Performance Analysis of Database Models Based on Fuzzy and Vague Sets for Uncertain Query Processing

Sharmistha Ghosh1 and Surath Roy2

1Department of Basic Science & Humanities, Institute of Engineering & Management, Kolkata, West Bengal, India

2Department of Mathematics, Brainware University, Kolkata, West Bengal, India


One of the primary aspects of utilization of any database model lies in its potential in processing information and queries accurately. In the present work, the authors intend to make a comparative analysis on the capability of fuzzy and vague relational database models in treating uncertain queries. A new algorithm is proposed and query testing related to a real life example is performed. The investigation demonstrates that a relational data model based on vague set theory produces more refined decisions than a fuzzy data model. It may thus be asserted that a relational database management system (RDBMS) using vague theoretic concept might lead to better software fabrication than the presently accessible ones.

Keywords: Fuzzy set, vague set, database model, similarity measure, SQL, fuzzy SQL, vague SQL

25.1 Introduction

In real life, information is very often imprecise or incomplete. The conventional relational database system fails to treat such uncertain data. The theory of fuzzy sets, as formalized by Zadeh [20] in 1965, is extensively applied to handle such inexact or imprecise data. Several authors [1, 6, 10, 11, 14, 15, 1719] have also worked on formulation of a query language for a database representation based on fuzzy sets. Bosc et al. [1] and Nakajima et al. [15] have outstretched the familiar SQL language in the framework of fuzzy set theory, namely, SQLF. More recently, Moreau et al. [14] have discussed a procedure wherein one may fetch data with no prior information about the database constitution or precise query language. The potential benefits and efficacy of the use of fuzzy query in a traditional data model have been thoroughly explained in [17]. An intelligent approach to extend SQL language to treat flexible conditions in queries was proposed by Mama et al. [11] in 2021.

Gau and Buehrer [4] initiated the theory of vague sets in 1993 as an abstraction of a fuzzy set theoretic approach. It is believed that a vague set that employs interval-based membership values may process uncertain information in a more efficient manner compared to a fuzzy set. The vague theoretic concept was further embodied in relations by Lu and Ng [8, 9] and a new query language called VSQL evolved. A vague database model was designed by Zhao and Ma [21] and vague querying strategies with SQL were also investigated. In [3], Dutta et al. have used vague sets to rejuvenate “vague search”, a new method of intelligent search that is capable of answering any uncertain query put forth by the user. In [12], the detailed design aspects of a vague database model have been thoroughly discussed. An architecture for processing of hesitant queries has been designed by Mishra et al. [13] along with a comparison of fuzzy and vague sets in handling imprecise queries.

In the present work, the authors also aspire to analyze the ability of fuzzy and vague database models in relation to uncertain query processing. It has been noticed that the algorithms used in literature (see refs. [10, 13, 16]) to obtain membership values possess certain drawbacks. In the current investigation, the authors present a novel algorithm which is devoid of such deficiencies. The proposed algorithm generates membership functions for fuzzy or vague sets for the calculation of membership values that are independent of the attribute. However, it is worthwhile to mention that the membership functions employed earlier in literature [10, 16] depend on the attribute type.

The framework of the chapter is as follows. The definitions of fuzzy and vague sets as well as related fundamental concepts are presented in Sections 25.2.1 and 25.2.2. The similarity measure formulae used in this study appear in Section 25.2.3. The algorithm designed in the present analysis to generate membership values is proposed in Section 25.3. Real life examples are demonstrated in Section 25.4 to observe that a vague theoretic approach is better suited in processing queries that are not precise. The concluding remarks are reported in Section 25.5.

25.2 Basic Definitions

Let X denote the universe of discourse and x represent an element of X.

25.2.1 Fuzzy Set

Definition A fuzzy set S, defined in the universe of discourse X, is a set of ordered pairs image where µS: X → [0,1] denotes the grade of membership of x in S.

It may be easily observed that an ordinary subset A of X may be treated as a fuzzy set with membership function µA that takes binary values, i.e.,


25.2.2 Vague Set

Definition A vague set S, in the universe of discourse X, is characterized by two membership functions, namely:

  1. a truth function tS: X → [0,1] and
  2. a false function fS: X → [0,1].

Here, tS(x) represents a lower bound on the grade of membership of x as obtained from the ‘evidence in favor of x’, whereas fS(x) denotes a lower bound on the negation of x as deduced from the ‘evidence against x’ and tS(x) + fS(x) ≤ 1.

The grade of membership µS(x) of x in the vague set S is then bounded by a subinterval [tS(x),1 − fs(x)] of [0, 1], i.e., tS(x) ≤ µS(x) ≤ 1 – fS(x).

Now, the vague set S may be represented as image xX}. The interval [tS(x),1 − fs(x)] is termed as the vague value of the element x. It may be noted that if tS(x) is equal to (1 − fS(x)), the information about object x is precise and the theory of vague set degenerates to that of a fuzzy set. In case both tS(x) and (1 − fS(x)) are 1, which confirms that x belongs to S, the information about x is exact, and the theory reverts to that of an ordinary set. Similarly, if tS(x) and (1 − fS(x)) both take the value 0, the knowledge about x is again exact which relates to the situation that x in not in S. Hence, a crisp set as well as fuzzy set can be contemplated to be a specific case of vague set.

25.2.3 Similarity Measure

The concept of similarity of vague sets has been studied by several researchers [2, 5, 7, 8]. The similarity measure proposed by Lu et al. in [8] was shown to be more effective in general cases. This measure has been used in this work, which is presented below:

Definition Similarity Measure for Vague Values

Let u and v be vague values such that u = [t1, 1 − f1], and v = [t1, 1 − f2], where 0 ≤ t1 ≤ 1 – f1 ≤ 1 and 0 ≤ t2 ≤ 1 – f2 ≤ 1. If SM(u, v) denotes the similarity measure between u and v, then


Definition Similarity Measure for Vague Sets

Let X = {x1,x2,x3,...,xn} be the universe. Let S1 and S2 be two vague sets of X, such that


where image



where image

Now, the similarity measure between S1 and S2, denoted by SM(S1, S2), is defined as:


25.3 Algorithm to Generate Membership Values

In the literature, various membership functions have been employed by different authors for finding the membership values for different fuzzy attributes.

For an EMPLOYEE database, the membership function deployed by Raju et al. [16] corresponding to a fuzzy set ‘close to u’ and fuzzy attribute Salary is the following:


However, for the Experience attribute, Raju et al. defined the membership function as


On the contrary, Ma et al. [10] used the following membership functions for the same fuzzy attributes, Salary and Experience:


It is obvious that the above membership functions depend on the specific attribute under investigation.

In this study, the authors have made an effort to devise an algorithm for calculation of membership values for different fuzzy/vague attributes. It may be pointed out that the membership function generated by said algorithm is attributed as independent for a fuzzy/vague set. The membership values generated by the proposed algorithm also compare well with that of others obtained in the literature.

A similar algorithm was designed by Mishra et al. [13] for the purpose of estimation of membership values. It is observed that the same algorithm has been utilized by Yadav in [19] for SQL query processing. But, the formula put forth in [13] is found to possess the following deficiencies:

  1. Negative membership value is generated in certain instances.
  2. Addition of new records in the given data leads to change of membership values for the existing data that is not sensible.

The algorithm devised in this study is presented below. It may be noted that it is devoid of such anomalies.


25.4 Real Life Applications

We now use the following EMPLOYEE relation (Table 25.1) as a real life example and process certain imprecise queries with one or more attributes. A comparative analysis is presented in this section for each of the queries on the framework of fuzzy and vague models.

Query 1: “To fetch the employees with age close to 53 years”.

Query 2: “To retrieve the data of the employees whose age is more or less than 53 years with work experience close to 22 years.”

The fuzzy and vague database models were used to execute the above queries with one or more attributes. In each case, the vague database model produced better results than the fuzzy data model, as may be observed from the analysis presented herein.

Query 1: “To fetch the employees with age close to 53 years”.

Table 25.1 EMPLOYEE relation.

NameAge (years)Experience (years)Remuneration (?)
Mr. Roy30432000
Mr. Roychowdhury31632500
Mr. Pramanik34834000
Mr. Barik511858000
Mr. Bose572277900
Mr. Ghosh491757400
Mr. Samanta501656800
Mr. Bhowmick411346500
Mr. Banerjee391242000
Mr. Chattopadhyay532080900
Mr. Ganguly521980200
Mr. Kher562181100
Mr. Mukhopadhyay542382200
Mr. Patnaik552782000
Mr. Sahoo6235122000

Solution with Fuzzy Model:

The fuzzy characteristic here is Age and the fuzzy data is close to 53 years.

We employ the algorithm discussed in Section 25.3 to find the membership value for each domain value of the Age attribute.


Domain of Age attribute = {30, 31, 34, 51, 57, 49, 50, 41, 39, 53, 52, 56, 54, 55, 62}

f_data = 53

Range = 62 – 30 = 32

We now deploy the formula provided in Algorithm 25.3.1 to determine the membership values for every domain value of Age attribute as follows:

1st tuple: Membership Value = 1 - (|53–30| / 32) = 0.28125

2nd tuple: Membership Value = 1 - (|53–31| / 32) = 0.3125

The complete record of membership values for each tuple is shown in Table 25.2.

Table 25.3 displays the complete representation of this relation corresponding to Query 1. For the fuzzy attribute Age, the fuzzy representation appears in column 3 and its equivalent vague formulation occurs in column 4. This vague formulation is now utilized to compute the similarity measures (SM) with the fuzzy data ‘close to 53’, which may be represented as <53, [1, 1]> in vague notation. The formula for similarity measure, as introduced in Definition, is then applied.

If one considers the vague data u = <53,[1,1]> and v = <30,[0.28125, 0.28125]>, then


Table 25.2 Membership values.

NameAge (years)Membership value
Mr. Roy300.28125
Mr. Roychowdhury310.3125
Mr. Pramanik340.40625
Mr. Barik510.9375
Mr. Bose570.875
Mr. Ghosh490.875
Mr. Samanta500.90625
Mr. Bhowmick410.625
Mr. Banerjee390.5625
Mr. Chattopadhyay531.0
Mr. Ganguly520.96875
Mr. Kher560.90625
Mr. Mukhopadhyay540.96875
Mr. Patnaik550.9375
Mr. Sahoo620.71875

Table 25.3 Similarity measures for Query 1 with Fuzzy Model.

NameAge (years)Fuzzy representation of ageVague representation of ageSM of age with <53,[1,1]>Experience
SM (tuple)
Mr. Roy30<30, 0.28125><30, [0.28125, 0.28125]>0.530334320000.53033
Mr. Roychowdhury31<31, 0.3125><31, [0.3125, 0.3125]>0.559026325000.55902
Mr. Pramanik34<34, 0.40625><34, [0.40625, 0.40625]>0.637388340000.63738
Mr. Barik51<51, 0.9375><51, [0.9375, 0.9375]>0.9682518580000.96825
Mr. Bose57<57, 0.875><57, [0.875, 0.875]>0.9354122779000.93541
Mr. Ghosh49<49, 0.87875><49, [0.875, 0.875]>0.9354117574000.93541
Mr. Samanta50<50, 0.9090625><50, [0.90625, 0.90625]>0.9519716568000.95197
Mr. Bhowmick41<41, 0.62625><41, [0.625,. 0.625]>0.7905713465000.79057
Mr. Banerjee39<39, 0.5625><39, [0.5625, 0.5625]>0.7500012420000.75000
Mr. Chattopadhyay53<53, 1><53, [1,1]>120809001
Mr. Ganguly52<52, 0.9696875><52, [0.96875, 0.96875]>0.9842519802000.98425
Mr. Kher56<56, 0.90625><56, [0.90625, 0.90625]>0.9519721811000.95197
Mr. Mukhopadhyay54<54, 0.96875><54, [0.96875, 0.96875]>0.984223822000.9842
Mr. Patnaik55<55, 0.939375><55, [0.9375, 0.9375]>0.9682527820000.96825
Mr. Sahoo62<62, 0.7171875><62, [0.71875, 0.71875]>0.84779351220000.84779

and thus,


Again, for u = <53,[1,1]> and v = <31,[0.3125,0.3125]>,




and so on. The complete results are shown in Table 25.3.

Now, the following SQL statement is generated to execute the given query at an α-cut or threshold value 0.95, provided by the decision maker:


Table 25.4 now presents the resultant tuples retrieved from the EMPLOYEE database.

Table 25.4 Resulting tuples for Query 1 with Fuzzy Model at α= 0.95.

NameAge (years)Experience (years)Remuneration (image)
Mr. Barik511858000
Mr. Samanta501656800
Mr. Chattopadhyay532080900
Mr. Ganguly521980200
Mr. Kher562181100
Mr. Mukhopadhyay542382200
Mr. Patnaik552782000

Table 25.5 Similarity measures for Query 1 with Vague Model.

NameAge (years)Vague representation of ageSM of age with <53,[1,1]>Experience (years)Remuneration
SM (tuple)
Mr. Roy30<30, [0.28125, 0.440416]0.5372894320000.537289
Mr. Roychowdhury31<31, [0.3125, 0.485216]>0.5743586325000.574358
Mr. Pramanik34<34, [0.40625, 0.516927]>0.6406918340000.640691
Mr. Barik51<51, [0.9375, 0.953667]>0.96418218580000.964182
Mr. Bose57<57, [0.875, 0.878291]>0.92941522779000.929415
Mr. Ghosh49<49, [0.875, 0.875770]>0.93018017574000.930180
Mr. Samanta50<50, [0.90625,0.921369]>0.95147216568000.951472
Mr. Bhowmick41<41, [0.625, 0.696428]>0.78563213465000.785632
Mr. Banerjee39<39, [0.5625, 0.681963]>0.74321212420000.743212
Mr. Chattopadhyay53<53, [1.000000,1.00000]>1.00000020809001.000000
Mr. Ganguly52<52, [0.96875, 0.977372]>0.98231719802000.982317
Mr. Kher56<56, [0.90625, 0.914506]>0.94665621811000.946656
Mr. Mukhopadhyay54<54, [0.96875,0.976538]>0.98270123822000.982701
Mr. Patnaik55<55, [0.9375, 0.943755]>0.96628627820000.966286
Mr. Sahoo62<62, [0.71875, 0.783282]>0.835870351220000.835870

Solution with Vague Model:

We now analyze the same query using a vague data model. Age is the vague attribute and vague data is close to 53.

To determine the vague representation of the Age attribute, Algorithm 25.3.1 is now utilized to obtain the truth membership values. On the other hand, the decision maker provides the false membership values randomly along with the constraint that the sum of the two membership values cannot exceed 1. Next, the similarity measures are computed and are displayed in Table 25.5.

The tuples recovered from the EMPLOYEE relation at this α-cut value 0.95 are shown in Table 25.6.

It may be clearly observed from Tables 25.4 and 25.6 that the vague model is better off than its fuzzy version. The tuple of Mr. Kher, aged 56, was not retrieved by the SQL statement with vague query although it was fetched as fuzzy query. It is worthwhile to note that compared to the other values returned by the SQL statement, 56 is less close to 53.

We now look at another imprecise question that has two fuzzy or vague characteristics.

Query 2: “To retrieve the data of the employees whose age is more or less than 53 years with work experience close to 22 years.”

Solution with Fuzzy Model:

The current query has two attributes: Age and Experience. Table 25.7 shows the fuzzy representation of the EMPLOYEE relationship produced using Definition and Algorithm 25.3.1.

Table 25.6 Resulting tuples for Query 1 with Vague Model at α = 0.95.

NameAge (years)Experience (years)Remuneration image
Mr. Barik511858000
Mr. Samanta501656800
Mr. Chattopadhyay532080900
Mr. Ganguly521980200
Mr. Mukhopadhyay542382200
Mr. Patnaik552782000

Table 25.7 Similarity measures for Query 2 with Fuzzy Model.

NameAge (years)Fuzzy representation of ageVague representation of ageSM of age with <53, [1,1]>Experience
Fuzzy representation of experienceVague representation of experienceSM of experience with <22,1,1]>Remuneration imageSM (tuple)
Mr. Roy30<30, 0.28125><30, [0.28125,
Mr. Roychowdhury31<31, 0.3125><31, [0.3125, 0.3125]>0.559026<6,0.483871><6,[0.483871, 0.483871]>0.695608325000.55902
Mr. Pramanik34<34, 0.40625><34, [0.40625,
0.637388<8, 0.548387><8, [0.548387, 0.548387]>0.740532340000.63738
Mr. Barik51<51, 0.9375><51, [0.9375,
Mr. Bose57<57, 0.875><57, [0.875,
Mr. Ghosh49<49, 0.875><49, [0.875,.
0.9354117<17,0.838710><17,[0.838710, 0.838710]>0.915811574000.915811
Mr. Samanta50<50, 0.90625><50, [0.90625,
Mr. Bhowmick41<41, 0.625><41, [0.625,.
Mr. Banerjee39<39, 0.5625><39, [0.5625,
0.7500012<12,0.677419><12,[0.677419, 0.677419]>0.823055420000.75000
Mr. Chattopadhyay53<53, 1><53, [1,1]>120<20,0.935484><20, [0.935484,
Mr. Ganguly52<52, 0.96875><52, [0.96875,
Mr. Kher56<56, 0.90625><56, [0.90625,
Mr. Mukhopadhyay54<54, 0.96875><54, [0.96875,
Mr. Patnaik55<55, 0.9375><55, [0.9375,
Mr. Sahoo62<62, 0.71875><62, [0.71875,
0.8477935<35,0.580645><35, [0.580645,

Table 25.8 Resulting tuples for Query 2 with Fuzzy Model at α = 0.95.

NameAge (years)Experience (years)Remuneration
Mr. Chattopadhyay532080900
Mr. Ganguly521980200
Mr. Kher562181100
Mr. Mukhopadhyay542382200

Table 25.9 Resulting tuples for Query 2 with Fuzzy Model at α = 0.91.

NameAge (years)Experience (years)Remuneration
Mr. Barik511858000
Mr. Bose572277900
Mr. Ghosh491757400
Mr. Chattopadhyay532080900
Mr. Ganguly521980200
Mr. Kher562181100
Mr. Mukhopadhyay542382200
Mr. Patnaik552782000

It may be noted that as Query 2 involves two different attributes, the intersection of the similarity measures of the two attributes give the similarity measure of the corresponding tuple. The given query is examined at different threshold values provided by the decision maker. The results generated at the α-cut values 0.95 and 0.91 are demonstrated in Tables 25.8 and 25.9, respectively.

Next, we present the solution using a vague set for the same query.

Solution with Vague Model:

Once again, Algorithm 25.3.1 and Definition are employed to obtain the vague representation of the EMPLOYEE relation corresponding to the Query 2, as presented in Table 25.10.

Table 25.10 Similarity measures for Query 2 with Vague Model.

NameAge (years)Vague representation of ageSM of age with <53, [1,1]>Experience
Vague representation of experienceSM of experience with <22, [1,1]>Remuneration imageSM (tuple)
Mr. Roy30<30, [0.28125, 0.440416]>0.5372894<4,[0.419355, 0.544234]>0.647989320000.537289
Mr. Roychowdhury31<31, [0.3125, 0.485216]>0.5743586<6,[0.483871, 0.560575]>0.695474325000.574358
Mr. Pramanik34<34, [0.40625,
0.6406918<8, [0.548387,
Mr. Barik51<51, [0.9375, 0.953667]>0.96418218<18, [0.870968, 0.888225]]>0.931279580000.931279
Mr. Bose57<57, [0.875, 0.878291]>0.92941522<22,[1,1]>1.000000779000.929415
Mr. Ghosh49<49, [0.875, 0.875770]>0.93018017<17,[0.83871, 0.884063]>0.910255574000.910255
Mr. Samanta50<50, [0.90625,
0.95147216<16, [0.80645, 0.839616]>0.888711568000.888711
Mr. Bhowmick41<41, [0.625, 0.696428]>0.78563213<13, [0.70967, 0.751489]>0.841028465000.785632
Mr. Banerjee39<39, [0.5625, 0.681963]>0.74321212<12,[0.67741, 0.704832]>0.820811420000.743212
Mr. Chattopadhyay53<53, [1.000000, 1.00000]>1.00000020<20, [0.935484,
Mr. Ganguly52<52, [0.96875, 0.977372]>0.98231719<19, [.0.90326, 0.914820>0.945563802000.945563
Mr. Kher56<56, [0.90625, 0.914506]>0.94665621<21,[0.967742,
54<54, [0.96875,
0.98270123<23, [0.96774, 0.971200]>0.982917822000.982701
Mr. Patnaik55<55, [0.9375, 0.943755]>0.96628627<27,[0.83871, 0.873021]>0.908944820000.908944
Mr. Sahoo62<62, [0.71875,
0.83587035<35, [0.58064, 0.667873]>0.7563001220000.756300

The resultant tuples generated after processing this imprecise query at the same threshold or α-cut values are presented below in Tables 25.11 and 25.12.

Tables 25.8 and 25.11 confirm that when the threshold value is set to 0.95, the vague model produces finer results. The tuples of Mr. Ganguly and Mr. Kher are not returned by the vague SQL, as it may be noticed that their experience or age are not close enough to the said query. The results shown in Tables 25.9 and 25.12 for the α-cut value 0.91 re-establish the fact that the vague SQL performs more effectively than its fuzzy representation. It may be noted that the tuple of Mr. Patnaik, who is 55 years old and has 27 years of experience, was not retrieved utilizing the vague framework.

Table 25.11 Resulting tuples for Query 2 with Vague Model at α = 0.95.

NameAge (years)Experience (years)Remuneration
Mr. Chattopadhyay532080900
Mr. Mukhopadhyay542382200

Table 25.12 Resulting tuples for Query 2 with Vague Model at α = 0.91.

NameAge (years)Experience (years)Remuneration (?)
Mr. Barik511858000
Mr. Bose572277900
Mr. Ghosh491757400
Mr. Chattopadhyay532080900
Mr. Ganguly521980200
Mr. Kher562181100
Mr. Mukhopadhyay542382200

25.5 Conclusion

An algorithm has been designed in this research work to generate the fuzzy or vague representation of attributes for an imprecise query. The suggested technique produces a membership function for calculating membership values that do not depend on the type of the attribute and are free of various drawbacks identified in existing membership functions studied in the literature. Using an Employee database, a comparison of fuzzy and vague sets for handling imprecise queries has been performed. The results of this study confirms that a database model based on vague sets can process uncertain queries more efficiently than a fuzzy model.


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  1. Corresponding author: [email protected]
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