
A/B reels, 335

from editorial reels, 40

EDLs of, 67

A-frame cycle, 336

and Avid, 35

in negative cutting, 16

A/R (Add/Replace ADR) cue sheet entry, 258

AAF. See Advanced Authoring Format


for characters, 258

for shot types, 206

in sound reports, 123, 126

Academy leaders, 121, 341

Acres, Birt, 6


in ADR, 259–260, 265–267

background voices of, 249

lists of, 51

as noise source, 188, 193–195

replacement lines for, 248

scripts for, 259–260

Adding material

in ADR, 248–249

for conformations, 244–245

ADL. See Audio decision lists

ADR (automated dialogue replacement), 14

actors in, 265–267

adding lines in, 248–249

backups for, 86, 269

benefits of, 249–250

cue (call) sheets, 255–257, 336

defined, 335

detailed spotting for, 254

directors and, 267

editing, 279–280

file names for, 268–269

group loop. See Group loop

initial spotting for, 253–254

in noisy scenes, 285, 287

overview, 330–331

paperwork for, 255–264

in post sync, 251

preparing, 272–273

recording engineers for, 267

recording logs for, 256, 261, 336

recording session for, 264–269

region naming in, 287–288

replacement lines in, 247–248

scheduling, 252

scripts for, 259–260

spotting sessions, 336

studio technology for, 264–265

take combining for, 275–279

take recording in, 267–268

take selection for, 273–275

tools for, 280–285

track preparation for, 269–272

for TV productions, 254–255

word fitting in, 284–286

ADR engineers, 45

ADR supervisors

vs. dialogue editors, 98

working with, 45, 251–252

Advanced Authoring Format (AAF), 56

AES. See Audio Engineering Society Standards

AES31 ADLs, 335

purpose, 63

Airplane versions of dialogue, 321

ALE. See Avid Log Exchange files

Alexandrov, Grigori, 8

Alignment tones, 115, 117

Alternate takes, 202–203

for acting repair, 218

choosing, 210–213

defined, 336

for documentaries, 293, 296

finding, 203–210

overlaps in, 216–218

for room tone, 153

speed changes in, 207, 213–215

synching, 211–212, 215–216

for wind distortion, 218–219

Alternate mixes, for TV and airplane versions, 321

Ambiances vs. room tone, 148

Ambient noise, 220

complexity of, 229

overprocessing, 229

plans for reducing, 223–229

preparation for processing, 221

role of supervising sound editor and mixer for reducing, 220–221

tools for reducing, 221–223

Analogue-to-digital-to-analogue (A/D/A) converters, 22, 71, 115

Angles for alternate takes, 207

Answer prints, 336

first answer print, 14

in mix preparation, 304–306

resyncing to, 305–306

Apprentices, 44

Assemblies, 336

automated. See Auto-assembly

in picture editing, 38

Assistant sound editors, 44, 47–49

Atmospheres vs. room tone, 148

Attack, 170

Attenuation, in crossfades, 185

Attitude, in alternate takes, 207

Audio decision lists (ADLs), 335

purpose, 63

Audio EDLs. See EDLs

Audio Engineering Society (AES) standards, 55

AudioSuite plug-ins in

In ADR editing, 281

for ambient noise, 221

for reference tones, 119

Auto-assembly, 20

autoconforming from files, 74–75

for conformations, 244

defined, 336

EDLs for, 36

from hard-disk recorders, 74–75

merging channels, 76

in nonlinear editing, 54–56

set-up, 70–72

step-by-step process, 72–74

syncing, 104–105, 328

tools for, 245–246

Autoconform. See Auto-assembly

Automated dialogue replacement. See ADR

Automating ADR paperwork, 262–264

Avid brand of video workstation

bins in, 37–38

change notes from, 240–241

EDL Manager program, 65–68

with OMF, 55–58

syncing shots in, 36

Avid Log Exchange (ALE) files, 35–36, 336

AX (AUXILLARY) source, 62

B-roll material, 336

for documentaries, 294–295


vs. room tone, 148

sound effects, 44

Background voices, adding lines for, 249


for ADR, 269

for alternate takes, 209

in mix preparation, 309–310

overview, 85–86

Balancing shots, 137–142

noise and smoothness tradeoffs in, 144

room tone source minimization for, 142–143

scene design for, 144–145

transition handles in, 145–146

Barroom chatter, 288

Batch digitizing, 336

Beeps, 115, 119–120

for 25 fps projects, 25, 120

defined, 344

for guide tracks, 237

Biased recording, 9

Bins, 336

Avid, 37–38

Bird chirping noise, 228

BITC (burnt-in timecode), 81–84

Blimps, 9

BNR processor, 222

Body mic crackle, 200

Bouly, Leon, 6

Bounce to Disk option, 238


dividing text at, 259

in documentaries, 296

Broadband noise reduction, 227–228

Broadband processors, 222

Broadcast extension chunk, 77–78

Broadcast wave format. See BWF files

Budgets, 92


in documentaries, 300

from room tone changes, 148


background, 288

removing, 223–224

BWF (broadcast wave format) files, 337

from Cantar, 61

components, 77–78

in picture editing, 36


in ADR, 268, 281

in alternate takes, 211

in documentaries, 298–299

Calibration tones, 115, 117

making, 117–118

for monitor chain alignment, 118–119

Call cue sheet entry (ADR), 258

Call lists (ADR), 252–256

Callouts (in group loop), 289

Cantar hard-disk recorders, 61, 78

Center frequency of noise, 223–224

Change List Tool, 240–241

Change Note Assistant, 245

Change notes for conformations, 239–242, 337

Changeovers, 337

checking, 40

sound in, 52


on first and last reels, 99–100

in room tone, 153–154

scene, 114

and session size, 111

Channels, 337

mapping, 72

merging, 76


on ADR cue sheets, 258

focus on, 177

lists of, 51

tracks for, 130

Cinema Tools, 16, 121

Cinématographe, 6

Clean EDLs, 64–70, 72, 337


mouth, 194–196

removing, 224–227

room tone for removing, 155–156

short, 197–199

sources of, 194

Clip names for regions, 68

Clothing rustle, 192, 195, 200

CMX controllers, 337

CMX-200 editor, 53

CMX-600 editor, 53–54

CMX3600 EDL, 59–63

Codes for ADR cue sheet entry, 258

Color timing, 14, 337

Combining takes

for ADR, 275–279

for alternate takes, 211

Comments, 337

in EDLs, 59, 61–62, 68–70

for metadata, 79

Completion workflow, in picture editing, 40

Conformations, 50, 239

in auto-assembly, 73–75

automated, 245–246

change notes for, 240–242

defined, 239–240, 337

manual, 242–245

Consolidated regions, for room tone, 151–153


in ADR editing, 275, 279–280

in alternate takes, 212

in documentaries, 299

Contact lists, 52

Contingencies, in schedules, 95


auto-assemblies, 105

room tone, 154, 156

Coverage, 337

lined scripts for, 51

of off-mic shots, 247

on script reports, 132


mic, 200

removing, 224–227

Cranes, as noise source, 191, 202

Crew, as noise source, 189, 192

Crosland, Alan, 8

Cross-modulation tests, 338

Crossfade linking control, 338

Crossfades, 337

choosing correct, 181–185

dialogue in, 160

for noise repair, 155–156, 197

for perspective cuts, 183–185

from PFX to dialogue, 234

and room tones, 142–143, 152–153

for transition smoothness, 144

Cue sheets, 338

for ADR, 255–257

in mix preparation, 307–309


in ADR, 275

for alternate takes, 206

Cut lists, 338

for negative cutters, 40

Cutaways, 338

in documentaries, 294

Cutting room relationships, 47–50

Daily goals

schedules, 95–96

setting, 92–96

Damage repair for noise. See Noises

Data entry pages, for ADR, 262–263

DAT (Digital Audio Tape) recording

in NTSC workflows, 20–24

in PAL workflows, 25–28

DAWs. See Digital audio workstations

De-clickers, 200–202

De Forest, Lee, 7

DeClick plug-in, 200

DeCrackle plug-in, 200

Deep-cut filters, 224

Demeny, Georges, 7

DeNoise processor, 222

Dental work, as noise source, 193–194

Depth, 175

achieving, 175–176

and mix process, 176–177

Destructive processes, 86, 338

Detailed spotting, 254

Dialogue supervisors and editors, 45

Dickson, W. K. L., 7

DigiDelivery service, 57

Digital audio workstations (DAWs), 10, 338

Digital tracking, as noise source, 193

Digitization, in picture editing, 33–37

DigiTranslator utility, 338


and ADR, 267

meetings with, 87–88

Disk recorders, 24

alternate takes with, 208–210

autoconforming files from, 74–75

metadata from, 77–80

NTSC workflows, 22–24

Distortion repair, 201

Documentaries, 293

cadence and voice matching in, 298–299

challenges in, 293–294

organizing tracks, 294–295

scene and narration editing, 295–296

sound effects in, 300–301

talking heads and voiceovers in, 296–298

terminal sounds in, 299–300

Dolby noise reduction, 10

Dolby SR, 338

Lt/Rt print masters, 320

Dolly noises, 88, 191, 202, 219

Don Juan, 8

Double system, 338

in early sound, 7

PAL workflows, 25

Double-voicing, 170

Drop-frame timecode, 18

Dropouts, 192

Dual mono tracks, 339

working with, 111–114

Dubbers, 339

operation of, 307

DupeList/Preread section (EDL Manager), 65–66

DVDs for backups, 310

EBU. See European Broadcasting Union

Edge numbering, 9

Edison, Thomas, 5–7

Edit decision lists. See EDLs

Edit groups, 339

EditDroid editor, 54

Editing workspace. See Workspace setup

Editorial reels, 40

EdiTrace utility, 245

EDL Manager program, 65–68

EDLs (edit decision lists), 17, 59

for alternate takes, 205

for autoconforming, 36

cleaning, 64–70, 72

components of, 59–63

defined, 339

finding end of shots, 63

importing, 72

need for, 51

NTSC and, 20

printing, 63–64

saving, 70

Eisenstein, Sergei, 8

Electrical clicks, 192, 195–199

Electronics, as noise source, 189

Embedded files, 57

Emotional separation, perspective for, 178–179

End of shots, finding, 63–64

EQ RTAS plug-in, 112–113

Estimating editing time, 96–100

Ethical restrictions, for documentaries, 294

European Broadcasting Union (EBU), 339

25 fps timecode, 30

nonlinear editing standards, 55

Evaluation forms, 89, 92

Evenness, in shot balancing, 140


for alternate takes, 205

EDL, 59–63

Excitement, sounds for, 171

Exhibition prints, 339

Exporting OMF from Avid, 56–58

Fairlight MFX, 246

Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), 223–224, 228

FFOA. See First frame of action

File formats, for ADR, 265

File names

for ADR, 268–269

guidelines, 84–85

for room tone, 152

Files, backing up, 85–86

Film Composer, 16, 121

Film lab process, 13

Film Log EDL Exchange (FLEx) file protocol, 339

in negative cutting, 16

in telecine process, 35–36

Film shoot and edit, workflow, 11–15


in monitoring, 102

for noise reduction, 218, 222, 224

Final Cut Pro (FCP)

and metadata, 78

OMF preparation in, 57

Final mix, 339

workflow, 318–321

Final editing pass, overview, 332


alternate takes, 203–210

end of shots, 63–64

noises, 189

wild sounds, 123–126

FireWire drives for backups, 310

First answer prints, 339

working with, 14

First assembly in picture editing, 38

First frame of action (FFOA), 339

leaders, 121

sync pops, relation to, 119–120

First editing pass, overview, 330

First reels, special issues 99–100

Fish pole noises, 192

Fix Sync utility, 104

FLEx. See Film Log EDL Exchange file Protocol

Focus control, replacement lines for, 248

Focus groups, 339

influence of, 39

Focus on one character, 177

Foley editors, 46

Foley effects, 339

Foley notes for noisy PFX, 236

Foley supervisors, 45–46

Foley walkers and engineers, 46

Footsteps, as noise, 190–191

Foreground from background mixing, 316

Formants, 280

Frame lines, 82

Frequency response, 9

Fullcoat, 10, 339

Fundamental frequency, 340

of noise, 223–224

Gain AudioSuite processor, 201

Genlock, 340

Global replacements in EDLs, 69


premix, 311–312

schedules, 95–96

setting, 92–96

Group loop, 174, 288

adding lines for, 249

defined, 340

editing, 290

guide tracks for, 237

ordering, 290–291

in replacement lines, 248

specific, 289

track layout for, 291

walla, 288–289

Groups, mix, 314–315, 319

Guide tracks (GTs), 123, 236

in ADR, 269

defined, 340

importance of, 237

making, 237–238

Haas effect, 105

Hallelujah, 9

Handles, 340

in auto-assembly, 72

in shot balancing, 145–146

Hard-disk recorders

alternate takes with, 208–210

autoconforming files from, 74–75

metadata from, 77–80

in NTSC workflows, 22–24

Harmonic noise, 222, 224

Harmonics, 340

HD. See High definition

Head plops. See also Sync pops

for 25 fps projects, 120

for guide tracks, 237

Headers on EDL pages, 64

Headroom, 340

in multitrack editing, 159

Hearing memory, 143

High definition (HD), 31–32

High-pass filters, 218

History, 5–7

early sound, 7–8

formats and processes, 10–15

modern era, 9–10

nonlinear editing, 53–56

talkies, 8–9

Hum removal, 223–224

Human noises, 193–195

Importing, 327

EDLs, 72

Inflections, dividing text at, 259

Initial spotting, for ADR, 253–254

Inserts, unnecessary, 134

International mix (M&E), 320

defined, 342

PFX for, 233–234

Interpolation processes

for ambient noise removal, 222

for click and crackle reduction, 224–227

for noise repair, 200

Intonation, in ADR editing, 280–281

Jazz Singer, 8

Junk tracks, 107–109

Key numbers, in negative cutting, 14

KeyKode, 340

in Code Book, 13

in picture editing, 34–35

Kinetoscope, 6

Kudelski, Stefan, 9

La sortie des ouvriers de l’usine Lumière à Lyon, 6

Labeling tracks, 107


in alternate takes, 212

logs of, 305

in schedules, 95

Languages, in Walla, 289

Last frame of action (LFOA), 341

sync pops for, 120

Last reels, importance of 99–100

Latencies, 340

of noise-reduction plug-ins, 221

Lauste, Eugene Augustin, 7

Laws for film language, 321

Layback, 341

LCRS (left, center, right and [mono] surround), 341

Le Prince, Augustin, 6

Leaders, 341

SMPTE vs. Academy, 121

Length adjustment

in ADR editing, 281–284

in alternate takes, 212

Level automation, 328–329

LFOA. See Last frame of action

Liaisons, 341

handling, 300

Line changes, 248

Lined scripts, 341

benefits of, 132

need for, 51

Lip flap, 341

dealing with, 194

Lip readers, 289

Listening guidelines, 88–90

Load spacing, 72, 341

Location information, for ADR, 262

Locked picture, 341

need for, 50

Locking tracks, 103


for ADR, 256, 261

of landmarks for resynching, 305

rerecording, 307–309

Longitudinal timecode (LTC), 342

overview, 81


and ADR, 247

background, 250

group. See Group loop

room tone, 150, 154

Low-frequency (LF) cutoff, 228

Lt/Rt print masters, 320, 341

LTC. See Longitudinal timecode

Lumière, Antoine, 6

Lumière, Auguste and Louis, 6

Mag stripe, 10, 342

Magnetic recording, 9

Mains frequency, 342

as reference, 13

Majix program, 78

Manual conformations, 242–245

Marking scenes, 114–116

Married prints, 21, 342

Master videotape, 17


cadence and voice, 298–299

room tone and dialogue, 145–146, 154–155

M&E mix, 320

defined, 342

PFX for, 233–234

Media Exchange Format (MXF), 56

Media wrappers, 56, 342

Memory markers, for documentaries, 295

Merging channels, 76

Metadata, 76–77

BWF files, 77–78

defined, 342

disk-recorded files, 77–80

location mixer, 22

for material organization, 38

MetaFlow program, 78

Mezzo backup utility, 86


for ADR, 262

in multitrack editing, 159

as noise source, 195–196, 200

Missing mouth noises, 194

Mix preparation, 303–304

answer prints in, 304–306

cue sheets in, 307–309

packaging and backup in, 309–310

Mix workflow, 14, 311

final mix, 318–321

mixer relationships, 312–314

premix approval, 318

premix, forgoing, 317–318

premix goals, 311–312

premix planning, 314–315

premix, recording, 315–317


and ambient noise reduction, 220–221

and depth enhancement, 176–177

and noise processing, 229–231

relationships with, 312–314

Momentary background noises, 187

Monitor chain, 101–102

reference tones for, 118–119

Mono dialogue sound, 173–174

Mono regions, unnecessary, 111–114

Montage, 8

Montage Picture Processor, 53–54

Motion picture systems, history, 6

Mouth smacks and clicks, 194

Moviemaking process, 15–17

Moving camera noises, 88

Moviola, 9

Multiband EQs, 224

Multicamera studio recording, 138

Multitrack editing, 156–157

benefits, 167–168

boom on track 1, radios on track 2—similar sound, 161

one mic per channel—dissimilar (and loud) room tone, 163–166

one shot, two mics, dissimilar room tone, 161–163

one shot, two mics, similar room tone—dialogue overlaps, 161–162

one shot, two mics, similar room tone—no dialogue overlaps, 159–161

planning for, 168–169

summary, 167

track selection in, 157–159, 166–167

Music editors, 46

Music, in picture editing, 40

MXF. See Media Exchange Format

Nagra recorders, 9, 11, 13


ADR regions, 287–288

assemblies, 38

files, 84–85, 152, 268–269

plans, 327

scene markers, 115

session, 84–85

shots, 132

tracks, 107


ADR lines for, 248–249

in documentaries, 294–296

Negative cutters, 342

Negative cutting process, 14

overview, 16–17

in picture editing, 34

Negotiating time and fees, 98

Neo-Pilot sync system, 9

Noises, 187–188

alternate takes for. See Alternate takes

ambient. See Ambient noise

evaluating, 190–195

finding, 189

fixing, 195–202

focusing on, 189–190

listening for, 88–90

in multitrack editing, 165

PFX and, 236

processing, 229–231

replacement lines for, 247

and room tone, 149, 155–156

scene design for, 145

in shot balancing, 139–142

smoothness tradeoffs with, 144

sources of, 188–189

Noisy scenes, ADR in, 285, 287

Nonlinear editing, 53

CMX-600 and Montage, 53–54

history, 54–56

Nonlinear video players, 84

NoNOISE suite, 200

NTSC (National Television Standards Committee) standard, 16–17

defined, 342

drop-frame vs. non-drop-frame SMPTE timecode, 18

high definition, 31–32

picture editing. See Picture editing

shoot film, record sound on tape, edit picture and sound workflow, 20–22

shoot film or tape, record sound on hard disk, edit workflow, 22–24

single-system production and editing workflow, 18–20

Nudge value, 342

for OMF syncing, 104

Off-screen smacks, 194

OMF-1 and OMF-2 standards, 55–56

OMF (Open Media Framework) files, 18

from bins, 38–39

conversion steps, 326

defined, 342

evaluating, 49

exporting from Avid, 56–58

introduction of, 55–56

need for, 51

in nonlinear editing, 54–56

spotting sessions, 87–90

syncing, 104, 327

workspace setup for, 106–107

One light transfers, 34, 342–343

Opening up tracks for conformations, 243–244

Optical cameras and recorders, 343

Optical soundtracks, 343

Optimizing EDLs, 67

Options page, in EDL Manager, 65–66


conformation material, 244

group loop, 290–291

out of sequence editing, 99–100

in premix planning, 314


of documentaries, 294–295

in picture editing, 37–38

of regions, 329–330

of scenes, 131–133

Original recordings and sound reports, 51

Out of sequence editing, 99–100

Output tape, 40, 343

Overlaps, 343

repairing with alternate takes, 216–218

in multitrack editing, 161–163

Packaging, in mix preparation, 309–310

PAL (phase alternating line) standard, 16–17, 24–25

defined, 343

head plops for, 120

high-definition workflows, 31–32

shoot film, record sound on hard-disk recorder, edit picture and sound workflow, 28–29

shoot film, record sound on tape, edit picture and sound workflow, 25, 27–28

shooting and posting at 25 fps, 28, 30

shooting film and recording sound for PAL TV, 30–31

single-system workflows, 25–26

Pan automation, 328

Panning dialogue, 174–175

Paperwork, for ADR, 255–264

Pauses in ADR, editing, 279

Perspective, 177–178

for emotional separation, 178–179

for physical distance, 179

replacement lines for, 248

for social isolation, 179–180

telephone splits, 180–182

Perspective cuts, 343

crossfades for, 183–185

PFX (production sound effects), 343

in mix recording, 317

noisy, 236

room tone for, 234–235

track splitting, 233–234

Phasing, in multitrack editing, 159

Phenakistoscope, 6

Phone splits, 2

correct crossfades, 181–185

defined, 343

working with, 180–182

Physical distance, perspective for, 179

Picture and sound sync references, in NTSC, 17, 20–22

Picture cutting room process, 13, 33–42

Picture department, working with, 47–48

auto-assembly, 70–76

EDLs and. See EDLs

exporting OMF from Avid, 56–58

materials needed from, 50–52

metadata, 76–80

nonlinear editing, 53–56

reel splitting, 52–53

Picture editing, 33

first assembly, 38

material organization, 37–38

screenings, recuts, completion, and music, 40

sound, 38–40

telecine and digitization, 33–37

wrap-up, 40–42

Picture editor, 47, 325–326

Picture start, 119–121

Pilot tone, 11, 343–344


in ADR editing, 280–281

in alternate takes, 207

in PAL print mastering, 30

in room tone, 153–154

Pixys video recorders, 84


multitrack editing, 168–169

premix, 314–315

Plops. See Sync pops


in ADR, 275

in alternate takes, 212

Point of view (POV), 344

PostConform, 20

for auto-assembly, 74–75

defined, 344

spotting sessions, 87–90

Post-lock changes. See Conformations

Postsynchronization (postsync), 247–252

ADR in, 251

introduction of, 9

Precedence effect, 105

Premix, 14–15

approval, 318

defined, 344

forgoing, 317–318

goals, 311–312

planning, 314–315

preparation, 332

recording, 315–317

Preparation steps, 325–330

Preroll, 344

for crossfades, 160

Principal actors, 344

background voices of, 249

Print masters, 15

creating, 319

defined, 344


EDLs, 64

wild sound logs, 126–128

Production FX. See PFX

Project timesheets, 92–93

Pro Tools (workstation brand)

for ADR editing, 264, 269, 278

for alternate takes, 204

for click noise removal, 197–199

for conformations, 242–243

fade control, 183–185

for recording guide tracks, 238

for marking scene changes, 115

making reference tones with, 118

for room tone editing, 151–153

shuffle mode, 108

Pudovkin, Vsevolod, 8

Pulldown process, 344

information for, 35

Pulldown Start Frame setting, 67

Pullup process, 344

Pyramix (workstation brand), 246

Quick turnaround projects, 96

Radio microphones

in multitrack editing, 159

overlaps, 161–163

Reconform, 54, 345

Record channels, 61

Record end time, 61

Record In and Record Out columns, EDL, for alternate takes, 205

Record start time, 61, 67


in ADR sessions, 264–269

ADR takes, 267–268

premix tracks, 315–317

Recording engineers, 267

Recording logs, for ADR, 256, 261

Recuts, in picture editing, 40


A/B, 67

editing, 345

editorial, 40

exhibition, 345

first and last, 99–100

splitting, 52–53

Reference tones, 115, 117

making, 117–118

for monitor chain alignment, 118–119

Reference, sync

in auto-assembly, 71

in high-definition workflows, 31

NTSC, 17, 20–22


ADR names for, 287–288

clip names for, 68

OMF names for, 57–58

organizing, 329–330

removing unnecessary, 328

Relationships. See Picture department Relationships

Removing material in conformations, 242–243

Replacement lines, in ADR, 247–248

Reports, for ADR, 259, 261

Rerecording dialogue. See ADR

Rerecording logs, 307–309

Rerecording mixer, 46

Resolvers, 13, 345

Retrospect utility, 86

Reverb, 176

Rhubarb, 288

Ringout, 170

Ripple mode, 345

Rippling tracks

for room tone editing, 151, 153

sync problems from, 108

Roles, dialogue editor, 3–4

Room tone, 2, 88

alternate takes for, 153

vs. backgrounds and atmospheres, 148

creating, 149–153

defined, 345

finding, 148–149

loops, 150, 154

matching, 145–146, 154–155

in multicamera studio recording, 138

in multitrack editing. See Multitrack editing

for noise removal, 155–156, 195–197

overview, 147–148

for PFX, 234–235

pitch and volume changes in, 153–154

in shot balancing, 139–142, 146–147

minimizing duplicate, 142–143

in telephone splits, 181

in unnecessary cutaways, 135–136

wild sound for, 122

Rubbering, 9

Rumble removal, 223–224

Safety copies

for alternate takes, 203

for noise repair, 199


EDLs, 70

original line in alternate take editing, 212

strategies, 327

Scene by scene mixing, 316

Scenes, 113–114

boundary marks for, 114–116, 329

organized by shots, 131–133

shot balancing in, 144–145

splitting, 136–137

transition duration markers for, 114


ADR, 252

preparing, 95–96

Screening films

benefits and purpose of, 91–92

in picture editing, 40

Screens, for wind distortion, 218


for ADR, 259–260

lined, 51, 132

Scrubbing, 345

for noise fill, 195–196, 198

for noise removal, 155

Sebsky Tools, 78

Second editing pass, 331–332

Scenes that make sense, 169–172

Sentences, dividing text at, 259


ADR, 264–269

size of, 109–111

spotting, 87–90

SFX editors, 44, 235

Sharpness setting, for noise removal, 228

Shock mounts

noises from, 192, 219

wind distortion, 218

Shoot film, record sound on hard-disk recorder, edit picture and sound workflow

NTSC environment, 22–23

PAL environment, 28–29

Shoot film, record sound on tape, edit picture and sound workflow

NTSC environment, 20–22

PAL environment, 25, 27–28

Shoot film or tape, record sound on hard disk, edit workflow, 22–24

Shooting and posting at 25 fps workflow, 28, 30

Shooting dates, for scenes, 51

Shooting discontinuity, 2

Shooting film and recording sound, for PAL TV workflow, 30–31

Short clicks, 192, 197–199

Shots, 345

balancing. See Balancing shots

end of, 63

scene organization by, 131–133

sequences, 2

Show section, in EDL Manager, 66

Shuffle mode

for rippling tracks, 108

for room tone editing, 151

Sibilant sounds, in ADR editing, 280

Silence and room tone, 148–149

Silent pictures, 7–8

Single-system workflows, 345

NTSC environment, 18–20

PAL environment, 25–26

Size of sessions, 109–111

Slate naming system, 132


in multitrack editing, 165

noise tradeoffs with, 144

SMPTE (Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers), 345

leaders, 121

nonlinear editing standards, 55

SMPTE timecode

drop frame, 18

early predecessor, 53

non-drop frame, 18

Social isolation, perspective for, 179–180


in auto-assembly, 72–73

in picture editing, 38–40

“Sound and Image,” 8

Sound bumps

in documentaries, 300

from room tone changes, 148

Sound department, 43

ADR engineers, 45

ADR supervisors and editors, 45

apprentices, 44

assistant sound editors, 44

dialogue supervisors and editors, 45

Foley editors, 46

Foley supervisors, 45–46

Foley walkers and engineers, 46

music editors, 46

rerecording mixers, 46

sound designers, 43–44

sound effects editors, 44

supervising sound editors, 43

Sound designers, 43–44

Sound edits, splitting tracks by, 133–134

Sound effects

in documentaries, 300–301

from picture edit, 235

process, 14

temporary, 38–40, 235

Sound effects editors, 44

Sound memory, 99

Sound recording, as noise source, 192–193

Sound reports, 345

for alternate takes, 205–206

need for, 51

for wild sound, 123–126

Sound rolls, 346

for organization, 36

soundBlade editor, 224

SoundDroid editor, 54

SoundMaster controller, 264

Source minimization, for room tone, 142–143

Source time, 346

in EDLs, 61


for alternate takes, 205

in EDLs, 59, 61

of noise, 188–189

Spacing in auto-assembly, 72

Special mixes, 319

SpectraFoo analyzer, 225

Speed changing techniques

in ADR editing, 281–284

in alternate takes, 207, 213–215

Speed Correction settings, 281

Splits, telephone, 2, 343

working with, 180–182

Splitting reels, 52–53

Splitting scenes, 136–137

Splitting tracks, 129–131

benefits of, 134

number of, 135–136

PFX and, 233

scene organization by shot, 131–133

by sound edits, 133–134

unnecessary inserts in, 134

Spotting, 346

Spotting sessions, 328

ADR, 336

detailed, 254

initial, 253–254

overview, 87–90

Spreadsheets, for noise reduction, 227

Stable free-running timecode generators, 24

Start cue sheet entry, 258

Steady-state noise problems, 187

Stems, 233 346

for final mix, 319

for print masters, 15

Stereo fields, 174

Stop consonants, in ADR, 275

Stop cue sheet entry, 258

Stops, in alternate takes, 212

Story details, adding lines for, 248–249

Streamers, 346

in ADR, 250

Strip Silence function, 151–152

Studio technology, for ADR, 264–265

Stupidity checks, 289

Supervising sound editors

consulting with for noise removal, 220–221

functions of, 43

SVA (Stereo Variable Area), 320. See also Lt/Rt

Swimming artifacts, 228

Switcher setting, 67

Sync block counters, 63

Sync pops, 115, 119–120

for 25 fps projects, 25, 120

defined, 344

for guide tracks, 237

Synchronization (sync), 17, 102–103

ADR, 262, 284

of alternate takes, 211–212, 215–216

in answer prints, 304–306

auto-assemblies, 104–105

autoconform, 328

in Avid, 36

with nonlinear video players, 84

OMF, 104

overview, 327–328

references for, 103, 115–119

talkies, 9

Vitaphone, 7

Tail sync pops, for guide tracks, 237


alternate. See Alternate takes

combining, 275–279

recording, 267–268

selecting, 273–275

Taker controller, 264

Talkies, 8–9

Talking heads, 346

in documentaries, 296–298

Tapename Truncation, setting, 67

Technical problems, replacement lines for, 247

Telecine device, 346

in picture editing, 33–37

transfer process, 15–17

Telecine Logs, 35, 346

Telephone splits, 2, 343

working with, 180–182

Temp mix, 346

Temp music, 346

in picture editing, 38


for sessions, 109–110

for tracks, 333–334

Temporary sound effects, 38–40, 235

Terminal sounds, in documentaries, 299–300

Testing, in auto-assembly, 73–74

Text cue sheet entry, 258–259

Text-only EDL files, 70

3:2 pulldown, 16, 20, 346

Threshold setting, for noise removal, 228

Time management, 91

daily goals, 92–96

editing estimates, 96–100

schedules, 95–96

screening, 91–92

Time stretching and compression

in ADR editing, 281–283

for alternate takes, 213–214

in documentaries, 299

Timecode/footage calculators, 305


burn-ins, 81–84

drop-frame vs. non-drop-frame, 18

EBU, 25

TimeFlex utility, 281

TimeFx utility, 281

TimeLine Lynx controller, 70

Timesheets, 92–93

Timestretch utility, 281

Titan program

for conformations, 74–75, 78, 246

Fix Sync utility, 104

Titles, in EDLs, 59


alternate takes acting, 207

room. See Room tone

Tones, reference, 115, 117–119

Top and tail cues, 347

in ADR, 275

Tracking premix record tracks, 309


for ADR, 269–272

for alternate takes, 208

group loop, 291

guide. See Guide tracks

junk, 107–109

labeling, 107

multitrack editing. See Multitrack editing

splitting. See Splitting tracks

template for, 333–334

Transcripts, for documentaries, 298

Transient noises, room tone for, 155


crossfades for, 144

in EDLs, 61

in shot balancing, 145–146

Tri-Ergon sound-on-film system, 7

TV productions, ADR for, 254–255

TV dialogue versions, 321

25 fps projects, head plops for, 120

2:3:2 pulldown cycle, 16, 20

2:4:2 print master format, 320

Two-microphone scenes

multitrack recording for, 168

overlaps in, 161–163

Utility frequency, 342

as reference, 13

V-Cube video recorder, 84

Verite scenes, in documentaries, 295

Video EDLs, 51

Vidor, King, 9

Viewers, sound memory of, 99

Virtual Katy utility, 245

Virtual VTR player, 84

Vitaphone, 7–8

VITC (vertical interval timecode), 347

for FLEx files, 35

purpose of, 81–82

VocALign tool

for alternate takes, 213–214

using on noisy scenes, 287

for word fitting, 284–286

Voice matching, in documentaries, 298–299

Voice quality, replacement lines for, 248


in documentaries, 294, 296–298

vs. narration, 347

Volume changes, in room tone, 153–154

Volume leveling, 231


in ADR editing, 279–280

in documentaries, 299

Vox pop documentaries, 298, 347

Walla, 288–289

WAVE (.wav) files, 77

Waveform cycles for room tone, 197

Waves PAZ Frequency Analyzer, 226

Wild sound, 122

defined, 347

finding, 123–126

paperwork for, 51

in picture editing, 39

printouts of log, 126–128

Wind distortion

alternate takes for, 218–219

removing, 193

Window dub, 81

Word editing, in ADR, 279–280

Word fitting

in ADR, 284–286

for alternate takes, 214

Wordfit program, 284

Work tracks, 107–109, 347

Workprints, 40

Workspace setup, 105–106

labeling tracks, 107 for

OMF, 106–107

session size in, 109–111

steps in, 326–327

templates for, 109–110

work and junk tracks in, 107–109

Wrap-up, in picture editing, 40–42

X-Click plug-in, 200

X-Crackle plug-in, 200

X tracks, 347

in ADR, 270–271

Z-Noise processor, 222

Zeppelins, 347

as noise source, 247

for wind distortion, 218

Zero cuts, 62

Zero-latency plug-ins, 112–113

Zoetrope, 6–7

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