In order to execute Algorithm 8.24, the computation resources that correspond to the procedures should be synthesized. Most of them (invert, by_coefficient, sub) have been studied in the preceding sections. The shift procedure can be implemented with a barrel shifter ([ULL1984]). The implementation of the degree procedure could be based on the following iterative algorithm.

Algorithm 15.1 Degree Computation

for i in 1..n-1 loop
  if state (n-i+1)=0 and a(n-i)=0 then state (n-i):=0;
  else state (n-i):=1; end if;
end loop;
degree_a:=count (state);

where the count function returns the number of 1's in state. The corresponding iterative circuit includes n − 1 cells. Each of them computes state(i) as a function of a(i) and state(i+1): if state(i+1) = 0 and a(i) = 0 then state(i) = 0; in all other cases state(i) = 1. The circuit that generates the output degree is an (n − 1)-to-log2(n) binary counter.

The data path corresponding to Algorithm 8.24 is shown in Figure 15.14. It is made up of the following computation resources:

degree: implements the degree procedure,

shifter: implements the shift procedure,

coefficient_inverter: implements the invert procedure,

subtractor: implements the sub procedure,

coefficient_multiplier: implements the by_coefficient procedure.

Furthermore, a lot of memory (registers) and connection (multiplexers) resources are necessary. The computation time is proportional to the number of executions of the main iteration (Algorithm 8.24, while t>0 loop…end loop). As the degree of r is reduced at every step, the maximum number of iteration steps is n.

Example 15.9 (Complete VHDL source code available.) Generate the VHDL model of a circuit that computes (a(x))−1 modulo f(x):

entity polynomial_inverter is
port (
  a: in polynomial;
  result: out polynomial;
  start, clk, reset: in std_logic;
  done: out std_logic
end polynomial_inverter;

architecture circuit of polynomial_inverter is
  component degree … end component;
  component selector … end component;
  component shifter … end component;
  component coefficient_inverter … end component;
  component subtractor … end component;
  component coefficient_multiplier … end component;
  signal u, next_u, v, next_v, c, next_c, e, next_e, k_by_v,
  k_by_v_shifted, r, k_by_e, k_by_e_shifted, cc, r_a:
  signal m, next_m, t, next_t, j, deg_v: index;
  signal uu_m, next_u_m, u_m, v_t, v_t_inverted, k, k_v:
  coefficient; signal load, sign, t_equal_zero: std_logic;
  signal mux_control: std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
  subtype state_type is natural range 0 to 8;
  signal state: state_type;
  f<=irreducible; f_n<=irreducible_n;
  process (clk)
    if clk'event and clk=‘1’ then
      if load=‘1’ then u<=next_u; v<=next_v; c<=next_c;
      e<=next_e; m<=next_m; t<=next_t; u_m<=next_u_m;
      end if;
    end if;
end process;
process (mux_control, f_n, f, v, r, a, e, cc, t, deg_v, k,
v_t_inverted, uu_m)
    case mux_control is
      when “00”=>next_u<=f; next_v<=a;
        next_c<=zero_polynomial; next_e<=one_polynomial;
        next_m<=conv_std_logic_vector(n, logn);
        next_t<=deg_v; next_u_m<=f_n; r_a<=a; k_v<=k;
      when “01”;=>next_u<=v; next_v<=r; next_c<=e;
        next_e<=cc; next_m<=t; next_t<=deg_v;
        next_u_m<=uu_m; r_a<=r; k_v<=k;
      when “10”=>next_u<=r; next_v<=v; next_c<=cc;
        next_e<=e; next_m<=deg_v; next_t<=t;
        next_u_m<=uu_m; r_a<=r; k_v<=k;
      when others=>next_u<=r; next_v<=v; next_c<=cc;
        next_e<=e; next_m<=deg_v; next_t<=t;
        next_u_m<=uu_m; r_a<=r; k_v<=v_t_inverted;
  end case;
end process;
j<=m - t;
selector1: selector port map (next_u, m, uu_m);
selector2: selector port map (v, t, v_t);
inverter: coefficient_inverter port map (v_t, v_t_inverted);
multiplier1: coefficient_multiplier
port map (u_m, v_t_inverted, k);
for i in 0 to n-1 generate
  multiplier2: coefficient_multiplier
  port map (v(i), k, k_by_v(i));
end generate;
shifter1: shifter port map (k_by_v, j, k_by_v_shifted);
subtractors1: for i in 0 to n-1 generate
  subtractor1: subtractor port map
  (u(i), k_by_v_shifted(i), r(i));
end generate;
for i in 0 to n-1 generate
  multiplier3: coefficient_multiplier
  port map (e(i), k_v, k_by_e(i));
end generate;
shifter2: shifter port map (k_by_e, j, k_by_e_shifted);
subtractors2: for i in 0 to n-1 generate
  subtractor2: subtractor port map
  (c(i), k_by_e_shifted(i), cc(i));
end generate;
degree1: degree port map (r_a, deg_v);
sign<=‘0’ when conv_integer(t)>=conv_integer(deg_v)
else ‘1’;
t_equal_zero<=‘1’ when conv_integer(t)=0 else ‘0’;
--control unit:
process (clk, reset, state)
  case state is
    when 0=>load<=‘0’; mux_control<=“11”; done<=‘1’;
    when 1=>load<=‘0’; mux_control<=“11”; done<=‘1’;
    when 2=>load<=‘1’; mux_control<=“00”; done<=‘0’;
    when 3=>load<=‘0’; mux_control<=“00”; done<=‘0’;
    when 4=>load<=‘1’; mux_control<=“01”; done<=‘0’;
    when 5=>load<=‘1’; mux_control<=“10”; done<=‘0’;
    when 6=>load<=‘0’; mux_control<=“01”; done<=‘0’;
    when 7=>load<=‘0’; mux_control<=“10”; done<=‘0’;
    when 8=>load<=‘0’; mux_control<=“11”; done<=‘0’;
  end case;
  if reset=‘1’ then state<=0;
  elsif clk'event and clk=‘1’ then
    case state is
      when 0=>if start=‘0’ then state<=1; end if;
      when 1=>if start=‘1’ then state<=2; end if;
      when 2=>state<=3;
      when 3=>if t_equal_zero=‘1’ then state<=8;
        elsif sign=‘0’ then state<=4;
        else state<=5; end if;
      when 4=>state<=6;
      when 5=>state<=7;
      when 6=>if t_equal_zero=‘1’ then state<=8;
        elsif sign=‘0’ then state<=4;
        else state<=5; end if;
      when 7=>if t_equal_zero=‘1’ then state<=8;
        elsif sign=‘0’ then state<=4;
        else state<=5; end if;
      when 8=>state<=0;
    end case;
    end if;
  end process;
end circuit;


Figure 15.14 Inverter in GF(pn).


Figure 15.15 Exponentiation.


Figure 15.16 Inverter in GF(23917).

As mentioned earlier (Chapter 8), a different method of inversion can be used if f(x) is a binomial. In particular, if


then Algorithm 8.28 can be used. The computation resources corresponding to the procedures must be synthesized. Most of them (multiply, invert, by_ coefficient) have been studied in the preceding sections. The exponentiation procedure can be implemented by a table storing the coefficients fsi (Appendix 8.1) for s = 1, 2, 22, …,2m − 1 and n − 1 coefficient multipliers (Figure 15.15).

Example 15.10 (Complete VHDL source code available.) The circuit of Figure 15.16 implements the inversion in GF(pn) with


As p is small, the inversion in GF(239) is implemented by a table storing x−1 mod 239 for all x in {1, 2, …, 238}.

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