15.3 OPERATIONS IN Zp[x]/f(x)

An adder or a subtractor in Zp[x]/f(x) is just a set of n modulo p adders or subtractors working in parallel (Algorithms 8.17 and 8.18). The same occurs with the multiplication of a polynomial by an element of Zp: the corresponding circuit is a set of modulo p multipliers working in parallel (Section 8.3.2, procedure by_coefficient). In order to multiply two polynomials, Algorithm 8.22 can be used. The corresponding data path is shown in Figure 15.12. Initially, a(x) must be stored in a (nonrepresented) p-ary shift register, which implements the right_rotate function.

The circuit of Figure 15.12 includes 2.n multipliers and n adders. For relatively large values of p, the corresponding cost could be excessive. Another solution is a completely sequential implementation (see next example).

Example 15.8 (Complete VHDL source code available.) Generate a sequential multiplier based on Algorithm 8.21. A possible data path is shown in Figure 15.13. The VHDL descriptions of the data path and of the control unit are the following:

entity poly_data_path is
port (
  a, b: in polynomial;
  clk, clear_z, write_enable: std_logic;
  addr_i, addr_j: in address;
  z: inout polynomial
end poly_data_path;

architecture circuit of poly_data_path is
  component main_operation … end component;
  signal z_jminus1, z_nminus1, r_j, a_nminus, b_j, next_z,
  provi: std_logic_vector(m-1 downto 0);
  signal en: std_logic_vector(n downto 0);
  signal r: polynomial;
  z_jminus1<=z(n-addr_j-2) when addr_j<n-1 else zero;
  r_j<=r(n-addr_j-1) when addr_j<n else zero;
  b_j<=b(n-addr_j-1) when addr_j<n else zero;
main_component: main_operation port map(z_jminus1,
z_nminus1, r_j, a_nminus, b_j, next_z);
--address decoder:
process(addr_j, write_enable)
  for i in 0 to n-2 loop
  if addr_j=n-i-1 and write_enable=‘1’ then en(i)<=‘1’;
  else en(i)<=‘0’; end if;
  end loop;
  if addr_j=n and write_enable=‘1’ then en(n-1)<=‘1’; else
  en(n-1)<=‘0’; end if;
  if addr_j=0 and write_enable=‘1’ then en(n)<=‘1’; else
  en(n)<=‘0’; end if;
end process;
registers: for i in 0 to n-2 generate
    if clk'event and clk=‘1’ then
      if clear_z=‘1’ then z(i)<=zero;
      elsif en(i)=‘1’ then z(i)<=next_z; end if;
     end if;
    end process;
  end generate;
    if clk'event and clk=‘1’ then
      if clear_z=‘1’ then z(n-1)<=zero;
      elsif en(n-1)=‘1’then z(n-1)<=provi; end if;
    end if;
  end process;
    if clk'event and clk=‘1’ then
      if en(n)=‘1’ then provi<=next_z; end if;
    end if;
  end process;
end circuit;

library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.mypackage.all;
entity poly_control_unit is
port (
  clk, reset, start: in std_logic;
  addr_i, addr_j: inout natural;
  clear_z, write_enable, done: out std_logic
end poly_control_unit;

architecture rtl of poly_control_unit is
  subtype internal_state is natural range 0 to 5;
  signal state: internal_state;
  process(clk, reset)
    case state is
    when 0=>clear_z<=‘0’; write_enable<=‘0’; done<=‘1’;
    when 1=>clear_z<=‘0’; write_enable<=‘0’; done<=‘1’;
    when 2=>clear_z<=‘1’; write_enable<=‘0’; done<=‘0’;
    when 3=>clear_z<=‘0’; write_enable<=‘0’; done<=‘0’;
    when 4=>clear_z<=‘0’; write_enable<=‘1’; done<=‘0’;
    when 5=>clear_z<=‘0’; write_enable<=‘0’; done<=‘0’;
  end case;
  if reset=‘1’ then state<=0;
  elsif clk'event and clk=‘1’ then
  case state is
    when 0=>if start=‘0’ then state<=state+1; end if;
    when 1=>if start=‘1’ then state<=state+1; end if;
    when 2=>addr_i<=0; state<=state+1;
    when 3=>addr_j<=0; state<=state+1;
    when 4=>if addr_j=n then state<=state+1; else
    addr_j<=addr_j+1; end if;
    when 5=>if addr_i=n-1 then state<=0;
      else addr_i<=addr_i+1; state<=3; end if;
    end case;
  end if;
  end process;
end rtl;


Figure 15.12 Multiplier in GF(pn).


Figure 15.13 Sequential multiplier in GF(pn).

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