpectedly high costs. State change costs are mostly on the CPU side, in the driver.

One concrete example is how the PowerVR architecture supports blending. In older APIs blending is specified using a fixed-function type of interface. PowerVR’s blending is programmable, which means that their driver has to patch the current blend state into the pixel shader [699]. In this case a more advanced design does not map well to the API and so incurs a significant setup cost in the driver. While throughout this chapter we note that hardware architecture and the software running it can affect the importance of various optimizations, this is particularly true for state change costs. Even the specific GPU type and driver release may have an effect. While reading, please imagine the phrase “your mileage may vary” stamped in large red letters over every page of this section.

Everitt and McDonald [451] note that different types of state changes vary considerably in cost, and give some rough idea as to how many times a second a few could be performed on an NVIDIA OpenGL driver. Here is their order, from most expensive to least, as of 2014:

  • Render target (framebuffer object), ∼60k/sec.
  • Shader program, ∼300k/sec.
  • Blend mode (ROP), such as for transparency.
  • Texture bindings, ∼1.5M/sec.
  • Vertex format.
  • Uniform buffer object (UBO) bindings.
  • Vertex bindings.
  • Uniform updates, ∼10M/sec.

This approximate cost order is borne out by others [488, 511, 741]. One even more expensive change is switching between the GPU’s rendering mode and its compute shader mode [1971]. Avoiding state changes can be achieved by sorting the objects to be displayed by grouping them by shader, then by textures used, and so on down the cost order. Sorting by state is sometimes called batching.

Another strategy is to restructure the objects’ data so that more sharing occurs. A common way to minimize texture binding changes is to put several texture images into one large texture or, better yet, a texture array. If the API supports it, bindless textures are another option to avoid state changes (Section 6.2.5). Changing the shader program is usually relatively expensive compared to updating uniforms, so variations within a class of materials may be better represented by a single shader that uses “if” statements. You might also be able to make larger batches by sharing a shader [1609]. Making shaders more complex can also lower performance on the GPU, however. Measuring to see what is effective is the only foolproof way to know.

Making fewer, more effective calls to the graphics API can yield some additional savings. For example, often several uniforms can be defined and set as a group, so binding a single uniform buffer object is considerably more efficient [944]. In DirectX these are called constant buffers. Using these properly saves both time per function and time spent error-checking inside each individual API call [331, 613].

Modern drivers often defer setting state until the first draw call encountered. If redundant API calls are made before then, the driver will filter these out, thus avoiding the need to perform a state change. Often a dirty flag is used to note that a state change is needed, so going back to a base state after each draw call may become costly. For example, you may want to assume state X is off by default when you are about to draw an object. One way to achieve this is “Enable(X); Draw(M1); Disable(X);” then “Enable(X); Draw(M2); Disable(X);” thus restoring the state after each draw. However, it is also likely to waste significant time setting the state again between the two draw calls, even though no actual state change occurs between them.

Usually the application has higher-level knowledge of when a state change is needed. For example, changing from a “replace” blending mode for opaque surfaces to an “over” mode for transparent ones normally needs to be done once during the frame. Issuing the blend mode before rendering each object can easily be avoided. Galeano [511] shows how ignoring such filtering and issuing unneeded state calls would have cost their WebGL application up to nearly 2 ms/frame. However, if the driver already does such redundancy filtering efficiently, performing this same testing per call in the application can be a waste. How much effort to spend filtering out API calls primarily depends on the underlying driver [443, 488, 741].

Consolidating and Instancing

Using the API efficiently avoids having the CPU be the bottleneck. One other concern with the API is the small batch problem. If ignored, this can be a significant factor affecting performance in modern APIs. Simply put, a few triangle-filled meshes are much more efficient to render than many small, simple ones. This is because there is a fixed-cost overhead associated with each draw call, a cost paid for processing a primitive, regardless of size.

Back in 2003, Wloka [1897] showed that drawing two (relatively small) triangles per batch was a factor of 375 away from the maximum throughput for the GPU tested. 2 Instead of 150 million triangles per second, the rate was 0.4 million, for a 2.7 GHz CPU. For a scene rendered consisting of many small and simple objects, each with only a few triangles, performance is entirely CPU-bound by the API; the GPU has no ability to increase it. That is, the processing time on the CPU for the draw call is greater than the amount of time the GPU takes to actually draw the mesh, so the GPU is starved.

Wloka’s rule of thumb is that “You get X batches per frame.” This is a maximum number of draw calls you can make per frame, purely due to the CPU being the limiting factor. In 2003, the breakpoint where the API was the bottleneck was about 130 triangles per object. Figure 18.2 shows how the breakpoint rose in 2006 to 510 triangles per mesh. Times have changed. Much work was done to ameliorate this draw call problem, and CPUs became faster. The recommendation back in 2003 was 300 draw calls per frame; in 2012, 16,000 draw calls per frame was one team’s ceiling [1381]. That said, even this number is not enough for some complicated scenes. With modern APIs such as DirectX 12, Vulkan, and Metal, the driver cost may itself be minimized—this is one of their major advantages [946]. However, the GPU can have its own fixed costs per mesh.


Figure 18.2 Batch performance benchmarks for an Intel Core 2 Duo 2.66 GHz CPU using an NVIDIA G80 GPU, running DirectX 10. Batches of varying size were run and timed under different conditions. The “Low” conditions are for triangles with just the position and a constant-color pixel shader; the other set of tests is for reasonable meshes and shading. “Single” is rendering a single batch many times. “Instancing” reuses the mesh data and puts the per-instance data in a separate stream. “Constants” is a DirectX 10 method where instance data are put in constant memory. As can be seen, small batches hurt all methods, but instancing gives proportionally much faster performance. At a few hundred triangles, performance levels out, as the bottleneck becomes how fast vertices are retrieved from the vertex buffer and caches. (Graph courtesy of NVIDIA Corporation.)

One way to reduce the number of draw calls is to consolidate several objects into a single mesh, which needs only one draw call to render the set. For sets of objects that use the same state and are static, at least with respect to one another, consolidation can be done once and the batch can be reused each frame [741, 1322]. Being able to consolidate meshes is another reason to consider avoiding state changes by using a common shader and texture-sharing techniques. The cost savings from consolidation are not just from avoiding API draw calls. There are also savings from the application itself handling fewer objects. However, having batches that are considerably larger than needed can make other algorithms, such as frustum culling, be less effective [1381]. One practice is to use a bounding volume hierarchy to help find and group static objects that are near each other. Another concern with consolidation is selection, since all the static objects are undifferentiated, in one mesh. A typical solution is to store an object identifier at each vertex in the mesh.

The other approach to minimize application processing and API costs is to use some form of instancing [232, 741, 1382]. Most APIs support the idea of having an object and drawing it several times in a single call. This is typically done by specifying a base model and providing a separate data structure that holds information about each specific instance desired. Beyond position and orientation, other attributes could be specified per instance, such as leaf colors or curvature due to the wind, or anything else that could be used by shader programs to affect the model. Lush jungle scenes can be created by liberal use of instancing. See Figure 18.3. Crowd scenes are a good fit for instancing, with each character appearing unique by selecting different body parts from a set of choices. Further variation can be added by random coloring and decals. Instancing can also be combined with level of detail techniques [122, 1107, 1108]. See Figure 18.4 for an example.

A concept that combines consolidation and instancing is called merge-instancing, where a consolidated mesh contains objects that may in turn be instanced [146, 1382]. In theory, the geometry shader can be used for instancing, as it can create duplicate data of an incoming mesh. In practice, if many instances are needed, this method can be slower than using instancing API commands. The intent of the geometry shader is to perform local, small-scale amplification of data [1827]. In addition, for some architectures, such as Mali’s tile-based renderer, the geometry shader is implemented in software. To quote Mali’s best practices guide [69], “Find a better solution to your problem. Geometry shaders are not your solution.”

18.4.3 Geometry Stage

The geometry stage is responsible for transforms, per-vertex lighting, clipping, projection, and screen mapping. Other chapters discuss ways to reduce the amount of data flowing through the pipeline. Efficient triangle mesh storage, model simplification, and vertex data compression (Chapter 16) all save both processing time and memory. Techniques such as frustum and occlusion culling (Chapter 19) avoid sending the full primitive itself down the pipeline. Adding such large-scale techniques on the CPU can entirely change performance characteristics of the application and so are worth trying early on in development. On the GPU such techniques are less common. One notable example is how the compute shader can be used to perform various types of culling [1883, 1884].

The effect of elements of lighting can be computed per vertex, per pixel (in the pixel processing stage), or both. Lighting computations can be optimized in several ways. First, the types of light sources being used should be considered. Is lighting needed for all triangles? Sometimes a model only requires texturing, texturing with colors at the vertices, or simply colors at the vertices.

If light sources are static with respect to geometry, then the diffuse and ambient lighting can be precomputed and stored as colors at the vertices. Doing so is often referred to as “baking” on the lighting. A more elaborate form of prelighting is to precompute the diffuse global illumination in a scene (Section 11.5.1). Such illumination can be stored as colors or intensities at the vertices or as light maps.


Figure 18.3 Vegetation instancing. All objects the same color in the lower image are rendered in a single draw call [1869]. (Image from CryEngine1, courtesy of Crytek.)


Figure 18.4 Crowd scene. Using instancing minimizes the number of draw calls needed. Level of detail techniques are also used, such as rendering impostors for distant models [1107, 1108]. (Image courtesy of Jonathan Ma¨ım, Barbara Yersin, Mireille Clavien, and Daniel Thalmann.)

For forward rendering systems the number of light sources influences the performance of the geometry stage. More light sources means more computation. A common way to lessen work is to disable or trim down local lighting and instead use an environment map (Section 10.5).

18.4.4 Rasterization Stage

Rasterization can be optimized in a few ways. For closed (solid) objects and for objects that will never show their backfaces (for example, the back side of a wall in a room), backface culling should be turned on (Section 19.3). This reduces the number of triangles to be rasterized by about half and so reduces the load on triangle traversal. In addition, this can be particularly beneficial when the pixel shading computation is expensive, as backfaces are then never shaded.

18.4.5 Pixel Processing Stage

Optimizing pixel processing is often profitable, since usually there are many more pixels to shade than vertices. There are notable exceptions. Vertices always have to be processed, even if a draw ends up not generating any visible pixels. Ineffective culling in the rendering engine might make the vertex shading cost exceed pixel shading. Too small a triangle not only causes more vertex shading evaluation than may be needed, but also can create more partial-covered quads that cause additional work. More important, textured meshes that cover only a few pixels often have low thread occupancy rates. As discussed in Section 3.10, there is a large time cost in sampling a texture, which the GPU hides by switching to execute shader programs on other fragments, returning later when the texture data has been fetched. Low occupancy can result in poor latency hiding. Complex shaders that use a high number of registers can also lead to low occupancy by allowing fewer threads to be available at one time (Section 23.3). This condition is referred to as high register pressure. There are other subtleties, e.g., frequent switching to other warps may cause more cache misses. Wronski [1911, 1914] discusses various occupancy problems and solutions.

To begin, use native texture and pixel formats, i.e., use the formats that the graphics accelerator uses internally, to avoid a possible expensive transform from one format to another [278]. Two other texture-related techniques are loading only the mipmap levels needed (Section 19.10.1) and using texture compression (Section 6.2.6). As usual, smaller and fewer textures mean less memory used, which in turn means lower transfer and access times. Texture compression also can improve cache performance, since the same amount of cache memory is occupied by more pixels.

One level of detail technique is to use different pixel shader programs, depending on the distance of the object from the viewer. For example, with three flying saucer models in a scene, the closest might have an elaborate bump map for surface details that the two farther away do not need. In addition, the farthest saucer might have specular highlighting simplified or removed altogether, both to simplify computations and to reduce “fireflies,” i.e., sparkle artifacts from undersampling. Using a color per vertex on simplified models can give the additional benefit that no state change is needed due to the texture changing.

The pixel shader is invoked only if the fragment is visible at the time the triangle is rasterized. The GPU’s early-z test (Section 23.7) checks the z-depth of the fragment against the z-buffer. If not visible, the fragment is discarded without any pixel shader evaluation, saving considerable time. While the z-depth can be modified by the pixel shader, doing so means that early-z testing cannot be performed.

To understand the behavior of a program, and especially the load on the pixel processing stage, it is useful to visualize the depth complexity, which is the number of surfaces that cover a pixel. Figure 18.5 shows an example. One simple method of generating a depth complexity image is to use a call like OpenGL’s glBlendFunc(GL ONE,GL ONE), with z-buffering disabled. First, the image is cleared to black. All objects in the scene are then rendered with the color (1/255, 1/255, 1/255). The effect of the blend function setting is that for each primitive rendered, the values of the written pixels will increase by one intensity level. A pixel with a depth complexity of 0 is then black and a pixel of depth complexity 255 is full white, (255, 255, 255).


Figure 18.5 The depth complexity of the scene on the left is shown on the right. (Images created using NVPerfHUD from NVIDIA Corporation.)

The amount of pixel overdraw is related to how many surfaces actually were rendered. The number of times the pixel shader is evaluated can be found by rendering the scene again, but with the z-buffer enabled. Overdraw is the amount of effort wasted computing a shade for a surface that is then hidden by a later pixel shader invocation. An advantage of deferred rendering (Section 20.1), and ray tracing for that matter, is that shading is performed after all visibility computations are performed.

Say two triangles cover a pixel, so the depth complexity is two. If the farther triangle is drawn first, the nearer triangle overdraws it, and the amount of overdraw is one. If the nearer is drawn first, the farther triangle fails the depth test and is not drawn, so there is no overdraw. For a random set of opaque triangles covering a pixel, the average number of draws is the harmonic series [296]:



The logic behind this is that the first triangle rendered is one draw. The second triangle is either in front or behind the first, a 50/50 chance. The third triangle can have one of three positions compared to the first two, giving one chance in three of it being frontmost. As n goes to infinity,



where γ = 0.57721 . . . is the Euler-Mascheroni constant. Overdraw rises rapidly when depth complexity is low, but quickly tapers off. For example, a depth complexity of 4 gives an average of 2.08 draws, 11 gives 3.02 draws, but it takes a depth complexity of 12,367 to reach an average of 10.00 draws.

So, overdraw is not necessarily as bad as it seems, but we would still like to minimize it, without costing too much CPU time. Roughly sorting and then drawing the opaque objects in a scene in an approximate front-to-back order (near to far) is a common way to reduce overdraw [240, 443, 488, 511]. Occluded objects that are drawn later will not write to the color or z-buffers (i.e., overdraw is reduced). Also, the pixel fragment can be rejected by occlusion culling hardware before even reaching the pixel shader program (Section 23.5). Sorting can be accomplished by any number of methods. An explicit sort based on the distance along the view direction of the centroids of all opaque objects is one simple technique. If a bounding volume hierarchy or other spatial structure is already in use for frustum culling, we can choose the closer child to be traversed first, on down the hierarchy.

Another technique can be useful for surfaces with complex pixel shader programs. Performing a z-prepass renders the geometry to just the z-buffer first, then the whole scene is rendered normally [643]. This eliminates all overdraw shader evaluations, but at the cost of an entire separate run through all the geometry. Pettineo [1405] writes that the primary reason his team used a depth prepass in their video game was to avoid overdraw. However, drawing in a rough front-to-back order may provide much of the same benefit without the need for this extra work. A hybrid approach is to identify and first draw just a few large, simple occluders likely to give the most benefit [1768]. As McGuire [1177] notes, a full-draw prepass did not help performance for his particular system. Measuring is the only way to know which technique, if any, is most effective for your application.

Earlier we recommended grouping by shader and texture to minimize state changes; here we talk about rendering objects sorted by distance. These two goals usually give different object draw orders and so conflict with each other. There is always some ideal draw order for a given scene and viewpoint, but this is difficult to find in advance. Hybrid schemes are possible, e.g., sorting nearby objects by depth and sorting everything else by material [1433]. A common, flexible solution [438, 488, 511, 1434, 1882] is to create a sorting key for each object that encapsulates all the relevant criteria by assigning each a set of bits. See Figure 18.6.


Figure 18.6 Example sort key for draw order. Keys are sorted from low to high. Setting the transparency bit means that the object is transparent, as transparent objects are to be rendered after all opaque objects. The object’s distance from the camera is stored as an integer with low precision. For transparent objects the distance is reversed or negated, since we want objects in a back-to-front order. Shaders are each given a unique identification number, as are textures.

We can choose to favor sorting by distance, but by limiting the number of bits storing the depth, we can allow grouping by shader to become relevant for objects in a given range of distances. It is not uncommon to sort draws into even as few as two or three depth partitions. If some objects have the same depth and use the same shader, then the texture identifier is used to sort the objects, which then groups objects with the same texture together.

This is a simple example and is situational, e.g., the rendering engine may itself keep opaque and transparent objects separate so that the transparency bit is not necessary. The number of bits for the other fields certainly varies with the maximum number of shaders and textures expected. Other fields may be added or substituted in, such as one for blend state and another for z-buffer read and write. Most important of all is the architecture. For example, some tile-based GPU renderers on mobile devices do not gain anything from sorting front to back, so state sorting is the only important element to optimize [1609]. The main idea here is that putting all attributes into a single integer key lets you perform an efficient sort, thus minimizing overdraw and state changes as possible.

18.4.6 Framebuffer Techniques

Rendering a scene often incurs a vast amount of accesses to the framebuffer and many pixel shader executions. To reduce the pressure on the cache hierarchy, a common piece of advice is to reduce the storage size of each pixel of the framebuffer. While a 16-bit floating point value per color channel provides more accuracy, an 8-bit value is half the size, which means faster accesses assuming that the accuracy is sufficient. The chrominance is often subsampled in many image and video compression schemes, such as JPEG and MPEG. This can often be done with negligible visual effect due to fact that the human visual system is more sensitive to luminance than to chrominance. For example, the Frostbite game engine [1877] uses this idea of chroma subsampling to reduce bandwidth costs for post-processing their 16-bits-per-channel images.

Mavridis and Papaioannou [1144] propose that the lossy YCoCg transform, described on page 197, is used to achieve a similar effect for the color buffer during rasterization. Their pixel layout is shown in Figure 18.7. Compared to RGBA, this halves the color buffer storage requirements (assuming A is not needed) and often increases performance, depending on architecture. Since each pixel has only one of the chrominance components, a reconstruction filter is needed to infer a full YCoCg per pixel before converting back to RGB before display. For a pixel missing the Co-value, for example, the average of the four closest Co-values can be used. However, this does not reconstruct edges as well as desired. Therefore, a simple edge-aware filter is used instead, which is implemented as




Figure 18.7 Left: 4 × 2 pixels, each storing four color components (RGBA). Right: an alternative representation where each pixel stores the luminance, Y, and either the first (C o ) or the second (C g) chrominance component, in a checkerboard pattern.

for a pixel that does not have Co, where Co,i and Li are the values to the left, right, top, and bottom of the current pixel, L is the luminance of the current pixel, and t is a threshold value for edge detection. Mavridis and Papaioannou used t = 30/255.

The step(x) function is 0 if x < 0, and 1 otherwise. Hence, the filter weights wi are either 0 or 1, where they are zero if the luminance gradient, |Li − L|, is greater than t. A WebGL demo with source code is available online [1144].

Because of the continuing increase in display resolutions and the shader execution cost savings, using a checkerboard pattern for rendering has been used in several systems [231, 415, 836, 1885]. For virtual reality applications, Vlachos [1824] uses a checkerboard pattern for pixels around the periphery of the view, and Answer [59] reduces each 2 × 2 quad by one to three samples.

18.4.7 Merging Stage

Make sure to enable blend modes only when useful. In theory “over” compositing could be set for every triangle, opaque or transparent, since opaque surfaces using “over” will fully overwrite the value in the pixel. However, this is more costly than a simple “replace” raster operation, so tracking objects with cutout texturing and materials with transparency is worthwhile. Alternately, there are some raster operations that cost nothing extra. For example, when the z-buffer is being used, on some systems it costs no additional time to also access the stencil buffer. This is because the 8-bit stencil buffer value is stored in the same word as the 24-bit z-depth value [890].

Thinking through when various buffers need to be used or cleared is worthwhile. Since GPUs have fast clear mechanisms (Section 23.5), the recommendation is to always clear both color and depth buffers since that increases the efficiency of memory transfers for these buffers.

You should normally avoid reading back render targets from the GPU to the CPU if you can help it. Any framebuffer access by the CPU causes the entire GPU pipeline to be flushed before the rendering is returned, losing all parallelism there [1167, 1609]. If you do find that the merging stage is your bottleneck, you may need to rethink your approach. Can you use lower-precision output targets, perhaps through compression? Is there any way to reorder your algorithm to mitigate the stress on this stage? For shadows, are there ways to cache and reuse parts where nothing has moved?

In this section we have discussed ways of using each stage well by searching for bottlenecks and tuning performance. That said, be aware of the dangers of repeatedly optimizing an algorithm when you may be better served by using an entirely different technique.

18.5 Multiprocessing

Traditional APIs have evolved toward issuing fewer calls that each do more [443, 451]. The new generation of APIs—DirectX 12, Vulkan, Metal—take a different strategy.

For these APIs the drivers are streamlined and minimal, with much of the complexity and responsibility for validating the state shifted to the calling application, as well as memory allocation and other functions [249, 1438, 1826]. This redesign in good part was done to minimize draw call and state change overhead, which comes from having to map older APIs to modern GPUs. The other element these new APIs encourage is using multiple CPU processors to call the API.

Around 2003 the trend of ever-rising clock speeds for CPUs flattened out at around 3.4 GHz, due to several physical issues such as heat dissipation and power consumption [1725]. These limits gave rise to multiprocessing CPUs, where instead of higher clock rates, more CPUs were put in a single chip. In fact, many small cores provide the best performance per unit area [75], which is the major reason why GPUs themselves are so effective. Creating efficient and reliable programs that exploit concurrency has been the challenge ever since. In this section we will cover the basic concepts of efficient multiprocessing on CPU cores, at the end discussing how graphics APIs have evolved to enable more concurrency within the driver itself.

Multiprocessor computers can be broadly classified into message-passing architectures and shared memory multiprocessors. In message-passing designs, each processor has its own memory area, and messages are sent between the processors to communicate results. These are not common in real-time rendering. Shared memory multiprocessors are just as they sound; all processors share a logical address space of memory among themselves. Most popular multiprocessor systems use shared memory, and most of these have a symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) design. SMP means that all the processors are identical. A multicore PC system is an example of a symmetric multiprocessing architecture.

Here, we will present two general methods for using multiple processors for realtime graphics. The first method—multiprocessor pipelining, also called temporal parallelism—will be covered in more detail than the second—parallel processing, also called spatial parallelism. These two methods are illustrated in Figure 18.8. These two types of parallelism are then brought together with task-based multiprocessing, where the application creates jobs that can each be picked up and processed by an individual core.


Figure 18.8 Two different ways of using multiple processors. At the top we show how three processors (CPUs) are used in a multiprocessor pipeline, and at the bottom we show parallel execution on three CPUs. One of the differences between these two implementations is that lower latency can be achieved if the configuration at the bottom is used. On the other hand, it may be easier to use a multiprocessor pipeline. The ideal speedup for both of these configurations is linear, i.e., using n CPUs would give a speedup of n times.

18.5.1 Multiprocessor Pipelining

As we have seen, pipelining is a method for speeding up execution by dividing a job into certain pipeline stages that are executed in parallel. The result from one pipeline stage is passed on to the next. The ideal speedup is n times for n pipeline stages, and the slowest stage (the bottleneck) determines the actual speedup. Up to this point, we have seen pipelining used with a single CPU core and a GPU to run the application, geometry processing, rasterization, and pixel processing in parallel. Pipelining can also be used when multiple processors are available on the host, and in these cases, it is called multiprocess pipelining or software pipelining.

Here we describe one type of software pipelining. Endless variations are possible and the method should be adapted to the particular application. In this example, the application stage is divided into three stages [1508]: APP, CULL, and DRAW. This is coarse-grained pipelining, which means that each stage is relatively long. The APP stage is the first stage in the pipeline and therefore controls the others. It is in this stage that the application programmer can put in additional code that does, for example, collision detection. This stage also updates the viewpoint. The CULL stage can perform:

  • Traversal and hierarchical view frustum culling on a scene graph (Section 19.4).
  • Level of detail selection (Section 19.9).
  • State sorting, as discussed in Section 18.4.5.
  • Finally (and always performed), generation of a simple list of all objects that should be rendered.

The DRAW stage takes the list from the CULL stage and issues all graphics calls in this list. This means that it simply walks through the list and feeds the GPU. Figure 18.9 shows some examples of how this pipeline can be used.


Figure 18.9 Different configurations for a multiprocessor pipeline. The thick lines represent synchronization between the stages, and the subscripts represent the frame number. At the top, a single CPU pipeline is shown. In the middle and at the bottom are shown two different pipeline subdivisions using two CPUs. The middle has one pipeline stage for APP and CULL and one pipeline stage for DRAW. This is a suitable subdivision if DRAW has much more work to do than the others. At the bottom, APP has one pipeline stage and the other two have another. This is suitable if APP has much more work than the others. Note that the bottom two configurations have more time for the APP, CULL, and DRAW stages.

If one processor core is available, then all three stages are run on that core. If two CPU cores are available, then APP and CULL can be executed on one core and DRAW on the other. Another configuration would be to execute APP on one core and CULL and DRAW on the other. Which is the best depends on the workloads for the different stages. Finally, if the host has three cores available, then each stage can be executed on a separate core. This possibility is shown in Figure 18.10.


Figure 18.10 At the top, a three-stage pipeline is shown. In comparison to the configurations in Figure 18.9, this configuration has more time for each pipeline stage. The bottom illustration shows a way to reduce the latency: The CULL and the DRAW are overlapped with FIFO buffering in between.

The advantage of this technique is that the throughput, i.e., the rendering speed, increases. The downside is that, compared to parallel processing, the latency is greater. Latency, or temporal delay, is the time it takes from the polling of the user’s actions to the final image [1849]. This should not be confused with frame rate, which is the number of frames displayed per second. For example, say the user is using an untethered head-mounted display. The determination of the head’s position may take 10 milliseconds to reach the CPU, then it takes 15 milliseconds to render the frame. The latency is then 25 milliseconds from initial input to display. Even though the frame rate is 66.7 Hz (1/0.015 seconds), if no location prediction or other compensation is performed, interactivity can feel sluggish because of the delay in sending the position changes to the CPU. Ignoring any delay due to user interaction (which is a constant under both systems), multiprocessing has more latency than parallel processing because it uses a pipeline. As is discussed in detail in the next section, parallel processing breaks up the frame’s work into pieces that are run concurrently.

In comparison to using a single CPU on the host, multiprocessor pipelining gives a higher frame rate and the latency is about the same or a little greater due to the cost of synchronization. The latency increases with the number of stages in the pipeline. For a well-balanced application the speedup is n times for n CPUs.

One technique for reducing the latency is to update the viewpoint and other latency-critical parameters at the end of the APP stage [1508]. This reduces the latency by (approximately) one frame. Another way to reduce latency is to execute CULL and DRAW overlapped. This means that the result from CULL is sent over to DRAW as soon as anything is ready for rendering. For this to work, there has to be some buffering, typically a FIFO, between those stages. The stages are stalled on empty and full conditions; i.e., when the buffer is full, then CULL has to stall, and when the buffer is empty, DRAW has to starve. The disadvantage is that techniques such as state sorting cannot be used to the same extent, since primitives have to be rendered as soon as they have been processed by CULL. This latency reduction technique is visualized in Figure 18.10.

The pipeline in this figure uses a maximum of three CPUs, and the stages have certain tasks. However, this technique is in no way limited to this configuration— rather, you can use any number of CPUs and divide the work in any way you want. The key is to make a smart division of the entire job to be done so that the pipeline tends to be balanced. The multiprocessor pipelining technique requires a minimum of synchronization in that it needs to synchronize only when switching frames. Additional processors can also be used for parallel processing, which needs more frequent synchronization.

18.5.2 Parallel Processing

A major disadvantage of using a multiprocessor pipeline technique is that the latency tends to increase. For some applications, such as flight simulators, first person shooters, and virtual reality rendering, this is not acceptable. When moving the viewpoint, you usually want instant (next-frame) response but when the latency is long this will not happen. That said, it all depends. If multiprocessing raised the frame rate from 30 FPS with 1 frame latency to 60 FPS with 2 frames latency, the extra frame delay would have no perceptible difference.

If multiple processors are available, one can also try to run sections of the code concurrently, which may result in shorter latency. To do this, the program’s tasks must possess the characteristics of parallelism. There are several different methods for parallelizing an algorithm. Assume that n processors are available. Using static assignment [313], the total work package, such as the traversal of an acceleration structure, is divided into n work packages. Each processor then takes care of a work package, and all processors execute their work packages in parallel. When all processors have completed their work packages, it may be necessary to merge the results from the processors. For this to work, the workload must be highly predictable.

When this is not the case, dynamic assignment algorithms that adapt to different workloads may be used [313]. These use one or more work pools. When jobs are generated, they are put into the work pools. CPUs can then fetch one or more jobs from the queue when they have finished their current job. Care must be taken so that only one CPU can fetch a particular job, and so that the overhead in maintaining the queue does not damage performance. Larger jobs mean that the overhead for maintaining the queue becomes less of a problem, but, on the other hand, if the jobs are too large, then performance may degrade due to imbalance in the system—i.e., one or more CPUs may starve.

As for the multiprocessor pipeline, the ideal speedup for a parallel program running on n processors would be n times. This is called linear speedup. Even though linear speedup rarely happens, actual results can sometimes be close to it.

In Figure 18.8 on page 807, both a multiprocessor pipeline and a parallel processing system with three CPUs are shown. Temporarily assume that these should do the same amount of work for each frame and that both configurations achieve linear speedup. This means that the execution will run three times faster in comparison to serial execution (i.e., on a single CPU). Furthermore, we assume that the total amount of work per frame takes 30 ms, which would mean that the maximum frame rate on a single CPU would be 1/0.03 ≈ 33 frames per second.

The multiprocessor pipeline would (ideally) divide the work into three equal-sized work packages and let each of the CPUs be responsible for one work package. Each work package should then take 10 ms to complete. If we follow the work flow through the pipeline, we will see that the first CPU in the pipeline does work for 10 ms (i.e., one third of the job) and then sends it on to the next CPU. The first CPU then starts working on the first part of the next frame. When a frame is finally finished, it has taken 30 ms for it to complete, but since the work has been done in parallel in the pipeline, one frame will be finished every 10 ms. So, the latency is 30 ms, and the speedup is a factor of three (30/10), resulting in 100 frames per second.

A parallel version of the same program would also divide the jobs into three work packages, but these three packages will execute at the same time on the three CPUs. This means that the latency will be 10 ms, and the work for one frame will also take 10 ms. The conclusion is that the latency is much shorter when using parallel processing than when using a multiprocessor pipeline.

18.5.3 Task-Based Multiprocessing

Knowing about pipelining and parallel processing techniques, it is natural to combine both in a single system. If there are only a few processors available, it might make sense to have a simple system of explicitly assigning systems to a particular core. However, given the large number of cores on many CPUs, the trend has been to use task-based multiprocessing. Just as one can create several tasks (also called jobs) for a process that can be parallelized, this idea can be broadened to include pipelining. Any task generated by any core is put into the work pool as it is generated. Any free processor gets a task to work on.

One way to convert to multiprocessing is to take an application’s workflow and determine which systems are dependent on others. See Figure 18.11.


Figure 18.11 Frostbite CPU job graph, with one small zoomed-in part inset [45]. (Figure courtesy of Johan Andersson—Electronic Arts.)

Having a processor stall while waiting for synchronization means a task-based version of the application could even become slower due to this cost and the overhead for task management [1854]. However, many programs and algorithms do have a large number of tasks that can be performed at the same time and can therefore benefit.

The next step is to determine what parts of each system can be decomposed into tasks. Characteristics of a piece of code that is a good candidate to become a task include [45, 1060, 1854]:

  • The task has a well-defined input and output.
  • The task is independent and stateless when run, and always completes.
  • It is not so large a task that it often becomes the only process running.

Languages such as C++11 have facilities built into them for multithreading [1445]. On Intel-compatible systems, Intel’s open-source Threading Building Blocks (TBB) is an efficient library that simplifies task generation, pooling, and synchronization [92].

Having the application create its own sets of tasks that are multiprocessed, such as simulation, collision detection, occlusion testing, and path planning, is a given when performance is critical [45, 92, 1445, 1477, 1854]. We note here again that there are also times when the GPU cores tend to be idle. For example, these are usually underused during shadow map generation or a depth prepass. During such idle times, compute shaders can be applied to other tasks [1313, 1884]. Depending on the architecture, API, and content, it is sometimes the case that the rendering pipeline cannot keep all the shaders busy, meaning that there is always some pool available for compute shading. We will not tackle the topic of optimizing these, as Lauritzen makes a convincing argument that writing fast and portable compute shaders is not possible, due to hardware differences and language limitations [993]. How to optimize the core rendering pipeline itself is the subject of the next section.

18.5.4 Graphics API Multiprocessing Support

Parallel processing often does not map to hardware constraints. For example, DirectX 10 and earlier allow only one thread to access the graphics driver at a time, so parallel processing for the actual draw stage is more difficult [1477].

There are two operations in a graphics driver that can potentially use multiple processors: resource creation and render-related calls. Creating resources such as textures and buffers can be purely CPU-side operations and so are naturally parallelizable. That said, creation and deletion can also be blocking tasks, as they might trigger operations on the GPU or need a particular device context. In any case, older APIs were created before consumer-level multiprocessing CPUs existed, so needed to be rewritten to support such concurrency.

A key construct used is the command buffer or command list, which harks back to an old OpenGL concept called the display list. A command buffer (CB) is a list of API state change and draw calls. Such lists can be created, stored, and replayed as desired. They may also be combined to form longer command buffers. Only a single CPU processor communicates with the GPU via the driver and so can send it a CB for execution. However, every processor (including this single processor) can create or concatenate stored command buffers in parallel.

In DirectX 11, for example, the processor that communicates with the driver sends its render calls to what is called the immediate context. The other processors each use a deferred context to generate command buffers. As the name implies, these are not directly sent to the driver. Instead, these are sent to the immediate context for rendering. See Figure 18.12. Alternately, a command buffer can be sent to another deferred context, which inserts it into its own CB. Beyond sending a command buffer to the driver for execution, the main operations that the immediate context can perform that the deferred cannot are GPU queries and readbacks. Otherwise, command buffer management looks the same from either type of context.


Figure 18.12 Command buffers. Each processor uses its deferred context, shown in orange, to create and populate one or more command buffers, shown in blue. Each command buffer is sent to Process #1, which executes these as desired, using its immediate context, shown in green. Process #1 can do other operations while waiting for command buffer N from Process #3. (After Zink et al. [1971].)

An advantage of command buffers, and their predecessor, display lists, is that they can be stored and replayed. Command buffers are not fully bound when created, which aids in their reuse. For example, say a CB contains a view matrix. The camera moves, so the view matrix changes. However, the view matrix is stored in a constant buffer. The constant buffer’s contents are not stored in the CB, only the reference to them. The contents of the constant buffer can be changed without having to rebuild the CB. Determining how best to maximize parallelism involves choosing a suitable granularity—per view, per object, per material—to create, store, and combine command buffers [1971].

Such multithreading draw systems existed for years before command buffers were made a part of modern APIs [1152, 1349, 1552, 1554]. API support makes the process simpler and lets more tools work with the system created. However, command lists do have creation and memory costs associated with them. Also, the expense of mapping an API’s state settings to the underlying GPU is still a costly operation with DirectX 11 and OpenGL, as discussed in Section 18.4.2. Within these systems command buffers can help when the application is the bottleneck, but can be detrimental when the driver is.

Certain semantics in these earlier APIs did not allow the driver to parallelize various operations, which helped motivate the development of Vulkan, DirectX 12, and Metal. A thin draw submission interface that maps well to modern GPUs minimizes the driver costs of these newer APIs. Command buffer management, memory allocation, and synchronization decisions become the responsibility of the application instead of the driver. In addition, command buffers with these newer APIs are validated once when formed, so repeated playback has less overhead than those used with earlier APIs such as DirectX 11. All these elements combine to improve API efficiency, allow multiprocessing, and lessen the chances that the driver is the bottleneck.

Further Reading and Resources

Mobile devices can have a different balance of where time is spent, especially if they use a tile-based architecture. Merry [1200] discusses these costs and how to use this type of GPU effectively. Pranckeviˇcius and Zioma [1433] provide an in-depth presentation on many aspects of optimizing for mobile devices. McCaffrey [1156] compares mobile versus desktop architectures and performance characteristics. Pixel shading is often the largest cost on mobile GPUs. Sathe [1545] and Etuaho [443] discuss shader precision issues and optimization on mobile devices.

For the desktop, Wiesendanger [1882] gives a thorough walkthrough of a modern game engine’s architecture. O’Donnell [1313] presents the benefits of a graph-based rendering system. Zink et al. [1971] discuss DirectX 11 in depth. De Smedt [331] provides guidance as to the common hotspots found in video games, including optimizations for DirectX 11 and 12, for multiple-GPU configurations, and for virtual reality. Coombes [291] gives a rundown of DirectX 12 best practices, and Kubisch [946] provides a guide for when to use Vulkan. There are numerous presentations about porting from older APIs to DirectX 12 and Vulkan [249, 536, 699, 1438]. By the time you read this, there will undoubtedly be more. Check IHV developer sites, such as NVIDIA, AMD, and Intel; the Khronos Group; and the web at large, as well as this book’s website.

Though a little dated, Cebenoyan’s article [240] is still relevant. It gives an overview of how to find the bottleneck and techniques to improve efficiency. Some popular optimization guides for C++ are Fog’s [476] and Isensee’s [801], free on the web. Hughes et al. [783] provide a modern, in-depth discussion of how to use trace tools and GPUView to analyze where bottlenecks occur. Though focused on virtual reality systems, the techniques discussed are applicable to any Windows-based machine.

Sutter [1725] discusses how CPU clock rates leveled out and multiprocessor chipsets arose. For more on why this change occurred and for information on how chips are designed, see the in-depth report by Asanovic et al. [75]. Foley [478] discusses various forms of parallelism in the context of graphics application development. Game Engine Gems 2 [1024] has several articles on programming multithreaded elements for game engines. Preshing [1445] explains how Ubisoft uses multithreading and gives specifics on using C++11’s threading support. Tatarchuk [1749, 1750] gives two detailed presentations on the multithreaded architecture and shading pipeline used for the game Destiny.


1 This area of study should not be confused with data-driven design, which can mean any number of things, from the AWK programming language to A/B testing.

2 Wloka used batch to mean a single mesh rendered with a draw call. This term has widened out over the years, now sometimes meaning a group of separate objects to be rendered that have the same state, as the API overhead can then be reduced.

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