Estimating Error of Signals by Product Means image (C, 2) of the Fourier Series in a W(Lr, ξ(t)) (r ≥ 1) Class

Pankaj Tiwari and Aradhana Dutt Jauhari

Division of Mathematics, Department of Basic Sciences, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, G. B. Nagar, U.P., India


The goal of this paper is to approach a new result on the degree of Fourier series approximation of a function gW(Lr, ξ(t))(r 1) class by image product summability. Signals are handled as one-variable functions, while images are represented as two-variable functions. The concept’s research is directly tied to the rapidly developing field of information technology. The approximation theory is a trigonometric polynomial approximation. Many academics have researched in similar lines, but our research also proves some fresh findings.

Keywords: Degree of approximation, image-means, weighted generalized lipschitz class, Fourier series, Lebesgue integral

26.1 Introduction

Let L = L(0, 2π) denote the space of 2π-periodic and Lebesgue integrable functions on the (0, 2π) Fourier series at point x:


Let ∑an be an nth partial sum sequence {sn} in an infinite series [9].

26.1.1 Definition 1

The transformation from sequence to sequence [5]:


The image mean of the sequence {sn} generalized by the series is defined by the sequence image.

26.1.2 Definition 2

Riesz means can also be expressed as:

where Rn = p0 q0 + p1q1 + ⋯ + pnqn(≠ 0), p(−1) = q(−1) = R(−1) = 0.

The series image is image and is then summable to s.

We have the following regularity conditions for Riesz summability [10]:

  1. image, For each integer k ≥ 0, as n → ∞.
  2. image where C can be any positive integer irrespective of n.

26.1.3 Definition 3

The (C,2) summability nth partial sum of the (C,2) transform is given [3]-.


By using the (C,2) method, the infinite series image can be summable to the definite as the number.

26.1.4 Definition 4

image of {sn} is a composite transformation over (C,2) as


If image is n → ∞, then ∑an can be summable to s using image means.

26.1.5 Remark 1

If qn = 1, then in (26.2) the image, summability method reduces with image summability and it reduces to image, summability.

Also, the degree to which of the function g: RR is approximated by a trigonometric polynomial tn of degree n:

A function f(x) ∈ Lipα, if


and g(x) ∈ Lip(α, r), for 0 ≤ x2π, if


This is also applicable to any function that increases in a positive way ξ(t), g(x) ∈ Lip(ξ(t), r), if


This is also applicable to any function that increases in a positive way ξ(t), an integer r ≥ 1, fW(Lr, ξ(t))


We will use the notations below as a guide:


Then, the weighted W(Lr, ξ(t)) class is a subset of the Lipα, Lip(α, r), and Lip(ξ(t), r) classes. As a result, the following additions have been made:


for all 0< α ≤ 1 and r≥1.

26.2 Known Result

In 2011, Nigam [1] proved a theorem on (C,1)(E,q) means of the Fourier series. Proceeding the work in 2014, Mishra et al. [4], the product (E,s) (N,pn, qn) - summability mean of the Fourier series showed a theorem on the degree of approximation. Pradhan [5] proposed the following theorem in 2016.

26.2.1 Theorem 1

If fW(Lr, ξ(t)) class is a 2π-periodic function that is integrable in the Lebesgue sense in [0,2π], then the degree of approximation is given by


where image is the image (E,s) transform of {sn}, provided ξ(t) has the following requirements: image is a decreasing sequence,


26.3 Main Theorem

Various mathematicians including Nigam [2], Deger [6], and Mishra et al. [7, 8] studied the degree of approximation using various summability approaches. By using the Riesz-Cesaro product summability approach, we obtain a novel result on the degree of approximation of function gW(Lr, ξ(t)) class.

The following theorem is established.

26.3.1 Theorem 2

If gW(Lr, ξ(t)) with image, the degree of approximation by Riesz-Cesaro product mean of the Fourier series satisfies for n = 0,1,2…


where image is the image transform of sn, supposing that function ξ(t) satisfies the required criteria,

image is a function that does not increase and

where δ is an arbitrarily defined s.t. qs(βδ) – 1 > 0

r−1 + s−1 = 1, r ≥ 1 and (26.12) and (26.13) uniformly hold in x.

26.4 Some Auxiliary Results

Uniformly holding the following lemmas is necessary to prove the above theorem.

26.4.1 Lemma-1



we get Pn(t) = O(n + 2)


26.4.2 Lemma-2

For (n + 2)−1 < t < π

we get image


Using Jordan’s Lemma image and sinkt ≤, we have


26.5 Theorem’s Proof

Using Riemann-Lebesgue theorem, we have


The Riesz Cesaro transform of the sequence is given by

where image

Applying Minikowski’s inequality, since


and the fact that

image and Lemma 1, we have


Using the second mean value theorem for integrals, ξ(t) is a decreasing function and we get



Using Hölder’s inequality as a starting point, image


we put t =1/x, dt = -(1/x2)dx


Because ξ(t) > 0 and image are both rising functions, the second mean value theorem is used and

from (26.14) and (26.15), (26.16) becomes


26.6 Applications

From our main theorem, we can derive the following corollaries.

26.6.1 Cor. 1

If ξ(t) = tα, then weighted class W(Lr, ξ(t)), 1 ≤ r < ∞ reduces to the group of class Lip(α, r) and then a function f is a degree of approximation belonging to the class Lip(α, r), r−1 ≤ α ≤ 1, given by


Proof: Setting produces, the result is β = 0 in (26.5).

26.6.2 Cor. 2

For r → ∞ in Cor. 1 for the class function, gLip(α, r) reduces to the class Lip α and a function g belonging to the class Lipα, 0 < α < 1 whose degree of the approximation is given by


26.7 Conclusion

The previous finding on function degree of approximation demonstrated that the result is frequently true in nature and can be simplified to a few special cases. As a result, the current research can be used for a series of issues in the fields of analysis, technology, and engineering. Figure 26.1 shows some unique behaviour in the Fourier series approximations [11].


Figure 26.1 Approximations of such Fourier Series to sq (t). Each plot indicates the number of terms in the Fourier sum and the square wave is displayed as a dashed line over two periods.


The sincere gratitude goes to the anonymous referees for their careful reading, remarks, and valuable comments, as well as many other useful suggestions for improved presentation. The author wishes to express his appreciation to the members of the editorial board.


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  6. 6. U. Deimageer: “On Approximation to functions in the image class by a new matrix mean”, Novi Sad J. Math, Vol.46 No.1, 2016, 1-14.
  7. 7. V. N. Mishra et al.: “Approximation of Signals by Product Summability Transform”, Asian Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 6(1): 12-22, 2013, ISSN 1994-5418/ DOI: 10.3923/AJMS.2013,12.22.
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  10. 10. G. H. Hardy: Divergent Series Oxford University Press 1st Ed. 1949.
  11. 11. https://eng.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Electrical_Engineering.


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